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General things that Annoy you



  • Scumbags who continue to dump their copious sacks of dirty, scuzzy clothing, 1980's videos and Covid ridden, broken, kids toys and books outside closed charity shops. In the rain.

    Hanging's too good for 'em! 
  • BBC continuity announcers who don't pronounce their T's.

    The BBC for appointing such continuity announcers.

    Both the BBC and their continuity announcers for deliberately  and explicitly changing their natural and learnt pronunciation and diction to represent a view that standards of speech are no longer as important as they were. 

    They may believe it to be more inclusive and representative, and rail against the divisiveness of class and status, but all it does is reduce standards and lower expectations.
    One of the VP commentators doesn’t say his ‘th’s properly. “Frow in to Charlton”, “They broke frough” etc. We all get lazy from time to time but surely when you’re broadcasting it’s not too much to ask to make the effort.
  • Bournemouth replacing Jason Tindall with Jonathan Woodgate annoys me quite a lot . 
  • IdleHans said:
    Danny Dyer, the poor man's Ray Winstone, trailing his shitty game show which appears to be called "The Waw"
    These actors have developed a dialect which is uniquely their own. As someone who was born in SE London and at least 4 generations family are/were Londoners I really can’t place where you can grow up speak like that, none of my relatives do.  It’s embarrassing and cringing to listen to, I can only think it’s an act that’s got out of hand. 
    Used to live round the corner from Roman Road Market in Bow, large amount of traders and locals all spoke with that over the top Dyer/Winstone accent. 
  • wmcf123 said:
    Bournemouth replacing Jason Tindall with Jonathan Woodgate annoys me quite a lot . 
    So all that news about them wanting Henry was just a publicity stunt?
  • Dyer is Canning Town. 
    Mates who know him confirms always had the accent but the words he uses now have changed to try and make him edgier. 

    Pwopa does me nut in. 
  • The way people wave on who wants to be a millionaire. 

    Haha seriously, I didn’t know how many ways there was to wave
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  • edited February 2021
    IdleHans said:
    Danny Dyer, the poor man's Ray Winstone, trailing his shitty game show which appears to be called "The Waw"
    These actors have developed a dialect which is uniquely their own. As someone who was born in SE London and at least 4 generations family are/were Londoners I really can’t place where you can grow up speak like that, none of my relatives do.  It’s embarrassing and cringing to listen to, I can only think it’s an act that’s got out of hand. 
    Agree, it's Essex trying too hard.

    I love accents and the variety we have in this country, I even started to quite like Brummie after working there for six months. But the dyer thing comes across as totally fake.
  • JaShea99 said:
    BBC continuity announcers who don't pronounce their T's.

    The BBC for appointing such continuity announcers.

    Both the BBC and their continuity announcers for deliberately  and explicitly changing their natural and learnt pronunciation and diction to represent a view that standards of speech are no longer as important as they were. 

    They may believe it to be more inclusive and representative, and rail against the divisiveness of class and status, but all it does is reduce standards and lower expectations.
    One of the VP commentators doesn’t say his ‘th’s properly. “Frow in to Charlton”, “They broke frough” etc. We all get lazy from time to time but surely when you’re broadcasting it’s not too much to ask to make the effort.
    Alex Scott, who seems to be everywhere now, never finishes her words. Only 25 letters in her alphabet, the g is completely missin.

  • IdleHans said:
    JaShea99 said:
    BBC continuity announcers who don't pronounce their T's.

    The BBC for appointing such continuity announcers.

    Both the BBC and their continuity announcers for deliberately  and explicitly changing their natural and learnt pronunciation and diction to represent a view that standards of speech are no longer as important as they were. 

    They may believe it to be more inclusive and representative, and rail against the divisiveness of class and status, but all it does is reduce standards and lower expectations.
    One of the VP commentators doesn’t say his ‘th’s properly. “Frow in to Charlton”, “They broke frough” etc. We all get lazy from time to time but surely when you’re broadcasting it’s not too much to ask to make the effort.
    Alex Scott, who seems to be everywhere now, never finishes her words. Only 25 letters in her alphabet, the g is completely missin.

    Yeah he does that too. “Charlton brin the ball forward”, “Pratley tidies thins up” etc.
  • BT sport (maybe sky too) have started doing this thing where they tell you the substitution a couple minutes before it actually happens. Let me find out for myself ffs! 
  • The way people wave on who wants to be a millionaire. 

    Thought that was Steve Gallen for a minute
  • edited February 2021
    JaShea99 said:
    IdleHans said:
    JaShea99 said:
    BBC continuity announcers who don't pronounce their T's.

    The BBC for appointing such continuity announcers.

    Both the BBC and their continuity announcers for deliberately  and explicitly changing their natural and learnt pronunciation and diction to represent a view that standards of speech are no longer as important as they were. 

    They may believe it to be more inclusive and representative, and rail against the divisiveness of class and status, but all it does is reduce standards and lower expectations.
    One of the VP commentators doesn’t say his ‘th’s properly. “Frow in to Charlton”, “They broke frough” etc. We all get lazy from time to time but surely when you’re broadcasting it’s not too much to ask to make the effort.
    Alex Scott, who seems to be everywhere now, never finishes her words. Only 25 letters in her alphabet, the g is completely missin.

    Yeah he does that too. “Charlton brin the ball forward”, “Pratley tidies thins up” etc.
    “We can’t strin two fuckin passes together.”
  • BT sport (maybe sky too) have started doing this thing where they tell you the substitution a couple minutes before it actually happens. Let me find out for myself ffs! 
    Or they say it looks like a sub is coming on, cut to the touchline and the bloke is stripped off ready to come on the pitch. Wow what great foresight.
  • Almost certainly mentioned this before on the thread, but as we are back to pronunciation, announcers and presenters saying skedules in stead of schedules. 
  • People younger than me getting their anti-COVID jab before me.
  • People younger than me getting their anti-COVID jab before me.
    This x1000. Ffs give me my fucking jab now. 
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  • Carter said:
    IdleHans said:
    after being served an off pint

    "Well it looks all right to me"
    When I was still trying to impress the woman who is now Mrs Carter we had gone for a bite for lunch at a Chatham pub. They had served me a pint of Stella that was short. Them and me have previous for this, they would serve it just short I'm positive to entice an argument and it wasn't one of those continental glasses that allows for head. 

    Anyway they did this trick and me not wanting to come across as a raving madman I didnt create, not at first anyway. 

    When Mrs Carter went to the toilet I did too and stuck my index finger up my arse, picked the pint of Stella up went to the bar and called the barman, the shylock pourer, and with my finger on the rim of the glass asked him to smell it as it was off. He took a deep sniff and his face screwed up, loudly announced that the Stella was off and that he'd give me a refund or another pint of my choosing 
    Hmmmm........a new twist in the fingernail-gate story?!?
  • People younger than me getting their anti-COVID jab before me.
    Is that everyone regardless of their personal health situation or just the ones that are calling up and getting the excess jabs each day?
  • People younger than me getting their anti-COVID jab before me.
    I understand this but you could try ringing your local pharmacy to see whether you can be put on their reserve list. 
  • People younger than me getting their anti-COVID jab before me.
    I’m younger than you and had mine. Do I annoy you?
  • edited February 2021
  • People younger than me
  • IdleHans said:
    People younger than me
    The alternative is a more worrying scenario for me.
  • When you have a problem activating a procedure on a computer and you put in a Google search asking how to go about resolving it.
    Google may well come up with several alternatives......however, none of them match your page with  the information being shown.
    Such as, go to this or that and click on this or that......but the links are either not there or an entirely different layout!!!😤😤😤
  • People who leave out the word to.....either written or spoken.
    i.e.......Are you going Fleetwood......or He’s gone Fleetwood.
    Very lazy and shabby if you ask me!😤😠🤔
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