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News of the World



  • edited July 2011

    I'd imagine the NOTW will come out fighting this week as there's a lot of hypocrisy floating around the media (and the public to be frank) at the moment. Their moral compass was so far off kilter to be unbelievable BUT if the public didn’t buy their rag for titillating stories about celebs they wouldn’t be in such a race to provide it.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


    I don’t for one moment think they are the only ones behaving like this and they will want to drag as many organisations into it with them including competitors, the police and senior members of the government.


    Perversely, as someone who has cause to obtain subscriber details, etc, for perfectly legitimate work purposes, my job is now significantly hindered by the changes that were brought in as a knee jerk response to the popular press running scare stories about “Council Bin Snoopers”, etc. Thanks for that…


  • News of the World, like it's sister paper the super throwaway Scum, has always behaved in this way.

    They've both had more libel actions thrown at them, then all the other newspapers put together.

    It's a lot more serious than that.

    Hacking/phone tapping is a criminal offence and bad enough.

    Glenn Mulcaire hacked into Milly Dowler's phone and destroyed phone messages while a police murder investigation was underway. That too is a crime, as is obstructing justice and perverting the course of justice, all offences that he may be charged with. Levi Bellfield went on to murder two more people after Milly, it's a big if, but potentially the destruction of evidence slowed his arrest and maybe one or both of those two murder victims would be alive today, as I said it's a big if. Then you have to wonder who authorised him to do all this - around 300 plus people from sports stars, politicians, other journalists, policemen etc also had their mobile phone accounts hacked into? Who was paying his bills? Until now News International has implausibly suggested that it was one or two rogue reporters who were fired and subsequently jailed. It's clear that it goes a lot deeper than one or two rogue reporters.

    Bear in mind also that News International was just last week given permission by the government to take over the 61% of Sky that it doesn't already own. Can anyone honestly say that they have no problem with Murdoch, Brooks and News International owning more of the British media?

  • On a slightly different note, I remember seeing a program about journalists and a number of young-ish (under 30) women were interviewed and they almost all confessed that they would (and had) carried out sexual favours to get a story. One of them even went on to say that she would draw the line at full intercourse, but she had no problem giving out blow jobs.


    Remember the entrapment used to secure the arrest of Colin Stagg? That was a policewoman and not a tabloid hack or hackette.

    The problem is two fold. The means has justified the end - the tabloids get an exclusive, copies of that paper sell, circulation figures rise and the tactic is repeated. Secondly, Rupert Murdoch likes to make his influence felt. Prior to the last election he let it be known that he didn't think that Cameron impressed him. That led Cameron to hire Andy Coulson, ex-NoTW editor, as his PR guru, he is also frriends with Rebekah Brooks. Too many politicans on both sides of the political spectrum are afraid to clip Murdoch's wings. Thatcher in the late 70s and 80s assiduously chased his support even giving Larry Lamb a knighthood "for services to journalism". Lary Lamb was a bilious alcoholic who could barely sit up right. Murdoch as thanks was then allowed by Thatcher to buy the Times and Sunday Times and then later Today.

  • News of the World, like it's sister paper the super throwaway Scum, has always behaved in this way.

    They've both had more libel actions thrown at them, than all the other newspapers put together.
    Can you give the relevant stats please - thanks

    No idea about stats for libel, but here's a story about "inappropriate payments" made to police officers:



    So you are supporting a newspaper that is involved in bribery, phone hacking, obstructing police work...


  • Like Curb It and NLA, won't be buying it again.

    Though sadly i doubt they were any worse than others in the industry.  

  • I work in the marketing world and have been speaking to a few of the comapnies involved today. Expect more announcements later today and for the rest of this week. A lot of them are jumping on the bandwagon and are ditiching / pulling ads across NOTW and News International. Some though, just can't afford to pull out as News International covers such a wide spectrum and they need that platform to reach customers as there isn't a better alternative. It's because of this that you can start to see why NOTW act they way they do when they know full well they will get away with it.
  • It's beyond belief - now it turns out they were paying the police for information!
    What's worse? NOTW or the Police?
    Bear in mind also that News International was just last week given permission by the government to take over the 61% of Sky that it doesn't already own. Can anyone honestly say that they have no problem with Murdoch, Brooks and News International owning more of the British media?
    Yes, this is VERY scary.  It will no longer just be "the SUN what won it"
  • Don't buy newspapers, although I occasionally pick up a free one. This story is disgusting.
  • I work in the marketing world and have been speaking to a few of the comapnies involved today. Expect more announcements later today and for the rest of this week. A lot of them are jumping on the bandwagon and are ditiching / pulling ads across NOTW and News International. Some though, just can't afford to pull out as News International covers such a wide spectrum and they need that platform to reach customers as there isn't a better alternative. It's because of this that you can start to see why NOTW act they way they do when they know full well they will get away with it.

    It will hit them hard, tabloids get around 60% of their revenue from advertising and 40% from the cover price, with broadsheet newspapers those ratios are reversed. A loss of 5-10% of advertising revenue is going to to be felt, and it could yet be much higher, especially if the public boycott the paper.

    I wonder what exclusive the NoTW will dredge up on Sunday to entice the punters back?  

  • I wonder if all the people who wont buy The Sun or NOTW will also cancel their SKY subscription?

    Agree NOTW are scum though

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  • I wonder if all the people who wont buy The Sun or NOTW will also cancel their SKY subscription?

    Agree NOTW are scum though

    The get out is that News International owns a large stake in Sky - 39% but not the whole company.
  • There will be a short term blip in circulation and advertising revenue for a couple of weeks, they'll wear a hair shirt for a while (at the same time as throwing out titbits about what the competition has been up to)  then they'll start to run the usual collection of celeb stories and the readership will flood back to find out the latest Cheryl and Ashley drama - justifying it on the basis that everyone else does it, so there's no alternative, plus whatsherfaces head rolling as a sop to the masses.


  • News International are and have always been total scum, from the Wapping strikes, to the smearing of Hillsborough victims via a million other nasty little scandals. The have plumbed new depths with this one but give it a few months and everyone will have forgotten and will happily be buying thier Suns and renewing Sky subs. Nothing changes.
  • News of the World, like it's sister paper the super throwaway Scum, has always behaved in this way.

    They've both had more libel actions thrown at them, than all the other newspapers put together.
    Can you give the relevant stats please - thanks

    No idea about stats for libel, but here's a story about "inappropriate payments" made to police officers:



    So you are supporting a newspaper that is involved in bribery, phone hacking, obstructing police work...


    Many football clubs employ people convicted of illegal acts. Should I boycott games against these teams?

    I buy the paper for bit of sport, and some light non cerebral browsing on a Sunday morning. They have done wrong and will be (should be) punished and rightly so but it doesnt mean I need to stop reading the paper.

  • This is a beneficial crisis for our rulers and the only people who will suffer will be lawabiding joepublic as the privacy law that will arise from this will prohibit legitimate investigative journalism into corrupt national and local politicians, civil servants, local authority officers etc.

    Murdoch has helped our corrupt government by at a stroke removing opposition to a privacy law. He of course will be given his reward by being allowed to purchase yet more of the mainstream media.

    What the NOW did re Milly Dowler was a disgrace and out of order but don't let the hysteria arising from that kill the "freedom of the press" we desperately need it even if it is sometimes abused as in this case.

  • They have done wrong and will be (should be) punished and rightly so but it doesnt mean I need to stop reading the paper.


    Glenn Mulcaire and another hack have already done prison time for phone hacking. Since then a number of people have sued NI and had their cases "settled out of court" for large sums. So to suggest that they have done nothing is plainly wrong. Mark my words the shit will hit the fan in a big way over these latest allegations. Phone hacking celebs might be one thing - but Milly Dowler, the families of the two girls murdered by Ian Huntly, those involved in the July 7 bombings etc take this to another level.

    Read what you like - but by the looks of it there'll be substantially less for you to read this coming Sunday.
  • ps I never buy a Murdoch papermyself  but will read them if my daughter does. I also do not have Sky.
  • Im with Virgin TV but subscribe to Sky Sports 1 and 2... which costs us an extra 30 quid a month and i have been meaning to cancel for ages.  So i have just done.

    Now i will have to go to the pub if we are on the telly.

  • Many football clubs employ people convicted of illegal acts. Should I boycott games against these teams?

    If the football club condoned and encouraged those people to commit crimes, then participated in the cover up and denied any responsibility for their part in it then yes you should.

    By buying the NoTW/The Sun or any NI publication you are excusing criminal activity.
  • If i want a bit of easy on the brain entertainment on a Sunday morning I watch Something for the Weekend. never have and never will buy NOTW, it's for morons.
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  • the ultimate example of the despicable arrogance of news international,its management and owners .power corrupts etc

    (sky may aswell be state owned makes money )news international think its controls the state and seems to do so .. but it has become a pervasive cancer ,how do we get rid?how do i watch test matches /golf/football without it ?

    i hope i dont buy another notw

  • Im with Virgin TV but subscribe to Sky Sports 1 and 2... which costs us an extra 30 quid a month and i have been meaning to cancel for ages.  So i have just done.

    Now i will have to go to the pub if we are on the telly.

    they mostly do our home games so not much loss hon
  • If anyone wants to tell the NOTW what they think of them, leave them a message on your own number.
    very good :-)
  • I think that the takeover should be suspended, and that a public enquiry instigated asap.
    The CEO  Rebekka Brooks should step down, prior to the criminal investigation.

    I do not think the buck stops there, but is the least that should be done today.
    No I do not buy Murdoch's papers, but then I used to work for the old Times..........  
  • If you look at the sun too long you will go blind.
    Same reason I stopped buying the sunday sport!
  • Always got it, dont care, still will...
  • I reckon blokes will be hiding their New Of The World in porn magazines when they go to buy it in WH Smiths. 'So that's Penthouse, Asian Babes, Hustler, Barely Legal and, what do we have here? The News of the World...' 'Bloody hell, keep your voice down, love!'
  • Did I read that right they done the same to holly and Jessica parents that is fuking sick
  • Did I read that right they done the same to holly and Jessica parents that is fuking sick
  • Did I read that right they done the same to holly and Jessica parents that is fuking sick
    7/7 victims have also been contacted by the police.
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