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Worst Film you've ever seen



  • Can't believe no one has mentioned Vanilla Sky.

    Tries to be clever, but absolute sh*te.
  • I thought the Truman Shows very good.
  • the empire strikes back was a good sequel.
  • Creep... the one on the London underground. The Man truely truely dire budy movie and the Brandgelina car crash that is Mr and Mr Smith.

    Dog poo the lot of them. Certainly getting my money out of my screenselect account!
  • Hate Jim Carey but Trueman show was good.

    Worst film ever = Dead Poet's Society.
  • [cite]Posted By: cafcpolo[/cite]

    American Pie 2 is great, Godfather Part II also, X-Men 2, Matrix Reloaded, Beverly Hills Cop 2 & Austin Powers - The Spy Who Shagged Me.

    Godfather II is also the only sequel ever to win an Oscar
  • Mad Max 2 is a better film than Mad Max 1.
  • Godfather II is also the only sequel ever to win an Oscar

    Apart from Lord of the Rings...
  • Independence Day - pile of old crap, probably heavily influenced George W Bush.
  • Gangs of new york is one of the very few films i've stayed the distance with despite finding it truly awful. RDJ's performance is mesmerising but the film is far too gratuitously violent and without any real storyline.

    Therefore, by proxy, it is my "worst film i've ever seen".
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  • [cite]Posted By: InspectorSands[/cite]Independence Day - pile of old crap, probably heavily influenced George W Bush.

    What, even though our mate Bill was president?
  • edited September 2006
    take your pick on any star wars episodes 1/2/3
  • Going to see Black Dahlia tonight- has anyone seen/ heard any reviews?
  • [cite]Posted By: InspectorSands[/cite]Independence Day - pile of old crap, probably heavily influenced George W Bush.

    You sure? The White House got burnt to a crisp in that film..... and who were the last people to attempt that? Oh yes, us English!
  • The Breakup - oh my god, the missus persuaded me to go, absolute pony ! I got to choose next time out and went for the Pirates of the Caribbean sequel very silly but mildly amusing in places...
  • Truman show ending......... they should have forseen it and built another studio, so as he went out the door into 'reality' they could have nailed him again.........
  • [cite]Posted By: Solidgone[/cite]Went to see Shivers when it was first released years ago - the only film I have ever walk out of before the end - made me sick to watch a pile of pooh coming out of the plug hole and finding a warm resting place between the poor unfortunate (or fortunate?) lady's legs.....what a waste!

    Shivers...I'd forgotten about that one. The 70's has a lot to answer for when it comes to producing naff films.
  • edited September 2006
    Nell..... Jodie foster flick about her being brought up in the jungle or some shit.... I was half pissed with my bro and I wanted to go to see striptease with demi moore, he convinced me other wise, within 3 mins He told me hed made a mistake....

  • As mascot 88 would know the best film ever made was the Vikings
  • paranormal activity...
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  • It's 'Disaster Movie'. If you don't think so, you probably haven't seen it.

    Most of these other 'worst' films have some semblance of competence in acting/writing/directing or whatever, but Disaster Movie is just a complete trainwreck on every level.

    Some very strange judgments from 2006. The Matrix? Lord of the Rings? Worst films ever made... really?
  • District 9 what a load of crap. I was given free tickets to see this film but would have quite happily paid not to. Walked out after suffering about 25 minutes of it
  • I saw a film the other day called Soloman Kane. Massive pile of turd, also really disappointed with the new Robin Hood.
  • The absolute worst film of all time was on Sci-Fi last night. 'Supernova 2012' it's called. If you ever get the chance, you HAVE to see it. It is by far the worst film ever made.
  • Saw some really garbage film about people floating about in the water unable to get back on their yacht. I think you were supposed to feel sorry for them - but I ebded up just wanting them all to die horribly. Utter utter pony!
  • funny people
  • [cite]Posted By: Leroy Ambrose[/cite]The absolute worst film of all time was on Sci-Fi last night. 'Supernova 2012' it's called. If you ever get the chance, you HAVE to see it. It is by far the worst film ever made.

    Having watched the trailer that looks like a good call!
  • paranormal activity by a mile, had so much hype and was awful
  • the human centipede
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