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We’ve only gone and bloody done it again!!!! (2019 Playoff Final).



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    Bear in mind 21yrs is a long time.
    It was very important for the new generation of fans. 

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    DOUCHER said:
    It was a great day out and great end to the season but in comparison to the 98 final and what it enabled the club to do, it is relatively insignificant 
    St Andrews in '87 eclipses the lot.
    Possibly but didn’t enjoy it as much - bit hairy getting to the car 
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    Doesn't matter how many times it's shown.

    Spine tingling.

    Wonder when we will next have a midfield of that quality.
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    Half time on 403 Sky Sports Football 
    Showing the whole game 
    I turned on just before the move began for Purringtons goal....
    I was interested to see if i got goosebumps and yes i did massively

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    DOUCHER said:
    DOUCHER said:
    It was a great day out and great end to the season but in comparison to the 98 final and what it enabled the club to do, it is relatively insignificant 
    St Andrews in '87 eclipses the lot.
    Possibly but didn’t enjoy it as much - bit hairy getting to the car 
    That was a scary night - ran to the car afterwards and drove the wrong way up a one way street to get away. I think I was the only bloke in a suit in the entire ground. 
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    Half time on 403 Sky Sports Football 
    Showing the whole game 
    I turned on just before the move began for Purringtons goal....
    I was interested to see if i got goosebumps and yes i did massively

    I still do as well, what I would give to live out that day again.

    The club were going to put out a dvd right? 
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    Injury time starting .....
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    edited February 2022
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    Half time on 403 Sky Sports Football 
    Showing the whole game 
    I turned on just before the move began for Purringtons goal....
    I was interested to see if i got goosebumps and yes i did massively

    What a day. Loved that team.
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    A day late but bump.
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    DOUCHER said:
    DOUCHER said:
    It was a great day out and great end to the season but in comparison to the 98 final and what it enabled the club to do, it is relatively insignificant 
    St Andrews in '87 eclipses the lot.
    Possibly but didn’t enjoy it as much - bit hairy getting to the car 
    St Andrews 87 and Stamford Bridge 88 are the most frightened I have been leaving a football match - horrendous !!
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    Great day but such a shame it didn't lead to further success like our previous trip to Wembley. 

    Unlike the previous time I was some what intoxicated for this one. Though I remember it all. Including my spontaneous hug/grapple of an elderly lady after we scored who was sitting next to me. I knew I should of sat in the middle of our group. I did apologise to her afterwards and her son but she said don't be silly. like all of us it was a euphoric moment. 
    One memory is singing red red robin after the game with a thousand others. 
    My memory after that becomes hazy but I do remember dancing in a pub with a couple of old mates and getting a lift in a taxi from a Millwall fan and for most of the way explaining to him why Charlton are a better team. 
    Another great day. Even though I would always see the previous play off against Sunderland more special. Probably because my nan was still alive and my dad was in good form back then. Plus I wasn't half cut through the majority of it. And of course it led to a reasonably successful period for our club. 
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    RD’s attitude after this shows what a fuckwit he was/is.
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    edited May 2023
    DOUCHER said:
    DOUCHER said:
    It was a great day out and great end to the season but in comparison to the 98 final and what it enabled the club to do, it is relatively insignificant 
    St Andrews in '87 eclipses the lot.
    Possibly but didn’t enjoy it as much - bit hairy getting to the car 

    I can well imagine.
    I went by train and was at the back of a sprinkling of Charlton approaching New Street station.  There were a few 'zulus' thinking Christmas had come early and that we were Leeds.  They left us alone being very content we were Charlton and had won the game.
    *PS, sorry for the late reply to your post!
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    Every time I see that game,I think what an idiot RD was.Any man with any sense would have looked at the support,the team we had and realised what a golden opportunity this was to take this club forward,keep Aribo Baur ,sign Josh permanently,give Bowyer a decent budget for the championship,and try to make some sort of peace with the fans.Yes I know some fans will never forgive ,and I understand that,but a good steady showing in the Championship,with a competetive team may have swayed them.

    Correct, but Dushitelet NEVER had any interest in the team and football side of things.
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    What a fantastic day but the memory is diluted by the subsequent utter waste of a great opportunity for our club. 
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    Every time I see that game,I think what an idiot RD was.Any man with any sense would have looked at the support,the team we had and realised what a golden opportunity this was to take this club forward,keep Aribo Baur ,sign Josh permanently,give Bowyer a decent budget for the championship,and try to make some sort of peace with the fans.Yes I know some fans will never forgive ,and I understand that,but a good steady showing in the Championship,with a competetive team may have swayed them.
    He was never capable of seeing the bigger picture. He had the chance when he first took over to push us on but made idiotic decisions and never really gave a sh1t.
    We were treated as a piece of the jigsaw for his pathetic football experiment…..absolutely disgusting.🤨🤨🤨
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    Great memories of the day, but unfortunately severely tainted by massively fucking up the following seasons. 
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    I hate Charlton right now.  We are an embarrassment. A team  smaller than us and was non league is now deservedly in the Prem. Utter  💩. F. off Duchalet and Sangaard.
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    meldrew66 said:
    DOUCHER said:
    DOUCHER said:
    It was a great day out and great end to the season but in comparison to the 98 final and what it enabled the club to do, it is relatively insignificant 
    St Andrews in '87 eclipses the lot.
    Possibly but didn’t enjoy it as much - bit hairy getting to the car 
    St Andrews 87 and Stamford Bridge 88 are the most frightened I have been leaving a football match - horrendous !!
    ….I second that! Somehow, my seat at the Bridge was in the home-only side stand.  I was with my girlfriend who wasn’t a football fan but came with me as girlfriends do but also because, that night, we were seeing Whitney Houston in concert at Wembley Arena where I was planning to propose to her on blended knee as she sang “I Will Always Love You”. Anyway, she was petrified and begged me not to react if we scored. She was almost relieved when they went in front! However, as Paul Miller’s effort looped in, I rose to my feet with the biggest cheer - and in one single movement bounced back down again. We survived that but, whilst waiting outside the ground for the masses to disperse, a large, angry mob came thundering through the street which spooked her. We had a huge row as she stormed off and whilst we went to see Whitney, we weren’t talking and the proposal went on hold - for 2 YEARS.

    ps: in case anyone’s wondering, we did marry in 1991 but are now divorced and I am remarried - to a bloody Chelski fan!
    I don’t believe it 
    I don't believe it because I Will Always Love You wasn't released until 1992.
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    Bauer's goal for excitement eclipsed '98.
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