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Stop the smoking at the Valley.



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    Jimmy, I presume from your name tag you are 28?
    If so, get a life
    At 28 you should not be worrying about people smoking.

    Bollocks. I'm nearly 40 and people smoking in the bogs pisses me off no end. It's absolutely pathetic - just an extension of the fuckwits who used to smoke in the toilets at school.
    Be fair, it was banned in the staff room.
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    Addickted said:

    If only we had some bikesheds at The Valley.

    Over to you, Dave Mehmet ........!
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    Smoke yourselves to an early death by all means. No problem with that. I just don't want any trace of your habit anywhere near me. Anywhere.

    Fair enough having a dig at people smoking in the toilets... but stop with this "All smokers are dickheads" attitude.

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    Jesus, can't you guys go for a mere 2 hours without a piss?
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    Smoke yourselves to an early death by all means. No problem with that. I just don't want any trace of your habit anywhere near me. Anywhere.

    Fair enough having a dig at people smoking in the toilets... but stop with this "All smokers are dickheads" attitude.

    I suppose it depends on your definition of Dickhead. Smoking KILLS you that's unequivocally proven yet people still choose to do it. If the cap fits wear it.

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    JiMMy 85 said:

    I don't get why there should be a provision for smokers. There's a lot of things I like doing that wouldn't be welcome at The Valley, but I'd not expect them to set up a little private room for me! As a non-public smoker, I see absolutely no reason to pander to smokers. People smoking in public are pretty selfish, so f*** em.

    Jimmy, I presume from your name tag you are 28?
    If so, get a life
    At 28 you should not be worrying about people smoking.

    Bollocks. I'm nearly 40 and people smoking in the bogs pisses me off no end. It's absolutely pathetic - just an extension of the fuckwits who used to smoke in the toilets at school.
    Where have i agreed with smoking in the toilets? Oh mr fucking high and mighty.
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    The Club should NOT promote drug taking (smoking) by providing a smoking area. People shouldn't smoke anywhere inside the ground. It's simple.
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    Promoting Drug taking???
    Stop being so dramatic.
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    The Club should NOT promote drug taking (smoking) by providing a smoking area. People shouldn't smoke anywhere inside the ground. It's simple.

    So on that basis they should not supply a bar for people to buy alcohol- also an addictive harmful drug. Or even coffee, that has cafeine.
    What an obsured point of view.
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    I have a crafty smoke in the bogs at half time now and then. If someone told me to put it out though, then I would do out of respect.
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    Man About Town is clearly trawling for a reaction but please let us not go down the road of equating smoking with having a cup of coffee or a pint of what passes for beer at The Valley.

    There is zero safe level of smoking. None. Each and every ciggie smoked, or passively smoked, is harmful to your health.
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    so is every beer drank. On a lower level I'll grant you, but every beer does its harm. I also happen to know 2 people who have sadly passed after being hit by drink drivers in separate incidents, so its also harmful to others as it encourages stupidity in some.

    Now to clarify where I stand. I both drink and smoke. But that's my choice.

    I don't agree with smoking in the toilets or anywhere inside as its illegal, simple as that. What I don't understand is why we can't put some provision in for those that do want to smoke. There is enough outside space away from non-smokers that could be used. The obvious place for me is the east stand entrance at Lansdowne mews at the top of the stairs.

    But what really irks me is non-smokers getting all high and mighty and belittling smokers. All smokers know how harmful and expensive it is, yet we choose to do it, that's our prerogative.
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    edited November 2013

    LenGlover said:

    No self discipline

    The same mentality as being unable to be silent for 60 seconds when requested as a mark of respect.

    You are confusing two completely different things. I agree silence is easy, abstinence from nicotine is less so, I can do it, but understand why others can't and it has always meant I have enjoyed the game less.

    One of the funniest things I saw was at Southampton at st Mary's, end of game when we lost 1-0 I think, they were giving it big when an illegal smoker in our end flicked a butt that landed on a big mouthed twats head.

    Smoking only kills smokers, or weak genes who like others' habits as an excuse for their diseases. Let them have their fun/death in peace.

    Life goes on or ends for everyone.
    No I'm not confusing two completely different things. It's exactly the same thing the only difference is the timescale involved. As things stand smoking is banned at The Valley and people should have the self discipline to comply with that.

    Now whether a smoking area SHOULD be provided is a separate issue and, even though I am a lifelong non smoker myself, as a libertarian I have some sympathy for smokers' viewpoints.

    However I reiterate as things stand it is a basic lack of self discipline smoking in toilets and thus forcing children and others to smoke passively.
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    so is every beer drank. On a lower level I'll grant you, but every beer does its harm. I also happen to know 2 people who have sadly passed after being hit by drink drivers in separate incidents, so its also harmful to others as it encourages stupidity in some.

    Now to clarify where I stand. I both drink and smoke. But that's my choice.

    I don't agree with smoking in the toilets or anywhere inside as its illegal, simple as that. What I don't understand is why we can't put some provision in for those that do want to smoke. There is enough outside space away from non-smokers that could be used. The obvious place for me is the east stand entrance at Lansdowne mews at the top of the stairs.

    But what really irks me is non-smokers getting all high and mighty and belittling smokers. All smokers know how harmful and expensive it is, yet we choose to do it, that's our prerogative.

    Don't take this personally but, if smokers know how harmful and expensive it is, do they also know how disgusting it is for others to have to breath in their smoke (yes, even out of doors!), how much they smell and how much they are influencing kids (the lifeblood of the tobacco industry) to take up the habit? If, knowing all of that, they still want to smoke in public then that is pretty stupid and therefore a fair target for belittling.
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    Seems pretty simple to me.

    Smoking is banned in football stadia. The club therefore have a legal obligation to enforce that ban, or face the consequences of not doing so.

    Where smoking is banned, unless I'm not aware of it, there is no law that states provision has to be made for those who wish to smoke. Therefore, the club has no legal obligation to provide such facilities.

    Have I missed something?
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    The Club should NOT promote drug taking (smoking) by providing a smoking area. People shouldn't smoke anywhere inside the ground. It's simple.

    Drug taking? Alcohol, coffee..?

    As mentioned, I smoke and even for me the half-time wee can be unpleasant. There clearly is an issue here and the answer would be to allow areas to go have a quick nag. It may not be possible in all stands but it would at least make people in some parts of the ground happier, smoker or non-smoker.

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    I agree

    sometimes i can hardly see my line of coke in the toilet becuase of the fog when i am trying to have a quiet sniff. I am having to make them bigger each time so i can see them and its costing me far too much money.

    Bloody smokers
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    Only just caught up on this.

    Going back to the original "club being fined £10,000" point - I think this was meant as "it's probably the kick up the arse the club needs to actually do something about the issue" than a real desire for the club to lose £10k.

    Station a steward in each set of toilets?

    Question for the ladies: Are your bogs as bad as the gents' for smoking?
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    so is every beer drank. On a lower level I'll grant you, but every beer does its harm...

    No that is simply not true is it. A person can have a glass of wine or a pint of beer and it has zero long term effect on their health and in some cases a positive effect providing that it stays within certain levels.

    Each and every cigarette you chose to smoke is harmful to your long term health and potentially those around you.

    Smokers just don't seem to get that the law was brought in to protect non smokers and ultimately make it more difficult for you to go on killing yourselves.
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    the NU toilets on Saturday were the worst I've seen, trying to take my little one in was a nightmare.

    My mate said to me when we'd been that apparently the stewards/old bill were removing those smoking and taking names and addressess?
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    edited November 2013

    Promoting Drug taking???
    Stop being so dramatic.

    He forgot about the ethanol :-)

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    The old bill tried pulling a couple of people out but quickly gave up when they realised they were out numbered 2 to about 50.

    Took my my boy to the toilet in the West at the Wigan and we both came out stinking of smoke, but I suppose it's too much that those people might actually think about a 4 year old having to breath in their cigarette smoke.
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    On a related note, I have lately been seeing a lot of bottles of beer/pints in the stands. Clearly our level of stewarding has greatly lapsed.

    However, I don't see the problem of letting alcohol be taken to seats. It is allowed at rugby games...
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    I have a crafty smoke in the bogs at half time now and then. If someone told me to put it out though, then I would do out of respect.

    I find this a very strange statement. You are, I assume, aware of the fact that it is unpopular for those that don't smoke. Thus, why wait for someone to have the 'courage' to approach you and ask you not to smoke?

    Punching someone if the face is also unpopular, but you wouldn't do that but 'stop out of respect' if someone asked you to would you?

    I have an aversion to smoking and I don't see that the club has an obligation to provide a smoking area. They have an obligation to uphold the law and stop the smoking in the toilets, however, and if they don't then they do deserve any punishment that comes their way - including having the safety certificate for the whole stand withdrawn for a period of time.

    If there is a good business case for providing a smokers area, i.e. if hundreds of fans would stop going if they couldn't have a fag at half time then I don't have a problem with the club providing one.

    Until such time as they do, however, the club are being negligent by not policing it, and the fans that smoke in the toilets are being unreasonable.

    Just my view, of course but I find the 'alcohol is bad for you' and 'car fumes are bad for you' type of excuses to be complete rubbish. Irrespective as to the validity of the statements they are completely irrelevant to the discussion, but that is, I suppose, the world we live in now. Very few people take responsibility for their actions and have very little respect for others.
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    I am a smoker and agree that smoking in the toilets is wrong, but some prevision should be made for us. Away fans smoke behind the JS. As we do at most away games.

    As for smoking in public places such as the high street, are you guys for real?! The little bit of smoke you may inhale walking to work in london is no worse than the fumes of the 150 or so vehicles that pass you during the same time period. What we going to do, ban the selfish drivers from being on the road while you all work to work so you can smell the roses.

    Sorry but why should it? Why do you believe it is your right to assigned somewhere to smoke?
    As for the argument 'other fans do it' or ' other club make allowances' come on. I thought you had to be over 18 to smoke these days, so quit whining like a child about how it's all so unfair.

    Stop thinking about your rights and start thinking about your responsibilities.
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    edited November 2013
    I must admit, if I had kids, I'd make sure they drank nothing all day so at HT I wouldn't have to take 'em to the bogs, crowds of smokers, huge clouds of nicotine, blokes coming out of cubicles together after doing sniff, and empty spirits bottles etc.

    Apart from the health aspects, how do you start explaining it all!! :-D

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    That is such a poor argument it's unbelievable, the equivalent when accused of assault claiming you should be let off because there are murders out there and that's far worse.

    In a few years I'll be bringing my little boy to matches, and if he needs to poo at half time and all the cubicles are used up by smokers there's only 1 of two things that going to happen, either the doors being kicked in and the smokers dragged out, or I'm lifting him up so he can poo over the door. Either way the only acceptable use of the cubicles is for going to the toilet.
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    This really annoys me when I bring my son to a game and it's going on as he's too short for the urinal, and the cubicles are full of idiots smoking. I understand that people want a smoke, but it's 90 minutes at the end of the day, just wait!
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