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News of the World



  • Lol - she would be the sort of woman to get you into bed and lasso you over her head by your dick. 


  • I have never bought NoW or The Sun and never will, in fact I've not bought any national daily paper for over 5 years.

    However this story goes deeper that this, the implications that the Met Police has had this information since 2006 (I believe) is just unbelievable. Bent coppers taking dosh (again!!), NoW at frist saying its a load of crap and even saying the Home Affairs Commitee report on this was just a 'political stitch up' and now it appears its all true.
    The british press (tabloids in particular) take a 'holier than thou' attitude and continually scream about freedom of the press, they continually 'clamour' about politicians needing to resign if caught having an affair or making poor decisions!! Now we have possibly one of the most despicable acts that an organisation can carry out and where are their resignations?
    To say no-one at NI knew what was going on is just treating the british public with contempt and that is just not acceptable!
    I, for one, would like to see the NoW shut down, but as I know that wont happen then at least the entire editorial team should be sacked, questioned by the police as to their involvement and prosecuted. The Met police should also be investigated, but not by themselves, but a completly different force that is a far removed from London and the Home counties as possible.
    To be honest I have never felt so disgusted in the 'british media' as I do now.......some call it freedom of information.......I call it fxxking taking unbelievable liberty's at ordinary peoples distress and grief.
    If the NOTW go down they'll have the information to take a lot of very high profile people down with them.

    Most likley some token minor heads will roll but the real villians will get away with it. That's the power they have.
  • Was listening to some goon from NOTW on radio yesterday. The interviewer put on a family member from a 7/7 victim who asked him why NOTW had hacked his phone. The guy said he couldn't comment due to an ongoing police investigation. He said if you give me your number I'll speak to you in private. Without missing a beat the gentleman said, well you've obviously already got it! Classic.

    Don't have sky would rather spend my money on a season ticket, and don't read NOTW. Do work in advertising so glad to see that companies pulling ad space might hit them hard although doubt it will last long, these companies are only interested in their public perception, as soon as it dies down they'll all be back advertising in there.

    Rebekah Brooks' Desert Island Discs


    AS you may have noticed, Walking On The Moon by the police is currently playing. It is, of course, inconceivable that I knew this record would be one of my choices.

    are many of you who will say 'surely you had some inkling as to the
    contents of the playlist and as such, you have sole responsibility for
    the output'. Yes, the entire concept of the show is based around the
    fact that the guest (in this case, I, Rebekah Brooks) is given carte
    blanche to choose whatever music they wish. However in this case, it
    appears that all of my favourite songs were chosen by someone who never
    even asked me about it and that all of this happened while I was out of
    the office, having my back shaved.

    Okay let's make one thing crystal clear. Just because Crazy Horses
    by the Osmonds is about to come on, don't put two and two together and
    think it has anything to do with the fact that I chose it. That would be
    incredibly naïve and short-sighted on your part and demonstrate once
    and for all how little you understand the world of high-powered record

    If I may draw a parallel: On my first day as editor of the News of the World my
    newsdesk said they had a story about a soldier's widow that they had
    got from listening to her voicemail. Crucially - and despite what many
    people will assume - at no point did I ask how on earth they had managed to listen to her voicemail.

    later, when I remembered how disgusted I probably was, I found the
    pluck, determination and strength of character to persuade one of my
    underlings that it was in fact their decision and that they should begin
    looking for another job immediately. After all, the buck has to stop

    A senior colleague has kindly taken time out from his
    extremely busy schedule to inform me that my final choice is my
    favourite record of all time.

    So please feast your ears on this amazing new version of Waltzing Matilda by China's top boy band, Pyang Tai-Zone (free CD with every copy of the News of the World this Sunday).

    of taking a book I would instead serialise the brilliant new Jeremy
    Clarkson paperback about why no-one in Chipping Norton buys the Guardian.

    of course my luxury item would be the special device I was given for
    Christmas which allows me to accidentally access other people's emails
    while I am holidaying on a desert island.
  • I can confirm that i will not be advertising with the News Of The World.

    ( Not that i did anyway)
  • watched Newsnight last night and there was a stunning little stipet on there.Two weeks ago News International had a bit of a bash topo stuff etc tetc  The Boy David was of course there but also in attendance was Millaband  --------- not two months or two years ago just  2 weeks. 

    When News International welcome a public inquirey i wonder just why that would be ? I feel there is a huge amount of dirty washing coming out. Papers paid OBill for yonks (our police best in The News of The World ?)  what if they also paid MPs ? How about paying or "donations"  to political parties ? What other papers also did the hacking and the payments ? wouldnt be surprised that they all did and now the door is well and truely open.


    Glad i dont buy papers.

  • edited July 2011
    Blimey, isn't she ugly........?
  • crikey find myself agreeing with GH, the other revelation is that tabloid journo's have no principals, I am truly shocked, not!
  • Would ya material
  • Blimey, isn't she ugly........?
    I take it you wouldn't Oggy? :-)
  • Sponsored links:

  • Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  • As Len points out earlier, we have to be very careful that we don't throw the baby out with the bathwater in the aftermath of all this.

    No doubt the NOTW has grossly abused it's position and resources in order to meet the demand from the public for the latest celeb gossip and scoops and it deserves the full weight of the law, it's own regulators and, somewhat ironically, public anger for this.

    But let's not be led by the nose into a situation where we implement unreasonable privacy laws which will for the most part be of little benefit to the ordinary members of the public and allow the most powerful, rich & famous in society to escape scrutiny.

    Lets not forget that there are several ex-MP's rightly sitting in prison right now, 100% due to the tenacity and skill of Telegraph journalists.

    Any advanced, modern society needs a free press.

  • Further to the post I made earlier I would also like to add I agrre in a free press. However I just think there should be limitations either moral or otherwise as to what the media should be allowed to do.......... and phone hacking into peoples phones that are going through very difficult times is in my opinion not acceptable.
    As an aside I've just listened to some person on Jeremy Vines show on Radio 2, where they were discuccing this subject and this 'gimp' suggested that in the main the general public are not interested in vilifying the NoW and they are not that interested in the phone hacking story, he is blaming the politicians that got caught up in the 'expenses' row and saying that it is being driven by them as a way of gettng back at the press.
    Well if that what he thinks then I'm afraid he seems to be out of touch with the amount of public outrage that this has caused, afterall if companies are 'pulling' their advertising - Sainsbury's have just announced they have pulled all advertising in NoW and the British Legion has stopped with immediate effect working with NI - perhaps he thinks they are also being driven by the politicians, rather than be seen to be associated with a 'bad' product in the eys of the public!!!
  • edited July 2011
    It seems that the NotW paid £100k in bribes to police officers.

    NOTW paid - POLICE ACCEPTED!!!!!!!!!!!

    And of course it was the police who passed the numbers.

    The police are as culpable as anyone in this sordid affair.

  • And that is the same police force which has sat on this evidence for five years and done nothing with it until now...


  • And that is the same police force which has sat on this evidence for five years and done nothing with it until now...


    Indeed. So don't just boycott News Int etc, don't ring 999 either!
  • But seriously, heads must roll at Scotland Yard.
  • Chirpy makes a valid point re alleged police involvement.

    (How I hated having to type that! :-)  )

  • edited July 2011
    I wonder how many juicy stories on MPs and other members of the British establishment are also being sat on
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  • As someone sitting in a Sky office it's really tough to read all the things people are saying about the company. I wouldn't dare defend any of the anti-NI vitriol - it's all justified. It's just a bit rubbish to read people slagging off Sky in general, when I am surrounded by so many hard working people with nothing but good intentions. You just can't pick your bosses I guess.

    Oh... right... maybe you can!
  • Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
    lovely .. nice bit of ruff old ginger
  • Chirpy makes a valid point re alleged police involvement.

    (How I hated having to type that! :-)  )

    Why say alleged police involvement? They are involved -Fact.
  • Rebekah Brooks. How on earth has she got so powerful so young ? Been CEO of News Int since 2002 I think. She would make a good Wouldya.
    isn't she married to Ross Kemp ?

    Because she has no morals and this is the main trait that the Murdoch dynasty looks for in its employees.

    If Murdoch does eventually cut her loose then she will probably only be replaced by Sly Bailey who is to the Mirror group what Bekah is to News international

    Sly Bailey, yes come across her once at an editors meeting at IPC many moons ago....... Must admit she tore the balls off the men in the meeting, that is when they could get a word in edge ways?
    Apparently....... Writing in The Independent, media columnist Stephen Glover pointed out that the company's market value had slumped from £1.5 bn to £250m, and commented: "... it is difficult to see how Sly Bailey, Trinity Mirror's preposterously well-rewarded chief executive, can remain much longer in her job . . . " that was a few years ago and she has gone on to even 'bigger' things.......
    I was deputising for my editor, and being a mere art editor, ( designer) I was not in her orbit, so we avoided a clash.......must say she had some good ideas, but had a presentation like a blow torch, Interesting to see experienced hacks like the editor of Woman, going all 'coy'. I  do remember one of her phrases, the woman's titles are  'for grannies, stuffed  full of knitting patterns, and recipies for there husbands'. she had a point..........

  • Stephen Glover is the great Len's younger brother....
  • NOTW is closing - Apparently Sunday will be the last edition.
  • They obviously read my thread and realised the game was up.
  • They obviously read my thread and realised the game was up.
    i was just about to post 'blame off-it!'
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