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FIFA not allowing poppies



  • It's good to be able to hold any views at all colthe3rd, whether they be single minded or not, and We all know whom we have to thank for the privilege of being able to hold them! That's why it is very important the English players and staff wear a Poppy in a match the day before Our day of respect! We're not asking Spain to wear them, or any other nations come to that, so why would any of them find them offensive?

  • Could it have been that Blatter's main crooked flow of cash and backhanders is coming from middle eastern muslim countries at the moment mainly?
    A case perhaps of him not wanting to upset his cash cow?
    Oh FFS. Are you for real?
    Thought you would pop up here.
    That's right. Every time a thread pops up that is likely to attract the attention of people with an IQ of furniture thinking it's a good snide way of fomenting unrest when there isn't really any to be found - it's my duty to totally ignore said thread for four pages before remarking on quite possibly the most deliberately antagonistic, wilfully cretinous post since - well the last similar post (probably about three days ago). Not everything is a giant left-wing/socialist/muslimic-rayguns/UEFA/FIFA/Political-Correctness-Gone-Mad conspiracy.
  • edited November 2011

    Not everything is a giant left-wing/socialist/muslimic-rayguns/UEFA/FIFA/Political-Correctness-Gone-Mad conspiracy.

    Unless it's on the BBC..................
  • I just find it very sad that football, once again, has to get its fucking greedy, tawdry hands on everything in British life, why can't it just leave some things alone?

    The wearing of the Poppy should be a strictly personal matter, a matter of personal choice and a reminder to contemplate the incredible loss and sacrifice that our soldiers paid for our freedoms.

    It should be a symbol of reflection, a reminder of what we have lost and what we have gained and should be done quietly and with respect and be done purely altruisticly and not for moral gain.

    It sickens me the way that the FA and the politicians have hijacked the Poppy for their own gain, why can't they just leave it alone and let people pay their respects in their own way? Why does football have to have its hands on everything?

  • edited November 2011

    Unless it's on the BBC..................

    Jeez we've got a fucking fully fledged thick as pig shit nazi on board now!
  • I just find it very sad that football, once again, has to get its fucking greedy, tawdry hands on everything in British life, why can't it just leave some things alone?

    The wearing of the Poppy should be a strictly personal matter, a matter of personal choice and a reminder to contemplate the incredible loss and sacrifice that our soldiers paid for our freedoms.

    It should be a symbol of reflection, a reminder of what we have lost and what we have gained and should be done quietly and with respect and be done purely altruisticly and not for moral gain.

    It sickens me the way that the FA and the politicians have hijacked the Poppy for their own gain, why can't they just leave it alone and let people pay their respects in their own way? Why does football have to have its hands on everything?

    Has is crossed your mind that maybe, just maybe, the players WANT to do this. That it might possibly their own free will? That no -one has ''hijacked'' it (whatever that means in practical temrs as opposed to knee jerk reaction), that it is their own personal wish?

    Why do so many on here just want to see the negative side of everything?
    My doctor told me I was too negative but I told him I wasnt
  • Unless it's on the BBC..................

    Jeez we've got a fucking fully fledged thick as pig shit nazi on board now!
    Please explain?

    Jeez we've got a fucking fully fledged thick as pig shit nazi on board now!


    Why don't you get him banned because he dosn't agree with the constant amount of Left Wing drivel spouted on here.


  • I just find it very sad that football, once again, has to get its fucking greedy, tawdry hands on everything in British life, why can't it just leave some things alone?

    The wearing of the Poppy should be a strictly personal matter, a matter of personal choice and a reminder to contemplate the incredible loss and sacrifice that our soldiers paid for our freedoms.

    It should be a symbol of reflection, a reminder of what we have lost and what we have gained and should be done quietly and with respect and be done purely altruisticly and not for moral gain.

    It sickens me the way that the FA and the politicians have hijacked the Poppy for their own gain, why can't they just leave it alone and let people pay their respects in their own way? Why does football have to have its hands on everything?

    Has is crossed your mind that maybe, just maybe, the players WANT to do this. That it might possibly their own free will? That no -one has ''hijacked'' it (whatever that means in practical temrs as opposed to knee jerk reaction), that it is their own personal wish?

    Why do so many on here just want to see the negative side of everything?
    My doctor told me I was too negative but I told him I wasnt

    The FA put in an official request to FIFA, that's what kicked off the whole thing. There were a couple of players who wanted to do it, Wilshere and a couple of others supported it.

    The point about the FA hijacking the Poppy as a symbol is pretty simple, 10 years ago England played Sweden on November 10th, there was absolutely none of this furore back then about putting the Poppy on the shirts and making a big production out of it. Why was that do you think?

    My preference would be for the wearing of the Poppy to be a private matter, there is no need for the FA or any other sporting, corporate or political body to get involved with its usage or promotion at their events, it goes completely against the spirit of the thing which is about quite reflection, remembrance and sombre contemplation.

    It should not be about footballers or celebrities in general making a big public gesture of wearing it to show how patriotic and caring they are about war veterans.

  • Yes of course I invented it. I tell you what, go to google, type in some key words and see what comes up, you might be surprised but then again don't bother and just continue with your single minded view, must be right of course.
    Tell you what, try doing this yourself rather than preaching.
    Type ''irish opposition to wearing the poppy'' like I did when you suggested it yesterday.
    You might be suprised yourself.
    Most entries date from 2008 2009, nothing from Irish FA and nothing that suggests anyone is offended by a bunch of English players asking to wear the poppy. But dont let that interfere with your own view.
    So can I assume that since you have put that that there are certain people in the world who do not like the poppy or what it represents? I think my case rests. 

    And by the way as I've said before it isn't my view just that I know there are people out there who do have that view. 
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  • Unless it's on the BBC..................

    Jeez we've got a fucking fully fledged thick as pig shit nazi on board now!
    Please explain?
    Care to deny it?
  • Yes of course I invented it. I tell you what, go to google, type in some key words and see what comes up, you might be surprised but then again don't bother and just continue with your single minded view, must be right of course.
    Tell you what, try doing this yourself rather than preaching.
    Type ''irish opposition to wearing the poppy'' like I did when you suggested it yesterday.
    You might be suprised yourself.
    Most entries date from 2008 2009, nothing from Irish FA and nothing that suggests anyone is offended by a bunch of English players asking to wear the poppy. But dont let that interfere with your own view.
    So can I assume that since you have put that that there are certain people in the world who do not like the poppy or what it represents? I think my case rests. 

    And by the way as I've said before it isn't my view just that I know there are people out there who do have that view. 
    You've not done a search then, have you?
    Of course there will be a few anti's around - just look at this thread and theres loads of them here, but where is your evidence for Irish support for your well-meaning but irrelevant thought that they might be offended - I cant find any - can you?

    Unless it's on the BBC..................

    Jeez we've got a fucking fully fledged thick as pig shit nazi on board now!
    Please explain?
    Care to deny it?


    For me to argue that the England team should be wearing a Poppy each and also be a "thick as pig shit Nazi" would be a slight contradiction in my opinion


    Wind your neck in lad ffs!

  • edited November 2011
    So there's no scope that the players initiated this?
    Possibly due to the fact we have been engaged in three conflicts lately?
  • I thought he was joking.
  • I'm not talking about what you said about the England team as you know full well!
  • But I did say what I said about the England team!
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