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2011 Charlton Life weight loss challenge



  • Confession time ... every time i've logged onto Cl i have tried to avoid this page! 3 weeks ago my brother in law had a heart attack and a stent fitted , it was a wake up call for me , i promised to myself to lose a stone by the end of March , I bought myself a new pair of scales ( the old ones were in the cupboard , and didn't work when i got them out! ) weigh in on Sunday i'd lost half a stone , basically by cutting out 3 slices of toast for brekkie with peanut butter on and replacing it with yoghurt or fruit.

    In this time i have been out for a curry , and had several other takeaways , greedy bugger that i am , but i am so determined to lose the stone and more , otherwise i think i will end up in an early grave , i have been exercising a lot more , swimming and cycling , but i know i need to do more!
  • Well, following a few weeks of excess and cutting down on the cycling due to other factors, I've crept back up to 15st 6lbs...oh the shame :-(

    On a positive note, I passed 1,000 miles cycled for 2011 at the beginning of last week and Sunday just gone I done a new PB for a single ride with my cycle club. Looking forward to the 83 mile New Forest Sportive next month and my first ever Century Ride the following month. Was talking to some of the lads at the cycle club, apparently its normal to put on a little bit of weight a few months into cycling properly due to muscle building then it will all start to come off again so they told me not to panic just yet and just eat sensibly. Definitely gonna have to cut out the booze properly though.

    Likely to start my 22 mile round trip commute on the bike 3-4 times a week when the clocks go back next week rather than use the turbo.
  • 18'10 on 4th jan 16'12 today! 26 pounds lost so far!
  • Lost a stone in a little over a month. Stress is a wonderful thing.
  • It's all that clogging.
  • i need some stress then. i stay the same weight weekly.
  • As Craig Revell-Horwood would say:

    "it's been a disaaaaster"
  • Charlton is enough stress.
  • Coincidentally I have fallen right off the wagon at the same time we have become crap.

    Today however I have reverted to crunchy nut cornflakes for breakfast and will be doing houmous and pitta for lunch however if we're losing at half time I am going to get a horse burger!
  • Is having crunch nut cornflakes being good?
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  • Bran flakes would be better :)

    Came back from two weeks AI holiday 8lbs heavier! I've found it difficult to get back on the diet. Still 16lbs down from the start of January
  • 1st 2lb off in three weeks and I'm not missing the crap food or the booze so long may it continue.
  • edited April 2011
    Still making good progress, have now lost 15kgs, going down from 123Kgs to 108Kgs since January 24th.

    For those in the Imperial age, that's a loss of 33lbs, going down from 19st 7lbs to bang on 17st.

    Really want to shed another 12kgs and get down to around 96Kgs.
  • See I'm 12st 9 and can't shift any of it! I usually get to 12st 3/4 then bung it straight back on! Then lose it then it's back etc etc

    Anyone got any ideas? Play sports regular 2 Hrs Footy Training on Wednesday 2 Hrs Saturday and game on Sunday (getting back into the gym too) and my diet only has about 1400 calories a day!

    I don't seem to follow my own gym advice!
  • Back down to 15st 2lbs now :-)
  • [cite]Posted By: Dazzler21[/cite]See I'm 12st 9 and can't shift any of it! I usually get to 12st 3/4 then bung it straight back on! Then lose it then it's back etc etc

    Anyone got any ideas? Play sports regular 2 Hrs Footy Training on Wednesday 2 Hrs Saturday and game on Sunday (getting back into the gym too) and my diet only has about 1400 calories a day!

    I don't seem to follow my own gym advice!

    How tall are you Dazzler? 12st 9lbs seems pretty trim unless your are a sub 5ft dwarf!
  • 5ft 8.5

    I'm not fat but want to be the best I can be... Used to be a gym instructor at 11st 7 but lifestyle has changed a lot! My eating has probably improved though!
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]currently munching my way through beef, ale and onion pie, mashed potato, sweetcorn, peas and onions. superb !

    no wonder this thread got onto the 2nd page. Inspiring to read the whole thread in one go though!
  • Another pound this week, 20 down so far. Still going the right way.
  • edited April 2011
    Finally have been given the ok to do some exercise, 5 months since I had my ankle op. Still got a few problems with it, even though it getting better every day.
    Was about 18st around xmas, haven't weighed myself since, however in the last 2 1/2 weeks I've been doing 20 mins on a x trainer. The x-trainer is great for me as there is no impact on my ankle.
    I done 12 lots of exercise and have increased the distance travelled by 23% since I've started, very happy with that and I feel that i'm getting fitter. Will jump on the scales in a couple of weeks.
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  • 5 weeks in lost 1st 6lb
  • Well done Rob, at this rate we'll have to change the chant to handball, jemima, big ted, little ted, rob :-)
  • the diet I was on in Jan well went out the window pretty quickly what with the Mrs dropping the twins I've had no time for exercise. 

    So three weeks ago having gone back up to 14st 10lbs I got back on the diet and back on the running and as of today I'm back down to 13st 11.5 lbs. Aim to be down to at least 13st 7lbs by friday week as I'm djing and currently the only way I will be able to fit into a top will be to e down to that weight
  • Under 12 stone for the first time in 4 years. Very pleased that's a whole stone lost in around 4 weeks!

    Sorry just found the link on my thread to this one!
  • If anyone decides to do a weight gain thread like this, then im in
  • Starting as of today to lose some weight. I'm on the boderline of getting overweight or being able to sustain a good weight. Currently around the 15 stone mark but was 13 stone a few years ago and felt happy with my weight. So first goal is to get back to 13 stone.

    Decided the best way to get running into my routine is to go early morning. I went today and felt much more alive all day. Pretty tired now but no more than usual.

    Bought a suit last year and could barely do the trousers up today. Work xmas dinner on 2nd Decemeber and I've got to make them fit! Wish me luck..

  • ive started since the 2nd of jan and lost 8 pounds .. but just can't see any diffrence
    it's so hard to keep myself motivated,
    been doing at least 2 miles on the treadmill and 20 mins on punchbag 5 times a week i feel so much better after a workout
    eating healthier but still can't resist a cheeky fried breakie on a friday morning and booze in the weekend !

    how do you guys lose weight ? and how do you keep motivated ?
  • Lost 10lbs during 2011, put 6 back on since Xmas. But I am still less than I was 12 months ago so if I carry on losing 4lbs a year it will take less than 20 years to lose the flab I've gained in the past 40 years. I think I'll try harder not to binge on cake and chocolate over Xmas and reduce the period to under 8 years.
  • Ive got to admit christmas was a killer for me !!
    all those cheeky little heroes ! and cheeselets !
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