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    It seems like only yesterday, I was reflecting on one of the old jobs I used to do. I worked at London zoo, circumcising elephants. The pay was awful but the tips were huge!
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    Went to the doctor and said “ doctor- is diarrhoea inherited ?”

    “ no” he replied” why do you think it is inherited ?”

    “ because it’s in my jeans”
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    It was only some time after he entered the body-building competition that Dr Frankenstein realised he may have misunderstood the parameters.
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    Man: Do you think this shirt makes me look fat?
    Wife: No. You can't blame the shirt.
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    Do gynecologists have to take an entrance exam? 
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    I was born by caesarean, now when I go out I always use the window.
    Steven Wright
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    An Irish guy is travelling on a plane when the pilot makes an announcement.

    ”Folks, we just had one engine go out, but don’t worry, this plane can fly just fine on two engines.  All it means is that we’ll be about an hour late”

    An hour later, the pilot gets on the intercom again.

    ”Folks, don’t get alarmed, but a second engine just went out, but please don’t worry.  This plane is designed to fly safely on one engine.  However, it’s likely that we’ll now be about two hours late”.

    After that announcement, the Irish guy turns to the person sitting next to him and says:

    ”Well, I sure hope that third engine doesn’t go out.  We’ll be up here all night”
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    An Irishman was drinking in a bar in London when he gets a call on his mobile phone.

    He orders drinks for everybody in the bar as he announces his wife has just produced a typical Irish baby boy weighing 25 pounds.

    Nobody can believe that any new baby can weigh in at 25 pounds, but the man just shrugs,
     "That's about average up  our way, I said - my boy's a typical Tipperrary baby boy"

    Two weeks later the man returns to the bar. The bartender says, "Say,  you're the father of that typical Irish baby that weighed 25 pounds at birth, aren't you?

    Everybody's been makin' bets about how big he'd be in two weeks... so how much does he weigh now?"

    The proud father answers, "Seventeen pounds".

    The bartender is puzzled and concerned. "What happened? He was 25 pounds the day he was  born."

    The father takes a slow swig of his Jameson Irish Whisky, wipes his lips on his shirt sleeve, leans into the bartender and proudly says...
     "Had him  circumcised."

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    "You've got to have reality, it's the first rule of comedy, Spike".

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    Stig said:
    "You've got to have reality, it's the first rule of comedy, Spike".

    Yes, realistically the second weight should be around the 7 to 10 lb mark, making the baby have a 15-18lb foreskin
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    Lost my mate the other day when we couldnt remember his blood type

    He kept saying "be positive" over and over, but its bloody hard without him here
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