Following the pre-Christmas updates from the government and EFL, new COVID guidelines will be in place at The Valley until further notice.
The new protocols will be in place for the first time for Saturday's game at The Valley against Wycombe Wanderers.
- Supporters will not be permitted without valid COVID certification
- Arrive early to allow extra time to enter the stadium
- Face coverings must be worn in indoor areas of the stadium
But I would take an LFT before going to any games to be extra safe
Wouldn't just rely on the fact that you've been double vaccinated etc - I've long had both doses of the vaccination, but it didnt stop me getting a positive COVID test recently...
I showed barely any symptoms, and would have presumed that I had nothing more than a cold had I not taken an LFT and the PCR which confirmed COVID - Thankfully I didnt miss any home games during my self-isolation (apart from through choice), yet if I had ignored the symptoms of COVID, and had gone to a Football game, how many could catch it from me?
Quicker we get the numbers back down, the quicker these restrictions get lifted.
I know there is logistical issues but would not allow season ticket holders refunds (I am one) as paying £10 for peace of mind or being able to see a game You couldn’t attend as isolating would be worth it in my opinion.
I went to the Mosconi cup, i only had to show the covid pass even though i had a LFT. obviously being double/triple jabbed does not bypass that you can carry it or might have it even with no symptoms. Personally feel its best to be safe on that front and request LFT even for those who have a covid pass.
I’m triple jabbed and I’m a fed up that the majority are acting sensibly, whilst a disdainful minority enjoy the benefits of others diligence, whilst simultaneously undermining it.
Ignore me - found it!
Those who won't get vaccinated can still get in, as all they have to do is report a negative test, they don't even have to take a test. It relies on honesty and I wouldn't trust the honesty of someone who refuses to be jabbed, unless they cannot be jabbed for a valid medical reason.
I don't think you're even going anyway.
And take an LFT that morning before the game which takes 2 minutes.
It's about protecting fellow fans not necessarily yourself.
Can't understand people's reluctance to doing the bare minimum to mitigate potential harm to others with barely any inconvenience.
Fine if you want to go, but people should know the risks of going.
I shall be at the game btw.
People do know the risks. There is a risk we will contract omnicron. There is a chance that we could become very ill and at worse case require hospital care or worse. There is a risk that we will catch it and then transfer these risks onto others who may be more vulnerable.
The chances are that if you do catch it you will statistically overwhelmingly likely have mild/ very mild symptoms with vaccination/ booster status/ age and general health statistically having bearing on severity of illness.
There is a very strong risk that we will all contract this variant in the coming weeks and months. So without locking ourselves in an air bubble indefinitely it seems inevitable. It is the government's job to manage the public health of the country balanced along with the multitudes of other considerations...mental health, sanity, economy etc.
So long as people do the decent thing and comply with the guidance and have consideration for others then that's all that can be expected.
People are in the main very well aware of these risks and do a personal risk assessment based on this knowledge, the guidance given by the government and the medical experts and their own risk appetite and instincts.
It will be a very personal and different choice from individual to individual based on this and what is right for you may not be right for others and vice versa.
I doubt the majority of people out and about and going to football are thinking they are truly "safe" but statistically they will be relatively despite there being a very real chance that they or others they come into contact with if they get it will have horrendously bad symptoms.
Personally I don't know whether I will go on Saturday but most likely will and hope that my fellow coach passengers do the decent thing and mask up and that people do the bare minimum i.e. adhere to Charlton's guidance to protect one another.
I scanned my letter to my phone when I first got it, as I thought it would soon get tatty/lost if I had to cart it about everywhere. Seems that won't be good enough though.