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General things that Annoy you



  • Lissie Harper has been severely let down by the refusal to increase the sentences handed down to the three wrong uns. Personally I’d have added six years to each taking it up to 22 years for Henry Long and 19 years for the other two. Serving two thirds of their sentences will see them out before they’re thirty, an age PC Andrew Harper never got to reach because of their criminality.
  • Lissie Harper has been severely let down by the refusal to increase the sentences handed down to the three wrong uns. Personally I’d have added six years to each taking it up to 22 years for Henry Long and 19 years for the other two. Serving two thirds of their sentences will see them out before they’re thirty, an age PC Andrew Harper never got to reach because of their criminality.
    Offenders can be considered for parole after serving half to 2/3 of their custodial sentence but that does still rely on them being granted license.  We can but hope that the gravity of the crime and the occupation of the victim will continue to inform the decision makers.
    Nature of these low lives will see them racking up the offenses while inside and recidivism will see them back in front of a beak within hours of their eventual release.
    What are the chances that any ex-coppers serving as warders will have issues with these scum and their violent behaviour throughout their sojourn at HM's pleasure?
  • Contacting Curry’s service partner hoping to get some help reactivating Netflix on a smart device and only being able to comprehend every 7th word of the person on the other end, So infuriating, I had to put the phone down.

    A day later, going to a drive-thru KFC and having to repeat the order on the speaky thing about three times due to the person on the other end having such a poor comprehension of my Danny Dyer dialect.
  • The inability of anyone on my company IT support team to actually read the request before getting in touch with me. 
  • edited December 2020
    Lissie Harper has been severely let down by the refusal to increase the sentences handed down to the three wrong uns. Personally I’d have added six years to each taking it up to 22 years for Henry Long and 19 years for the other two. Serving two thirds of their sentences will see them out before they’re thirty, an age PC Andrew Harper never got to reach because of their criminality.
    Offenders can be considered for parole after serving half to 2/3 of their custodial sentence but that does still rely on them being granted license.  We can but hope that the gravity of the crime and the occupation of the victim will continue to inform the decision makers.
    Nature of these low lives will see them racking up the offenses while inside and recidivism will see them back in front of a beak within hours of their eventual release.
    What are the chances that any ex-coppers serving as warders will have issues with these scum and their violent behaviour throughout their sojourn at HM's pleasure?

    The system’s changed, they have to do two thirds and because they received determinate sentences that’s when they’ll be released unless they misbehave inside and get extra days added. Upon release they will serve the remainder of their sentences on licence for the final third and can be recalled to prison if they breach their conditions whatever they may be. The probation service is understaffed and in a bit of a mess at the moment but because of the victims job I’m certain they’ll be monitored extremely closely and as you say because of the kind of people they are I find it hard to believe that at least one if not all three will be recalled at some point.

    I personally don’t know any ex-police officers who have joined the job, it’s usually the other way round and officers, especially the younger ones, leave to join the police. As for any chance of them getting a bit of natural justice at the hands of officers then I can’t see it. It just doesn’t really happen these days. The other cons of course won’t look down on them because of their offence, some indeed may give them a pat on the back.
  • Lissie Harper has been severely let down by the refusal to increase the sentences handed down to the three wrong uns. Personally I’d have added six years to each taking it up to 22 years for Henry Long and 19 years for the other two. Serving two thirds of their sentences will see them out before they’re thirty, an age PC Andrew Harper never got to reach because of their criminality.
    Offenders can be considered for parole after serving half to 2/3 of their custodial sentence but that does still rely on them being granted license.  We can but hope that the gravity of the crime and the occupation of the victim will continue to inform the decision makers.
    Nature of these low lives will see them racking up the offenses while inside and recidivism will see them back in front of a beak within hours of their eventual release.
    What are the chances that any ex-coppers serving as warders will have issues with these scum and their violent behaviour throughout their sojourn at HM's pleasure?

    The system’s changed, they have to do two thirds and because they received determinate sentences that’s when they’ll be released unless they misbehave inside and get extra days added. Upon release they will serve the remainder of their sentences on licence for the final third and can be recalled to prison if they breach their conditions whatever they may be. The probation service is understaffed and in a bit of a mess at the moment but because of the victims job I’m certain they’ll be monitored extremely closely and as you say because of the kind of people they are I find it hard to believe that at least one if not all three will be recalled at some point.

    I personally don’t know any ex-police officers who have joined the job, it’s usually the other way round and officers, especially the younger ones, leave to join the police. As for any chance of them getting a bit of natural justice at the hands of officers then I can’t see it. It just doesn’t really happen these days. The other cons of course won’t look down on them because of their offence, some indeed may give them a pat on the back.
    Yeah right, you'll be telling us they've removed the soap from the shower rooms next ;)

  • DHL not delivering the Christmas hamper that my company sent me and not bothering to reply when asked where it is.
  • Wilma said:
    DHL not delivering the Christmas hamper that my company sent me and not bothering to reply when asked where it is.
    DHL delivering a Christmas hamper to me I never ordered.
    Enjoy the port! 
  • Sponsored links:

  • First world problems, but I haven't had any post for two weeks. Grrrr!
  • Wilma said:
    Wilma said:
    DHL not delivering the Christmas hamper that my company sent me and not bothering to reply when asked where it is.
    DHL delivering a Christmas hamper to me I never ordered.
    Enjoy the port! 
    I did.......hic!
  • I keep opening the door in expectation and looking forlornly at an empty mat.
  • hawksmoor said:
    I keep opening the door in expectation and looking forlornly at an empty mat.
    Privatisation not gone well then I guess? 
  • hawksmoor said:
    I keep opening the door in expectation and looking forlornly at an empty mat.
    Feed him then. 
    Poor Mat. 
  • When, after 2 to 3 spoonfulls, you realise the creme fraiche you're lapping up with your brownie is actually double cream that's turned......
  • Sponsored links:

  • When, after 2 to 3 spoonfulls, you realise the creme fraiche you're lapping up with your brownie is actually double cream that's turned......
    Creme not so fraiche 
  • Torville and Dean flying to Alaska to skate on a glacier to promote climate change 
  • They didn’t fly, they skated all the way there.
  • Ryanair’s advertisement tag line;

    ”Jab and Go”.
  • Inconsiderate bastards who get right up your arse when the driving conditions are treacherous. The B road I drive to work on was icy as hell this morning yet some prick decided to ride my tail no more than six feet. Braked a few times to try and send him a message but he still continued. Absolute wanker.
    When they get the chance as well, they're the ones who come along side you and shout that you need to learn to drive!!
  • You can say that T_C_E, but many years ago, I was driving with two GSD's in the back, one was a male and weighed 9 stone, but some young idiot tried to cut me up on a main road, he eventually got passed me and pulled up and got out ready for a fight. I drove passed slowly and said perhaps you would like to argue with my passengers and he shook his fist at me and gave me some choice language.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!