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Voice of The Valley



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    Won't be a fanzine or a blog/website I hear.

    Instead Rick will be using the vehicles of mime and modern dance to physically represent the inner conflict inherent within Charlton at present.

    Now THAT I would pay to see!
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    DanDavis said:

    I'd love to read a new modern voice current and up too date Voice of the Valley , but are the yoof interested , as i fear the fan base from back then has diminished somewhat and is it financially viable?

    Surely we have a bigger fanbase now than when VOTV was being sold at Selhurst/Upton Park/92 onwards at the valley?

    Sure we do Dan , i know what your saying, i loved VOTV , but was it just right for its time ( some would say its right for now! ).

    I look back and get all misty eyed about something that was good from the past , that is missing from the now , only Rick will know if its right , or whether it has had its day , in terms of cost of printing , how much it would have to sell for , and whether its a labour of love or a viable financial risk worth taking i guess we've all grown up , would we still laugh at stuff we laughed at 20 years ago, i don't know some things wear well with time , but not everything.

    When VOTV went i bought that Goodbye Horse fanzine , but it wasn't as good , and soon sank without trace.
    Loved Goodbye Horse and it actally lasted a few dozen editions - one of the editors is a regular contributor to Charlton Life
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    edited October 2012
    Saga Lout said:

    Won't be a fanzine or a blog/website I hear.

    Instead Rick will be using the vehicles of mime and modern dance to physically represent the inner conflict inherent within Charlton at present.

    Now THAT I would pay to see!
    no no no ... so wrong ;-)
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    Won't be a fanzine or a blog/website I hear.

    Instead Rick will be using the vehicles of mime and modern dance to physically represent the inner conflict inherent within Charlton at present.


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    cfgs said:

    VOTV could and maybe should be rebranded as the mouth piece of the supporters trust

    No it shouldn't, they are two completely different entities with two completely different objectives.

    Lets be honest, if RIck decides to start up VOTV again it will be for commercial reasons. And i don't blame him, we've got to pay the mortgage somehow.

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    edited October 2012
    DanDavis said:

    I'd love to read a new modern voice current and up too date Voice of the Valley , but are the yoof interested , as i fear the fan base from back then has diminished somewhat and is it financially viable?

    Surely we have a bigger fanbase now than when VOTV was being sold at Selhurst/Upton Park/92 onwards at the valley?

    Part of the reason Goodbye Horse "disappeared without trace" was that other than not being that good, newbie fans were more interested in spending two and a half quid on a burger than a quid on a fanzine. As support grew, sales didn't. There were many other reasons as well, but more fans does not necessarily convert into more sales.

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    DanDavis said:

    I'd love to read a new modern voice current and up too date Voice of the Valley , but are the yoof interested , as i fear the fan base from back then has diminished somewhat and is it financially viable?

    Surely we have a bigger fanbase now than when VOTV was being sold at Selhurst/Upton Park/92 onwards at the valley?

    newbie fans were more interested in spending two and a half quid on a burger than a quid on a fanzine.
    I'm sure the older generation of Charlton fans didn't eat burgers.
    Just greens and drank tea, right?
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    DanDavis said:

    I'd love to read a new modern voice current and up too date Voice of the Valley , but are the yoof interested , as i fear the fan base from back then has diminished somewhat and is it financially viable?

    Surely we have a bigger fanbase now than when VOTV was being sold at Selhurst/Upton Park/92 onwards at the valley?

    Part of the reason Goodbye Horse "disappeared without trace" was that other than not being that good, newbie fans were more interested in spending two and a half quid on a burger than a quid on a fanzine. As support grew, sales didn't. There were many other reasons as well, but more fans does not necessarily convert into more sales.

    The 'Today' of fanzines in full colour - Algarve being the Eddie Shah :-)

    Still got all my copies.

    Rock Spectacle has a long way to go......
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    stonemuse said:

    If Rick needs a bit of funding to get it off the ground, who's in?

    I'm in for help with funding.

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    If VOTV does return, does that mean we have to put up with @Large Addick's letters every month slagging off Leaburn :)
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    edited October 2012
    I think it has a lot going for it - CL must be a great source for contributors. It should sell really well as it has no competition. Would be interesting to know how many VOTV previously sold. But it is a brand- even if only a brand to Charlton fans. 500 copies with a card cover would cost 55p each with this lot and they are the first company I found in 2 secs. Probably cheaper out there.

    If 500 copies is viable and a number of us give our labour- whether it be contributions or actually selling them at a match - it could make £725 per game for Rick. Sell a thousand and you double it. For @£275 outlay - it must be worth a punt to test the demand.
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    Lets not make it to 'Charlton Life' don't want to alienate normal Charlton fans from buying it!
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    Jarman said:

    DanDavis said:

    I'd love to read a new modern voice current and up too date Voice of the Valley , but are the yoof interested , as i fear the fan base from back then has diminished somewhat and is it financially viable?

    Surely we have a bigger fanbase now than when VOTV was being sold at Selhurst/Upton Park/92 onwards at the valley?

    newbie fans were more interested in spending two and a half quid on a burger than a quid on a fanzine.
    I'm sure the older generation of Charlton fans didn't eat burgers.
    Just greens and drank tea, right?
    No, they ate burgers AND bought a fanzine... :-)
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    DanDavis said:

    Lets not make it to 'Charlton Life' don't want to alienate normal Charlton fans from buying it!

    Lol, I like the way you seperate "Lifers" from normal fans

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    Paper fanzines > internet. Good luck Rick!
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    I think it has a lot going for it - CL must be a great source for contributors. It should sell really well as it has no competition. Would be interesting to know how many VOTV previously sold. But it is a brand- even if only a brand to Charlton fans. 500 copies with a card cover would cost 55p each with this lot and they are the first company I found in 2 secs. Probably cheaper out there.

    If 500 copies is viable and a number of us give our labour- whether it be contributions or actually selling them at a match - it could make £725 per game for Rick. Sell a thousand and you double it. For @£275 outlay - it must be worth a punt to test the demand.

    Get 150-200 people willing to subscribe for 12 months and all of a sudden there is minimal risk (if any) for losing money
    AshC said:

    Paper fanzines > internet. Good luck Rick!

    I think people give forums and blogs more credit than is due... if they are so good why does the club still sell programs ? and why do we not have 1000's of people logged on here on match days
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    My figures based on £2 a 40 page issue btw.
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    Love the subscription idea @shine166 , gets money in upfront.

    And I agree 100% with the fact that there is still lots of life in printed media.

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    Thought this site was the new VOTV.

    As much as i enjoyed it back in the pre-interweb days, I'm not convinced that it would work in this day and age.............
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    There is still demand for a decent paper fanzine and I know many Charlton fans who would buy it once again on a regular basis. Remember, not everyone knows about Charlton Life!
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    Fanzines are great for reading in the pub as well after the game.
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    shirty5 said:

    There is still demand for a decent paper fanzine and I know many Charlton fans who would buy it once again on a regular basis. Remember, not everyone knows about Charlton Life!

    The first part of my last post was partly tongue-in-cheek. But we need to really ask, what it can offer us fans that the internet can't?

    Don't get me wrong, if Rick does decide to re-launch this, I will be putting my hand in my pocket for a copy and hoping for a success, just have reservations........
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    still love reading 'paper' publications ... and many others do as well ... supplements the electronic stuff
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    What issue will it be?
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    Established printed periodicals are experiencing ever declining demand. VOTV has been on hiatus for many years now - how many matchday regulars today remember it and how many of them bought it regularly? I don't want to rub anyone up the wrong way but I don't see how VOTV could be a commercial proposition. The current market for football "news" and comment is instant and free to access e.g. right here on CL before we consider tw@tter etc. Advertising revenue? No chance. The time required to collate, compile, edit, proof read the contributions before composition into paging formats would be formidable indeed. If someone wants to have a crack at it as a hobby - good luck but if future there is it must surely be online. 19 years ago I was initially interested to see what this fanzine contained but I always had a real problem with the spelling and grammar - the printed word to my mind ought to uphold certain minimum standards - the less said about 'goodbye horse' and other pretenders the better.
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    I think a fanzine can be excused the tightest literary standards. People probably shouldn't be buying programmes either by your reckoning. The key to its success is the numbers of people who voluntarily would give up their time - pricing it right and it being a good read with a fair splattering of humour. Something you might enjoy reading in the Stadium as you wait for kick off or on th etrain home. Or if you drive home - on the loo later that night.
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    Established printed periodicals are experiencing ever declining demand. VOTV has been on hiatus for many years now - how many matchday regulars today remember it and how many of them bought it regularly? I don't want to rub anyone up the wrong way but I don't see how VOTV could be a commercial proposition. The current market for football "news" and comment is instant and free to access e.g. right here on CL before we consider tw@tter etc. Advertising revenue? No chance. The time required to collate, compile, edit, proof read the contributions before composition into paging formats would be formidable indeed. If someone wants to have a crack at it as a hobby - good luck but if future there is it must surely be online. 19 years ago I was initially interested to see what this fanzine contained but I always had a real problem with the spelling and grammar - the printed word to my mind ought to uphold certain minimum standards - the less said about 'goodbye horse' and other pretenders the better.

    It's proofread btw.
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    I used to love the old VOTV fanzine.Lots of acerbic comment,which is right up my street.I would be willing to subscribe on a yearly basis to the new one.
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    cfgs said:

    VOTV could and maybe should be rebranded as the mouth piece of the supporters trust

    No it shouldn't, they are two completely different entities with two completely different objectives.

    Lets be honest, if RIck decides to start up VOTV again it will be for commercial reasons. And i don't blame him, we've got to pay the mortgage somehow.

    That's the end of that then.
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    I would gladly help with any photoshopping you need.
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