Used to play along-side a centre half who would constantly shout: "Hold the line, hold the f*cking line", yet at the last minute, he would constantly step up or back 10 yards and then have the neck to blame the rest of us for our telepathy failure............
played a game in Avery Hill park, must've been at least 10 years ago. I was playing at the back and my CH partner had been having a running battle with the CF all game - few handbags etc, CF didn't really get a kick and we won something like 3-0 or 4-0.
Final whistle goes and we are trudging back to the changing room, when the CF runs over and squares up to my mate screaming 'come on you c**t, lets f**king have it now, me and you' as you like my mate (who incidentally would've pasted him into tomorrow) says, 'look mate I ain't gonna fight you cause you've got to be good at something'
laughed at that line for a long time and even his teammates pissed themselves, he just said nothing and walked off to lots of p*ss taking.
played a game in Avery Hill park, must've been at least 10 years ago. I was playing at the back and my CH partner had been having a running battle with the CF all game - few handbags etc, CF didn't really get a kick and we won something like 3-0 or 4-0.
Final whistle goes and we are trudging back to the changing room, when the CF runs over and squares up to my mate screaming 'come on you c**t, lets f**king have it now, me and you' as you like my mate (who incidentally would've pasted him into tomorrow) says, 'look mate I ain't gonna fight you cause you've got to be good at something'
laughed at that line for a long time and even his teammates pissed themselves, he just said nothing and walked off to lots of p*ss taking.
I spent a couple of years filming our Sunday league team, made 'closers' and end of season compilations and so on. Had such a good time every week, really miss it. Thinking about doing a documentary on the subject (it's been ten years) - it's such a huge part of so many people's lives, but nary a word is mentioned about it. And every bloke goes through the same thing - players get older, wiser, injured, married, become parents...
ha ha ha. you been playing against the Polyweights by any chance? (no doubt someone on here will play for that team so no offence intended but we had some tasty matches against them fellas on the pitch by the Well Hall flyover)
feed me feed me....oft stated, rarely acted upon.
Eyebrows - Used to use this for calling for a headed flick on.
Go through him/Get up Him/Dont let him mugg you off
I played for Polyweights for about 12 years (captain for a few) until the ground was sold off for Rubgy, alot of us still play Vets together now for Belvedere. Polyweights disbanded when the ground was sold, played somewhere else for a few months but wasn't the same.
"COME ON LADS WE'RE ALL OVER THEM" - Whilst losing 3-0 after 10 minutes.
Calling your keeper "KEEPS" when he is clearly a ringer.
"BOX EM IN" - Often repeated twice when the opposition have a throw in near their own corner flag. Knowing that nobody can be bothered to run back for it.
I played for Polyweights for about 12 years (captain for a few) until the ground was sold off for Rubgy, alot of us still play Vets together now for Belvedere. Polyweights disbanded when the ground was sold, played somewhere else for a few months but wasn't the same.
Hi Eltham. I played a couple of seasons for a team called Mercers. not the greatest standard but remember playing a few games against ur B team at sutcliffe then after we got promoted against your A team at Well Hall.
i am sure you were not one of the cheekier chappies on the side. one of your centre mids kept telling me he was gonna put a cap in my kneecaps constantly during one game so i nutmugged him dizzy and told him off for mixing his metaphors
Defender boxed in facing his own corner flag "don't foul him, he'll give it to yer".
and when I was Reffing... Skipper: "have a good game ref" Me: "cheers, I'm due one..."
Player 2: no, line it line it!
Player 3: No, triangles mate, triangles!
Captain: Do Something you dopey git!
Don't see why the thread title had to be changed, 100-odd posts in.
My favourite, the simple but effective 'SHAPE!!!' whenever not in possession
'I got there as quick as I could ref' after a carter special
Some great shouts on this thread
Final whistle goes and we are trudging back to the changing room, when the CF runs over and squares up to my mate screaming 'come on you c**t, lets f**king have it now, me and you' as you like my mate (who incidentally would've pasted him into tomorrow) says, 'look mate I ain't gonna fight you cause you've got to be good at something'
laughed at that line for a long time and even his teammates pissed themselves, he just said nothing and walked off to lots of p*ss taking.
If you miss it this time your going to get it (there was the biggest fields behind both our goals)
Ones that seem to have died out since the 80's....
"Back door"
"Give and go" (normally repeated twice)
"Feed me" (normally repeated three times with a steady increase in volume)
Ones that seem to have appeared since the 80's
"Fuck off you mug"
"I've got something in the car for you"
"You're going to get cut"
feed me feed me....oft stated, rarely acted upon.
Eyebrows - Used to use this for calling for a headed flick on.
Go through him/Get up Him/Dont let him mugg you off
who did you play for @calydon_road
Played against Thames Poly there, hated it.
Calling your keeper "KEEPS" when he is clearly a ringer.
"BOX EM IN" - Often repeated twice when the opposition have a throw in near their own corner flag. Knowing that nobody can be bothered to run back for it.
Hi Eltham. I played a couple of seasons for a team called Mercers. not the greatest standard but remember playing a few games against ur B team at sutcliffe then after we got promoted against your A team at Well Hall.
i am sure you were not one of the cheekier chappies on the side. one of your centre mids kept telling me he was gonna put a cap in my kneecaps constantly during one game so i nutmugged him dizzy and told him off for mixing his metaphors