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News of the World



  • Did I read that right they done the same to holly and Jessica parents that is fuking sick
    7/7 victims have also been contacted by the police.
    What, via a seance?
  • Did I read that right they done the same to holly and Jessica parents that is fuking sick
    7/7 victims have also been contacted by the police.
    What, via a seance?
    They didn't all die. Some were left injured for life losing limbs and such. Victims aren't just those who die ;-)
  • Not ALL of them died, Off_It
  • I know, I know - just read the post and had visions of the Old Bill getting in some medium.

    Just my warped sense of humour - ignore me.
  • Nah, that's not the police's style. If it was the Daily Express on the other hand... (although I suspect they'd be more likely to use it to get an exclusive interview with Princess Di)
  • edited July 2011

    I went over to the NOTW after the PEOPLE newspaper wrote that article when we had to leave the Valley never bought it since....Horse and Hound here i come.

  • I must admit that I have bought it for the football pullout in the past - good Sunday loo reading - but I'll give it a miss from now on. Other newspapers have similar anyway.
  • edited July 2011

    I'm with Len Glover at 2-24. (I wouldn't even read it but ldo ook at the pics occassionally )

    There is a life outside sky, it's over priceced and over vamped, and more to life after sat at 3 pm.

  • "Tits sell newspapers because tits buy newspapers" - Gus Hedges, 'Drop The Dead Donkey'

  • edited July 2011
    What's the betting this Sunday's NOTW carries a grovelling apology, possibly front page.

    I worked at News International for a year about eight years ago. I remember I felt like topping myself on my first day...
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  • can someone suggest which Sunday paper we should all be reading - just so that I know.
  • The Watchtower MrOneLung - it's a cracking read.
  • Independent MrOL. Have some dignity... ;-)  
  • Absolutely hilarious, the hunter suddenly becomes the hunted and that total scumbag Brooks can't possibly survive this.

    Very bad news for Cameron as well, Brooks is in his social circle and helped mend fences with Uncle Rupert and Andy Coulson was "Call Me Dave" PR man for a couple of years - even after the original phone hacking scandal was exposed.

    Appalling judgement for Cameron to get involved with Coulson when he knew the phone-hacking allegations were out there.

    This is a massive, massive story and its going to get bigger, there is a massive backlash coming against News International.

    For people to say "everyone does it" is complete bollocks, everyone does not do it - why do you think it was the NOTW that kept on getting unbelievable scoops and staying so far ahead of the field? It was because they had access to persona information that no-one else had.

    A friend from college works for a national paper and he told me that his boss kept on bollocking his reporters because the NOTW guys were kicking their arses in getting exclusives - now we know why.....

  • I used to get the NOTW when I first moved in with my Mrs, as her family used to buy it. I never liked the rag & after a few years I point blank refused to buy it anymore.

    Looks like I was ahead of the game as usual  :-)

  • Appalling judgement for Cameron to get involved with Coulson when he knew the phone-hacking allegations were out there


    Yep, but he was sucking up to Murdoch at the time. Murdoch, for all his faults, is a shrewd judge of character and of politicians and didn't think he was strong enough. Employing Coulson and becoming buddies with Rebekah Brooks helped get the Sun and NoTW on board for the last election and gave two Murdoch people access to the PM. That was the price he paid and it may well yet bite him back. Coulson it seems signed off some of Mulcaire's expenses, which basically puts him right at the centre of this. How could he be approving expenses without knowing what they were for. That's going to take a lot of explaining and it calls into question Cameron's judgement, not just for employing him, but also for refusing to sack him when Coulson became a little bit more implicated.
  • Rebekah Brooks. How on earth has she got so powerful so young ? Been CEO of News Int since 2002 I think. She would make a good Wouldya.
  • edited July 2011
    Please do not let our glorious police force get away with this. Of course there are scummy journos about, always has been. Where did they get their info? From greedy corrupt coppers.
  • edited July 2011
    I do

    The reason I do is because I don't want a broadsheet perspective - just a relaxed (tabloid) view of current affairs

    there's a range of perspective across the broadsheets, politically anyway.

    i would never describe the notw's take on current affairs as relaxed.

    if you read it for tits and celebs that's a different story.
    which as you know mate is the main reason I buy it
  • "Thank you for calling The News of the World, your calls may be recorded for training purposes"
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  • "Thank you for calling The News of the World, your calls may be recorded for training purposes"
    Classic , make you wonder who else they've recorded?
  • I work in the marketing world and have been speaking to a few of the comapnies involved today. Expect more announcements later today and for the rest of this week. A lot of them are jumping on the bandwagon and are ditiching / pulling ads across NOTW and News International. Some though, just can't afford to pull out as News International covers such a wide spectrum and they need that platform to reach customers as there isn't a better alternative. It's because of this that you can start to see why NOTW act they way they do when they know full well they will get away with it.
    I also work in the marketing world.  Will believe they really are doing it on principle when they pull their ads from Sky TV too.  These companies have many other legs to stand on eg distribution deals, radio ads, direct and social marketing, so they could pull out of newspapers and TV if they really felt it was a matter of principle and not of publicity.

    I think Tom Watson's revelations in Parliament put this on a whole new level . If proven I can't see how Brook's position is tenable .

  • To all those shocked at the NotW and the Sun, can I ask if you will also be avoiding the times and Sky?

    The entire Murdoch empire is full of scum who authorise this kind of thing.

    But singleing out the NotW or even just the Sun you are allowing Murdoch's shitty empire to continue to grow. Boycotting one paper will make no difference what-so-ever so if you already buy it you may as well continue.

    And what about the police's shameful involvement, if they had investigated properly the first time all the allegations could have come out with the original conviction.

  • Rebekah Brooks. How on earth has she got so powerful so young ? Been CEO of News Int since 2002 I think. She would make a good Wouldya.
    isn't she married to Ross Kemp ?
  • Rebekah Brooks. How on earth has she got so powerful so young ? Been CEO of News Int since 2002 I think. She would make a good Wouldya.
    isn't she married to Ross Kemp ?

    Because she has no morals and this is the main trait that the Murdoch dynasty looks for in its employees.

    If Murdoch does eventually cut her loose then she will probably only be replaced by Sly Bailey who is to the Mirror group what Bekah is to News international

  • I read the Daily Telegraph on line earlier and their political editor is coming out strongly against Dave. It's a few years since I've been in the UK but isn't this otherwise known as the Daily Torygraph? Of course the opposition papers are going to make the most of this, but I sense this is going to get bigger.

    As others have said our dear police force are not looking too hot; no wonder their investigation wasn't proceeding all that well!

    I always buy The Independent when I'm back but credit to The Guardian for sticking with the story.

    On the way home from work there was an Aussie journalist who resigned from News International here because of their obsession with getting the story at all costs.

    Murdoch is scum and the days when our Prime Ministers have to grovel to him to ensure his papers supprt them are hopefully over. 


  • I have never bought NoW or The Sun and never will, in fact I've not bought any national daily paper for over 5 years.

    However this story goes deeper that this, the implications that the Met Police has had this information since 2006 (I believe) is just unbelievable. Bent coppers taking dosh (again!!), NoW at frist saying its a load of crap and even saying the Home Affairs Commitee report on this was just a 'political stitch up' and now it appears its all true.
    The british press (tabloids in particular) take a 'holier than thou' attitude and continually scream about freedom of the press, they continually 'clamour' about politicians needing to resign if caught having an affair or making poor decisions!! Now we have possibly one of the most despicable acts that an organisation can carry out and where are their resignations?
    To say no-one at NI knew what was going on is just treating the british public with contempt and that is just not acceptable!
    I, for one, would like to see the NoW shut down, but as I know that wont happen then at least the entire editorial team should be sacked, questioned by the police as to their involvement and prosecuted. The Met police should also be investigated, but not by themselves, but a completly different force that is a far removed from London and the Home counties as possible.
    To be honest I have never felt so disgusted in the 'british media' as I do now.......some call it freedom of information.......I call it fxxking taking unbelievable liberty's at ordinary peoples distress and grief.
  • Did a work placement at NOTW after Uni. One of my assignments was to track down the woman with the biggest Breasts in Britain. Nuff said.

    Still though, looks good on the CV.

    what's her phone number?
  • She was married to Ross Kemp but after the beating I think they divorced.......... she beat him up!
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