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nicky bailey



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    Hard to tell if there was any serious contact from the video - either way, all the writhing around on the floor seems rather un-necessary, just like it did last week, regardless of if he's actaully been 'done' or not. I'm always rather embarassed when our players do it and it'll start to count against him with referees if he makes too much of a habit of it.
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    no, i ve not seen any such trend. I saw him get done v southend and buckshee saw the stud marks on his calf the next day.

    yesterday the attack on him warrented a red card but hey ho you've made your minds up that hes a cheat so hes a cheat regardless of the facts.
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    Use your fists or head butt someone you get a red card. Doesnt matter how hard you wack the other guy or how he falls. You get sent off for violent conduct.
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]no, i ve not seen any such trend. I saw him get done v southend and buckshee saw the stud marks on his calf the next day.

    yesterday the attack on him warrented a red card but hey ho you've made your minds up that hes a cheat so hes a cheat regardless of the facts.

    Interesting, based on what was seen by Buckshee, Bailey was hurt ... but because he has the bottle to get back up and get stuck in he is accused of being a cheat! If that's the case, then I wish we had more 'cheats'.
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    just what parky said. Other players would have gone off but bailey played on.

    But he stills get stick for it.

    Strange as prior to the southend game i cant remember anyone on here berating bailey for his play acting but now its a proven fact.
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    Thats not right every player play acts sometimes get over it. Baileys home grown English talent and he plays for and captains us very well on with the posotives about the lad i say :-)
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    Oh Gawd, look what you've started here nolly!
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    Nicky Bailey is a very good player and the oppo sometimes target him and kick him a lot because they know how crucial he is to our gameplan.

    However, most of the time he just gets on with it - but I think if many other players were subject to the kickings he gets week in week out then they would be sent off a lot for reacting to it. As such he is a good pro and a great asset to our side - a talisman, even.

    If other supporters don't like him - I see that as a good sign because they know what a threat he is and dislike him for it; and what's more, we all know they'd have him in their team like a shot!
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]just what parky said. Other players would have gone off but bailey played on.

    But he stills get stick for it.

    Strange as prior to the southend game i cant remember anyone on here berating bailey for his play acting but now its a proven fact.

    Agree I am still with the fact that Bailey is a true pro and i wish him all the best for his future with our club...
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    He doesn't dive he just rolls around so theatrically when he's fouled, and personally no matter how much i think he's a great player for us this aspect of his game just looks embarrassing. Yesterday i thought someone had set him alight and he was trying to put the flames out.
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    [cite]Posted By: DRAddick[/cite]He doesn't dive he just rolls around so theatrically when he's fouled, and personally no matter how much i think he's a great player for us this aspect of his game just looks embarrassing. Yesterday i thought someone had set him alight and he was trying to put the flames out.

    I really must be missing something here.

    When he gets studs down his calf he's not allow to show it hurts in anyway.

    When he gets headbutted he shouldn't go to ground or hold his face or worry about the oppo players standing on him that needed to be pushed off him by the other Charlton players.

    We are winning, we are 2nd but hey this is Charlton and we need to be moaning about something so lets slag off our captain for something that no one had even mentioned on here two games ago but which is now "embarrassing".
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    Bailey was great yesterday especially helping out the defence. Stockport players knew he was the main man and were on his case the whole time. As mentioned earlier there was an incident mid way through the second half when a few Stockport players piled into Bailey and Sodjie and co had to calm things down. Little Stockport midfielder (couldn't see his name) didn't want to let it go. Kept mouthing off in Bailey's direction so I wasn't surprised when something happened later on.

    If Bailey leaves us in January we will be up sh** creek. Believe that!

    Only one I saw rolling around yesterday was Basey when he got the ball in his nuts. Good job it wasn't Bailey or goodness knows what he would have been accused of!
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    Bromley Addicks should have both Bailey and Basey as guests in March.

    I look forward to hearing one of you telling Nicky to his face that he is always play acting and an embarrassment : - )
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    you what?
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    you heard
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: DRAddick[/cite]He doesn't dive he just rolls around so theatrically when he's fouled, and personally no matter how much i think he's a great player for us this aspect of his game just looks embarrassing. Yesterday i thought someone had set him alight and he was trying to put the flames out.

    I really must be missing something here.

    When he gets studs down his calf he's not allow to show it hurts in anyway.

    When he gets headbutted he shouldn't go to ground or hold his face or worry about the oppo players standing on him that needed to be pushed off him by the other Charlton players.

    We are winning, we are 2nd but hey this is Charlton and we need to be moaning about something so lets slag off our captain for something that no one had even mentioned on here two games ago but which is now "embarrassing".

    As i pointed out i think he's a great player and he doesn't dive, and yes he should go to ground and hold his face, calf whatever. But why does that have to equate to rolling back and forth at a hundred mile an hour like he's on fire. Haven't we all been slagging off foreign players for doing that for years so why is it not ok to not be happy that one of our players does it?
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    henry put your toys back in your pram,i like bailey he is a great player but doubt he would generate fear in anyone if they did ask.
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    All this fuss has come about because he made a bit of a meal of a tackle in the last minute against Southend the other week. We were defending a one goal lead and he tried to take more time out of the game. Every team does it to some extent, so get over yourselves. He was head-butted yesterday and the Stockport commentators had no problem with the sending off. Nicky Bailey is the sort of player you have to have when it comes to a game like next Saturday's. He will rise to the occasion and take the game to Millwall. If you can't get behind him, stay at home.
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    i will be behind every charlton player for 90 mins saturday.
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    I wonder if Liverpool and United fans are slagging off their best players (Gerrard for his dive against Blackburn last week and Rooney for his yesterday)? I ask, as to me Bailey is just as important and influential to our team as they are to Liverpool and United
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    he is mate.
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    I have not seen a charlton player over hype the histrionics as they have gone to ground since El Kakouri did a triple salko some years ago. Maybe Bailey does over do it at times,although i have not really noticed it, except maybe for the sountend tackle which as henry points out was following studs down his calf, so who knows if it was embellishment of the injury. If I have had any concerns about Bailey then it has been some of his lack lustre performances and free kicks given away just outside our penalty area. Both of which he seems to have erradicated from his game and since he has moved back into central midfield he has been outstanding. Lets lay off Bailey and support the effort and positive contribution he makes to the team,in this week running up to one of our most emotionally important games off the season.

    That said lay off Nolly too, he was making an observation not trying to open the can of worms that he has.
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    [cite]Posted By: DRAddick[/cite]
    rolling back and forth at a hundred mile an hour like he's on fire.

    When was this?

    I can only assume you mean Southend when he had studs raked down his calf and still had the marks the next day.

    When and were else has he done this? Certainly not at Stockport when the player was sent off so when?
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    Nolly not in anyway do i condone cheating, but Bailey does it to help us grind out the result. He knows exactly what he is doing, if you slow the replay right down, you will see that they go head to head. If the stockport player had gone down, we would have had a free kick coming into our box with 1 less player, instead they had one less player to have the opportunity to score. Yes it is cheating, but everybody else does it (including rooneys terrible dive yesterday) So why shouldnt bailey?
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    [quote][cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite][quote][cite]Posted By: DRAddick[/cite][quote] rolling back and forth at a hundred mile an hour like he's on fire. [/quote]

    When was this?

    I can only assume you mean Southend when he had studs raked down his calf and still had the marks the next day.

    When and were else has he done this? Certainly not at Stockport when the player was sent off so when?[/quote]

    He did not have room to roll around at Stockport too many players either side of him :-) big smiley thing
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    fair point mate,and done without sniping. never said i was right.
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    Nicky gets hit yesterday, Stockport player gets sent off, and some of you are saying it's Nicky's fault? As for last week, it was a shite challenge on him, and he had the scars to prove it.

    Got no problem with a bit of cynicism from Charlton players if and when needed, we've been soft touches for so long
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    [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: DRAddick[/cite]
    rolling back and forth at a hundred mile an hour like he's on fire.

    When was this?

    I can only assume you mean Southend when he had studs raked down his calf and still had the marks the next day.

    When and were else has he done this? Certainly not at Stockport when the player was sent off so when?

    Yes he did do it yesterday mate unless me and the people with me watching it had a mass hellucination. And just 'cause it's not been spoken about on here before the Southend game doesn't mean it hasn't been noticed or spoken about before. Southend was by far the most extreme but I, and many others, have noticed it several times since his joined us.
    You seem to also be confusing me with someone who thinks he's not actually been fouled or hit and so shouldn't go to ground. Don't know how anymore clearer i can make my views on that. Rollling around is a seperate issue.
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    Last week was odd because he was rolling about and then just got up and ran. Seems he got a whack and was scarred too so benefit of the doubt is his

    as for yesterday, if a player raises their arms they get a red card. Bailey may have aided the referee by going to ground but the rules are the same for everyone
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    Going by the BBC highlights he wasn't rolling around at 100 miles an hour after the headbut. As Kap said he couldn't move if he'd wanted to.

    And no, no one on here that I can recall had highlighted all this play acting prior to him being raked v Southend.

    As I said when Nicky comes to Bromley in March I look forward to hearing some of his critics say it to his face.
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