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Ronnie Biggs RIP



  • edited December 2013
    RIH Ronald Biggs

    RIP Jack Mills
  • One of my favourite pass times is slagging à dead bloke i didn' even know from Adam in order to increase an image of having à perfect life and being of à higher social status.

    Because i am holier than all of you.

    Strange thing for you to have as a hobby but it takes all sort. Strange that you don't know Ronnie Biggs from Adam as well as he was quite a famous criminal and RAF deserter so I would have thought you would have heard of him.

    But I get the "holier than all of you" remark. Meant to be ironic wasn't it only the irony is actually on you thinking you're better than others

    Not like you to be leader of 'the righteous and the pure of sin'.

    You don't know him from adam.

    Just because someone done a bad thing it doesn't make a bad person. His role in the whole robbery was minor. He was more known for going on the run and showing up our shoddy police and justice system who couldn't contain one man. Nothing to be praised for but some of the High horse comments are ridiculous.
    And another holier than thou statement from you.

    Seems you want to have a dig a me for being "righteous and the pure of sin" whatever that means. I've never claimed to be either and I'm not starting now, nor am I claiming to be the "leader".

    The irony is that you attack me for not knowing Biggs, someone you yourself described as "infamous" whose infamy is well known but feel it is OK to attack me. Bit of hypocrisy there.
    Whatever. Can't argue with whiter than whites. Like trying to describe the colour red to à person who has been blind all there life.

    Yet another "holier than thou" statement from you there.

    You can see but I'm blind as you are so superior to me. And not even a hint that you get the irony of what you keep saying.

    "Whatever" LOL, just LOL

    Go away, worm.
    Yet another "I'm better than you because you're only a worm" statement from Stonewall "Holier than thou" Penalty

    And you still don't get the irony.

    Wow i have really upset you.

    Stalker alert.
  • One of my favourite pass times is slagging à dead bloke i didn' even know from Adam in order to increase an image of having à perfect life and being of à higher social status.

    Because i am holier than all of you.

    Strange thing for you to have as a hobby but it takes all sort. Strange that you don't know Ronnie Biggs from Adam as well as he was quite a famous criminal and RAF deserter so I would have thought you would have heard of him.

    But I get the "holier than all of you" remark. Meant to be ironic wasn't it only the irony is actually on you thinking you're better than others

    Not like you to be leader of 'the righteous and the pure of sin'.

    You don't know him from adam.

    Just because someone done a bad thing it doesn't make a bad person. His role in the whole robbery was minor. He was more known for going on the run and showing up our shoddy police and justice system who couldn't contain one man. Nothing to be praised for but some of the High horse comments are ridiculous.
    And another holier than thou statement from you.

    Seems you want to have a dig a me for being "righteous and the pure of sin" whatever that means. I've never claimed to be either and I'm not starting now, nor am I claiming to be the "leader".

    The irony is that you attack me for not knowing Biggs, someone you yourself described as "infamous" whose infamy is well known but feel it is OK to attack me. Bit of hypocrisy there.
    Whatever. Can't argue with whiter than whites. Like trying to describe the colour red to à person who has been blind all there life.

    Yet another "holier than thou" statement from you there.

    You can see but I'm blind as you are so superior to me. And not even a hint that you get the irony of what you keep saying.

    "Whatever" LOL, just LOL

    Go away, worm.
    Yet another "I'm better than you because you're only a worm" statement from Stonewall "Holier than thou" Penalty

    And you still don't get the irony.

    Wow i have really upset you.

    Stalker alert.
    Oh, the old "You're upset arguement" which = "I've run out of things to debate so I'll hide behind "whatever" and "upset"

    Think you have to admit it's the other way around when you are saying "Go away Worm" and "whatever" and I'm the one saying "LOL".

    You just don't like to admit that your were trying to slag me off for something you were doing yourself. And you still don't get the irony.

    LOL LOL LOL and goodbye, my work here is done : - )
  • Simonsen said:

    I didn't know too much about Ronnie Biggs , i'll probably watch the tv programme , but when i heard that he'd hit the train driver over the head with an iron bar & the train driver never worked again and died 7 years later of leukaemia he hardly seems like gloryifying or nostalgia, don't know why 50 years later he's still talked about?

    In the interest of balance and nothing else...

    It's widely accepted that Biggs didn't hit anyone during the robbery as he was sitting in a land-rover until it came to un-loading the mail-bags. It's also fairly well accepted that Biggs was only "invited" by Bruce Reynolds into the robbery gang because he knew an old train driver, who would be needed to move the train about a mile down the track to the un-loading point. In the event, the old train driver (never named or caught) couldn't move the train and Mills was "encouraged" to move it on behalf of the gang.

    There were some serious cases on the gang, such as Bruce Welch, Charlie Wilson & Gordon Goody but Biggs wasn't a violent man or remotely in their league. He was very much a small time thief, who somehow got involved in a massive crime. For his involvement alone he deserved a similar sentence to the others but to label him a thug would be a bit mis-leading, as would mentioning him in the same bracket as the Kray twins.

    There has also been a suggestion that Biggs had every right to fear for his life. He wasn't trusted by the core of the gang and it was thought that both he and the old train driver could be weak links who might grass. Despite seemingly living a grand life while the others were still in jail, Biggs eventually earned a good deal of respect from the gang because he didn't turn on them.

    Interesting stuff. Small part player but more than happy to milk it for years

    I would question whether the respect of other criminals for not grassing, especially when it may as well have been as much out of fear as "honour", is anything to be proud of. I know that wasn't what you were saying Simonsen BTW
  • Thank fuck for that.
  • Simonsen said:

    I didn't know too much about Ronnie Biggs , i'll probably watch the tv programme , but when i heard that he'd hit the train driver over the head with an iron bar & the train driver never worked again and died 7 years later of leukaemia he hardly seems like gloryifying or nostalgia, don't know why 50 years later he's still talked about?

    In the interest of balance and nothing else...

    It's widely accepted that Biggs didn't hit anyone during the robbery as he was sitting in a land-rover until it came to un-loading the mail-bags. It's also fairly well accepted that Biggs was only "invited" by Bruce Reynolds into the robbery gang because he knew an old train driver, who would be needed to move the train about a mile down the track to the un-loading point. In the event, the old train driver (never named or caught) couldn't move the train and Mills was "encouraged" to move it on behalf of the gang.

    There were some serious cases on the gang, such as Bruce Welch, Charlie Wilson & Gordon Goody but Biggs wasn't a violent man or remotely in their league. He was very much a small time thief, who somehow got involved in a massive crime. For his involvement alone he deserved a similar sentence to the others but to label him a thug would be a bit mis-leading, as would mentioning him in the same bracket as the Kray twins.

    There has also been a suggestion that Biggs had every right to fear for his life. He wasn't trusted by the core of the gang and it was thought that both he and the old train driver could be weak links who might grass. Despite seemingly living a grand life while the others were still in jail, Biggs eventually earned a good deal of respect from the gang because he didn't turn on them.

    Interesting stuff. Small part player but more than happy to milk it for years

    I would question whether the respect of other criminals for not grassing, especially when it may as well have been as much out of fear as "honour", is anything to be proud of. I know that wasn't what you were saying Simonsen BTW
    Definitely both I'd say. Generally people didn't grass in the early 60's but Biggs knew how violent some of the other gang members could be. Even some of the less physically intimidating members weren't averse to cracking skulls (Buster Edwards is generally painted as a loveable rogue but seemingly wouldn't think twice about using a cosh if he saw the need).
  • Sir Henry of Righteousness

    Did Ronnie Biggs in some way hurt you / your family / Bromley Addicks ?

    Or are you just having an argument because it comes easily ?

    Christmas 'round your house must be a blast.

  • edited December 2013
    They did the Irish mail previously and the Guard,still living thought Biggs had killed one of the crew.The Driver Jack Mills died not that long after,but the forgotten Drivers Assistant David Whitby was badly traumatised and died at 39 years old. Good honest small time crook??
  • He was part of a crime that ultimately bought the premature death of another human, then he swanned off abroad and only came back when he needed the NHS.

    I'm not happy he dies but I certainly ain't sad.

    May the afterlife bring him whatever he deserves.
  • edited December 2013
    Some of the cast in the The Great Train Robbery drama should do time for their performances.
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