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Things that make you feel old



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    Candidates on The Apprentice all saying that physical maps were before their time, and being confused when asked to get a 45 RPM single
    I put that down to ignorance, trying to be annoying or just thick. 

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    edited January 2023


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    Made a reference to a younger colleague the other month about something being so farcical I was expecting Jeremy Beadle to jump out.

    She had no clue what I meant.
    so no one jumped in with

    "apparently Jeremy Beadle had a really small cock, but on the other hand..."
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    I remember promising myself that I'd never go on like my old dad did about modernity and the old days.  'It seems I've failed.

    Managed minutes?  Wtf is that about?  In my day you played 90 minutes!  There were no substitutes ya know, you had to carry on whatever the situation.  Men were men, you couldn't have any, 'ooh boss I could come on for a spell in the second half,' or sports scientists telling the gaffer who could manage 10 minutes here and there. 

    My God, could you imagine clubs bringing players in knowing they'd only be part time?  Maybe get one game a week from them when there was two to play?  Or bring in a geezer who made cameo appearances now and again?   Jeez man you've got 7 subs  now ... 7 - I mean, I ask you - how ridiculous is that?  No wonder everyone's gone soft!

    PS. I take no responsibility for the above, but if you are looking down Dad - that's your fault!  
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    Saw Richard Ashcroft last night and realised Urban Hyms came out before I met my now wife and we’ve been married over 20 years.
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    Being old. 
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    My knee is finally fecked.
    Seems like a family thing 😩😩😩😩
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    I went passed an old girlfriends house today. She was about 12 years older than me, which would put her in her 70's now. That made me feel very very old
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    My knee is finally fecked.
    Seems like a family thing 😩😩😩😩
    I Feel your Pain ........ Literally , both Knees here . 
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    fadgadget said:
    My knee is finally fecked.
    Seems like a family thing 😩😩😩😩
    I Feel your Pain ........ Literally , both Knees here . 
    Sending some healing love your way 🙏🏻
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    So, I'm in Dubrovnik at moment for a short break. Mrs Charente has a bad knee for a while and is temporarily using a walking stick to get around. She wants a photo by some old church so I take her phone and walking stick. I'm a right klutz so, as I'm taking said photo, I dropped the walking stick. Three strangers immediately rush to pick the stick up and one youngster hands it to me with a distinct 'i'm doing my good deed for the day to help this poor old geezer' look on his face. Reassuring that people are still helpful but it did make me feel rather ancient. Mrs Charente walked on claiming no ownership of the walking stick whatsoever!
    I assume walking around the walls is off your things to do in Dubrovnik list?
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    On a recent trip to the dentist, I received the line, ' your teeth are in good shape for a man of your age ' ,  first age related comment to come my way.
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    Typing my password in 3 times and knowing its correct but I'm getting "incorrect password" only to look down and realise I'm trying to sign in to my Mac using my windows PC keyboard FFS 
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    So, I'm in Dubrovnik at moment for a short break. Mrs Charente has a bad knee for a while and is temporarily using a walking stick to get around. She wants a photo by some old church so I take her phone and walking stick. I'm a right klutz so, as I'm taking said photo, I dropped the walking stick. Three strangers immediately rush to pick the stick up and one youngster hands it to me with a distinct 'i'm doing my good deed for the day to help this poor old geezer' look on his face. Reassuring that people are still helpful but it did make me feel rather ancient. Mrs Charente walked on claiming no ownership of the walking stick whatsoever!
    you should have played along and said you needed a rest before going in the closest pub
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    Solidgone said:
    So, I'm in Dubrovnik at moment for a short break. Mrs Charente has a bad knee for a while and is temporarily using a walking stick to get around. She wants a photo by some old church so I take her phone and walking stick. I'm a right klutz so, as I'm taking said photo, I dropped the walking stick. Three strangers immediately rush to pick the stick up and one youngster hands it to me with a distinct 'i'm doing my good deed for the day to help this poor old geezer' look on his face. Reassuring that people are still helpful but it did make me feel rather ancient. Mrs Charente walked on claiming no ownership of the walking stick whatsoever!
    I assume walking around the walls is off your things to do in Dubrovnik list?
    Yes, chap at the entrance told us there were over 1000 steps so we've given it a miss
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    Had to pop to Canary Wharf today and whilst waiting for my Wife, and having an hour or so to kill, I popped into the Museum Of London Docklands which I have always wanted to visit but never found time.  Walking around alone , and in a near empty Museum, I actually had a wonderful hour.

    However I realise how ancient I am when a lot of the things/history on display I actually witnessed as they happened!  The opening of the second Blackwell Tunnel 1967 - went with my Dad that day, opening of City Airport I remember well, Thames Barrier - I lived on the Dockyard and watched the Queen open it, opening of the DLR, went on it when it first opened and not much in the Docks then!  Worth a look if you like Dockland history. I will do a guided tour for a small fee....
    Not sure whether its was the dock land museum or the London museum but when you see exhibits in there that you used; toys etc.
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    Hal1x said:
    I went passed an old girlfriends house today. She was about 12 years older than me, which would put her in her 70's now. That made me feel very very old
    Tempted to pop in?
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    Hal1x said:
    I went passed an old girlfriends house today. She was about 12 years older than me, which would put her in her 70's now. That made me feel very very old
    Tempted to pop in?
    Was @DaveMehmet car parked outside? 😉
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    When you get offered the priority seat on a train.
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    I'm not too old but when I first started drinking in pubs a 20 pound note would cover 7 pints and still have change for a nasty takeaway and a beer for the bus back which the change would cover my fare on. Now I'm lucky to get 3 drinks and a packet of crisps out of it. Space of 15 years. 
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    I realised recently that my parents were 6 years younger than I currently am when I first met my wife. 

    I know it’s simple maths but they seemed so adult when I was that age. It shocks (and scared me) I’m already a fair leap older than that! 
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