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No Pooound for the Jocks



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    PL54 said:

    Dansk_Red said:

    Riviera said:

    I think everybody is missing a serious issue here with a YES vote by the Jocks..... How would we get a Curling team together for the 2018 Winter Olympics?

    More to the point who would fund the Scottish Team to able to become full time athletes,

    Andy Murray will have to F off home
    Thought he was half (or maybe a quarter) English?

    He's our Davis Cup Team!
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    cafcfan said:

    IA said:

    cafcfan said:

    se9addick said:

    The bank of Ireland issues sterling notes ?

    The Bank of Ireland (a bank from the Republic); First Trust Bank (Owned by AIB another Republic bank); Ulster Bank (owned by RBS) and Danske Bank (A Danish Bank) all issue bank notes for Ulster. As I explained for the Scottish notes, they are not legal tender merely generally accepted and each issuing bank has to hold an equivalent amount in Sterling with the Bank Of England to back the issue. Why they bother is completely beyond me.
    Seems like a reasonable advertising tool, although I don't know the costs. I wouldn't know anything about the Clydesdale Bank if they didn't issue banknotes.

    Can't believe the number of people who think the statements by Osbourne, Balls, & Barroso are anything more than political statements to convince the Scots to vote no (which they will). In the unlikely event of a Yes vote, negotiations would start immediately, especially on the the EU question.
    Barroso's being the most political of all: the last thing the Spanish need is the Catalans thinking that setting up an independent state is easy peasy.
    I don't think Barroso is even relevant to that debate, as it comes down to interpretations of treaties and European law. If the UK voted to leave the EU in Cameron's promised-but-will-never-happen referendum, the following negotiations and breakaway process would be very complicated and take years. I think it's unlikely that Scotland would immediately leave the EU if they voted yes on a referendum about their place in the UK. If it was taken to the ECJ, I would expect that Scottish citizens would remain citizens of the EU. Then, I think their government would have to remain at the table (following some negotiation).

    As for the idea of a Chancellor Balls refusing a Scottish Labour government (both are possible after the next round of elections) access to the pound... I don't think that's likely.

    Spain is a strange one. They recognised Montenegro's independence before Montenegro joined any international organisation, but they don't recognise Kosovo. Not very consistent. I think Scotland leaving the UK would be closer to the Montenegro situation, but of course they could play politics with it.

    I still think Salmond is a cretin. I just think the unionist side are overplaying this line. Very negative, very close to bullying, and very helpful to the SNP (the political party if not the Yes vote). Scotland will still vote no.
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    Riviera said:

    I love Laphroaig.

    Anyone else on here lucky enough to visit Inverliever Lodge in Argyllshire when they were at school? The ILEA leased it and lots of London Comps like my school Crown Woods regularly went there. I had two visits there in 1978 and 1980. A most wonderful place, it was on a hill that looked over Loch Awe. I have not travelled the whole world but I find it hard to believe there are more beautiful places than the West Highlands of Scotland.

    Yes, I went to Inverliever with Eaglesfield School on an art trip around 1983-4 I think. We joined up with a load of girls from Kidbrooke School. Inverliever was a most beautiful place I ever visited and remember there was a little island you could get to out on the Loch. I remember my first oil painting of that scene from up in the hills. I also remember nearly losing the tip of index finger when using a potato slicer in the kitchen. That was also my first experience of my body going into shock.
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    @Fish, the head of the Bank of England said that there couldn't be currency union if there was no policy union, which is what the Scots want to end. If they want to share the power of the BoE then the UK governement would have to agree to share policy decisions which they have decided they will not do.
    Surely the BoE can not decide to administer the currency of another country without the agreement of the governement / country it already serves.
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    "As for the idea of a Chancellor Balls refusing a Scottish Labour government (both are possible after the next round of elections) access to the pound... I don't think that's likely."

    It had cross party agreement.
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    If the Scots vote for independance, that means Independance. How can they be independant when using Sterling controlled by the Bank of England?
    They will only be independant until they are re-admitted to the EU. There is NO doubt the EU will have them, it fits with the masterplan of a federal EU.
    Those of you lamenting the beautiful Scottish land and lochs. Independance would no more stop you returning there than stop you going to France (for example)
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    DRF said:

    @Fish, the head of the Bank of England said that there couldn't be currency union if there was no policy union, which is what the Scots want to end. If they want to share the power of the BoE then the UK governement would have to agree to share policy decisions which they have decided they will not do.
    Surely the BoE can not decide to administer the currency of another country without the agreement of the governement / country it already serves.

    Fiiish correctly points out that any country can just decide to use another's currency. (It happens at the moment but in the main with very small Latin American and Caribbean countries with tiny economies who use the US$.)
    But the trouble is that they then have no say at all on their own economic policy.
    They have no method for issuing debt in their own currency, no "lender of last resort" in the event of a banking crisis and no ability to do stuff like quantitative easing or setting interest rates. If, post-independence, the Scottish economy should suffer a divergence from the economy of the rest of the UK in either a positive or negative way, they would have no method of stimulating the economy or putting the brakes on excessive growth. In a way that's what happened in the Euro zone with the PIGS being out of kilter with the European industrial powerhouses. In that case they got bailed out by the European Central Bank but with an informal arrangement, there would be no such obligation upon the Bank of England to bail out the Scots.
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    Jayajosh said:

    Riviera said:

    I love Laphroaig.

    Anyone else on here lucky enough to visit Inverliever Lodge in Argyllshire when they were at school? The ILEA leased it and lots of London Comps like my school Crown Woods regularly went there. I had two visits there in 1978 and 1980. A most wonderful place, it was on a hill that looked over Loch Awe. I have not travelled the whole world but I find it hard to believe there are more beautiful places than the West Highlands of Scotland.

    Yes, I went to Inverliever with Eaglesfield School on an art trip around 1983-4 I think. We joined up with a load of girls from Kidbrooke School. Inverliever was a most beautiful place I ever visited and remember there was a little island you could get to out on the Loch. I remember my first oil painting of that scene from up in the hills. I also remember nearly losing the tip of index finger when using a potato slicer in the kitchen. That was also my first experience of my body going into shock.
    Went to Inverliever with my school, Thomas Tallis in 1997 and 1999 - incredible place, wonder if schools still use it.
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    For all those interested in Inverliever Lodge I can tell you that it is now a Eco Yoga Centre (Harry Hill side look to camera) Whatever that is!

    He is a link and it looks pretty similar. I'm glad it is being used.
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    DRF said:

    "As for the idea of a Chancellor Balls refusing a Scottish Labour government (both are possible after the next round of elections) access to the pound... I don't think that's likely."

    It had cross party agreement.

    If a Labour UK government holds the Scottish economy to ransom, they can kiss goodbye to most/all their seats in Scotland and any related funding/membership. Same goes for the Lib Dems. Tories won't care much about seats, which is why Salmond mentions transaction costs for rUK businesses.

    Empty political threat. If the situation presented itself, they would all change their tune.

    The Scots will vote no.
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    Any news on the Tooting Popular Front?
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    It reminds me when I was a kid playing football. The owner of the ball got angry/upset over something and took it home. But he missed out because he couldn't play - so what - he probably got more joy p*ssing us off. If the jocks want to change the game- we'll take our ball away - stuff 'em.
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    Except Mr Salmand neither owns the ball nor has the ability to borrow next doors and start another game!
    Like Nigel Farage he is a busted flush with no real solutions for either his people or for those others in the British Isles.
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    Exactly, we own the ball (the pound)
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    i do not liek politics i think its so f****** boring. have you ever thought of this, why should someone who is from a class that is way above the average of everyone else bar a few people, allowed to rule over everyone. shouldn't someone who just knows what it is like to experience probles that relate to teh majority of peoples problems. i am not asking for a herion dealer, jsut saying that how can they judge if they cant even relate. and for that i see no point in voting since it is a waste of time.
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    If you don't vote how will people who 'can relate' ever get into power?
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    i do not liek politics i think its so f****** boring. have you ever thought of this, why should someone who is from a class that is way above the average of everyone else bar a few people, allowed to rule over everyone. shouldn't someone who just knows what it is like to experience probles that relate to teh majority of peoples problems. i am not asking for a herion dealer, jsut saying that how can they judge if they cant even relate. and for that i see no point in voting since it is a waste of time.

    I'm guessing that politics isn't taught in schools any more...
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    Personally, I blame Mel Gibson. Freedom.
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    i do not liek politics i think its so f****** boring. have you ever thought of this, why should someone who is from a class that is way above the average of everyone else bar a few people, allowed to rule over everyone. shouldn't someone who just knows what it is like to experience probles that relate to teh majority of peoples problems. i am not asking for a herion dealer, jsut saying that how can they judge if they cant even relate. and for that i see no point in voting since it is a waste of time.

    This is why people, without at least an o'level in English, should not be allowed to vote. ;-)

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    Fiiish said:
    That's brilliant
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    Fiiish said:
    That's brilliant
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    Yeh! But it's not all bad, because if they do vote 'yes' it will force the (dis)UK Gov. to recognise the existence of England.
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    You make seem good points grapevine. I am not sure that anyone is sure how this could pan out and think both Scotland and the rest of the uk could lose out. Lots of non scots saying get on with it we dont care, but it it was that simple the government would not be pulling out all the stops to keep the union together.
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    I want to be Grapevine when I grow up ;-)
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    Having rad all this pish I'm actually coming round to the idea that independence might be a decent idea. The average IQ goes up by about 10, we'd have the army, we'd have the oil and guaranteed domination of the tennis home internationals for the foreseeable. Not sure that an entirely separate currency would be a bad thing, although doubt that wee George's threats have much weight. The reaction of large global businesses will determine whether the wee man "allows" currency union, not a little england ear trying to swing his winkie about.
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    come back and support them then dont wave your tiny scottish knob from afar get some bollox and come back and gob off about it
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    Oh dear, someone watched Braveheart again last night didn't he?
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