what a laugh to see all the NON-PC brigade getting their knickers in a twist over little Russel's belief in equality and togetherness hahaha bloody CONservative daily mailistas go back to top gear your prannies before I burn you all on blackheath
Don't think people on here are slating Brand on grounds of PC-ness (given we're talking about a man whose hobbies include leaving abusive messages on pensioners' voicemails), I think it's more on the grounds of him being a prize turnip.
Thing about that voicemail whilst protesting Manuel got himself a gig on Cororanation Street of the back of that voicemail whilst the lady herself I believe launched a career in the Adult Entertainment industry.
I found the whole thing quite irritating really. Brand was just a barrage of words. I think he can be funny, but he was mainly rude and failed to answer any questions. His seemingly clever use of English is highly scripted - hence the repetitive use of expressions.
what a laugh to see all the NON-PC brigade getting their knickers in a twist over little Russel's belief in equality and togetherness hahaha bloody CONservative daily mailistas go back to top gear your prannies before I burn you all on blackheath
Don't think people on here are slating Brand on grounds of PC-ness (given we're talking about a man whose hobbies include leaving abusive messages on pensioners' voicemails), I think it's more on the grounds of him being a prize turnip.
Thing about that voicemail whilst protesting Manuel got himself a gig on Cororanation Street of the back of that voicemail whilst the lady herself I believe launched a career in the Adult Entertainment industry.
what a laugh to see all the NON-PC brigade getting their knickers in a twist over little Russel's belief in equality and togetherness hahaha bloody CONservative daily mailistas go back to top gear your prannies before I burn you all on blackheath
Don't think people on here are slating Brand on grounds of PC-ness (given we're talking about a man whose hobbies include leaving abusive messages on pensioners' voicemails), I think it's more on the grounds of him being a prize turnip.
Thing about that voicemail whilst protesting Manuel got himself a gig on Cororanation Street of the back of that voicemail whilst the lady herself I believe launched a career in the Adult Entertainment industry.
I did say believe im not exactly sure when the incident was so im guessing Satanic Sluts was before the phone call as opposed to after it
Scumbag nonce - trying to be a working class champion. He won't succeed because the man in the street would never warm to him. Wish the late great Christopher Hitchens could share a stage with him.
Scumbag nonce - trying to be a working class champion. He won't succeed because the man in the street would never warm to him. Wish the late great Christopher Hitchens could share a stage with him.
Something you know that we don't? Seems a bit harsh
Interesting that Brand seems to think social media can somehow bring about consciousness, in my experience it mainly brings about ranting short sighted tirades of ignorance, but perhaps its early days
There wont be a revolution while most people have access to sky tv and microwave meals
Also why doesn't Brand vote or campaign for the Green party, seem to have similar aims?
As I understand it, he doesn't think people should vote
yup but his reasons were that no party represented his views, whereas a party like the Greens seems so fit them fairly well.
Interesting for some is Brands ranting goes to the heart of political representation
There may well be room for improvement, such as more choice at the ballot box, which i guess is an argument for a more proportional system.
The reality as many have said is someone has to govern somehow, and maybe those who bemoan politicians are actually not recognising the failings of human nature, but also showing their innate prejudice and instinctive mistrust of anyone wanting to be a politician - my limited experience of this is you have to be extremely thick skinned, and perhaps that isn't ideal, so in some ways it is a self perpetuating paradox.
I do think there is value for highlighting issues of tax avoidance by corporations and the influence of big business, as well as the disparity in wealth. Brand's lazy approach however offers no solutions
I just can't believe we have got to a point in society where we consider someone like Russel Brand a person worth giving a voice to.
I can shout loud and aggressively at Evan Davies and get my point across twice as well using half as many words, unfortunately I'm not a former smackhead and I don't look like Jesus. It's all part of this "personality politics" that we see now in things like Art (Emin) where it doesn't actually matter about the quality of what you are saying, more the way that you say it, and your back story.
Emperor's new clothes with Russel Brand, and the package isn't exactly worth a second look to the average person on the street either.
Not sure how everyone knows him, has an opinion on him, thinks he's useless etc but isn't clearly as bright as him to have achieved anything like as notable.
Now Andy Murray - he is a turd. Is he demeaning himself to play at Queen's and Wimbledon in 2015?
Used to like him, and as a comedian he's quite good and so was his writing.
But stick to what you know pal. The only thing you're doing well at the moment is highlighting the sheer hypocrisy with things like the #MillionMoronMarch.
Not sure how everyone knows him, has an opinion on him, thinks he's useless etc but isn't clearly as bright as him to have achieved anything like as notable.
Now Andy Murray - he is a turd. Is he demeaning himself to play at Queen's and Wimbledon in 2015?
I feel I have achieved more in my life than him. As have a lot of people I know. You dont have to be famous to have achieved more than a smackhead who has swallowed a dictionary (and if you listen to him he doesn't know how to use those words)
what a laugh to see all the NON-PC brigade getting their knickers in a twist over little Russel's belief in equality and togetherness hahaha bloody CONservative daily mailistas go back to top gear your prannies before I burn you all on blackheath
Don't think people on here are slating Brand on grounds of PC-ness (given we're talking about a man whose hobbies include leaving abusive messages on pensioners' voicemails), I think it's more on the grounds of him being a prize turnip.
Thing about that voicemail whilst protesting Manuel got himself a gig on Cororanation Street of the back of that voicemail whilst the lady herself I believe launched a career in the Adult Entertainment industry.
Also not true (coronation street gig). Already signed and agreed before this incident occurred. Source: Mr A Sachs.
Scumbag nonce - trying to be a working class champion. He won't succeed because the man in the street would never warm to him. Wish the late great Christopher Hitchens could share a stage with him.
Something you know that we don't? Seems a bit harsh
Brand has the same manager as Ade Edmondson. So that automatically scores him a 2 in Degrees of Edmundson and naturally makes him very unpopular with Masicat.
Scumbag nonce - trying to be a working class champion. He won't succeed because the man in the street would never warm to him. Wish the late great Christopher Hitchens could share a stage with him.
Scumbag nonce - trying to be a working class champion. He won't succeed because the man in the street would never warm to him. Wish the late great Christopher Hitchens could share a stage with him.
That would've been something!
Not quite its would be a proper debate between Hitchens and Brand.
Hitchens was an acclaimed academic, writer and journalist with impeccable global political connections and one of the finest public debaters of modern times.
Scumbag nonce - trying to be a working class champion. He won't succeed because the man in the street would never warm to him. Wish the late great Christopher Hitchens could share a stage with him.
That would've been something!
Brand is a stand up comedian and comedy actor.
Says who? Don't you have to be funny to qualify as a comedian? Has anyone ever heard Brand tell a joke? If so do repeat it here...
The biggest question for me is how such an unamusing bloke earns some kind of living as a comedian at all.
what was his previous book called? .. My Booky Wook .. the geezer is an A1 childish little twat, ponce, band wagon jumperonner and all round c******t and I don't mean carrot
Scumbag nonce - trying to be a working class champion. He won't succeed because the man in the street would never warm to him. Wish the late great Christopher Hitchens could share a stage with him.
That would've been something!
Not quite its would be a proper debate between Hitchens and Brand.
Hitchens was an acclaimed academic, writer and journalist with impeccable global political connections and one of the finest public debaters of modern times.
Brand is a stand up comedian and comedy actor.
Brand doesn't need any help to make himself look like an idiot, imagine what Hitchens would've done!
Scumbag nonce - trying to be a working class champion. He won't succeed because the man in the street would never warm to him. Wish the late great Christopher Hitchens could share a stage with him.
Something you know that we don't? Seems a bit harsh
Brand has the same manager as Ade Edmondson. So that automatically scores him a 2 in Degrees of Edmundson and naturally makes him very unpopular with Masicat.
I love Ade Edmonson, what are you talking about? Do you know something I don't?
He's really funny live as a stand up, can't believe he's getting slated so much then on another thread the boring, racist & sexist Jim Davidon is apparently a national treasure
Scumbag nonce - trying to be a working class champion. He won't succeed because the man in the street would never warm to him. Wish the late great Christopher Hitchens could share a stage with him.
Something you know that we don't? Seems a bit harsh
Brand has the same manager as Ade Edmondson. So that automatically scores him a 2 in Degrees of Edmundson and naturally makes him very unpopular with Masicat.
I love Ade Edmonson, what are you talking about? Do you know something I don't?
Scumbag nonce - trying to be a working class champion. He won't succeed because the man in the street would never warm to him. Wish the late great Christopher Hitchens could share a stage with him.
Something you know that we don't? Seems a bit harsh
Brand has the same manager as Ade Edmondson. So that automatically scores him a 2 in Degrees of Edmundson and naturally makes him very unpopular with Masicat.
I love Ade Edmonson, what are you talking about? Do you know something I don't?
He's really funny live as a stand up, can't believe he's getting slated so much then on another thread the boring, racist & sexist Jim Davidon is apparently a national treasure
It is interesting how wound up some people are getting about a bloke who is just offering an opinion.
Jim Davidson isnt everyone's idea of a nice bloke. However, he supports Charlton and Brand supports West Ham. Those who take their politics seriously know how important this is.
Also why doesn't Brand vote or campaign for the Green party, seem to have similar aims?
Interesting for some is Brands ranting goes to the heart of political representation
There may well be room for improvement, such as more choice at the ballot box, which i guess is an argument for a more proportional system.
The reality as many have said is someone has to govern somehow, and maybe those who bemoan politicians are actually not recognising the failings of human nature, but also showing their innate prejudice and instinctive mistrust of anyone wanting to be a politician - my limited experience of this is you have to be extremely thick skinned, and perhaps that isn't ideal, so in some ways it is a self perpetuating paradox.
I do think there is value for highlighting issues of tax avoidance by corporations and the influence of big business, as well as the disparity in wealth. Brand's lazy approach however offers no solutions
I can shout loud and aggressively at Evan Davies and get my point across twice as well using half as many words, unfortunately I'm not a former smackhead and I don't look like Jesus. It's all part of this "personality politics" that we see now in things like Art (Emin) where it doesn't actually matter about the quality of what you are saying, more the way that you say it, and your back story.
Emperor's new clothes with Russel Brand, and the package isn't exactly worth a second look to the average person on the street either.
Now Andy Murray - he is a turd. Is he demeaning himself to play at Queen's and Wimbledon in 2015?
But stick to what you know pal. The only thing you're doing well at the moment is highlighting the sheer hypocrisy with things like the #MillionMoronMarch.
Hitchens was an acclaimed academic, writer and journalist with impeccable global political connections and one of the finest public debaters of modern times.
Brand is a stand up comedian and comedy actor.
Says who? Don't you have to be funny to qualify as a comedian? Has anyone ever heard Brand tell a joke? If so do repeat it here...
The biggest question for me is how such an unamusing bloke earns some kind of living as a comedian at all.
jumperonner and all round c******t and I don't mean carrot
I love Ade Edmonson, what are you talking about? Do you know something I don't?