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The Best Advice You Were Ever Given



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    Not to get too hung up and stressed about work. Mere days before Mum died, she said to me that 6 months beforehand (when she never even knew she was ill) she came home from work feeling almost ill with stress over something or another happening in the office. She said that now she knows she is literally in her last days, she is thinking of me, my dad, her family, and all the times she spent with us. She realised how pointless (unless you are saving lives) and unimportant work is compared to family.

    This, this, and this sentiment. Where I work in an office some of the people are so stressed you can see it's making them ill, but they just won't sit back and see it really isn't worth the extra hours for no pay while putting up with a boss who just swears at them. They are literally living just to work at the moment and I fear its only something tragic that will stop all this. Family is everything.
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    Buy low and sell high BUT you will never buy at the bottom and you will never sell at the top.
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    I am really pleased. When I started this thread I this I thought all I'm going to get are a load of jokers saying, "don't eat yellow snow"!
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    Stig said:

    I am really pleased. When I started this thread I this I thought all I'm going to get are a load of jokers saying, "don't eat yellow snow"!

    Oh, I nearly forgot. Don't whistle while you're eating custard...

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    My wife said the best advice her mum gave here was never put anything in your mouth that has not been cooked first !
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    From my uncle: if in doubt go for the one with the big tits.
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    No-one ever, on their death-bed, said: I wish I'd spent more time at the office.
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    My wife said the best advice her mum gave here was never put anything in your mouth that has not been cooked first !

    Cover it in BBQ sauce, she will never know the difference.
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    edited November 2013
    Worry about yourself not others, but treat others how you would want to be treated yourself


    Actually, i think its probably an advice 'mash up', but its pretty much my main 'rules'.

    1. See so many people consumed and uptight with what others have or others are getting, even if it does not impact on them in the any way at all. Appreciate what you have, never be either jealous or outraged in others, and if it / your life is not what you want, work hard to improve to it.

    2. Some people are so rude, discourteous to others, purely consumed in themselves. Feel like we live in a horrible, selfish and nasty world at times. I always try and be with people how i would want to be treated in return. If its not replicated, their card is marked.
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    My wife said the best advice her mum gave here was never put anything in your mouth that has not been cooked first !

    Cover it in BBQ sauce, she will never know the difference.
    Thanks for the tip Mike I hope it doesnt burn.
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    Don't take life seriously no one gets out alive anyway.
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    My wife said the best advice her mum gave here was never put anything in your mouth that has not been cooked first !

    Cover it in BBQ sauce, she will never know the difference.
    Thanks for the tip Mike I hope it doesnt burn.
    Just don't go for the chilli version....

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    Worry about yourself not others, but treat others how you would want to be treated yourself


    Actually, i think its probably an advice 'mash up', but its pretty much my main 'rules'.

    1. See so many people consumed and uptight with what others have or others are getting, even if it does not impact on them in the any way at all. Appreciate what you have, never be either jealous or outraged in others, and if it / your life is not what you want, work hard to improve to it.

    2. Some people are so rude, discourteous to others, purely consumed in themselves. Feel like we live in a horrible, selfish and nasty world at times. I always try and be with people how i would want to be treated in return. If its not replicated, their card is marked.

    Amen to saved me a lot of typing.
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    Live, love, laugh and be happy.
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    4 bowman said:

    Don't take life seriously no one gets out alive anyway.

    Like this.

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    1) If you're in the right .. NEVER back down
    2) If you're in the right .. NEVER take no for an answer
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    Your Morals are the only thing in life you have control over, only ever break them to feed your children.

    From my 80 year old senile Grandmother.

    She then went on to say "Never trust women in white shoes"
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    Worry about yourself not others, but treat others how you would want to be treated yourself


    Actually, i think its probably an advice 'mash up', but its pretty much my main 'rules'.

    1. See so many people consumed and uptight with what others have or others are getting, even if it does not impact on them in the any way at all. Appreciate what you have, never be either jealous or outraged in others, and if it / your life is not what you want, work hard to improve to it.

    2. Some people are so rude, discourteous to others, purely consumed in themselves. Feel like we live in a horrible, selfish and nasty world at times. I always try and be with people how i would want to be treated in return. If its not replicated, their card is marked.

    What a load of bollox. And to think I gave up some of my valuable me time to read this shyte. F**k you.
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    edited November 2013
    Specifically - regarding buying property. On looking for my first property purchase an Estate Agent (!!!) said to always remember that the house you choose will be the place you always go home to, so you have to love it, because if you've had a shitty day at work and all you want to do is go home & chill, the last thing you want to do is to be moaning about the area you live, or that you can't park anywhere, that you hate the neighbours etc etc..............always stuck in my mind as good advice.

    Generally - never go to sleep or part company with a loved one without resolving an argument or disagreement.
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    Worry about yourself not others, but treat others how you would want to be treated yourself


    Actually, i think its probably an advice 'mash up', but its pretty much my main 'rules'.

    1. See so many people consumed and uptight with what others have or others are getting, even if it does not impact on them in the any way at all. Appreciate what you have, never be either jealous or outraged in others, and if it / your life is not what you want, work hard to improve to it.

    2. Some people are so rude, discourteous to others, purely consumed in themselves. Feel like we live in a horrible, selfish and nasty world at times. I always try and be with people how i would want to be treated in return. If its not replicated, their card is marked.

    What a load of bollox. And to think I gave up some of my valuable me time to read this shyte. F**k you.
    Card marked
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    Generally - never go to sleep or part company with a loved one without resolving an argument or disagreement.

    So true!

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    Assume everyone is a c*nt until proven otherwise.
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    My wife said the best advice her mum gave here was never put anything in your mouth that has not been cooked first !

    Cover it in BBQ sauce, she will never know the difference.
    Thanks for the tip Mike I hope it doesnt burn.
    Only the back of her throat. !
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    Treat others the way you expect to be treated
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    Generally - never go to sleep or part company with a loved one without resolving an argument or disagreement.

    So true!

    Not always easy when you have to rush home to the wife!
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    Don't give up your day job!
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    Driving a car is a privilege, not a right.

    This piece of advice must have saved me thousands over my 50 years on the road, though I will hold my hands up to one fixed penalty speeding fine (37 mph FFS!)
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    never sit on a broken bottle
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    NEVER EVER volunteer
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    Never throw stones if you're living in a glass house.
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