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Away following!!!



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    edited December 2010
    In an ideal world I think most fans would want to go to all the away games if money, family etc were not issues. Spurs is a) not difficult to get to, b) a rare occasion and c) a sunday, so there's obviously going to be more interest, just like the fact that we get more fans at London away games than games up north, for example. I personally can't afford to pay train fares for the long-distance away games, but I try my hardest to get to any in and around the London area (and further afield if I can afford it) and have been to every FA Cup connected game (including replays), 2 JPT games and every home game with my season ticket. If that makes me a 'plastic' then I suppose that's what I am. There's just no pleasing some people, you'd think that Charlton selling 4,000 tickets in less than a week would make a 'loyal supporter' happy. Apparently not.
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    my point is not saying that everyone who is going to spurs is plastic, but the people who dont go away regularly shouldnt jump ahead of the regular away followers. obviously i am delighted with how many we have sold but am not happy about fans who turn up 4 one occasion, surely you must no where im coming from as I am frustrated I cant get a ticket and have spend hundreds of pounds on charlton this year on away trips
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    Well said AFKA.

    A few people need to reel their necks in.

    There will be 4,200 CAFC at the Lane and 95% of them will be ST holders who pay their many upfront for a seat for every game which is proper loyalty given the rubbish we've had to endure over the past three seasons. How anyone can say they are plastics or glory boys beggars belief.

    I don't have an ST any more so haven't managed to get a ticket but am hoping to get one in the home end.

    You Reds!!!!
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    I suggest to you that some may well crop up. This website and (most of) its contributors are very helpful in situations such as this and even if you cannot receive help directly there were times last season when spares cropped up, they were advertised on here and happy homes for tickets were found.

    I shouldn't think kicking off will assist with the above however.

    In future, individuals will have to look at their own conduct. It's a lot easier to change what you do rather than lobby to change what the club does. Whether it's buying a season-ticket, keeping ticket stubs, making sure you buy before the day to get your CON credited or asking for a receipt paper or stub if you pay on the gate, or going to more away games in the first place, whatever. Any of those might have helped 'deserving' people get a ticket.
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    [cite]Posted By: mparsons1[/cite]my point is not saying that everyone who is going to spurs is plastic, but the people who dont go away regularly shouldnt jump ahead of the regular away followers. obviously i am delighted with how many we have sold but am not happy about fans who turn up 4 one occasion, surely you must no where im coming from as I am frustrated I cant get a ticket and have spend hundreds of pounds on charlton this year on away trips

    100% agree.

    Swindon away last year is what annoyed me the most. Season ticket holders, some who had not been to an away game all season went. People who have followed us up and down the country missed out because someone with a 5 year ST has more priority.

    I don't see why people feel the need to lie about why they can't make away games ect..According to most people excuses, Spurs should be out the question for them..

    See You at Colchester and Birghton..Yeah?
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    this thread oozes a my bollox are bigger than your bollox attitude
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    Slagged off if you take 150 because it's a poor turn out, slagged off if we take 4,200 because its plastics!

    Get a grip!
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    Don't forget that Brighton is a midweek game and Colchester is on New Years day. Both are sh*t grounds, with either a long walk or bus trip to the ground once you have parked up.

    I go with my 72yr old dad, and I'd he'd never make that Colchester walk, and why should he? Why spend aroud 2 hours driving to Brighton, get on a bus and sit in the worst ground in the UK?
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    edited December 2010
    [cite]Posted By: CafcAndy[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: mparsons1[/cite]my point is not saying that everyone who is going to spurs is plastic, but the people who dont go away regularly shouldnt jump ahead of the regular away followers. obviously i am delighted with how many we have sold but am not happy about fans who turn up 4 one occasion, surely you must no where im coming from as I am frustrated I cant get a ticket and have spend hundreds of pounds on charlton this year on away trips

    100% agree.

    Swindon away last year is what annoyed me the most. Season ticket holders, some who had not been to an away game all season went. People who have followed us up and down the country missed out because someone with a 5 year ST has more priority.

    I don't see why people feel the need to lie about why they can't make away games ect..According to most people excuses, Spurs should be out the question for them..

    See You at Colchester and Birghton..Yeah?

    When we do go away in numbers people of your ilk are the first to moan about those who wish to sit and watch the match they've paid for or don't throw bog roll or whatever missile of the week is.

    You can't have it all ways.

    For positively the last time re the Spurs match.

    This is an FA CUP competition.

    League away games are irrelevant. Commitment to the club via sseason tickets (5 year or 1) and Valley Gold plus attendance at other matches FROM THE SAME FA CUP COMPETITION should be the determining factor.

    When it comes to money you can choose to spend it on travel and alcohol away or season tickets at home.

    It is the season tickets which keep our club going so those people deserve priority the 5 year lot most of all as THEY HAVE MADE THE BIGGEST COMMITMENT!

    I am not a 5 year holder before you ask. Like you I can't afford it.
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    we are all charlton fans....lets just get behind the team and beat spurs
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    This is all bollox. I've got a SPurs ticket and i've done about half the away games so far but not going to hartlepool and not going to Brighton as the CLub agreed to change it from being on a BAnk HOliday to being an evening game on the first day back at work after crimbo. However I do have a Ronnie Moore certificate, I went regularly to Sellout, I went to BRum on on Friday night at A few days notice to see us beat Leeds in the PLay OFf final, was at the PReston promotion game and helped out leafletting for the VAlley PArty. SO please can I be at the front of the queue for all future tickets ? Jeez. SOme of you on here were not even born when we were schlepping it around the country watching crap performances but so what, it doesn't make us better than you. JUst as the fact you are going to HArtlepool on SAturday doesn't make you better than us. WE are all CHarlton fans. WE have all done our bit in various different ways at one time or another, just maybe not now, you need to remember that. MAybe the current system isn't perfect, no system ever will be, but at the moment it doesn't warrant setting up a points system and the one in place is as good as any for the time being. NOw can we all play together quietly?
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    Loyalty on the ticket front should go on a season by season basis. In 10 years when we are fighing for tickets for a Champions league group game decider, i will not pull out the " I Went Carlisle away 10 years ago" to use.
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    Astounded by some of the comments on here. Plaaayer has called it right.

    Most other third division clubs would be celebrating the fact that they've sold 4k tickets at the drop of a hat, but "we" have to bitch and moan amongst ourselves about it.

    I honestly think some people would be happier if we'd restricted sales just to those that had been to every away game this season and they were sitting there with 150 others - but then of course there's be howls that our away support is cack. It's a no win situation.

    Some people need to grow up a bit.
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    some on here seem to be saying that our league one away support is irrelevant as we don't contribute financially to CAFC - what a load of rubbish, we might not directly contribute financially but our SUPPORT at the game often contributes to the team's efforts and so indirectly contributes financially, just imagine what an away game would be like if we didn't turn up?

    All of us contribute to CAFC financially as much as our wallets and personal circumstances allow, we all support the club so let's support each other whether it is home,, away, league or cup.
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    [cite]Posted By: lancashire lad[/cite]some on here seem to be saying that our league one away support is irrelevant as we don't contribute financially to CAFC - what a load of rubbish, we might not directly contribute financially but our SUPPORT at the game often contributes to the team's efforts and so indirectly contributes financially, just imagine what an away game would be like if we didn't turn up?

    All of us contribute to CAFC financially as much as our wallets and personal circumstances allow, we all support the club so let's support each other whether it is home,, away, league or cup.


    And the season ticket holders who got tickets to the Spurs match are not plastics.

    Let's support each other.
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    I can see this from both point of views.

    I think league is far more important than a 1 off cup game. Are away support has almost doubled twice from what would be a good turnout. All those going hopefully will enjoy it and start coming to the games that really matter. Otherwise this game will always be a one for many many years.

    P.S Murray deserves this pay day just before he hands over the club.
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    Very simple really, we all have different priorities, different incomes, different family situations and so on. Frankly I think you've got a cheek critisising others, you live your life and I'll live mine. 1984 has long gone, this is now enough of a Nanny State thanks.
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    I'm not saying we are not different, that shouldn't really matter when it comes to getting behind the team at away games.

    As I said I can see it from both points of view.

    Just would be nice think half of that 4,000 could of gone Brentford or another game in London that would have slightly more significance than a cup game at the lane.
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    I follow charlton as much as i can, but plastic fans have out done me and i couldn't get a ticket.
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    That's a load of shit.

    I've just come from the ticket office and they're still selling them. Or are you saying you don't qualify for one - in which case who's the "plastic" - you or the people with season tickets.
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    i just presumed he was on a wind up
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    I'm just gutted more than anything. No one is to blame, first time in years I didn't get a season ticket and just typical that a decent away day comes about like this.

    Take it on the chin.
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    There's always Countdown later to cheer you up.
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    Yeah, but the audience will be full of plastics.
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    I'm confused as to what the argument is about? If you went to 4+ aways, which I'm assume the hardcore did you had an extra week to buy a ticket. Throwing away ticket stubs is your own fault and not the clubs.

    I agree with what AFKA said, selling out this many to season ticket holders is a fine achievement for a third division club. congratulations to Nolly and myself for calling it weeks ago!

    Once again, season ticket holders in this league are proper fans.
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    edited December 2010
    I can see that it seems pretty unfair from some supporters perspective that, just because other supporters are more well off, they can buy extra privileges such as being able to obtain the in-demand tickets. From the clubs perspective, it needs to maximise its opportunities of securing a reliable and regular source of income. S/T holders are thus vital, so logically there will be loyalty incentives built in. To do otherwise would be madness. I'm prety sure though that if anyone could devise an improved system which was easy to administer, verifiable and did not impact on the clubs income, then Airman would love to hear it. Perhaps the 'discontents' should get together and devise such a system? It would have the added benefit of allowing this rather tedious and ultimately pointless argument to be put to bed.
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    edited December 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Friend Or Defoe[/cite]Once again,season ticket holders in this league are proper fans.

    Once again, that's a silly thing to say.
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    so FOD, people that dont have a season but go as much as financially and socially possible arent 'proper fans'?
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    edited December 2010
    [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]so FOD, people that dont have a season but go as much as financially and socially possible arent 'proper fans'?
    I'm out of this thread, people are putting words in to my mouth and can't understand single direction logic. If I say a dog has 4 legs am I saying that a pig doesn't have 4 legs?

    Continue to argue amongst yourselves.
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    edited December 2010
    [cite]Posted By: lancashire lad[/cite]some on here seem to be saying that our league one away support is irrelevant as we don't contribute financially to CAFC - what a load of rubbish, we might not directly contribute financially but our SUPPORT at the game often contributes to the team's efforts and so indirectly contributes financially, just imagine what an away game would be like if we didn't turn up?

    All of us contribute to CAFC financially as much as our wallets and personal circumstances allow, we all support the club so let's support each other whether it is home,, away, league or cup.

    My point was not that league away support is irrelevant per se but that it is irrelevant to the FA CUP.

    My point all along has been that PREVIOUS FA CUP GAMES should be the criterion for an FA CUP MATCH if match attendance is a criterion.

    Just wanted to clear up that misunderstanding.
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