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General things that Annoy you



  • The fact that Sky News have started putting a banner in the top right hand corner of the screen telling us where the person sat in front of a computer screen at home and talking to the Sky presenter via  Skype is located - so a banner saying "Live North London" appears - we dont need to know where the person at the other end of that computer screen is , its completely irrelevent information !!                 
  • The fact that Sky News have started putting a banner in the top right hand corner of the screen telling us where the person sat in front of a computer screen at home and talking to the Sky presenter via  Skype is located - so a banner saying "Live North London" appears - we dont need to know where the person at the other end of that computer screen is , its completely irrelevent information !!                 
    What if they are using a VPN?
  • And they're both pensioners.
  • Female footballers acting as pundits on football shows. Go and host a women's football show on another channel and stop making out you are an expert on the men's game.
  • Taking down the Christmas dec's. 
  • The fact that Sky News have started putting a banner in the top right hand corner of the screen telling us where the person sat in front of a computer screen at home and talking to the Sky presenter via  Skype is located - so a banner saying "Live North London" appears - we dont need to know where the person at the other end of that computer screen is , its completely irrelevent information !!                 

    The information should include the street, price of house(daily mail mandatory requirement) or flat, which room in the house one is in, and reveal who else is in the house and are they in the same bubble.

    Our freedoms have long since gone and they is no escape from big brother. 
    The Truman show is watching you; don't pick your nose or crack one off without checking for the camera first.
    Off to room 101.

  • The latest irrelevent information Sky News have started adding to the already overloaded screen (yellow banner at the bottom etc.) is now which Tier the person at the other end of the computer screen is in !     
  • Sponsored links:

  • Complete fucking time wasters when it comes to buying a house. 

    Having been burned once last year when trying to buy a house by someone who never had any real intention of selling their late parents house and they messed us around for months and months and cost us thousands in surveyors, solicitors and mortgage fees. 

    We managed to find another house we wanted back in October and it was pretty much perfect for us. We offered asking price and they accepted but last min someone offered more so they went with them. Annoying but it happens. Then yesterday we get a call from the estate agent saying their buyer has pulled out and are we still interested. Of course we are we haven't managed to find anywhere and are living with parents so this is great news. We say our offer is still on the table but will need a commitment from bith sides to make sure this happens before the end of the stamp duty window. Its completely possible if they wanted to do it.

    Then with a bit of digging we are told that they buyer pulled out because the selle hadn't found somewhere to buy and the buyer felt they were messing them around. They still haven't found somewhere to go. We also find out that they listed the house in 2016 and 2018 but never actually sold it. We love the house and really want it but are worried there are a lot of warning signs here that they are timewasters. 

    Don't wanna get months down the line and thousands of pounds in (again) to find out they aren't serious.
    Walk on. Don’t get sucked into their games.
  • Complete fucking time wasters when it comes to buying a house. 

    Having been burned once last year when trying to buy a house by someone who never had any real intention of selling their late parents house and they messed us around for months and months and cost us thousands in surveyors, solicitors and mortgage fees. 

    We managed to find another house we wanted back in October and it was pretty much perfect for us. We offered asking price and they accepted but last min someone offered more so they went with them. Annoying but it happens. Then yesterday we get a call from the estate agent saying their buyer has pulled out and are we still interested. Of course we are we haven't managed to find anywhere and are living with parents so this is great news. We say our offer is still on the table but will need a commitment from bith sides to make sure this happens before the end of the stamp duty window. Its completely possible if they wanted to do it.

    Then with a bit of digging we are told that they buyer pulled out because the selle hadn't found somewhere to buy and the buyer felt they were messing them around. They still haven't found somewhere to go. We also find out that they listed the house in 2016 and 2018 but never actually sold it. We love the house and really want it but are worried there are a lot of warning signs here that they are timewasters. 

    Don't wanna get months down the line and thousands of pounds in (again) to find out they aren't serious.
    Tell them to poke it mate, or alternatively string them along for as long as you can before sacking it off
  • iainment said:
    Complete fucking time wasters when it comes to buying a house. 

    Having been burned once last year when trying to buy a house by someone who never had any real intention of selling their late parents house and they messed us around for months and months and cost us thousands in surveyors, solicitors and mortgage fees. 

    We managed to find another house we wanted back in October and it was pretty much perfect for us. We offered asking price and they accepted but last min someone offered more so they went with them. Annoying but it happens. Then yesterday we get a call from the estate agent saying their buyer has pulled out and are we still interested. Of course we are we haven't managed to find anywhere and are living with parents so this is great news. We say our offer is still on the table but will need a commitment from bith sides to make sure this happens before the end of the stamp duty window. Its completely possible if they wanted to do it.

    Then with a bit of digging we are told that they buyer pulled out because the selle hadn't found somewhere to buy and the buyer felt they were messing them around. They still haven't found somewhere to go. We also find out that they listed the house in 2016 and 2018 but never actually sold it. We love the house and really want it but are worried there are a lot of warning signs here that they are timewasters. 

    Don't wanna get months down the line and thousands of pounds in (again) to find out they aren't serious.
    Walk on. Don’t get sucked into their games.
    IdleHans said:
    I wouldnt go anywhere near it, @cantersaddick. There's always another house, and these people clearly have few morals and have already wasted your, and others, time more than once. I'd take great pleasure in telling the agent that you dont trust them to act in good faith and therefore have dropped your interest.
    Thanks both. I agree but its one of those situations where you stop thinking with your head and start thinking with your heart. Its the one place we have seen that we have genuinely been happy with everything and can see ourselves staying there forever. We haven't seen anything like it. Perhaps its just too good to be true. 

    We've floated the idea of them moving into rental to see how that goes down. If they won't consider it we are going to pull our offer. 

    I think they want to have their cake and eat it. They want us to pay a high price now while prices are inflated but they want to wait until after the stamp duty window ends so they can benefit from the inevitable price fall that will follow. That we would then get lumbered with a 15.5k stamp duty bill hasn't entered their thinking. 
  • Taking down the Christmas dec's. 
    The Christmas Ant's as well, of course.
  • edited January 2021
    MrLargo said:
    Complete fucking time wasters when it comes to buying a house. 

    Having been burned once last year when trying to buy a house by someone who never had any real intention of selling their late parents house and they messed us around for months and months and cost us thousands in surveyors, solicitors and mortgage fees. 

    We managed to find another house we wanted back in October and it was pretty much perfect for us. We offered asking price and they accepted but last min someone offered more so they went with them. Annoying but it happens. Then yesterday we get a call from the estate agent saying their buyer has pulled out and are we still interested. Of course we are we haven't managed to find anywhere and are living with parents so this is great news. We say our offer is still on the table but will need a commitment from bith sides to make sure this happens before the end of the stamp duty window. Its completely possible if they wanted to do it.

    Then with a bit of digging we are told that they buyer pulled out because the selle hadn't found somewhere to buy and the buyer felt they were messing them around. They still haven't found somewhere to go. We also find out that they listed the house in 2016 and 2018 but never actually sold it. We love the house and really want it but are worried there are a lot of warning signs here that they are timewasters. 

    Don't wanna get months down the line and thousands of pounds in (again) to find out they aren't serious.
    I dropped about £1,500 a few years ago in survey and mortgage application fees, when some total arsehole just decided on a whim that they didn't actually want to sell after all. It's infuriating, not to mention expensive.

    It's crazy that the process of making the most costly and significant transaction of your life is so poorly regulated, and people can lose significant amounts of money just because someone has a change of heart or wasn't really committed in the first place.

    These people sound like tossers. Follow your head rather than your heart and forget about this place - from your description, it sounds questionable whether they've really got any intention of moving, and highly unlikely that they'd get a deal done before the stamp duty window ends. You'll find somewhere else that you'll love, and I can't imagine that there won't be some sort of subduing of the housing market once the stamp duty offer ends, so whatever you lose in paying stamp duty, you'll potentially gain back in paying a lower price.

    Draw a line under it - poke some dog shit through their letterbox in the middle of the night, vow not to look at the pictures of "that house" on Rightmove anymore and get busy finding the place

    (I presume it goes without saying that you're not looking to move anywhere that's served by South Eastern Trains)

    Unfortunately I think that's waiting until the end if thr stamp duty window for the inevitable fall in prices is what we will have to do. And thats what we were planning on doing before the estate agent called us a couple days ago and got our hopes up.

    As for Southeastern. Dont start. We are looking to move back to South East London (Eltham) to be nearer family so I will have to endure southeastern but I've convinced myself that having to do this twice a week or 3 times maximum going forward even when things do open up then it will be bearable. 
  • Female footballers acting as pundits on football shows. Go and host a women's football show on another channel and stop making out you are an expert on the men's game.
    Women's football does nothing for me - wouldn't go to a match if you paid me. However, some of the female pundits are so much more articulate than some of the gormless male twats - eg Andros Townsend.
    Gormless male twats have been stealing a living as tv pundits since the dawn of televised football.
    Often because they supposedly have some kind of "personality" or they have some kind of short fuse that makes them likely to kick-off, which apparently makes for "great TV" (cf Roy Keane).
    I nearly always fast forward any punditry.
    Mind you it's not as excruciating as post match interviews with footballers: -
    "Massive". Check
    "Most important thing was the 3 points". Check 
    "Work hard on the training pitch". Check
    "We go again". Check
  • Sponsored links:

  • MrLargo said:
    Complete fucking time wasters when it comes to buying a house. 

    Having been burned once last year when trying to buy a house by someone who never had any real intention of selling their late parents house and they messed us around for months and months and cost us thousands in surveyors, solicitors and mortgage fees. 

    We managed to find another house we wanted back in October and it was pretty much perfect for us. We offered asking price and they accepted but last min someone offered more so they went with them. Annoying but it happens. Then yesterday we get a call from the estate agent saying their buyer has pulled out and are we still interested. Of course we are we haven't managed to find anywhere and are living with parents so this is great news. We say our offer is still on the table but will need a commitment from bith sides to make sure this happens before the end of the stamp duty window. Its completely possible if they wanted to do it.

    Then with a bit of digging we are told that they buyer pulled out because the selle hadn't found somewhere to buy and the buyer felt they were messing them around. They still haven't found somewhere to go. We also find out that they listed the house in 2016 and 2018 but never actually sold it. We love the house and really want it but are worried there are a lot of warning signs here that they are timewasters. 

    Don't wanna get months down the line and thousands of pounds in (again) to find out they aren't serious.
    I dropped about £1,500 a few years ago in survey and mortgage application fees, when some total arsehole just decided on a whim that they didn't actually want to sell after all. It's infuriating, not to mention expensive.

    It's crazy that the process of making the most costly and significant transaction of your life is so poorly regulated, and people can lose significant amounts of money just because someone has a change of heart or wasn't really committed in the first place.

    These people sound like tossers. Follow your head rather than your heart and forget about this place - from your description, it sounds questionable whether they've really got any intention of moving, and highly unlikely that they'd get a deal done before the stamp duty window ends. You'll find somewhere else that you'll love, and I can't imagine that there won't be some sort of subduing of the housing market once the stamp duty offer ends, so whatever you lose in paying stamp duty, you'll potentially gain back in paying a lower price.

    Draw a line under it - poke some dog shit through their letterbox in the middle of the night, vow not to look at the pictures of "that house" on Rightmove anymore and get busy finding the place

    (I presume it goes without saying that you're not looking to move anywhere that's served by South Eastern Trains)

    As for Southeastern. Dont start. We are looking to move back to South East London (Eltham) to be nearer family so I will have to endure southeastern but I've convinced myself that having to do this twice a week or 3 times maximum going forward even when things do open up then it will be bearable. 
    Well you're definitely right to a certain extent. If I previously had to put my tackle in a food blender 5 times a week, and then someone said to me, "starting next week, you only need to put your tackle in a food blender 2 or 3 times a week", that would definitely be an improvement. 

    Look forward to seeing you back on here soon mate, you've been missed!

    On a serious note, good luck with your search. It's a fact of life that buying a house is generally a miserable, stressful, costly experience, but it's well worth going through all that for the day when you get to pick up the keys and know that you've secured a nice place to live and no incompetent estate agent, lazy conveyancer or dithering seller can do anything about it.
  • MrLargo said:
    MrLargo said:
    Complete fucking time wasters when it comes to buying a house. 

    Having been burned once last year when trying to buy a house by someone who never had any real intention of selling their late parents house and they messed us around for months and months and cost us thousands in surveyors, solicitors and mortgage fees. 

    We managed to find another house we wanted back in October and it was pretty much perfect for us. We offered asking price and they accepted but last min someone offered more so they went with them. Annoying but it happens. Then yesterday we get a call from the estate agent saying their buyer has pulled out and are we still interested. Of course we are we haven't managed to find anywhere and are living with parents so this is great news. We say our offer is still on the table but will need a commitment from bith sides to make sure this happens before the end of the stamp duty window. Its completely possible if they wanted to do it.

    Then with a bit of digging we are told that they buyer pulled out because the selle hadn't found somewhere to buy and the buyer felt they were messing them around. They still haven't found somewhere to go. We also find out that they listed the house in 2016 and 2018 but never actually sold it. We love the house and really want it but are worried there are a lot of warning signs here that they are timewasters. 

    Don't wanna get months down the line and thousands of pounds in (again) to find out they aren't serious.
    I dropped about £1,500 a few years ago in survey and mortgage application fees, when some total arsehole just decided on a whim that they didn't actually want to sell after all. It's infuriating, not to mention expensive.

    It's crazy that the process of making the most costly and significant transaction of your life is so poorly regulated, and people can lose significant amounts of money just because someone has a change of heart or wasn't really committed in the first place.

    These people sound like tossers. Follow your head rather than your heart and forget about this place - from your description, it sounds questionable whether they've really got any intention of moving, and highly unlikely that they'd get a deal done before the stamp duty window ends. You'll find somewhere else that you'll love, and I can't imagine that there won't be some sort of subduing of the housing market once the stamp duty offer ends, so whatever you lose in paying stamp duty, you'll potentially gain back in paying a lower price.

    Draw a line under it - poke some dog shit through their letterbox in the middle of the night, vow not to look at the pictures of "that house" on Rightmove anymore and get busy finding the place

    (I presume it goes without saying that you're not looking to move anywhere that's served by South Eastern Trains)

    As for Southeastern. Dont start. We are looking to move back to South East London (Eltham) to be nearer family so I will have to endure southeastern but I've convinced myself that having to do this twice a week or 3 times maximum going forward even when things do open up then it will be bearable. 
    Well you're definitely right to a certain extent. If I previously had to put my tackle in a food blender 5 times a week, and then someone said to me, "starting next week, you only need to put your tackle in a food blender 2 or 3 times a week", that would definitely be an improvement. 

    Look forward to seeing you back on here soon mate, you've been missed!

    On a serious note, good luck with your search. It's a fact of life that buying a house is generally a miserable, stressful, costly experience, but it's well worth going through all that for the day when you get to pick up the keys and know that you've secured a nice place to live and no incompetent estate agent, lazy conveyancer or dithering seller can do anything about it.
    Hahaha brilliant as always. Cheers mate 
  • Complete fucking time wasters when it comes to buying a house. 

    Having been burned once last year when trying to buy a house by someone who never had any real intention of selling their late parents house and they messed us around for months and months and cost us thousands in surveyors, solicitors and mortgage fees. 

    We managed to find another house we wanted back in October and it was pretty much perfect for us. We offered asking price and they accepted but last min someone offered more so they went with them. Annoying but it happens. Then yesterday we get a call from the estate agent saying their buyer has pulled out and are we still interested. Of course we are we haven't managed to find anywhere and are living with parents so this is great news. We say our offer is still on the table but will need a commitment from bith sides to make sure this happens before the end of the stamp duty window. Its completely possible if they wanted to do it.

    Then with a bit of digging we are told that they buyer pulled out because the selle hadn't found somewhere to buy and the buyer felt they were messing them around. They still haven't found somewhere to go. We also find out that they listed the house in 2016 and 2018 but never actually sold it. We love the house and really want it but are worried there are a lot of warning signs here that they are timewasters. 

    Don't wanna get months down the line and thousands of pounds in (again) to find out they aren't serious.
    House buying is stressful enough without you having additional worry about what the seller might do. They've messed you around and they've messed the other buyers around. They know how much you want the house and I'd not be surprised that just before exchanging contracts they said they wanted more money.
  • edited January 2021
    When I sold my ma in laws 2 years ago, I took the estate agent's advice and sold to the the couple that offered the asking price, rather than the person who offered more.
    The agent felt the higher bidder would drop their offer, once the opposition had gone. 
    If they've messed you around once they don't care about you and would do it again.
    I'd wait I think, as there are lots of ideal houses out there.
    Best of luck and just try and chill, it is what it is (who said that).
  • Cyclists that believe all one way streets are two way for them. 
  • buckshee said:
    Cyclists that believe all one way streets are two way for them. 
  • buckshee said:
    Cyclists that believe all one way streets are two way for them. 
    Many have a contra flow for cyclists.
  • fecking adidas cocking up an order and blaming me.

    ordered my new nephew a pair superstar with MUMMY and DADDY on them and got myself a pair of Nizza with the kids names on them. they arrived and neither had any lettering so contacted them and they said I hadn't added it, I explained that I had and could prove it and they just said order new ones and send the others back.

    cheeky prick then sent me a link to the adidas website (that charges £10 a pair for lettering) knowing that I order them through the app as I don't have to pay for the personalization 
  • edited January 2021
    Jane Seymour, (born Joyce Penelope Wilhelmina Frankenberg;

    I wonder if any relation to Gene (FRANK Enstein Wider?)
This discussion has been closed.

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