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  • Amazing nonetheless
  • Think your right about the Police.
  • It takes a lot to impress me. Especially where 'magic' is concerned. The only other 'magicians' that I've ever liked are Penn & Teller. That was amazing though. Very, very good indeed.
    The Penn & Teller catching the bullet trick is probably the best magic trick ever.
  • The walking on the Thames "trick" was the most obvious of the lot to me really. Obvious he was walking on something that was submerged just beneath the water and the tide had come in and covered it up. The two canoes that just happened to be paddling past between him and the bank sealed that for me. How often do you see canoes in that part of the river, yet they have very shallow hulls so can easily pass over the top of whatever was submerged.

    The rest of it was very good though. That bit where he rubbed the 0 off the £10 note and put it on the £20. Amazing.
  • I thought the mobile phone in the bottle trick was his best.
  • It takes a lot to impress me. Especially where 'magic' is concerned. The only other 'magicians' that I've ever liked are Penn & Teller. That was amazing though. Very, very good indeed.
    The Penn & Teller catching the bullet trick is probably the best magic trick ever.

    Went to their show at the Rio in Vegas. The magic bullet trick live is mindblowing.
  • agree off_it. there the types of stunts i want him to stay away from. got the feeling he was walking on some sort of long glass or clear plastic panel slighty submerged under the river.
  • agree off_it. there the types of stunts i want him to stay away from. got the feeling he was walking on some sort of long glass or clear plastic panel slighty submerged under the river.

    Totally agree. That stunt detracted from the show.

    He is so good he doesnt need to arse about David Blaine style.
  • Missed this but will try to catch next week.


    best trick I have seen (it might have been by derren Brown) was a 'magician' in a bar in Prague  and involved member of public choosing a card, signing it etc and it turned up inside a cellophane wrapped packet of cigarettes from a vending machine where the member of public had choice of about 10 brands

  • Being repeated tonight @ 11pm on Watch.
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  • These 'magicians' are just soooooo clever, we know we're being deceived .. but how?
  • The one he done with Ian Brown on the show with the guitar! That was amazing

    If you search youtube for dynamo magic another trick involving Ian Brown, a 10p piece and a can of coke is brilliant

  • edited July 2011

    Watched this last night. Quality stuff.

    He seems a good bloke too and quite humble and open about what he was about....unlike Blaine who took himself a bit too seriously.

    Just a shame that there's a need in all modern tv programmes to get "celebrities" involved all the time. Suppose it's more a case of the TV bosses demanding it rather than the man himself. 

    Much more enjoyable seeing real people being amazed than some floppy haired whally off the telly.

    (I dont include Ian Brown in that...hes not a "celeb" in the context i mean....more talent in his little finger than most of the people in Heat magazine)



  • Just caught this on Sky + and all I can say is OMG.
  • Bugge*, I've missed it & I love this kind of thing.  Anyone let me know where I can see it? 
  • Torrent sites
  • You tube.. search dynamomagic... has loads on there. Spent a good hour going through them yesterday... amazing to watch.
  • He seems a good bloke too and quite humble and open about what he was about....unlike Blaine who took himself a bit too seriously.

    That's doubtless partly down to the fact the Blaine is from Brooklyn and Dynamo is from Bradford, and Blaine was good in the early days.

    Amazing tricks by Dynamo though, that coin in the can thing is mental..
  • How the f*** did he just do that with the ring in the snowball???
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  • off it did you see the razor blade in the mouth? that was insane.
  • No, only caught the end.

    The Rio Ferdinand "trick" was funny, he clearly just crawled out the door and stood up outside!
  • unfortunately i think the ring in the snowball trick was a setup.

    If you look when the bloke makes the snowball, he does it behind the snowboard where a pre-made snowball already lays containing a ring.

    id be gutted if im right.
  • No, only caught the end.

    The Rio Ferdinand "trick" was funny, he clearly just crawled out the door and stood up outside!

    True. The Blainesque stuff ruins everything he does thats good.
  • Just watched it... wow!
  • Yep, the exit was so obviously planned.  You could see the guys on the end shuffle a little closer to prevent a gap.  Weak ending.  Is Rio so thick that he fell for it or was he also in on it?
  • How'd he do the pussycat doll trick in the jewellers????
    Fella in work reckons theres a stooge in every rtrick involving a crowd.
    He does swap the bottle in the mobile phone trick, the bottles never have residue in.

    He is still my favourite programme to watch at the moments.
  • Yeah, I've watched the rio trick back and no, can't see how it's done unless everyone's a stooge and they pause the filming.

    They shuffle to prevent a gap to stop you seeing what exactly?????

    Amazing to see it on tele but unfckinbelievable if you were there watching it.

    If the snowball trick is a stooge then slightly dissapointed but if not v v good.
  • How the f*** did he just do that with the ring in the snowball???

    How the f*** does he get a mobile phone in a beer bottle?

    How the f*** did he balance the drum stick on the guitar, then take one of the chairs away to leave the guitar "floating" at one end-all in front of Ian Brown (few nights ago)

    Amazing, entertaining, great to watch.

    The reactions of the punters is great- "How the f***?"....................

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