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So, May the 6th Tomorrow.......



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    edited May 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Steve Dowman[/cite]Care to explain how we are environmentally friendly without GM foods or by going organic with less than half the yield of pesticide based farming.
    lowering meat consumption enables much more efficient production of food for humans - I think 6 tonnes of crops are required to produce one ton of meat.
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    Steve, if you want to start a debate about the CAP I'm gonna have to know if you are really Wyn Grant or not. I know what my limitations are!

    My small piece was ripe to have holes picked in but it is not the considered, progressive and plausible plan I'd like to think I would try to construct if it were my job to do so.

    I also find it easier to to expose your balls to the cold wind of political opinion to see if they shrivel too? (Show us yer policies on this).
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    edited May 2010
    Tory policies speak for themselves. Cutting child tax credits to give the *richest* 2,000 families in the country a tax cut.. If that doesn't tell you what they're about, I don't know what will.

    It's a two-horse race here between them and Labour, so I'm voting Labour.
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    Still not sure.I'm decided on one thing though.I will not be voting labour.
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    I did not vote Tory, though I agree with their policies far more than the others, especially the old socialists who have saddled us with huge debts, yet again, but then why would anyone be surprised about that, can anyone tell me when they didn't leave the country in a mess? On the CAP I think we should leave it and the EU as well and go free market, but we also need to encourage people to eat more home grown foods. Agree that we might also need to reduce meat consumption, as someone else on here mentioned it does take a lot of land to produce meat. This is true for beef anyway, whereas pigs sheep and poultry can and generally do get reared on land unsuitable for arable. No I am not wyn grant.
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    [cite]Posted By: Chunes[/cite]I'm voting Labour.
    Nice one Chunes!
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    There's been so much work done for kids, especially those from crappy backgrounds- Sure Start etc, so despite all my reservations, it's got to be Labour.
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    voting conservative as they are going to increase Sure Start help (read their manifesto), increase tax credits for families earning less than 30k by abolishing tax credits for those that earn more than 50k (quite rightly), and I happen to agree to the abolishing of inheritance tax as why should money be taxed heavily when someone is alive to just be doubly taxed when they die?? I also don't want national insurance to go up it's high enough.
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    edited May 2010
    save qmstill considering Save Queen Marys Hospital protest vote as in a safe Tory seat
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    Will be voting Labour.
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    I'm doing whatever the Sun tells me.
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    Im voting Pedro.
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    Voting in Leeds because my seat at home is the safest Tory seat in Britain

    Up here it's a marginal Labour/Lib Dem seat due to all us tofu munching, lefty student types. I've been agonising over the decision a bit but I think I'll go for Labour
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    [cite]Posted By: JT[/cite]I'm doing whatever the Sun tells me.

    tory then :)
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    Absolutely no chance.
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    I'm voting Labour - with reservations.
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    I urge you all to read the manifestos, They are available online and not just believe what each party is is saying about the others, before you go out and vote and then vote with your head all loyalties should be avoided this election.
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    Can't vote Labour, we need a change. Brown has had his time and he's failed miserably.
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    Astounded by the support for labour on here.Years and years of crap and you want more.

    Please don't take your ' Charlton mentalities ' into the voting booth. ;-)
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    Nigel Farage has just pranged his airplane.
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    [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]Astounded by the support for labour on here.Years and years of crap and you want more.

    Agreed. I'd love to know what is it about the last few years of Labour government that has pleased them so much they want to vote for them again.
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    [cite]Posted By: Chris_from_Sidcup[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]Astounded by the support for labour on here.Years and years of crap and you want more.

    Agreed. I'd love to know what is it about the last few years of Labour government that has pleased them so much they want to vote for them again.

    You'd have thought that the Tory party should walk this election, but perhaps memories of the 3.5m unemployment in the 1980s and 90s, the squandering of North Sea oil reserves, the ERM fiasco, the Tory sleaze and the several recessions from their last tenure in office are perhaps still a little too sharp in the memory.

    Britain doesn't need two Tory boy old Etonians running the place either.
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    [cite]Posted By: sadiejane1981[/cite]I urge you all to read the manifestos, They are available online and not just believe what each party is is saying about the others, before you go out and vote and then vote with your head all loyalties should be avoided this election.
    Agree 100%
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    [cite]Posted By: BlackForestReds[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Chris_from_Sidcup[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]Astounded by the support for labour on here.Years and years of crap and you want more.

    Agreed. I'd love to know what is it about the last few years of Labour government that has pleased them so much they want to vote for them again.

    You'd have thought that the Tory party should walk this election

    Maybe they will.........................
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    [cite]Posted By: Chris_from_Sidcup[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: carly burn[/cite]Astounded by the support for labour on here.Years and years of crap and you want more.

    Agreed. I'd love to know what is it about the last few years of Labour government that has pleased them so much they want to vote for them again.

    I'm 24, I've managed to buy my own home, I have a decent job, whenever I need medical care it's good and free. I live in a multi cultural society where I am constantly learning from others different from myself. I drive a decent car and my area isn't too bad. My girlfriends Dad lost his job and was made bankrupt in the recession but managed to keep his home and family together due to Labour's influence. I'm happy with Labour, there are things I cannot forgive them for but my life isn't the grim picture that the press wish to make me think it is.
    If people's lives are truly terrible go ahead "Vote for Change" but don't come crying when it bites you on the bum. If my life improves greatly under a new Government I'll be more than willing to hold my hands up and say I was wrong... I just can't see it happening.
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    I want to hear more from Dowman and Sco. I've seen more informed debate in the five or six posts between them on this thread than I have from any politician in the entire month this clusterfuck has been going on.

    FWIW, my vote makes zero difference in my constituency (staunch Labour - 12,000 majority in 2005, zero chance of anyone else getting in), so I don't need to worry about tactical voting. There is no socialist party any more (where my own particular political allegiance lies) - apart from the Commies, who are an utter joke, so i can;t vote with my conscience or for an ideology I believe in. Considering the three main parties, Labour are a pathetic shadow of the party they once were, I would never vote Tory in a billion years, and the Lib Dems are a sick joke. All in all, I just won't bother voting. Besides I'm playing in a poker tournament tonight and won't get in until well after the polling stations close.
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    edited May 2010
    I voted Labour, best of the bunch for me.

    I can't take the LibDems seriously, their policies don't stack up but the outcome I'd like to see is a Lib Lab pact with Gordon being replaced by Alan Johnstone. I think this would give us the best chance of a progressive government willing to act against the vested insterests of the bankers, big business and people like Ashcroft.

    What I think we will get however is a modest Conservative
    majority with Cameron at the beck and call of bankers, Aschroft and the right wing of his party.

    Anyway my vote is irrelevent as the constituency is a safe job-for-life seat.
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    Sadie Jane says,- ' voting conservative as they are going to increase Sure Start help (read their manifesto),

    Oh trust me, I have read the manifestos. I don't think it is as clear cut as you have stated. Sure Start was proposed as an area for cuts by the Tories in 2009. (There were to be 4 clinics closed down in Medway) After the 'women's vote' went ballistic, the Tories backtracked, said it would keep the Sure Start programme and 'improve' on it. Just so happens that during my 44 odd years of voting and working in the NHS, I've noticed that my version of 'improving' appears to be at total odds with the Tories. But as I'm in blue scarf on turnip territory, my vote will make zilch difference. I would very much like to see that changed.
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    Voted Labour. If I really wanted this country run on the same basis as it was 300 years ago ie by the aristocracy I would have voted Tory. Cameron and his cabinet, should the worst happen are predominantly Old Etonians. Not for me.
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    Some of the stuff in this election has been hilarious. Nick continually saying the labour and conseverative parties are the old parties for example. When the liberals have been around longer than either the modern-day conservative or labour parties. Still, like all politicians he hopes that if he says stuff often enough people will believe it's true. The reason the liberal party has not been in power for so long is that they made an unbelievable mess of it last time round. (They were in power at the start of WW1 in case anyone's wondering.) Perhaps they should bring back their original name - The Whigs - has a certain ring to it don't you think?
    I want to know only one thing. When Brown took expenses for his cleaner for his own house, that would have been a benefit in kind received from his employer, right. So, he did put that down on his tax return didn't he? Or can we expect an HMRC investigation any time soon?
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