There was once a rumour that I was hitting my then partner. The hatred and threats of a few certain individuals that believed it finally drove me to leave my partner and two children. To this day it has never been resolved and my poor children grew up with this story and without me. Thanks to the rumour mongers I lost two children forever, and the irony of it is that it wasnt me doing the hitting. The meek shall inherit the Earth? Nah, I'm living proof thats never going to be true! As for JD...doesnt make me laugh but always thought him a very honest man.
Charlton Live @charltonlive One minute until show time! Join us for interviews with Leon Cort, Chris Powell, Ade Azeez, Mike Flanagan and much much more. #cafc
Jim Davidson @jimdavidson118 @charltonlive I think my subscription has run*t!! what a week I'm having!!
Balanced? With that sort of balance I bet you fall over a lot.
That was a pretty fair piece, the writer makes it clear she does not like Davidson as a comedian or as person but still argues that he has been treated very unfairly, as have others in this and similar investigations, by the Police.
Her sentiments are very close to my own, the Old Bill do love a bit of publicity on high profile 'collars' like Davidson, and as Coren says, what's with the high profile arrest at Heathrow?
The adverse affect on someone's reputation is down to the rest of society and the way we process the information. It's up the rest of us to learn not to hold convictions not allegations against people.
This is an increadibly valid point. In how many other ways do we blame 'society' rather than think what we can do as individuals?
Theres a poster in my town advertising one of his gigs...someone has scrawled nonce on top of it. They've either stalked him for 50 years or they're lying.
Remember when Andy Todd gave Dean Kiely a black eye? I saw Jim Davidson in the Cinema Store that very day and, knowing he's a Charlton fan, I asked what he thought about it. He walked out without saying a word.
Remember when Andy Todd gave Dean Kiely a black eye? I saw Jim Davidson in the Cinema Store that very day and, knowing he's a Charlton fan, I asked what he thought about it. He walked out without saying a word.
That article in the mail that he dated a 16 year old when he was 34 was a bit of a surprise
Maybe he didnt appeal to women of a similar age. I'm 66 but I still climb trees, and roller skate in the street...I dont think any women of my age would be interested in me for those reasons alone.
Newspapers like the Mail and the Sun can print anything they want, knowing that it is too expensive for anyone to defend themselves against any inaccuracies.
Meanwhile, they were hacking the phone of a murdered schoolgirl, making her parents think she was still alive because her mailbox had been deliberately emptied - so they could listen to even more heart-wrenching messages from her distraught family.
Give me Jim Davidson with his teen girlfriends and dodgy jokes every time, over that crowd of lowlife we call the media.
Newspapers like the Mail and the Sun can print anything they want, knowing that it is too expensive for anyone to defend themselves against any inaccuracies.
Meanwhile, they were hacking the phone of a murdered schoolgirl, making her parents think she was still alive because her mailbox had been deliberately emptied - so they could listen to even more heart-wrenching messages from her distraught family.
Give me Jim Davidson with his teen girlfriends and dodgy jokes every time, over that crowd of lowlife we call the media.
victoriacoren@tombristow87 You're very kind.. sounds like a bit of a boys' night though. #AnotherTime
Bollocks. Was worth a try! Would ya?
One minute until show time! Join us for interviews with Leon Cort, Chris Powell, Ade Azeez, Mike Flanagan and much much more. #cafc
Jim Davidson @jimdavidson118
@charltonlive I think my subscription has run*t!! what a week I'm having!!
Her sentiments are very close to my own, the Old Bill do love a bit of publicity on high profile 'collars' like Davidson, and as Coren says, what's with the high profile arrest at Heathrow?
In how many other ways do we blame 'society' rather than think what we can do as individuals?
You think THAT'S unbalanced?
Always thought 'two little boys' was a bit dodgy ;-)
Some fantastic Charlton jokes in there and all proceeds went to the Charlton Community Trust.
It was great though, he went to town on it as we all knew he would.
Meanwhile, they were hacking the phone of a murdered schoolgirl, making her parents think she was still alive because her mailbox had been deliberately emptied - so they could listen to even more heart-wrenching messages from her distraught family.
Give me Jim Davidson with his teen girlfriends and dodgy jokes every time, over that crowd of lowlife we call the media.