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FIFA not allowing poppies

For all the games being played at the weekend FIFA are not allowing poppies to be sown or put onto players shirts. The F.A have already had an appeal rejected.

Apparently it might offend religious groups.

A load of rubbish and an absolute tragedy.    



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    F*ck the religious groups and fifa, hope they just do it anyway
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    edited November 2011
    Apparently it might offend religious groups.
    Please don't start that bullshit.

    FIFA don't allow shirts to be changed.

    Stupid rule but let's not go down road.

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    Apparently it might offend religious groups.
    Please don't start that bullshit.

    FIFA don't allow shirts to be changed.

    Stupid rule but let's not go down road.

    Personally I think  England should wear the poppies and take any fine that comes to them

    Just what I heard 
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    edited November 2011
    Apparently it might offend religious groups.
    Please don't start that bullshit.

    FIFA don't allow shirts to be changed.

    Stupid rule but let's not go down road.

    Personally I think  England should wear the poppies and take any fine that comes to them

    Just what I heard 
    Heard where?  Repeating stuff like this just leads to posts like Talals with people who have nothing to do with it getting blamed.

    Let me guess which "religious groups" got blamed. Church of England perhaps?

    It's FIFA who are stopping it and their only religion is money.
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    edited November 2011

    It's a shame but not the end of the world. 

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    edited November 2011
    Apparently it might offend religious groups.
    Please don't start that bullshit.

    FIFA don't allow shirts to be changed.

    Stupid rule but let's not go down road.

    Personally I think  England should wear the poppies and take any fine that comes to them

    Just what I heard 
    Heard where?  Repeating stuff like this just leads to posts like Talals with people who have nothing to do with it getting blamed.

    Let me guess which "religious groups" got blamed. Church of England perhaps?
    Heard it on a news bulletin on the radio.
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    edited November 2011
    They must be the same people who cancelled christmas!  And bonfire night...oh no hang on...

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    If I'm wrong then I apologise but I think what you heard was that FIFA don't allow political or religious symbols to be displayed.

    I would argue that the poppy is neither of those but that's another point.
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    Saying religious groups is hardly being specific and you're the one mentioning C of E. Anyway, still hope the FA just go ahead and do it.

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    Poppy Appeal does NOT contravene FIFA regs.

    It is not religious
    It is not commercial
    It is not political.

    So why shouldnt they allow it?
    What next, no black arm bands?

    Tosser at the top and by the looks of it, a mess filtering down the leg of it too.
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    Come on FA grow a pair and send the team proud with their poppies,f*** off fifa.
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    TBH, I can see the argument against allowing this; if a precedent is set, then what other symbols will start to appear on the shirts of other countries? Political and religious statements could be made and that goes completely against the ethos of international sport, which should be absolutely free of both.  I really don't think this is a PC 'offence' issue....plenty of other issues are, and I feel that criticism is often justified in many cases, but here, I think it is no more than a red herring.

    However, given my contempt for FIFA, I would really like to see us do it anyway, take the fine in good grace and then move on.
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    From the Telegraph

    By Telegraph staff and agencies

    4:59PM GMT 08 Nov 2011

    Comments67 Comments

    The world governing body have always maintained that wearing poppies on shirts
    would contravene their rules governing what is allowed on shirts, but sports
    minister Hugh Robertson called them reconsider.

    "I am writing to you in support of requests from The Football Association
    and The Football Association of Wales to ask you to consider allowing the England
    and Wales football teams to wear poppies on their shirts for Saturday’s
    international matches, taking place a day before Remembrance Sunday,"
    Robertson's said in a letter to Jerome Valcke, Fifa's general secretary.

    "We fully understand, and respect, Fifa’s rules on its member nations not
    adorning their shirts with ‘commercial’, ‘political’, or ‘religious’ symbols
    or messages. The FA and FAW do not intend to contravene these rules. However,
    the British public feel very strongly about this issue which is seen as an
    act of national remembrance to commemorate those who gave their lives in the
    service of their country."

    However, a Fifa statement issued in response said: "We regret to inform you
    that accepting such initiatives would open the door to similar initiatives
    from all over the world, jeopardising the neutrality of football. Therefore,
    we confirm herewith that the suggested embroidery on the match shirt cannot
    be authorised.

    "There are a variety of options where The FA can continue supporting the cause
    of Remembrance. One of them already was approved by FIFA, the Period of

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    What about if they bought actual poppies and stapled them to the kit would that be allowed? :)
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    wear black arm band with a poppy on it----------------------would really stick it to FIFA.
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    Utter madness, I'm really angry about this, an insult to men and women who have fought for this country, I'm with others wear them and take the rap later, the players can pick up the fine from their appearance fee.
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    edited November 2011
    Nailing em on Terrys and Chashleys heads would get my vote

    mind you better be good boys or they might not like us

    or better be good boys or we might not get the World cup

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    I thought this was a joke at first ! But how disrespectful of fifa ! Shows how much power football has these days ! The FA should act because without those who died for us in the war, there surely wouldn't be any kind of FA today ! WEAR THE POPPIE WITH PRIDE !
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    edited November 2011
    Instead of tick tape like they have in Argentina we should shower the England team in poppies as they walk out onto the pitch.

    Yes I also got a bit confused about FIFA not allowing Religious or political symbols..........

    Which a poppie is neither as its a symbol of Remembrance

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    edited November 2011

    I'm totally behind our servicemen & the poppy appeal, but this poppy on the shirt business has only recently appeared & I see no massive issue here.

    Have a minutes silence as we always have done & show our respect in the usual manner.

    Let's kind of keep politics out of football. We go to escape all that.


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    edited November 2011
    We will see what the fa are made of , wear the poppies with pride and pay the fine then compare it against the peanuts they fine the racist chanting in the stadiums like the Spanish debacle
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    Remember FIFA are based in Switzerland, a predominantly german speaking country who did pretty well out of giving the nazis somewhere to stash their stolen gold.
    Dreadful country.
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    edited November 2011

    I'm totally behind our servicemen & the poppy appeal, but this poppy on the shirt business has only recently appeared & I see no massive issue here.

    Have a minutes silence as we always have done & show our respect in the usual manner.

    Let's kind of keep politics out of football. We go to escape all that.


    I dont see what the poppy appeal has got to do with politics in any way shape or form.
    So politics in football isnt being affected by this.
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    Personally I think  England should wear the poppies and take any fine that comes to them

    Couldnt agree more.  Some things are too important and significant to let beauraucracy and petty muscle-flexing get in the way of. Without the heroic sacrifices of millions football teams would be having to give the Nazi salute before games (which 99.99999% of Germans would find abhorrent). 

    Its not a political symbol or against anyone just a token of remembrance for men and women around the world who had more guts and humanity than all of Blatter and his cronies put together.

    Come on FA grow some bollocks and restore some faith for us supporters.

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    I'm totally behind our servicemen & the poppy appeal, but this poppy on the shirt business has only recently appeared & I see no massive issue here.

    Have a minutes silence as we always have done & show our respect in the usual manner.

    Let's kind of keep politics out of football. We go to escape all that.


    Well said Cov E. A sensible post with no swearing, no preaching, no talking down to people, no high and mighty attitude. If only others could be like you.......
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    Hate time for FIFA.....but they are right on this,

    So we wear our poppy's .......that 200 nations, with say at least one thing they wish to remember, possibly more, potentially in conflict with other nations. Where does it end. Nations can remember within their own national and civic life, last weeks football matches being an exemplary example but I do not feel the need to do this on an International level.

    Its a British remembrance........not a world one and FIFA is a world organization......

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    ........not a world one and FIFA is a world organization......

    They are a bunch of corrupt xxxxx and it;s unlikely they  have a moral reasoning for banning it. 

    As for "keeping politics out of football" there is more politics within that organisation than on a monthly Question Time omnibus.

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    As Floyd Montana said, NOT political, NOT religious, NOT commercial. The crescent moon and star in the middle of Turkey's international shirts however...
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    As Floyd Montana said, NOT political, NOT religious, NOT commercial. The crescent moon and star in the middle of Turkey's international shirts however...
    And there's the rub.  That is Turkey's flag so it that political or just a national emblem.  It is clearly religious but then what about the crosses on the Swedish and other Scandinavian countries flags?

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    Exactly, most countries F.A. badges are neutral, those which contain symbols which are also religious should be changed, under FIFA's own reguations. Of course The F.A. could always officially change the badge to a poppy for the weekend...  
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