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Worst season since…?

Interested in peoples thoughts. I don’t go back to following in the 70s but do others agree this is shaping up to be our worst season for 40-50 years?

We've played 29 games this season, I can’t think of more than 5 or 6 I’d classify as good performances. 

We’ve limped out of 3 cups to clubs below us. 

We’ve lost on 3 occasions against L2 clubs. The Cray debacle was an embarrassment and then followed up with Gillingham. 

We’ve a manager who, let’s face it, no one has really warmed to. There’s zero faith in any project that will improve things. 

There’s been absolutely nothing this season to get you excited and it’s looking increasingly likely we’ll be out of play off contention before the season has even got to the halfway point. 

Some of the crowds have been the lowest at The Valley since 1985, and the atmosphere in the last few games have been the worst since we’ve returned in 1992.

I honestly don’t feel I’m exaggerating with any of the above, but happy to be taken to task.

Do others feel different?


  • League One after 21 Games

    23/24: 11th 29 points
    22/23: 18th 24 points
    21/22: 14th 26 points 
    20/21: 7th 33 points 
    18/19: 5th 37 points
    17/18: 6th 35 points 
    16/17: 13th 28 points 
    11/12: 1st  48 points
    10/11: 3rd 34 points
    09/10: 2nd 45 points
  • First season since I started “supporting” in 1987 when I’ve not been to a single game, like none, zip, zilch so far and I just can’t see that changing, they’re just feckless, all of them…
  • shirty5 said:
    League One after 21 Games

    23/24: 11th 29 points
    22/23: 18th 24 points
    21/22: 14th 26 points 
    20/21: 7th 33 points 
    18/19: 5th 37 points
    17/18: 6th 35 points 
    16/17: 13th 28 points 
    11/12: 1st  48 points
    10/11: 3rd 34 points
    09/10: 2nd 45 points
    Feels a lot worse than last season to me. We had the Brighton penalty win, the QPR win, the Old Trafford outing, the Ipswich sending off of Garner and then late drama, the live Sky trouncing of Pompey and then followed up away, some elevated Valley performances like the Plymouth one. Plus the atmosphere was holding up so much better. 

    This season may have more points so far, but nothing has happened yet this season in those categories, don’t you think?

  • We are shit and it’s a failing of numerous idiot ownerships, incompetent managers and not good enough players. This mob can talk the talk but I have absolutely no doubts that they will not walk the walk just like the last lot, and the lot before etc etc. 

    fucking sick of it
  • It's always darkest before the dawn.

  • All of the last 3 seasons have been utterly abysmal 
  • When has supporting Charlton been a bundle of laughs, I have "supported" the team for nearly 40 years, and if you added up all the good times its probably amounts to no more than a fortnight. Depressing ain't it!
  • To me the difference this year is the lack of hope. Two years we had Jackson who gave us hope for a few games. Last it was Holden plus the cup run. This year nothing
  • Sponsored links:

  • Agree totally with the OP.
  • You are going to put off our Jan transfer targets with posts like this AFKA!

    It’s true that there’s not a lot to get excited about at the moment but I’m not sure we can class it as the worst for 50 yrs!

    Since the start of Sept we have lost just two out of 16 league games & gone on TWO 7 game unbeaten runs.
  • New northern managers have ruined it for me. Why are there so many of these useless prats?! 
  • Worst season ever
  • If I remember rightly, didn't we recently have our worst season statistically since before WWII. We could just beat that.
  • Just find a lot of things around the club hard to really get excited about - we finally get a genuine 20-30 goal striker but either play him wide or not give him the right players to play to his strengths.

    Appleton I find completely uninspiring as a manager , at least Holden made an effort to understand the club just feels like it's another 8-10 month stint somewhere for Appleton and he'll turn up at Carlisle or something when he eventually leaves us. 

    Don't really trust Andy Scott to deliver what's needed in January despite the press interviews. 
  • Since I've followed in 86 there's always been a united campaign off the pitch, or something building on the footballing side, or just a feeling that things will come good soon. 08-09 was a sobering season, dropping from the Champ after so many comfortable years in the Premier League, but there was never really a concern that a serious bounce-back attempt wouldn't follow.

    Right now it's bleak. 3rd division tumbleweed on a loop for x number of years until someone, or something, sparks things off again.
  • There is nothing to look forward to. Season after season of nothingness. This season we don't really have anyone who is exciting to watch, maybe CBT at times. Just boring. 
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  • It’s a slow lingering death. The last three or four seasons are just blending into each other. What an absolute bloody waste that  glorious day at Wembley was in 2019. 
    Absolutely this.  As evidenced on the stats post at the top of the thread, points wise, at this stage, even 16/17 was worse (albeit by a point).  The problem is that back then, the patience and optimism was, imo, a lot higher.  The slow lingering death is spot on.  Take someone like Fraser.  2 years ago, he would still be getting comments about him coming good etc etc, but reading the post match views, people are are just done with the likes of him, the Gilbey’s and other similar players.  

    It’s refreshing in a way, because I found it hard reading at times over the last few seasons, watching people make excuses for them.  The penny is now dropping.  

    For me, since Adkins came in, even that season we finished 7th, for me, it’s been the same turgid football and a bunch of players I quite frankly, can’t stand, bar one or two each season 
  • Even an eternal optimist like me, is becoming  worn down by poor performances against some very average sides,  don't think it's the worst season but we are very easy to take points from.
  • Well it’s the least I’ve enjoyed a season so far @Oh Eddie Youds... since I started going in the late 80s 1962
    There may have been worse periods or seasons, but Charlton is such a joyless experience these days.
    Relentless mediocrity, no heroes, no leaders, no personality, no fun, but worst of all no end in sight
    We all feel deflated with what's going on at Charlton the last few years but I think to say this season has no heroes, leaders, personality or fun is very harsh on Alfie May.
  • edited December 2023
    Not a word from the board!! No even Happy Christmas or kiss my arse!
    They better have the cheque book ready for 1st of January. 
    Mind you I think we have another ship of fools!
     I have had a drink to dull the pain, but it has only made it worse 
  • This season is clearly a write off. Not much point in investing in Jan. We'll release our billions in time for next season and win the league with a record 124 points total.
  • 71/72
    We were mid table and no need for concern
    A run of bad results stating with an og by Shipperly against Orient followed by home defeat to Norwich and the rot set in and we never won another game

    Last game away to Blackpool
    Another commentator can report on that

    I was at Fulham for final game of season v Sunderland - they had to get a better result than us to stay up
    They drew 0-0
    We lost 5-0
    So down we went 
    A season that promised so much with Ray Treacy winner against Hull in opening game

  • shirty5 said:
    League One after 21 Games

    23/24: 11th 29 points
    22/23: 18th 24 points
    21/22: 14th 26 points 
    20/21: 7th 33 points 
    18/19: 5th 37 points
    17/18: 6th 35 points 
    16/17: 13th 28 points 
    11/12: 1st  48 points
    10/11: 3rd 34 points
    09/10: 2nd 45 points
    Feels a lot worse than last season to me. We had the Brighton penalty win, the QPR win, the Old Trafford outing, the Ipswich sending off of Garner and then late drama, the live Sky trouncing of Pompey and then followed up away, some elevated Valley performances like the Plymouth one. Plus the atmosphere was holding up so much better. 

    This season may have more points so far, but nothing has happened yet this season in those categories, don’t you think?

    Same shit, different season but don’t argue with league points from last season to this and then start a thread on worst season since unless you meant last season of course 
  • I think this season feels worse because it's come after a run of seasons when we failed to make any sort of challenge for the playoffs and we hoped this season might be different. The reality is we're doing better than the last couple of seasons and, while we're dropping points to teams like Burton who we ought to be beating routinely, we're also gaining the occasional point from games where based on the form book we'd expect to get tonked. Obviously, none of us is going to be happy with where we are; given the size of our fan-base we really ought to be at least in the mix for the playoffs each season in this division. But this time last year I was wondering if there was a risk of actually going down, whereas this season I'm just resigning myself to the playoffs being out of reach again and cheering myself up by watching the women play.

    Having said which, the only competitive game I've managed to actually get to this year was the league cup game at Newport, which was the worst game of football I've ever seen. So from my point of view we broke one record this year.
  • Shaping up to be the worst I remember 
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