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News of the World

edited July 2011 in Not Sports Related
Does anyone on here buy this regularly?

If so, why - and will you be changing your mind/habits in light of the recent phone hacking allegations?

Just interested really.


  • Good God, no.
  • no never have bought, never will. Let's hope there circulation takes a massive hit.
  • I do

    The reason I do is because I don't want a broadsheet perspective - just a relaxed (tabloid) view of current affairs

    Can't stand Mail or Express

    The Star is just full of tits and I've never liked the Daily Mirror

    Have to say I will reconsider now though - despicable acts
  • edited July 2011
    News of the World, like it's sister paper the super throwaway Scum, has always behaved in this way.

    They've both had more libel actions thrown at them, than all the other newspapers put together.
  • just a relaxed (tabloid) view of current affairs



    Giggs, Rooney etc ?

  • I do on occasion.  Its all my brain can cope with on a Sunday.  Wont be doing so again.  Ever.

  • I imagine all newspaper are at it, just News Corp have been caught.
  • what Swisdom said
  • always knew the NOTW/Sun are immoral but this plumbs new depths of what we know about them - Andy Coulson and Rebecca Brooks should be facing jail
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  • Yep


    i buy it every Sunday, but no more will i buy it, i will not fund such scummy acts of human behaivor hang their heads in shame

  • It's beyond belief - now it turns out they were paying the police for information!
  • If you look at the sun too long you will go blind.
  • Don't buy NOTW, but buy The Sun on Monday's however not anymore and if I didn't love my sport so much SKY would go too......

  • Love the video above, BFR ...... brilliant lampooning.

    Got to be watched!
  • I do

    The reason I do is because I don't want a broadsheet perspective - just a relaxed (tabloid) view of current affairs

    there's a range of perspective across the broadsheets, politically anyway.

    i would never describe the notw's take on current affairs as relaxed.

    if you read it for tits and celebs that's a different story.
  • News of the World, like it's sister paper the super throwaway Scum, has always behaved in this way.

    They've both had more libel actions thrown at them, then all the other newspapers put together.

    It's a lot more serious than that.

    Hacking/phone tapping is a criminal offence and bad enough.

    Glenn Mulcaire hacked into Milly Dowler's phone and destroyed phone messages while a police murder investigation was underway. That too is a crime, as is obstructing justice and perverting the course of justice, all offences that he may be charged with. Levi Bellfield went on to murder two more people after Milly, it's a big if, but potentially the destruction of evidence slowed his arrest and maybe one or both of those two murder victims would be alive today, as I said it's a big if. Then you have to wonder who authorised him to do all this - around 300 plus people from sports stars, politicians, other journalists, policemen etc also had their mobile phone accounts hacked into? Who was paying his bills? Until now News International has implausibly suggested that it was one or two rogue reporters who were fired and subsequently jailed. It's clear that it goes a lot deeper than one or two rogue reporters.

    Bear in mind also that News International was just last week given permission by the government to take over the 61% of Sky that it doesn't already own. Can anyone honestly say that they have no problem with Murdoch, Brooks and News International owning more of the British media?

  • Did a work placement at NOTW after Uni. One of my assignments was to track down the woman with the biggest Breasts in Britain. Nuff said.

    Still though, looks good on the CV.

  • It will be interesting to see how many people get ride of SKY when the take over is complete. 
    I am in two minds, it is a good service. 
  • Remember The Sun reporting of the Hillsborough disaster?
    Totally scandalous.

    As a result, most people in Liverpool will not buy The Sun at any price.
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  • thats what they say oggy. its really cos most people in liverpool cant read.
  • Did a work placement at NOTW after Uni. One of my assignments was to track down the woman with the biggest Breasts in Britain. Nuff said.

    Still though, looks good on the CV.

    So, we all want to know, what's her name and phone number?!
  • Used to buy the Sun & NOTW up until about 10 yrs ago before i saw them for what they are, just a daily version of hello magazine, more interested in so-called celebs than the news. Don't buy any papers now (local excepted). The internet has filled that void. I now read today's news today. Hate the fact that they like to build nobody's up into celebrities and enjoy tearing them apart afterwards. SCUM
  • The Private Investigator involved in this mess named Glenn Mulcaire was the scorer of AFC Wimbledon's first ever goal in 2002 against Bromley - he should have stuck to football!

  • Did a work placement at NOTW after Uni. One of my assignments was to track down the woman with the biggest Breasts in Britain. Nuff said.

    Still though, looks good on the CV.

    Wouldn't have had to look far to find a pair of massive tits in that place.
  • Newspapers? I think I can remember them...
  • edited July 2011

    As terrible as the behaviour is I, also, believe that other papers do the same thing. The Mirror is just as keen to secure exclusive stories, and I think that due to the movement of staff all papers have an element that will stop at nothing to further their careers and increase their income.

    I'd love to see the punishment dished out be enough to stop this sort of think from ever happening again, but there will always be someone that considers the boost to their career etc. is worth taking the risk of not getting caught combined with the potential 'cost' of the punishment.

    What tends to happen is that as people's careers take off they distance themselves from any kind of dubious behaviour, and in some cases completely turn against those that practice it.  On a slightly different note, I remember seeing a program about journalists and a number of young-ish (under 30) women were interviewed and they almost all confessed that they would (and had) carried out sexual favours to get a story. One of them even went on to say that she would draw the line at full intercourse, but she had no problem giving out blow jobs. Then they interviewed some older, more established, journalists and they all suggested that they would never get involved in anything like that - but then by this stage in their careers they wouldn't have needed to.

    I'm not saying I approave of it, and I think it should be punished, but I think that refusing to buy the NOTW will not stop it completely as it goes on elsewhere. I'd love to see the chap that deleted Millie's texts locked in a room with her Dad for half an hour though!

  • I buy it.

    Will continue to do so.

  • News of the World, like it's sister paper the super throwaway Scum, has always behaved in this way.

    They've both had more libel actions thrown at them, than all the other newspapers put together.
    Can you give the relevant stats please - thanks
  • I buy it.

    Will continue to do so.

    Up to you of course, but I was just interested in why?

    I used to buy it years ago primarily because of the tits in it and the fact there was always some slapper in there selling her story about who she'd shagged. At the time I liked that on a Sunday. But as I say, that was years ago.
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