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8,414 (4 Aug) season tickets sold



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    Could we be as creative with our Season Ticket pricing? the concern is we'd only get the same number of season ticket holders , or only a few more perhaps.
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    Could we be as creative with our Season Ticket pricing? the concern is we'd only get the same number of season ticket holders , or only a few more perhaps.
    To be fair I think we are quite creative with out ticket pricing especially around children's prices, special offers five year season tickets etc.  I know I'm biased because I'm on the Target 40k committee and I'm not saying that the Club can't do more.  The risk is you cut prices and lose out financially.

    Well done to Hartlepool but we are in a different situation in that we already have a substantial ST base even now.

    'Pools are trying to build theirs from a very low base and the first stage has worked ie they got 5k+ ST which they will count in their attendances even when they don't turn up just like we do.  It looks great in the papers creates a buzz and has a knock on with other sales.

    but it would be interesting to see the full numbers.  How many of those 5700 are kids?  How does the income compare?   If they can keep those fans coming then long term they will have done well just as we did with kids for a quid back in the 90s.
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    I am a product of the kids for a quid scheme. Be interesting to see how many went on to be adult ST holders.
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    I haven't had a season ticket for 10 years and  as much as I'd like to, I haven't invested in one this season for 2 reasons. Firstly, as a single dad of an autistic kid that has no time for football (try as I might), Sitters and not being able to attend midweek matches could make it uneconomical as i'd probably lose any savings made.

    Secondly, I much prefer a side on view East/west stand and fed up with having to keep standing up everytime we cross the halfway line with the ball. the problem being that for the privilege of this, i'd have to pay an extra £110, which puts it just out of my reach.

    My aim is to make a minimum of 15 games this season.

    Due to living in the north-east for 7 of the 10 yrs, I've not really been to the Valley nearly as much as I would have liked. But fuelled by optimism and a ticket in my grubby paw, I'll be there on saturday and most other weekend games.

    So, if any of you lot see a lonely looking middle-age bloke sitting on his own in west lower C block, come and say hi.

    Fair play to you Tango.....however lonely middle age bloke in lower west isn't giving us much to go on, try something like I'll be the one without the thermos & blanket over my knees. Have a good one !
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    Several clubs have gone down the Hartlepool route; but I don't think it would work for us.

    Firstly, you've got to factor in that the number of kids tickets means the average revenue per season ticket is already below £200.

    Secondly, the additional matchday profit from other sales, i.e programmes, food and merchandise, is only about £1 to £1.50 per spectator, and may be higher among occasional visitors. It will fall as facilities become more congested.

    Thirdly, It's not all about price. League One football is a major drag on our appeal as a club.

    Our season ticket prices are already pretty close to £200 for those to whom price is the big issue. I don't think you could increase revenue by dragging down the higher prices.
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    Personally I think the £265 for an adult ticket is very reasonably priced when you take into account that averages £11.52 a game! The last time I went to Welling it was £12!
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    Id definitely buy a 6-7 match deal for a ton if that option ever came available, you could just cash the voucher in when ever time permitted.
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    Id definitely buy a 6-7 match deal for a ton if that option ever came available, you could just cash the voucher in when ever time permitted.
    So would I...

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    Id definitely buy a 6-7 match deal for a ton if that option ever came available, you could just cash the voucher in when ever time permitted.
    So would I...

    I like that idea, but the problem is everyone would want the 'Big games' if that term can be applied in this division , which could cause problems , it would have to be dictated by the club what games were selected.
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    Not really, we can accommodate 20k+ home fans. So if 5000 of those deals were available, over selling wouldn't be an issue. 
    For someone like myself its time thats the restriction, not the opposition.
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    I think the only way to increase attendances on a regular basis will be to lower matchday prices. £25 is a bit hefty and we will always get more on the day with lower prices for a single ticket, which in the long run could lead to them fans becoming hooked and buying season tickets.

    I had no intention of supporting CAFC when I first arrived at the valley, nor any intention of following football so closely at all. All these years later and I still can't get enough! Maybe making it cheaper for newcomers will help attendances now and in the long haul?!
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    I don't think ticket price at Charlton has much baring on it to be honest as you can sit in different parts of the ground for less than £25. The only way attendances are going to go up is if they start winning games.
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    Personally I think the £265 for an adult ticket is very reasonably priced when you take into account that averages £11.52 a game! The last time I went to Welling it was £12!
    Agreed, it is a resonable price but that's just for the north stand. If they done East or West for that price i would have taken the plunge and got one. West stand ranges from £375-400 and there's not even a price for Eaststand on the website (do they not sell ST for there?). So that extra £100 makes a hell of a difference.
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    How many we sold today?
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    Id definitely buy a 6-7 match deal for a ton if that option ever came available, you could just cash the voucher in when ever time permitted.
    So would I...

    I like that idea, but the problem is everyone would want the 'Big games' if that term can be applied in this division , which could cause problems , it would have to be dictated by the club what games were selected.

    I really like this idea. Is it a goer? (Airman?)
    I think we have done it before to a limited extent. Price would have be economical for day punters and not displeasing for season ticket holders. Keeping it as simple as possible, something like batch of 4 tickets, North stand upper/ corners only (somewhere where unreserved seating is in plentiful supply), average at £16 per ticket, (valid for say 8 home games (excluding cup) from date of purchase). Advance sales or red card members only to minimise risk of away fans in home areas.
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    Yep, order them at certain times of the year... start or xmas would be good.
    Just like they do normal season tickets which would help keep admin costs down id guess.
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    there's not even a price for Eaststand on the website (do they not sell ST for there?).
    Yes there is.
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    edited August 2011
    Yep, order them at certain times of the year... start or xmas would be good.
    Just like they do normal season tickets which would help keep admin costs down id guess.
    Would be an affordable Christmas present too, assuming you'd have the front to give someone charlton tickets as a present. We usually tail off after Christmas!

    I'd keep it in all season round, depending on if it was pulling people in (hard to assess that part though i'd guess)
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    Is it possible to buy season tickets over the phone and collect them on saturday? I will also be buying one for my cousin who is under 18 so can i take evidence up with me or is there another procedure that has to be followed.


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    edited August 2011
    I agree that if we win regularly at the Valley the supporters will come flooding back. In all honesty - for the last few years it has been a pretty painful experience watching football at the Valley. Some fools like most of us on CL will keep coming back for more whatever but others actually want to be entertained and for their team to win on more than the odd ocassion (especially in the third division). Hopefully this season will deliver in that respect -I feel fate must be fed up of kicking us in the teeth by now...surely!
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    Is it possible to buy season tickets over the phone and collect them on saturday? I will also be buying one for my cousin who is under 18 so can i take evidence up with me or is there another procedure that has to be followed.


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    It's not in the club's interest to offer a multi-game ticket of the kind suggested. We're well aware it would appeal to some supporters and might even lead to them attending more regularly, but at present we sell a lot of season tickets to people who either don't wish to atttend every match or can't for work, family or travel reasons. It's highly likely these people would trade down, if a pick and choose ticket was available. That doesn't mean we can't be creative around particular matches, as we have in the past and will be again in the future.
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    'multi-game ticket of the kind suggested. ...season tickets ...It's highly likely these people would trade down, if a pick and choose ticket was available.
     Good point . Cheers Airman
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    How far off are we from this time last year?
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    355 short of the Saturday figure
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    Just been down and got 2 for me and McMoist Jnr. First ST's for 2 seasons. I'm feeling optimistic
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    353 then
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    Got my 3 lunchtime today (over phone)  - know I left it late, but my 8 year old said this morning - Football starts tomorrow, are we going!
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    Nice on Irobinson,

    350 then.
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