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Peter Varney leaves early



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    I think the original question of Peter Varney leaving, or being shown the door, three weeks before his previously announced departure, with no announcement coming from the club or Peter, still leaves open to question the significance of this news.
    But unless anyone has any "insider info" we don't know that he *has* left early. Being removed as a director doesn't mean the club can't retain his services until the end of July. What if PV was no longer a director from the end of June, but given a month's contract to support the handover? We really don't know and as mentioned above I think we're looking for significance where there is none in this particular case.
    Perhaps, or perhaps not.
    There is so much going on behind the scenes that we don't know about, that this could be very significant. Or maybe not.

    What if Roma is correct, and Peter didn't want anything further to do with whatever is going on?
    That would be significant simply because he left early, and what were those reasons.

    We can be very flippant and say so what if he left early, or was shown the door early, for no real reason.

    The bottom line is we really don't know what is going, why he left or why he has gone early.
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    Although it would seem that earlier reports of problems in the Boardroom seem to have some credence this latest bit of scaremongering is ridiculous. Firstly there is no evidence he has left his duties of smooth handover early. It is just his registeration as a director. If there was further discontent why would he have been there on Saturday representing the club.
    Let's please keep things in perspective or we will miss the key issues.
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    If he has left early, why was he talking to Powell on the pitch at Welling?
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    I think he is still involved with the Trust. Anytime anyone spots Peter are we going to have a new thread second guessing about his life?

    I think everyone needs to take a step back and stop coming up with a complicated theory for everything. For those worrying about some kind of falling out, would Peter really have been at Welling? would he not want to continue his work with the trust?
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    I think he is still involved with the Trust. Anytime anyone spots Peter are we going to have a new thread second guessing about his life?

    I think everyone needs to take a step back and stop coming up with a complicated theory for everything. For those worrying about some kind of falling out, would Peter really have been at Welling? would he not want to continue his work with the trust?
    Amen to that Suzi. Deep breaths everybody, deep breaths...
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    And rest.....
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    Although it would seem that earlier reports of problems in the Boardroom seem to have some credence this latest bit of scaremongering is ridiculous. Firstly there is no evidence he has left his duties of smooth handover early. It is just his registeration as a director. If there was further discontent why would he have been there on Saturday representing the club.
    Let's please keep things in perspective or we will miss the key issues.
    Couldn't agree more.

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    How many times do we see ex-players, ex-managers, ex-staff at matches or club events? Many left on good terms, but not all did.
    Peter is a Charlton fan, whether he is on the staff, the board or part of the trust.
    So he will be around even if he has no official capacity.

    I'm surprised that people are shrugging this off without any information.

    Until we get an answer, either from Peter directly, or from the club, it remains at least curious that his directorship was terminated three weeks before his announced departure.

    If there was more transparency with what is going on with the direction and future of the club, this wouldn't seem so unusual.

    I am not look for a conspiracy theory.

    Roma may not be right. But he may not be wrong, either.

    Maybe someone in the local media will ask Peter directly, and he will be able to speak candidly because he is no longer on the board.
    That might be more interesting than anything that we have been fed lately.

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    Said from the start that one of the only people that could make this situation a little clearer is Varney. Seems unwilling to talk? Or maybe nobody has asked.
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    How many times do we see ex-players, ex-managers, ex-staff at matches or club events? Many left on good terms, but not all did.
    Peter is a Charlton fan, whether he is on the staff, the board or part of the trust.
    So he will be around even if he has no official capacity.

    I'm surprised that people are shrugging this off without any information.

    Until we get an answer, either from Peter directly, or from the club, it remains at least curious that his directorship was terminated three weeks before his announced departure.

    If there was more transparency with what is going on with the direction and future of the club, this wouldn't seem so unusual.

    I am not look for a conspiracy theory.

    Roma may not be right. But he may not be wrong, either.

    Maybe someone in the local media will ask Peter directly, and he will be able to speak candidly because he is no longer on the board.
    That might be more interesting than anything that we have been fed lately.

    "...his directorship was terminated three weeks before his announced departure." This is the bit that gets me, confuses me even.

    According to the South London Press:

    Charlton chairman Michael Slater said: "Peter always intended to remain on the board for a period of two years after the takeover but, following the club's promotion to the Championship, he has decided to stand down earlier than planned in order that his successor can familiarise himself with the club and his new role during the summer.

    "The board respects Peter's decision and thanks him for his part in turning around the fortunes of the club."

    So, did he step down according to a managed procedure commensurate with helping his successor and ensuring a smooth handover (after all, "the board respects Peter's decision and thanks him for his part in turning around the fortunes of the club"), or, as you seem to be saying American Addick, his contract was "terminated" (perhaps early)?

    Michael Slater in this quote has mentioned "turning around the fortunes of the club". Can we presume from that, that we're talking about the financial fortunes of the club? Or, is PV praised for turning around the footballing fortunes of the club?

    Everything still seems very peculiar to me. I know we brought in a couple of (low-profile?) players, but the idea of signing the likes of Baldock or Aluko still looks like fantasy-land to me, and for a club to break even, we're more likely to sell players such as Solly, Jackson and Wiggins. Unless, of course, the books balance, and I haven't got a clue about that.
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    What PV is saying is....

    He always intended to leave fairly soon. Doesn't want to spend all hours working nowadays, especially as he has grandchildren he wants to spend time with. Now was an opportunity for him to go and do that. No other reason.

    Now he might not be telling full story, but the fact he was at welling etc., suggests that this version might be true.
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    Are you related to Clarrie The Cat? That was somebody wasn't it?
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    I don't think so. I have been here for many years but just no time to post nowadays
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    What PV is saying is....

    He always intended to leave fairly soon. Doesn't want to spend all hours working nowadays, especially as he has grandchildren he wants to spend time with. Now was an opportunity for him to go and do that. No other reason.

    Now he might not be telling full story, but the fact he was at welling etc., suggests that this version might be true.
    Has Peter Varney made a statement? I would be grateful if you could point me in the direction of it.
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    Sorry. No this was a personal conversation. But it was his words. Was asked why he was leaving and that is what he said. Not sure he wanted to talk much about it.
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    edited July 2012
    Not that personal obviously! I can see that is quite possibly the reason though.

    Regardless of circumstance I hope he enjoys his time off/away.
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    henry, did you chat with Peter at the Welling game (not that it is really any of my business!) because I agree with the poster above until we get a bit more info we will remain (or I will remain) worried about the cloudy nature of things these last few months.
    Mr Slaters flimsy statement, and the mysterious nature of our backers, makes me so uneasy about the survival of Charlton that I am analysing everything that occours to the Nth degree...I get the feeling that we are lurching from one event to another at the moment, I do hope I am wrong, and hope that Chris Powell especially is totally happy about the infrastructure that supports his efforts.
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    Don't kid yourself. Peter does not want to be associated with this dodgy board.
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    something aint right about peter leaving whatever people think.
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    Don't kid yourself. Peter does not want to be associated with this dodgy board.
    I still think there is something more to this. Why would Peter announce he is leaving at the end of the month, and not announce his directorship was terminated early?
    If there was nothing to it, then there would be a simple announcement that he had agree to leave early, or asked to leave early, etc.
    But there has been nothing.
    something aint right about peter leaving whatever people think.
    I feel the same way, at this point.

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    edited July 2012
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    edited July 2012
    Those are very serious allegations.

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    edited July 2012
    Those are very serious allegations.

    Agreed. If you are not a WUM, you need to be careful what you say without hard evidence
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    It's all Paddy Powells fault.

    He mixed the wrong white powder to paint the lines on the pitch and done £4m of the new regimes stash.
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    For crying out loud! An announcement of Peter leaving was made and the house-keeping of papers at Companies House has been done. The dates DO NOT HAVE TO TALLY!! The fact that PV is no longer listed as a director, does not mean that he is not helping with a handover to Prothero.

    Admin - given a couple of the posts above, you should probably close this thread!
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    edited July 2012
    Zzzzzz Wum
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    Two points:
    First it is very unlikely that Peter will make a statement. I would be very surprised indeed if he has not signed a non-disclosure agreement, as do many,many directors leaving their role. If he did say anything about his job, it would put him in breach of any such agreement, so do not hold your breath.
    Second, being a director brings with it certain responsibilities. As he is being replaced, it is only right that the new guy gets to take those on board. So one person resigns another takes his place and the old guy stays in the building to do some training up.
    As has been said several times, the actual dates that the changes go through to the Registrar of Companies are almost meaningless and may be the result of something as mundane as the Company Secretary wanting to get it done before going on holiday.
    Nothing to see here, step away from the thread.
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    All very curious I agree BUT PV is still heavily involved in the Trust, is still effecting an orderly handover to his "successor" Prothero and is clearly still on good terms with most at Charlton hence his appearance at Welling. Hardly the signs of a massive fallout......... but what do I know!
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    I was the year above Peter at the same school, and I don't feel like spending endless time with my grandchildren (mainly because I don't have any), but feel energised by Charltons latest on the field success and want more. To me it seems strange that Peter, who left before because of workload and therefore would head that issue off at the pass, would be chilled about leaving the club he loves so much. To do what? Gardening? The grandchildren? Hmmmnnnn, there is something in the state of Denmark to be sure!
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    I have removed your last post.

    Like others, i have some concerns over your authenticity. To continue to allow your posting rights, I would be grateful if you would send a mail to me at from your work email address rather than a hotmail one, for my peace of mind. Thank you.
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