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2011 Charlton Life weight loss challenge



  • lost 4.5 llbs week one
    put on 1/2 week 2
    lost 3,5llb week 3
    lost 1lb week 4

    getting there good luck all
  • People here seem to be giving up the booze which is good...

    But say if your going out (and its hard to avoid drinking) trying having vodka and diet coke (instead of beer and wine)....

    Much lower calories and you still can get drunk! :)
  • most of the calories are in the alcohol though apparently, so make sure its a single in a pint of coke (I did this the other night, only partly sucessful though as I got a bit whiffed and then fancied a pint..) :)
  • Slimline tonic water would be better but it lasts minutes and its dull.

    Wine in a long glass of soda last a lot longer than that.
  • A vodka and diet coke is about 50 calories i believe, whereas a pint of beer is around 200 and a glass of wine about 150...

    So you can have four V + diet cokes for every beer....


    Good luck with the weight loss trying to cut back too...

    i put on a stone in about 6 months when working as had fry ups about 3 times a week....
  • down to 13st11, 8 pounds in a month. been drinking heavily at the weekends but weekdays are 1500 calories and 20 miles of cycling a day. Binge and purge...
  • Here's what weight watchers say about drinking:

    It's not called a beer belly for nothing - excess alcohol is a common culprit behind abdominal fat. And abdominal fat can be dangerous, increasing your risk of weight-related problems ranging from cardiovascular disease to high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea and some types of cancer.

    The bigger your waist measurement, the higher the risk, and a measurement of over 37 inches for men, or 32 for women, means it's time to do something about it. If you drink a lot of beer, or any alcohol - cutting back is a good place to start.

    Blame the Beer?
    Calories consumed in excess - no matter what the source - will be stored as fat. If your intake is too high and/or you're not expending enough energy through physical activity, you're sure to pile on the pounds.

    Men are especially at risk for abdominal weight gain, and not just because they may drink more beer. In 'nutrition-speak' men are typically 'apple' shaped, meaning fat tends to concentrate around their waist. Women tend to be 'pears', with more fat around their hips and thighs. However, you can enjoy alcohol in moderation and drop the excess weight.

    Follow our Gut-be-Gone Rules:

    Choose lighter beer over the full-strength brew: It's lower in calories.

    To slow your beer consumption, quench your thirst first with water then alternate beer with non-alcoholic beverages, preferably low-calorie ones like diet coke or lemonade, or better yet, water.

    Feel like a nice cold beer? Why not go for a walk and then have it? Not only will walking or jogging one mile burn some of the calories in an average drink, but keeping active has many other health benefits as well. So get moving!

    Swap calories from alcohol with calories from other foods. For example, if you'd like a drink, pass on that bag of crisps or other treat (but don't sacrifice healthy choices such as fruits and vegetables in favour of more booze, which is low in nutrients).

    While moderate drinking has documented potential benefits, particularly on cardiovascular health, overindulgence is dangerous. According to the Food Standards Agency, men can drink up to 3 to 4 units a day, without significant risk to their health. A unit is half a pint of standard strength (3 to 5% ABV) beer, lager or cider, or a pub measure of spirit. A glass of wine is about 2 units and alcopops are about 1.5 units.

    Smart Snacking
    When you’re around alcohol, there’s often food around too, and this makes it more tempting to eat. And the majority of calories consumed at parties isn't necessarily from the alcohol as much as from the high-fat snacks that usually come with it. Instead of nuts, cheese or crisps, try:

    Crunchy vegetable crudités such as carrots, peppers, celery and courgette. Swap creamy dips for salsa or bean dip


    Popcorn (but skip the butter)

    Toasted pitta bread
    The Moderation Strategy
    Many men trying to lose weight give up early because they fear they will have to go hungry and/or give up booze while on a diet. But the key to weight loss is clever eating, not starving yourself or giving up everything you like. So have the occasional beer, if you like. Moderation is the key!
  • "To slow your beer consumption, quench your thirst first with water then alternate beer with non-alcoholic beverages, preferably low-calorie ones like diet coke or lemonade, or better yet, water."

    Has anyone ever actually done this?
  • yup I did it the other day when drinking after Powell day.. diet coke every other drink for the first 4 or 5...
  • [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]
    Has anyone ever actually done this?

    no, but i'm considering on Saturday having a pint in Plaaayer's round and a tap water in my round :-)
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    29 facts and tips to savor with your favorite malt beverage.

    What’ll ya have?

    There are thousands of different beers. Here’s a selection of popular brews. Some are smarter grabs that save PointsPlus™ values. All are 12 ounces.

    Beers with 2 PointsPlus values

    Miller Genuine Draft Light 64 (MGD 64)

    Beers with 3 PointsPlus values

    Bud Ice Light
    Budweiser Select
    Busch Light
    Coors Light
    Miller Light

    Beers with More PointsPlus values

    Miller Genuine Draft
    Miller Highlife
    Beer bellies, the traditional male malady, are enough to put either sex off downing a cold one. But they're a myth, says Charlie Bamforth, PhD, chair and professor, Department of Food Science and Technology, University of California, Davis and author of Beer: Health and Nutrition. "This is a silly myth. If folks get fat from drinking beer it's because their total calorie intake is too high and they are not working it off."

    The Good News
    Beer contains some B vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. It also has:

    •NO cholesterol
    •NO fat
    •very little sugar

    The bad news
    While experts may pooh-pooh beer bellies, the fact remains that alcohol is one calorie-dense nectar, packing seven calories per gram. That's almost as much as fat, which has nine calories per gram. Don't blame the malt. "The most significant source of calories in beer is the alcohol itself," says Bamforth, "The stronger the beer, the more calories."

    •Most 12-ounce beer with 5 percent alcohol by volume contains a PointsPlus value of 5.

    •The typical 16-ounce draft pint contains a PointsPlus value of 6.

    •Most 12-ounce "light" beers have a PointsPlus value of 3.

    •A 1-pint draft of light beer has a PointsPlusvalue of 4.

    •A 12-ounce non-alcoholic beer has a PointsPlusvalue of 2.

    Can it improve your health?
    Some studies show that moderate drinking may help lower risk of heart disease, particularly in women over 55 and men over 45. But what is moderate? For women, it's no more than one drink per day. For men, it's no more than two. Exceed your quota, and the risk of heart and liver disease, stroke and accidents negate any perks.

    Don't follow the lite
    The terms "light" and "lite" (or any other cutesy variation) have no legal definition. They could mean the beer is light in color or lighter than lead — or anything else the staff at the brewery decided.

    Watch your low-carb language
    If the labels reads "low carbohydrate," the beer must have no more than 7 grams of carbohydrates per serving. But any beer can tout "reduced carbohydrates" or "lower carbohydrates" on its label, just so long as the brewery makes a more carb-heavy beer. Shifty, eh?

    Do suds wine-style
    A tip that adds civility and can shave PointsPlus values: "There's nothing wrong with pouring a beer into two glasses at dinner like you would with wine," says George F. Reisch, brewmaster for Anheiser Busch, Inc. Yes, you read correctly. One of the guys who makes Budweiser takes his Bud in a white-wine glass. "I actually think people should share beers more," Reisch adds. "It's smart and your last sip will still be cold."

    Nix the nuts
    Those robotic grabs of peanuts or cheddar fish can add up to triple the calories and PointsPlus values of the beer you drink. Be prepared: Drinking can lead to snacking, so keep the right stuff on hand — or see if you can charm the bartender into stocking better choices. Instead of party mix, try:

    Unsalted pretzels 1 oz 3 PointsPlus values
    94% fat-free microwave-popped popcorn 5 cups 3 PointsPlus values
    Radishes (a German favorite) 1 cup 0 PointsPlus values

    About the Writer
    Jeffery Lindenmuth is a fine dining writer and lecturer, who has written for Esquire, Wine & Spirits, Men's Health and Cooking Light. Cheat Sheets
    Find out both fascinating and useful plan-related facts about your favorite foods.
    View all.
  • (and not the best chart as perhaps units of alcohol would be better comparison, although there is some discussion below)

    Alcohol Alcohol(G) - Sugars - Calories (100 ml)
    Beer, Draught 3.1 2.3 32
    Lager 3.2 1.5 29
    Red wine 9.5 0.3 68
    White wine, Dry 9.1 0.6 66
    White win, Sweet 10.2 5.9 94
    Spirits 31.7 0.0 222

    Drink within the limits
    Men can drink 4 units of alcohol per day - or two pints of larger / two large glasses of wine - and still stay within the category classified healthy. However, what is the calorific price paid for drinking this amount each day?

    Drinks, their calories and what you'll need to do to burn it off!
    We will work on the assumption that a typical man will drink 4 units of booze a day.

    4 units = two pints of larger
    This is equal to approximately 400 calories. In order to burn 400 calories an average man (170 lb.) would need to:

    Weight train for over 90 minutes.
    or Cycle at a moderate pace for 62 minutes.
    or Jog for 45 minutes
    or Walk for 75 minutes.
    or Swim - Breaststroke - for over 50 minutes.

    4 units = Two large glasses of red wine
    This is equal to approximately 300 calories. In order to burn 300 calories, an average man would need to: W

    eight train for 75 minutes.
    or Cycle at a moderate pace for 50 minutes.
    or Jog for 35 minutes.
    or Walk for 65 minutes.
    or Swim for over 38 minutes.
  • oh sod off im going to the pub. i've swum for 40 minutes so thats me two large glasses of red coming up.
  • 700 Calories is terrible Uncle ! You could a 1000 onto that an still lose weight if it was the right food
  • So the only beers typically available in a common UK pub are the one's that are really bad for you !!
  • The first stone bites the dust. 14st 6lb this morning.
  • Back from a week skiing, not to bad came back only 1lb up.

    Been back on lighter life for a week now, crunch time tonight will update after 9.30.................
  • Lost 10lbs last week.

    Have now lost 30lbs in total.
  • Well done Appy, thats awesome progress. Keep up the good work.
  • Very impressive ally, keep it up.

    I'm down a pound this week. A big effort needed this week to get back to my target
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  • Me down a measly pound too.

    WEll done Appy... lighter life tho... I couldnt do it.
  • edited February 2011
    [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Curb_It[/cite]
    Has anyone ever actually done this?

    no, but i'm considering on Saturday having a pint in Plaaayer's round and a tap water in my round :-)

    What's new?
  • Curb,

    it's easy once you get past the first week, i find i forget about food.
  • I'm down to 15st 3.6lbs from 16st 11.8lbs on NYD. Total loss of 1st 8.2lbs for the year.
  • good going Johnboy, good percentage.
  • Weekly update, had a food weekend......................

    Lost 4lbs
  • lost another 4lbs this week, two weeks all inc holiday coming up, will prob them back on.
  • edited February 2011
    Well done lads. Going the right direction.

    Here's a place to avoid for those of us on diets - not that i eat in here anyway but Wetherspoons have started putting cals on their menu! Ill have two of your gourmet burgers landlord...

    Heavy on the calories
  • have lost 17lbs since my start in Jan
  • Just started week one done and i lost 10lb
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