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Millwall excuses bingo



  • How can people jump on the bandwagon ? It was already full to capacity before the game.
  • edited April 2013
    Comedy Gold as always, thank you Millwall for many years of giving. Having grown up amongst your ilk, nothing surprises me. It has almost got Pythonesque in it's futility and predictable pantomime... BUT

    It's got to be an age thing for me but isn't this just getting boring now?

    A socially inadequate suburban turd, given no social guidance by an equally repugnant and dysfunctional family and a failing and skewed education system, gets his jollys at a weekend by latching onto that shining beacon of modern fecklessness, Millwall Football Club. An organisation that has not only condoned but has relished it's reputation for too many years to remember, whilst mouthing the usual platitudes and "sorrys" required to ensure it escapes any worthwhile sanction.

  • So the great hard man hat thief of Bermondsey lives with his mum and wearns Next pants.
  • RedPanda said:

    Had a text saying they had a bit of a ruck with Portsmouth fans as well? If so it was probably Portsmouth fans who rushed there after playing Brentford to get revenge.

    Heard that too, will try and find out more.
  • They misheard the stadium announcer and they held a minutes violence

    Nice one.

    Ironically, Paul "millwall" Jiggins in the Sun yesterday put the same joke in his column about Man City v Chelsea, how foolish he must have felt.
  • In all fairness i think the hunt for the bloke seen scurrying away with the coppers hat is well OTT. He wasn't filmed as being part of the violence, he just found a hat and was seen running off with it, hardly crime of the century.

    Had there been no violence, it wouldn't even be a story.

    I remember someone nicking a coppers hat and us throwing it about when we were locked in at millwall a few years ago, lock us all up!!
  • That is quite funny, "I handed it straight back to a meat wagon".

  • unfortunately they are unlikely to be deducted points as it is the FA cup rather than a league game.

    still, they have done well with their excuses this time, never even heard some of them before which is good.

    one new thing I have heard them say before is OB were slow to come and sort out their little family/paternity issue, which realistically only Jeremy Kyle could sort out, but that would seem to be because other pictures seem to indicate that a few softie OB were trying asking politely to get there, but got stopped and bullied (by fans of other clubs of course). There did see to be a few soft hatted OB, is this softly softly approach to spanners a conscious decision????

    I would have had robocops every few yards.

    It does raise a question, which is quite pertinent bearing in mind the OB approach to our game, is the soft OB approach one that is always utilised where millwall fans are concerned or indeed the 'riots' that accured a couple of years ago??

    the softly softly approach seems to be the norm now, for fear of criticism from the bleeding hearts brigade,.

    Think you may be right,dont know how many OB would have been on duty in or outside the ground but wonder if the fact they were playing wigan was deemed to be not that high profile .no doubt a lot of planning goes into these games but get real 5.15 pm kick off . just because other games have been trouble free at this time,its just asking for trouble.
  • Following the Millwall squad's praiseworthy action in highlighting the 'Save Lewisham A & E campaign' by wearing T-shirts while warming up, their fans decided to remind the public of the true value of local A & E departments by putting some of their fellow supporters in need of such services. The public spirited action is to be supported rather than condemned
  • Frank Maloney on 5live at the moment blaming the stewards...not very original but quite funny listening to it.
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  • Alan Brazil on Talksport this morning was mentioning that it could have been West Ham or Charlton fans in with the spanners.

    That confirms what Len has been saying, it was Red Division all along.
  • Ive just started reading their message board. Im not going to get any work done today.
  • Ha! Don't do it - it's addictive.... "It's what we dooo", "Palace/Chelsea/Tottenham taking liberties", OB let it happen, Pipe down you fackin mug, proper Wall can handle their sniff etc etc etc :-D
  • boggzy said:

    proper Wall can handle their sniff etc etc etc :-D

  • Comedy Gold as always, thank you Millwall for many years of giving. Having grown up amongst your ilk, nothing surprises me. It has almost got Pythonesque in it's futility and predictable pantomime... BUT

    It's got to be an age thing for me but isn't this just getting boring now?

    A socially inadequate suburban turd, given no social guidance by an equally repugnant and dysfunctional family and a failing and skewed education system, gets his jollys at a weekend by latching onto that shining beacon of modern fecklessness, Millwall Football Club. An organisation that has not only condoned but has relished it's reputation for too many years to remember, whilst mouthing the usual platitudes and "sorrys" required to ensure it escapes any worthwhile sanction.

    Written in a way that no Millwall fan will understand. Too many long and fanciful words used and hardly any one syllable words. :-)
  • The blooke posting as Numbernine used to run it? Lee something? Why did he stop then?
  • edited April 2013
    <blockquote class="Quote" rel="Chris_from_Sidcup">They're even fighting amongst themselves online now!</blockquote>

    Brilliant. I wonder if their mums know:-)
  • his Mum put a parent lock on the PC so i hear Curb-it
  • aggro over admin..tough, tough world out there.
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  • I think this calls for a chorus of 'Let's all laugh at Millwall'
  • his Mum put a parent lock on the PC so i hear Curb-it

    haha, this is going to run and run.

    Ive just gone back on there, blimey imagine if you were admin on that site AFKA, we are angels. Every other word is the C word.
  • Bob Asprey, Millwall Supporters' Club chairman

    "There were a lot of people who were drunk and there was drug element. There were bits of tension. It wasn't dealt with - it certainly wouldn't happen at our ground and I don't think it would happen at any other ground.

    "It beggared belief that this was occurring and there was no action being taken by the authorities."
  • id "loov" it if they went down

    it could be a close thing
  • ''It was Haynes and Frimpong''
  • Curb_It said:

    The blooke posting as Numbernine used to run it? Lee something? Why did he stop then?

    Lee Owen. Think he used to run their fanzine too. Comes from Coventy but is 'wall thru and thru (or at least from when he moved to London for College)

    Think he had a breakdown or something and moved abroad. Something like that.

    Good mates with Bunny is all you need to know about him.
  • lee owen is a brummie who is seen as a joke among millwall fans, their joey
  • Not being charged. FA general secretary Alex Horne confirmed no sanctions will be taken against Millwall because of the actions of individuals. Typical FA

  • It wasn't millwall, it was the law of averages... It was always going to happen sometime and it was pure bleeding coincidence it happened when millwall were playing there...
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