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What are our expectations for next season?



  • At this rate I'll be so full of expectations I'll be a Steve Evans lookalike, with the blood pressure too match. 
  • I think it might play into our favour that the bookies have us down as about 11th , 12 favourites based nothing more seemingly on where we finished last season and a lot league one fans doing their early predictions seem to have discarded us entirely in terms of teams to fear. Hopefully we carry on the radar and suprise a few people ; I very much stress the word hopefully though at this stage
  • 11th looks about right, unless we manage to get a game changing striker and another couple of defenders in; ideally a goal scoring midfielder too. We could easily be below 11th with a bad run of injuries. 
  • If we end up in the top half this year it will be an achievement given how the club is being run at present.

    I would love to see Garner do well but this doesn’t feel anything like the promotion seasons under Powell or Bowyer where we had real momentum in terms of new signings or form from the previous season.
    How many signings did we make before the day before the season started when we went up last time? 
  • At least this season expectations are low, so losing against Accrington might not feel as depressing as it normally would :)
  • Not that optimistic at the moment. We needed a big overhaul, Garner is a gamble. Need a striker or 2, a midfielder, left back. The 3 players we've signed look promising but will they make the step up and be good enough to have us challenging 
  • Well we are lead to believe that ...because Swindon Town ~ who achieved nothing last season ~ but had the most goals, assists, throw-ins, possession, pa announcents, burgers sold the dire second division ...we 
    ..Charlton Athletic ... Who also achieved nothing last season but are now managed by the manager of the team who achieved nothing last season except a bundle of trophyless stats ...will be competing for honours this coming season. 

    I'm following the science! 

    If we can somehow find four or five players who can chip in with a dozen goals each and one of them with 30 goals and our back four remain fit (esp Inniss, Clare and Lavelle) I can see 86 pts maximum. 
  • edited June 2022
    Dominate third division games. 
    Win lose or draw I want to see us embracing the stature of the club in this league and not crumble like we did last season. 
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    If we end up in the top half this year it will be an achievement given how the club is being run at present.

    I would love to see Garner do well but this doesn’t feel anything like the promotion seasons under Powell or Bowyer where we had real momentum in terms of new signings or form from the previous season.
    How many signings did we make before the day before the season started when we went up last time? 
    and they were worldies....
    Including Cullen, Bielik, Taylor....
    We're not getting anywhere near that level this year.
    Our squad was also stronger back then to begin with
    If we seem to think 11th in Division 3 is where we should be, some of us have got no chuffing ambition!
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  • Dreamt last night we lost 4-0 to Accrington Stanley which is probably a sign of my subconscious.

    4 weeks from new season and squad feels weaker than when we ended the season (albeit ill admit I have no idea how good or not the 3 league 2 signings are so I may be miscalculating).

    Think we have a big Connor Washington sized hole in our attacking options and think Purrington would have been worth keeping.

    Not seen the activity or squad rebuild yet to suggest we'll be anywhere near promotion contenders and feel like another pre season has slipped away with relative lack of signings early on albeit probably not unique to us.

    If Garner gets us up in the top 6 and in touching distance by Christmas I'll be surprised as things stand and he'll have done remarkably well.

    Still, looking forward to the new season kicking off and despite my brain telling me the above the other side of me is always optimistic going into a new term.
  • supaclive said:
    Cafc43v3r said:
    If we end up in the top half this year it will be an achievement given how the club is being run at present.

    I would love to see Garner do well but this doesn’t feel anything like the promotion seasons under Powell or Bowyer where we had real momentum in terms of new signings or form from the previous season.
    How many signings did we make before the day before the season started when we went up last time? 
    and they were worldies....
    Including Cullen, Bielik, Taylor....
    We're not getting anywhere near that level this year.
    Our squad was also stronger back then to begin with
    If we seem to think 11th in Division 3 is where we should be, some of us have got no chuffing ambition!
    1, Taylor,  is actually the real answer, Pratley joined on the eve of the season starting, the rest all joined after the season started.

    We haven't done enough, yet.  It's also not doomed to fail, yet.
  • Taking comments at face value I am pleased that peoples expectations are so low. 
    The new manager and team will need time and if the consensus is that we will be probably end up mid table at best, the criticism should be muted and there should be a real understanding and support for what the Club are trying to do.

    Let our motto be next season “to mediocrity and beyond”.

    ( I still think we will be challenging for a top six finish so will obviously be allowed a negative comment or two).
  • edited June 2022
    My starting point expectation for the season is, matching that of the ownership, playoffs as a minimum. That said, I don't see that happening with the squad as it is today.

    I think the signings work isn't finished yet and the ones we've made already feel like they were the relatively easy ones. Any players that have greedy agents etc. will be running out the clock to play clubs off each other for the best deal. To that end, I'm not too concerned yet, as players that score goals will be the ones most in demand and the ones we have to pay (relatively) top whack for.

    Even whilst we still had Washington on the books, I felt he needed cover, so I'd like to see 2 mobile strikers come in as foil for Stockley and Aneke. On paper, the midfield is OK (albeit with a big IF they are fit and raise their game from last year), but I'm expecting probably 1-2 to go, so upgrades in anyone who goes would be good. Definitely still need another LB, or we have square pegs in that position again. The current squad could probably get top half if they played well, but any injuries would do massive harm.

    With some signings in the key positions and much better loan deals, I feel playoffs could be in reach. Some of the young'uns could be getting more games if they are ready, but I'd rather not see us forced into that. Automatics likely to be a stretch, but you never know in this league. I'm on the cautiously optimistic side for now, but I'm also desperate to not get to the February/March and realistically know that we're in mid-table obscurity again.
  • It all depends on what our new playing system looks like. I want to be one of those teams that makes average players look like world beaters, rather than the kind of team we've been for 2 years, making decent players look lost. Bowyer succeeded initially because he had some great players rather than being a tactical mastermind. I'd love a few new good signings, to see football that makes sense in this day and age and a push for playoffs. Probably going to be a bit rocky but as long as there is progression towards football that is dynamic and effective, I'll take that. 
  • I am not expecting, but hoping that on the Charlton media/TV service I pay for that there will be substantial improvements.
    I know it is unlikely that I would get everything I want but I would like to see.
    Absolutely accurate information regarding the football side of things published well in advance.
    All U18 highlights to be posted regularly and reliably at a set time after matches.
    All U23 highlights to be posted regularly and reliably at a set time after matches.
    As many U18 and U23 matches as possible to be streamed, most especially U23 away games. (It isn’t unreasonable for home U23 games to expect or hope that fans turn up live).
    If any match at any level is to be streamed very precise information about dates, times and cost to watch is published early.
    All technology to be thoroughly tested before broadcast, taking into account all the variables, so when broadcasting there is no interruption.
    I go to all the home first team games, but reading some comments would like all camera operators to think ‘in play first, replay second’, and if there is an incident, or an injury, and especially a substitution we get shown it rather than a static image of the half way line. This isn’t very possible when relying on the away club to do a good job.
    If relying only on audio, for all equipment to be tested in advance, and for the commentators to realise first and foremost they are the eyes of the blind and commentate accordingly. ‘Pundits’ like Steve Brown might want to take note. 
    Audio commentary to have a plan B if the main technology breaks down.
    For commentary teams to be able to be informed immediately if something about the broadcast is going wrong (like someone has trod on a cable and broken the connection).
    To not be told scores from other matches as it spoils the surprise when watching highlights later.
    For the website to be more user friendly.
    Paper teamsheets to be available to all at ‘low level’ matches, and if played at the Valley for both teams to be up on the big screen.

  • I expect a top two finish. Looking at our squad we are some way away from that.
  • My expectations and my hopes are two different things. 

    I hope we finish top two.

    I expect we will finish mid table. 
  • After last seasons start, I have zero expectations, prove me wrong Charlton!
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    If we end up in the top half this year it will be an achievement given how the club is being run at present.

    I would love to see Garner do well but this doesn’t feel anything like the promotion seasons under Powell or Bowyer where we had real momentum in terms of new signings or form from the previous season.
    How many signings did we make before the day before the season started when we went up last time? 
    Bowyer had just taken us to the Play Offs after an amazing run, we clearly were in a good position in terms of playing squad.

    This season we are coming off mid-table mediocrity - as we were under Powell - so clearly need a major overhaul.

    Some new players have arrived but we need more, let’s hope they arrive.
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  • Surely HMS PTL is revving her engines now..still docked but revving up nevertheless!
  • Rising by the week.
  • Cafc43v3r said:
    If we end up in the top half this year it will be an achievement given how the club is being run at present.

    I would love to see Garner do well but this doesn’t feel anything like the promotion seasons under Powell or Bowyer where we had real momentum in terms of new signings or form from the previous season.
    How many signings did we make before the day before the season started when we went up last time? 
    Bowyer had just taken us to the Play Offs after an amazing run, we clearly were in a good position in terms of playing squad.

    This season we are coming off mid-table mediocrity - as we were under Powell - so clearly need a major overhaul.

    Some new players have arrived but we need more, let’s hope they arrive.
    No doubt more will arrive, the questions for me are more who, how many and when.
  • The more new players come in and the more it becomes apparent the profile of the players we are going for the more this is starting to feel the Chris Powell 100 point season. I do think there are a couple of really key components missing , most notably a 30 plus experienced head who is as helpful in the dressing room as he is on the pitch, then a different type of striker , out three aren’t exactly the same but a more nimble link up type i reckon 
  • A win at Wembley.
  • edited June 2022
    anything less than playoffs is another car crash of a season. 

    on paper i think we are capable of playoffs - but on paper means f all 
  • Promotion at any cost ... by any means.
  • We are building towards a season of hopeful domination....for within the next 3 years. 
    Most of squad will have to be good enough to compete in the championship, if or when we get promoted again

    Remain relatively patient. We are now at least working towards something different.

    My main fear is the level of Garners tactical weakness/strength. 

    He must not make stupid decisions that give points away. It's all easier said than done, and a big challenge for any experienced manager.

    The 1st 10 games will be interesting 
  • We have to expect promotion. We need promotion. 
  • A bit of entertainment and at least go home knowing the team are giving its best. And to thrash Oxford twice  not because of Robinson, but being in the middle of their post match obnoxiosness twice last season.
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