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FIFA not allowing poppies



  • Who are they though?
  • If a poppy were on England shirts would not some players be being forced to wear it, or would they be dropped for refusing to wear it?
  • Any person or organisation (and its chosen representatives) wishing to exercise its democratic freedom in a peaceful manner to honour those who have lost their lives in the service of others  
  • edited November 2011
    Part of the reason this country is screwed up and dysfunctional goes back to the 2nd world war, i'm not saying that the poppy should be worn as a religious symbol?? but i do get upset when the uncle i never got to meet , the next door neighbour who had to live the rest of his life without a hand & the grandad my wife never got to meet are just brushed under the carpet , some people need to grow up, no one has to wear a poppy , your missing the point , i understand Fifa have rules, and even the fact that we initailly founded Fifa and wrote the rules, but sometimes rules are there to be broken.

    Funny how people smash up buildings and piss on memorials if they think they are being overcharged for their education, but don't really care about the things that really matter, we live in a very self serving generation.

    Next month the furore of this whole episode will be be forgotten about and it will just be another sideshow debate , the people who live with the consequences of war on a daily basis are the people i'm really interested in.
  • And we should never forget that.
  • If somebody did not wish to represent an organisation that chose to remember its countries fallen in a certain manner that person is free to choose to represent that organization or not.

    There has long been precedent of people choosing not to participate in sporting events if such events fall on their Sabbath

  • "[i]...i understand Fifa have rules, and even the fact that we initailly founded Fifa...[/i]"

    Who is 'we'?
  • "[i]...i understand Fifa have rules, and even the fact that we initailly founded Fifa...[/i]"

    Who is 'we'?
    We meaning The royal 'We' , 'we' meaning England are one of the founders of Fifa.
  • So it wasn't Belgium, Denmark, France, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland then?
  • If the British Legion are content - so should we be.
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  • "[i]...i understand Fifa have rules, and even the fact that we initailly founded Fifa...[/i]" Who is 'we'?
    We meaning The royal 'We' , 'we' meaning England are one of the founders of Fifa.
    This just about sums up the little Englander mentality around these issues. The FA didn't join FIFA for a year or so after the French initiated it.
  • wear them and when FIFA fine the FA the FA should pay the fine but insist on donating it to a charity of FIFA's choice
  • I just hope that the discussion around this topic may have highlighted the reason for Remembrance to those who were otherwise ignorant to its importance.
  • Just seen this . The Express is a conservative newspaper so this isn't a left wing sentiment - would removing that statue be a tribute to the WW1 dead too?
  • and by the way, I mean the footballers who may not actually have a clue as to why it is being debated anyway. We don't need a poppy on our shirts for those to remember why it is important to remember.
  • Strange isnt it  that the same people who spouted that England isnt the home of football ---its china  and that it was anglo saxon archers at Agincourt it was 40% Welsh no wait on---all welsh    are the very same agruing against wearing the poppy on the England shirt !! mmmmmm  these peeps are  from the same cloth that loved the red flag being flown  and as a back drop for donkeys years by Labour ---hated the sight of the Union Flag and George Cross but bleat like stuck pigs when the far right picks up the banners that they hate ?  sooooooooooooooooooo Chirpy has a point dosnt he ? when the "vested interest" mob see the poppy as political they are attempting to drive it to the far right then they take the moral high ground created by their own bigatory.
  • My dog's called Poppy.

    Worried about walking her over the weekend now in case I upset someone.

  • edited November 2011
    I say leave it to the individual players, we should not force them either way. If they really believed in it, they should wear it and face the consequences for good or bad out of choice, not because they were forced to. I fully admit I know none of the England players personally but from what I see of them I doubt they really care that much either way, it's a token gesture on their part.

    Also, the amount of left/right mud slinging on this board shows that yes, the poppy is a political thing now, whether intentionally or not.
  • My dog's called Poppy.

    Worried about walking her over the weekend now in case I upset someone.

    My niece too. She calls the Poppy my Mum bought her for her coat 'my name'. and when she wore a different coat she said 'Nana, where is my name?'
  • My dog's called Poppy.

    Worried about walking her over the weekend now in case I upset someone.

    My niece too. She calls the Poppy my Mum bought her for her coat 'my name'. and when she wore a different coat she said 'Nana, where is my name?'
    does she sing  'Poppy put the kettle on' ?
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  • "poppy culture"  WTF   "poppy culture" --------------------- what is that another load of lefty bollox --------------------- POPPY CULTURE MY ARSE.

    Of course the usual red wedge dont want to have anything political re the England game --poppy etc  but then in the next breath slag off call me Dave !!!
    Point of order - I'm a lefty, and I think it's disgracful GH! 
  • edited November 2011
    Just too add my 'two pennies worth'.........
    I can see the logic of not allowing badges/logos/emblems, but the trouble with logic is that  * "it does not, however, cover good reasoning as a whole, That is the job of the theory of rationality" and essentially war is 'illogical'. Even the rally call to serve in the 'war to end all wars' shows the nonsense of that?.
    In the same way's that the young men in the 2 world wars fought for a country, and a way of life they believed in at the time, there sacrifice to give us the freedom to kick a ball about is a  belief that many hold close to there heart. I respect the right to allow  the national team to wear this emblem, even if the 'logic is   poor reasoning' . Like others have stated the same applies to playing on a Sunday if you  are religious.
    I would therefore decline to play, which is an individuals right to do so. I respect the right to wear, or not to wear a poppy. 
    I will therefore NOT be watching the match, which is my right,and choice to do so. The freedom to do so, I believe is what those who served in our forces fought for.
    *Stamford Encyclopedia of logic
  • edited November 2011

    Don't see much evidence of left right mud slinging on this thread. I am grateful for it as it has helped me to think about remberance day, which is the whole point of it isn't it? It isn't about wearing a poppy as a fashion accessory (seen the glitter ones lately?) or doing it because it is expected of you. I have also learned that the Poppy no longer has Haig fund on it - I just assumed it still did. I don't think it is anybody's job to tell people whether they should wear it or not and rather than iron them onto a shirt, individual players should decide what they want to do as suggested. Doubt FIFA would take any action against an individual. But we shouldn't try to judge them either way - wearing a poppy isn't a competition - it is a mark of personal respect and how we chose to do/or not do it for that matter should be up to us for it to have any meaning.

    There are enough things to have a go at FIFA about - maybe we should try not to use this as one of them. It is bigger than them after all. 

  • If it's not FIFA it's the EU... international bodies over-extending their control, one-size-fits-all, no room for understanding or common sense. One day, these bloated international bodies will shrink back to where they belong.

  • A couple of EDL now protesting on the roof of FIFA. Cant confirm its FIFAs roof in the photo though.
  • Notions of respect, honour etc are totally alien to the morally bankrupt corrupt clique that runs world football.

    In fact there is almost a case for arguing that the poppy, and all it stands for, should not be tainted by such a tawdry game.

  • It looks like they have come up with a solution:

    Not that it would cause offence, or anything.....
  • edited November 2011


    The Football Association appears to have drawn a line under its poppy-wearing
    disagreement with FIFA by confirming England will wear black armbands against
    Spain on Saturday.

    FIFA has twice rejected the FA's proposal for England players to have
    custom-made shirts emblazoned with poppies - as a mark of respect for members of
    the armed forces who have died in the line of duty - for the friendly at Wembley
    and the decision by world football's governing body has now been

    "The FA would like to clarify that the organisation and England players at
    all levels will be showing their respect and marking Remembrance Day in a number
    of ways," an FA statement read. "We have been working closely with the Royal
    British Legion who have welcomed our support.''

    Ahead of the Spain game, a poppy wreath will be placed on the pitch during
    the national anthems, with military representatives in the presentation party
    prior to kick-off, before which will be a one-minute silence and the England
    players will wear black armbands.

    FIFA's rules prevent anything of a political nature being worn on shirts and
    although the organisation does not regard poppies as political, it is concerned
    it would open the door to countries wanting to wear various different emblems on
    their shirts, some of which would be overtly political.

    A letter from FIFA to the FA sent yesterday said: "We regret to inform you
    that accepting such initiatives would open the door to similar initiatives from
    all over the world, jeopardising the neutrality of football. Therefore, we
    confirm herewith that the suggested embroidery on the match shirt cannot be

    "There are a variety of options where The FA can continue supporting the
    cause of remembrance. One of them already was approved by FIFA, the period of

  • fair enough then. all a fuss about nothing.
    back in your bunkers.
  • I think there is room for comprimise here.

    FIFA allow England to wear poppies next yea, but only if  this year to show respect for remberance sunday the entire England team can sing the national anthem.

This discussion has been closed.

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