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Jimenez's Share increase (change to CAFC Holdings)



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    I expect we will be getting a statement shortly, bit crafty otherwise
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    Is that 47.6 % of the club in total or of CAFC Holdings? Anyone know?
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    I know TJ's son and although his old man is caked with money, i dont think its anywhere near enough to run/own a championship level football club.
    Kidnap him, TJ gets his kid back when we get our club back!
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    Wishfull thinking-Cash only agreed to put money in until we reached the champ.Jimenez said he could takeover from there as he had a buyer lined up once we got promoted

    nightmare thinking- Jimenez caught dealing behind Cash's back.Cash said "f*** you and your poxy football club.You can have my share.Oh and I want the money for it early next week!"

    Not sure where all this leaves Slater?
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    Here we go again.
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    With TJ being majority shareholder , it just makes it easier to sell the 'club' if it's only TJ who wants out - which could be the case as it was rumoured he was looking for more investment
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    edited July 2012
    Is that 47.6 % of the club in total or of CAFC Holdings? Anyone know?
    It says it!

    He owns 47.6% of CAFC Holdings, which in turn owns 90% of Baton, which owns the club.

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    So the outcome of all this is TJ now has a stronger grip on the club.

    But did he purchase them, if so he may have another backer or was he given them by KC and his chums as they were worthless?

    Don't know, but if he has found another backer then surely that would not reflect TJ's percentage shareholding, but be reflected in a change to the other 'small' investors ?

    This is where i am uneasy with the complexity and secrecy with our ownership structure. We've no way of knowing if TJ has acquired the increased shareholdings via purchase from private funds, or through some loan. If its the later, is he personally accountable for the interest etc, or is it negatively impacting on the club ?

    No idea to be honest. Would be interested to hear other thoughts.

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    the denial posse will see this as another confirmation that everything is rosie and the famous fourskins could not have got it more wrong from their useless sources
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    So finally we have some meat on the bones. Interesting times.
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    the denial posse will see this as another confirmation that everything is rosie and the famous fourskins could not have got it more wrong from their useless sources

    I thought it was five? :-0
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    So finally we have some meat on the bones. Interesting times.
    I wish it was plain old boring times, all these rumours and changes in the club are spoiling all the success we had last year............well for me anyway.
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    Given the speculation of the last few weeks, find it a bit disappointing that this is put out as a subtle change to a minor page on the OS.

    It really should have been an announcement first, subtle change later.

    People are rightly / wrongly crying out for a bit more info out of the club, and things like this really could be handled better imo.
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    So finally we have some meat on the bones. Interesting times.
    I wish it was plain old boring times, all these rumours and changes in the club are spoiling all the success we had last year............well for me anyway.
    I don't need more excitement , i've got Welling on Saturday , that should do me! :-0

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    Given the speculation of the last few weeks, find it a bit disappointing that this is put out as a subtle change to a minor page on the OS.

    It really should have been an announcement first, subtle change later.

    People are rightly / wrongly crying out for a bit more info out of the club, and things like this really could be handled better imo.
    They wer'nt betting on my eagle eyes though D ;-)
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    Well well, more changes at the top sneaked out. Like the Newell departure only being officially announced when it was found on CL.

    Could be good news if TJ has found more money.

    Slater still around could mean KC is too.

    But I think it points to something being up good or bad and that something has changed in the balance of power and ownership just as a certain five posters were suggesting.

    And can we NOT demonise TJ. He seems to be theguy sticking MORE money in so calling him names aint that helpful.

    Oh, supporters trust anyone?
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    doffs cap to carly burns eagle eyes wpwpwpwp
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    Carly, i think you've earned yourself one of @Bloodnut's Orangina's :-)

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    Two player also came in this week, one for a sizeable fee, this cannot be a coinidence as no players came in until this week and all of a sudden shares change and players bought
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    the denial posse will see this as another confirmation that everything is rosie and the famous fourskins could not have got it more wrong from their useless sources

    I thought it was five? :-0
    Now 4. My source says Prague Addick has acquired the information holding of one of the other members.

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    doffs cap to carly burns eagle eyes wpwpwpwp
    That was a bloody good spot, well done sir
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    And can we NOT demonise TJ. He seems to be theguy sticking MORE money in so calling him names aint that helpful.
    I'm not demonising him at all.

    However, he appears to be the main man running the club, yet some people rightly question whether he has the means to financial support what is a sizeable loss-making venture.

    Does this change make us stronger or weaker ? None of us have a clue.

    So given that, surely its only right that people are are cautious / intrigued / concerned ?
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    It says on the bottom right hand side that the "Article continues", but doesn't.
    The only thing that continues is the conjecture.
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    edited July 2012
    Can I be the first to say to all the head buried in sand, you're making it all up. You were told. :-)
    It appears to be bad news. The rumour was Jimenez was the problem & now he is the majority shareholder.
    I agree with AFKA that it's pathetic that they "buried" the news on the "club" tab.
    If this ain't newsworthy what is ?
    How can you trust the board when they are clearly trying to hide important information?
    What do they take us for ?
    Rant over.

    NB If Jimenez had enough money in the first place, why did he originally not have the largest shareholding ?
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    Move along, nothing to see here.....
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    My contribution is - I'm worried.

    I hope this doesn't turn into a Newcastle fiasco
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    Am I reading this wrong but if MS is indeed the front man for KC as others have suggested and KC has indeed walked away, why would his share only decrease by 2.3%? Has MS decided to stick around even though KC has walked? Is KC still involved just to a lesser extent? Is MS specifically not removing himself compeltely to try and hide KC's identity?

    Can't make up my mind whether this is a good thing or not, gut instinct tells me it isn't but one thing is for sure more questions have come out. And also why do we always seem to get these little bits of information before a weekend? It would be nice not having to check CL every minute of the weekend to see if any new rumours have come up
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    My only real concern from this is the fact that Slater's has gone down a tad, and I don't get why. If he wanted out, sell the lot, if he's got issues with Jiminez, why sell him some shares? Or is it even more complex than that and Jiminez has bought out 2 minority shareholders, whilst a new investor has bought a teeny bit off of Slater?
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    I'm confused with all this as i've only been told that Jiminez is the one who wants to upsticks not Cash or Slater
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    I doubt very much that another shareholder has sold his shares to TJ - what seems more likely is that TJ (or his backer) has put in more money as equity to dilute the % share of the others. Someone with knowledge of equity investments might be able to clarify better, but my guess is that MS and the others still own the same number of shares in CAFC Holdings as they did before....but TJ owns more than he did before, therefore increasing the total number of shares.
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