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Millwall excuses bingo



  • "The wind done it"

    West Ham wind as well no doubt.
  • Not the worst crime in the world really
  • Looking forward to our visit to the New Den - my first away win vs Millwall ( I missed the one in the 90s in the snow) and the last time we play them for a long, long time. No doubt it will kick off afterwards but taking three points off of them will be a good way to bury them
  • redsek Member
    The flag murderer left his child on her own in the stand as he conducted the fatal assault. Don't think her indoors is going to be houses of parliament sauce when he gets home tonight.

    "Right here we go ,facts for cusack the fella was in the seat behind me in west lower as he has been for a few games this season , all through the first half he was in my ear ,"I'm gonna take that flag off him and wave it myself in a minute" he said it about five times ,I should at this point point out He was with his four or five year old daughter and had deffo had a beer or two but was not with a group of like minded friends geeing him on , as the second half started he climbed past me and into a row or two in front (leaving his daughter on her own) began shouting Lino Lino non stop after five minutes of this bosh ,he went over the Wall shoved the Lino and snapped the flag as he tried to snatch it ,the Lino ran off and he went to climb back when the stewarding leader tried to tackle him with fuck all success until he called for back up , The fella was saying just need my daughter ,let me get her but they wouldn't let him ,I told his kid to stand up so they could see her and even Bobby Bacic came down from the bench to tell them to give him his daughter ,by now the stewards had got heavy handed with him(it took about five of them) and led him away leaving a five year old girl alone , Another fella from that row remonstrated with a head steward and was allowed to pick the girl up and take her to her dad

    outcome. :- blokes a drunk idiot who should know better ,his girl was terrified and crying ,a broken flag and a back page story again BUT Millwall stewarding has done itself no favours ,this was not a young chav ,a bloke mid thirties I'd guess , who was ready to go with if they'd let him have his crying kid ,
    No excuse for what he did ,he'll have a ban and I'd be shocked if that little girl ever attends another game BUT head stewards leaving five year old kids alone when a crowd of twenty odd were telling them differently should be looked into as well

    ps if it's on tele I'm the good looking bloke in the black coat behind them :-)
  • Modern day parenting at its finest
  • They should really give out condoms with Millwall tickets. Along with instructions, obviously.
  • redsek Member
    The flag murderer left his child on her own in the stand as he conducted the fatal assault. Don't think her indoors is going to be houses of parliament sauce when he gets home tonight.

    "Right here we go ,facts for cusack the fella was in the seat behind me in west lower as he has been for a few games this season , all through the first half he was in my ear ,"I'm gonna take that flag off him and wave it myself in a minute" he said it about five times ,I should at this point point out He was with his four or five year old daughter and had deffo had a beer or two but was not with a group of like minded friends geeing him on , as the second half started he climbed past me and into a row or two in front (leaving his daughter on her own) began shouting Lino Lino non stop after five minutes of this bosh ,he went over the Wall shoved the Lino and snapped the flag as he tried to snatch it ,the Lino ran off and he went to climb back when the stewarding leader tried to tackle him with fuck all success until he called for back up , The fella was saying just need my daughter ,let me get her but they wouldn't let him ,I told his kid to stand up so they could see her and even Bobby Bacic came down from the bench to tell them to give him his daughter ,by now the stewards had got heavy handed with him(it took about five of them) and led him away leaving a five year old girl alone , Another fella from that row remonstrated with a head steward and was allowed to pick the girl up and take her to her dad

    outcome. :- blokes a drunk idiot who should know better ,his girl was terrified and crying ,a broken flag and a back page story again BUT Millwall stewarding has done itself no favours ,this was not a young chav ,a bloke mid thirties I'd guess , who was ready to go with if they'd let him have his crying kid ,
    No excuse for what he did ,he'll have a ban and I'd be shocked if that little girl ever attends another game BUT head stewards leaving five year old kids alone when a crowd of twenty odd were telling them differently should be looked into as well

    ps if it's on tele I'm the good looking bloke in the black coat behind them :-)

    That's the next Jeremy Kyle episode sorted then!! can you possibly do that and leave your child alone and obviously distressed. I just can't understand the mentality of people who are like that and, sadly, not just in the case of this Millwall fan but way too many in what we call our society.
  • So it was the stewards who left a five year old on her own, not her c*nt of a father.
  • Were Milllllllllwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.
    That's what we do.
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  • Sounds like the stewards were trying to do the kid a favour.
  • They sing 'no one likes us', a statement of their perceived reality, but assuage the potential negatives by defiantly singing 'we don't care', because after all look what they have to fall back on, to give comfort in their outcast state 'We are Millwall, super Millwall, we are Millwall from the Den'.
    There you have it, if all else fails batten down the hatches and commune with fellow ''Wall' to belong. Fellow 'Wall who fight amongst themselves, fellow 'Wall who attack horses, fellow 'Wall who leave little kids uncared for as they go after the flag (perhaps the geezer thought he was playing paintball), fellow 'Wall who consistently spit racist bile (yes we are also tainted by some of this too), fellow 'Wall who don't bother to turn up, fellow 'Wall who chuck tools around.
    Yeah but they don't care because they have the passion right? And we are mugs who don't get it, don't understand, we will never experience the orgasmic pleasure of the Wall of Sound, or the bounce of a Bermondsey Bowl. How come no-one likes that huh? The rest of humanity just don't get it huh?
    They don't care they sing, because we will never cluster in all male groups smelling of Weed and Lynx but they will.

    It is on their merchandise.

    SLL does actually discuss football here, isn't that what it is about too? Not simply about how much testosterone you can exude.

    My old Dad worked at Peckham and Camberwell bus garages, was a Valley/Den regular, and he loved the actual football. He would be more at home now at the Valley than the Toolbox that's for sure.
  • Taken from the Daily Mail website:

    Millwall’s interim manager, Neil Harris, said he did not see the actual incident but added: ‘I saw the flag on the floor and the linesman standing there with the handle.

    ‘I think the young man just run over to tell the linesman how disappointed he was that he didn’t give a corner, which it clearly was.’

    So no sign of their manager actually condemning this fan for doing it, but he had to point out that he thought it definitely was a corner. Fucking idiots at that club, the lot of them.

  • cafctom said:

    Taken from the Daily Mail website:

    Millwall’s interim manager, Neil Harris, said he did not see the actual incident but added: ‘I saw the flag on the floor and the linesman standing there with the handle.

    ‘I think the young man just run over to tell the linesman how disappointed he was that he didn’t give a corner, which it clearly was.’

    So no sign of their manager actually condemning this fan for doing it, but he had to point out that he thought it definitely was a corner. Fucking idiots at that club, the lot of them.


    Thought he was better than that. Always comes across as a decent bloke.
  • cafctom said:

    Taken from the Daily Mail website:

    Millwall’s interim manager, Neil Harris, said he did not see the actual incident but added: ‘I saw the flag on the floor and the linesman standing there with the handle.

    ‘I think the young man just run over to tell the linesman how disappointed he was that he didn’t give a corner, which it clearly was.’

    So no sign of their manager actually condemning this fan for doing it, but he had to point out that he thought it definitely was a corner. Fucking idiots at that club, the lot of them.


    What do you expect? They are all the same, about as much class as a $5 crack whore.
  • cafctom said:

    Taken from the Daily Mail website:

    Millwall’s interim manager, Neil Harris, said he did not see the actual incident but added: ‘I saw the flag on the floor and the linesman standing there with the handle.

    ‘I think the young man just run over to tell the linesman how disappointed he was that he didn’t give a corner, which it clearly was.’

    So no sign of their manager actually condemning this fan for doing it, but he had to point out that he thought it definitely was a corner. Fucking idiots at that club, the lot of them.


    Thought he was better than that. Always comes across as a decent bloke.
    Gotta live up the rep though.

  • cafctom said:

    Taken from the Daily Mail website:

    Millwall’s interim manager, Neil Harris, said he did not see the actual incident but added: ‘I saw the flag on the floor and the linesman standing there with the handle.

    ‘I think the young man just run over to tell the linesman how disappointed he was that he didn’t give a corner, which it clearly was.’

    So no sign of their manager actually condemning this fan for doing it, but he had to point out that he thought it definitely was a corner. Fucking idiots at that club, the lot of them.


    Thought he was better than that. Always comes across as a decent bloke.
    Gotta live up the rep though.
    yep , gotta make himself look like one of the fucktards boys

  • shirty5 said:
    Young enough to be my son, I blame the parents.
  • A new Millwall excuse

    Appears that Mr Wilson not only had alcohol issues but

    "The court was also told the fan, whose partner was in the public gallery, heavily pregnant with Wilson's fifth child, suffers from an impulse control disorder, which he blamed for his crime that day."
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  • A new Millwall excuse

    Appears that Mr Wilson not only had alcohol issues but

    "The court was also told the fan, whose partner was in the public gallery, heavily pregnant with Wilson's fifth child, suffers from an impulse control disorder, which he blamed for his crime that day."

    If he's on a fifth child by 30 then he probably does have an impulse control disorder.

    Noticed that he has to surrender his passport if Millwall play abroad. He must be gutted, they're looking at the champions league within 2 years.
  • Salt of the earth. Don't you just love 'em.
  • A new Millwall excuse

    Appears that Mr Wilson not only had alcohol issues but

    "The court was also told the fan, whose partner was in the public gallery, heavily pregnant with Wilson's fifth child, suffers from an impulse control disorder, which he blamed for his crime that day."

    so it's definitely not his fault, he isn't well ... 'impulse control disorder' ... incredible ... I'm sure there are some people who do have such a disorder but this smacks of finding an excuse to behave like a pr*ck
  • edited January 2014
    Impulse control disorder used to.justify thats a new low in the race to classify a lack of hardwork, effort and self-restraint as a disorder or syndrome rather than just calling him out for the lazy and inconsiderate fellow he has shown himself to be.

    sorry that ive no tact, manners nor sense ... im ICD

    it makes life harder for people who do really suffer from personality disorders when quoted as an excuse for this behavior
  • A new Millwall excuse

    Appears that Mr Wilson not only had alcohol issues but

    "The court was also told the fan, whose partner was in the public gallery, heavily pregnant with Wilson's fifth child, suffers from an impulse control disorder, which he blamed for his crime that day."

    Could explain the five kids too.
  • Vincenzo said:

    They should really give out condoms with Millwall tickets. Along with instructions, obviously.

    1. Put on nob
    2. Shag
    3 reuse
  • '...Wilson must also surrender his passport if Millwall play abroad during his ban...'

    That's likely then...
  • Shame the prosecutor probably hadn't read the wall forum post by the bloke saying he was sitting near this twat and heard him say that he was going to do it. Hardly impulse when you decide something before hand and tell everyone about it.
    Good try though and I'm sure his lawyer had nothing to do with that defence as they just put forward their clients own idea!
  • An alcoholic bloke with anger issues. I know, i'll take my little girl to football.

    What a bell.
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