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Celebrity Big Brother - JIM WINS!!



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    It's on channel 5 at 9pm MOG
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    all a bit odd bringing up about Lindas late husband nicking from Frank Carsons dressing room , don't think there was any need for that
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    Shes been winding him up for weeks. She's targeted him and tried turning everyone against him. Its basically bullying except Jim isn't about to be bullied by Linda Nolan.

    Plus Jim said it as a joke 'ask her about Frank Carson's dressing room'. He obviously didn't realise that she wouldn't have a clue what he's talking about and that she would actually go and ask.
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    Thats put me off stir fry for a bit.
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    edited January 2014

    Shes been winding him up for weeks. She's targeted him and tried turning everyone against him. Its basically bullying except Jim isn't about to be bullied by Linda Nolan.

    Plus Jim said it as a joke 'ask her about Frank Carson's dressing room'. He obviously didn't realise that she wouldn't have a clue what he's talking about and that she would actually go and ask.

    Leave off. Jim knew exactly what he was doing. It was a 99% chance that "big mouth" Luisa, would go and ask Linda, what Jim told her to ask.

    How the hell would Luisa know about "Frank Carson's dressing room" ? She probably wasn't even born, or if she was she'd have been a young child.
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    all a bit odd bringing up about Lindas late husband nicking from Frank Carsons dressing room , don't think there was any need for that

    Didn't she say that frank Carson was her husband?

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    You don't need to support Jim 24/7 just because he's Charlton.

    Linda's been far worse throughout the show, but thought bringing up her husband was harsh if it didn't actually relate to their argument.
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    Who's Frank Carson??
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    Linda is a psycho bitch, jim merely said to Louisa, don't you miss having a man in your life, simple, polite, genuine question Linda turned it into something else, she's either psychotic or a bully!

    Also Louisa with her rabbit teeth was enjoying the conflict way too much!

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    Linda milking it, nasty bit of work, been goading Jim since the start, funny how she was fine an hour later and spreading more gossip
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    HaHa Hawawiouse

    Linda on Jim "I'll tell you what, I am going to fooking finish him!"

    Jim walks in...

    Linda starts crying her eyes out..

    I'd last about 5 minutes in there till people started getting parked up.
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    all a bit odd bringing up about Lindas late husband nicking from Frank Carsons dressing room , don't think there was any need for that

    Didn't she say that frank Carson was her husband?

    That's what I thought she said too!
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    edited January 2014
    No she said 'don't bring my dead husband into it. '

    Jim was out of order by even mentioning it, as why would that be reason she didn't like him?, unless he caught her husband stealing.
    And he lied as he did say ' ask her about Frank Carsons dressing room'

    Likewise Linda is being drama queen, butting into conversation between Jim and Luisa and he didn't call Linda an arsehole either.

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    Linda's husband was caught red handed stealing money out of frank Carson's wallet in his dressing room
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    JohnBoyUK said:

    all a bit odd bringing up about Lindas late husband nicking from Frank Carsons dressing room , don't think there was any need for that

    Didn't she say that frank Carson was her husband?

    That's what I thought she said too!
    Yeah I'm certain she said it and more than once , I was confused and couldn't believe that I didn't know that !
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    JohnBoyUK said:

    all a bit odd bringing up about Lindas late husband nicking from Frank Carsons dressing room , don't think there was any need for that

    Didn't she say that frank Carson was her husband?

    That's what I thought she said too!
    Yeah I'm certain she said it and more than once , I was confused and couldn't believe that I didn't know that !
    She said it to Louisa "frank Carson was my husband"
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    The world of Nolan 'that man doesn't like me - he is a misogynist'. 'I don't like that man - I am a feminist'.
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    It does make me laugh how bullying can only work one way, had Jim been bitching and turning Lee and Dappy against Linda the way Linda has been turning all the women against Jim then there would be national up cry about getting him out hand bullying but because Jim is a man and Linda a women hardly nothing said about it!!!!
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    If Luisa was as successful as she keeps banging on about surely she wouldn't be humiliating herself on reality TV?
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    She's a bit of a potty mouth an all
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    She has the typical childish attitude that if she doesn't like someone nobody else should either.
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    She has the typical childish attitude that if she doesn't like someone nobody else should either.

    Proper play ground bully stuff that ain't it.
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    Was a bit shocked when she used the 'C' word.
    Imagine if Jim had called her that - he would have been called to the diary room straight away and reprimanded
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    I played it back a couple of times, and she actually mumbled to Louisa " Frank Carson wasn't my husband". Similarly Jim didnt't say Linda ar$ehole etc, he said Linda after dinner .. etc, as he walked out, but she misheard him or chose to mis hear him. Not sure why Jim needed to bring that up though, he was getting the better of her anyway.
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    I played it back a couple of times, and she actually mumbled to Louisa " Frank Carson wasn't my husband". Similarly Jim didnt't say Linda ar$ehole etc, he said Linda after dinner .. etc, as he walked out, but she misheard him or chose to mis hear him. Not sure why Jim needed to bring that up though, he was getting the better of her anyway.

    phew , someone older than me who rewinds CBB and makes sure he doesn't miss bits !!!
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    She got upset because he was talking about her husband, as frank Carson was the only name he mentioned we must have got our wires crossed, she knew that Jim was referring to her husband being a tea leaf!
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    Linda has slowly been wearing Jim down and I think last night he thought f*ck it I'm gonna really upset her. I don't blame him.

    Exactly this! She's been trying to get him to bite and lose his temper since the start.
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    Just that bit Ooh aah, was as baffled as all . :-)
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