We are getting better, small steps but we look at least solid. at the back.
Dervitte MOM with Wiggins not far behind. Jacko looked out on his feet but showed his continuing loyalty for the cause by staying out there, becoming a modern day legend.
Looks like I may be in a minority but I thought Church had a decent game tonight and led the line well. Shame about the one on one but I still think i'd prefer him playing the lone role (if we continue with that formation) than any of the others.
Great result and genuinely think that Saturday will be a much more open game than what we've seen lately-hopefully we can get something out of it.
Although i was very impressed with his positivity tonight, I can't be having all the love and singing for Riga just yet, it still feels wrong to me and will do for some time......
Dorian Dervite's winner for Charlton was the first goal Eddie Howe's Bournemouth side had conceded in five matches - since a 1-0 defeat at Derby on 22 February.
It was a privilege watching Poyet tonight. He didn't misplace a pass. And he went loopy at the final whistle, it meant so much to him. I think we can keep him.
Dorian Dervite's winner for Charlton was the first goal Eddie Howe's Bournemouth side had conceded in five matches - since a 1-0 defeat at Derby on 22 February.
Wow, I didn't know that. That's quite a stat considering our problems up front.
Close game, not much in it. And for long periods, not much entertainment either. Credit to Jose for changing things around though. Very pleased to see Obika back, I think he may make a big difference for us over the coming games.
Personally I wasn't sure about the three up front formation, I didn't think we'd get the best out of Sordell or Obika playing them so wide and was worried they'd be too spread out to be able to link up well. I guess what that formation does have going for it though is that whichever flank we're attacking on, the opposite number can drop back adding to midfield - it did look quite fluid.
Man of the match for me was Poyet. He mopped up everything in midfield. Excellent ball control; he seems to fly into some of those loose balls so quickly that you wonder how he's going to control it, but he does and with a simple pass we're out of trouble and in possession again.
Great goal at the end and great celebrations afterwards. Onwards and upwards.
Fantastic ending. We needed 3 points tonight and we got it. Dervite again for me was our best player as he was for the past two games. Think he is an underrated player for us as we always seem more solid with him.
Even game not much between the sides. Need a winger in asap, Obika looks useful as well.
Just got back. Was worried in first 20 but they never really made Ben work and as the game went on we got ourselves more and more into the driving seat. Think they had settled for a draw from about 70 minutes but fortunately we keep knocking on the door and got the reward. Both defences on top really so never looked like bursting out into much of a game tbf but so, so happy to see that one go in right at the end.
Shocking games for Harriot and Green and fair play to Riga for making such an early change...I assumed that Harriot must have been carrying a bad knock to come off 5 minutes before half time but it seems not.
.I assumed that Harriot must have been carrying a bad knock to come off 5 minutes before half time but it seems not.
I might aswell post it again and again so we can clarify it, he was very heavily limping out of the ground - the substitution was 100% injury. Right ankle seemingly. Hope it's nothing too serious :-) And I'm sure you'll enjoy bragging rights over the more than happy AFCB fans who have a very good manager and a few good players in their team, if they can build on this season next season they could go well!
Decided to not get up early to listen to this one, thought it might change our luck! Just got up, wow fantastic news. Riga has really got a balancing act to perform, trying to keep players fresh whilst picking a team capable of winning points. So far he seems to have brought back from the wilderness, Pritchard, Sordell, Green and Dervite also seems to have also been given a big vote of confidence. But what I like most is having a manager who is proactive and positive. Amazing that we could beat a team like Bournemouth whose squad is supposedly light years ahead of ours!
Confidence has got to be key to staying up now. Overall performance was very hit and miss but the change of shape was a master stroke. Riga seems very astute! Morro and Poyet were both fantastic tonight.
Rightio...that makes more sense then as I hadn't read through the whole thread. AFCB are a very tidy team and with a bit more investment in the summer I can see them pushing for the play off next year.
A thoroughly mundane first half, where we were second best, was lifted by Obika when he came on shortly before half time. Up to that point, we carried practically no threat.
We were certainly significantly better in the second half and, whilst it looked like it was going to end in a stalemate, we cranked up the pressure as the game wore on and peppered their goal in the last 10 minutes. I almost feel that we won it at the end through sheer force of willpower - we wanted and needed it more than them.
As for the players: Poyet was imperious and also had two very good efforts on goal; Morrison had a horse of a game at the back; Cousins had a good second half; and Jackson led from the front with a very determined performance as the game went on.
I was puzzled by the decision to play Obika on the left, especially as nothing was sticking in the middle and Church practically didn't win a header all night. We must surely have better options up front than our current number 9 but, all that matters for present purposes, is the vital three points garnered from a tidy, but rather toothless, Bournemouth side.
There is a very long way to go but it is now totally within our own hands, especially given the forthcoming home games against Yeovil and Barnsley. Yes, we have some tough away assignments but no one will be assuming an easy three points against a team that has only conceded 41 goals and we may surprise ourselves. Let's hope also that we can pull one or two other teams into the mire, so that it becomes 3 from 6, rather than 3 from 4.
Finally, for those of our supporters who find it hard to get down to the Valley for geographical, family, health, financial or many other good reasons, do try and get along to see Diego Poyet whilst we still have him - he is, without a doubt, the real deal and this lad is heading for the top, no doubt about it. Let's also hope - or, perhaps, pray - that we can secure his services beyond this season. There can surely be no bigger priority for RD, albeit that the previous regime has (as ever) done us no favours with regard to the contractual position.
A committed team performance, hard-earned win and it was brilliant to see the players' reaction to the goal and the final whistle. Dervite outstanding, Cousins looks a different player in the middle, Poyet as good as ever, Jackson very good.
I don't get all this 'how nice to see us playing tika taka' stuff - we were no less long ball and direct last night as ever we were under Powell. Not complaining particularly, though.
Thought the move to 4-4-2 worked really well, looked like a 4-2-3-1 before that, but the players looked uncomfortable and big gaps in the middle as we seemed to have 4 or 5 players bombing forward whenever we picked up the ball, easy for Bournemouth to cut it out and put us back under. Harriott getting injured might have been a lucky break for us in some respects in that regard, and it helped that Obika looked well up for it.
I thought the 4-3-3/4-5-1 later on actually took some of the momentum away, and whilst Sordell looked surprisingly good there we lost the presence of Obika up top.
Riga himself seemed to acknowledge that we'd have to be efficient for now - presumably that means we need to add some players to the squad, something no doubt Powell will be a tad rueful about. I thought it telling that none of the RD recruits played last night (although a fit AA would slot back in neatly). Hopefully this is not about politics but about a trusted Riga making clear they're not quite up to it Roland.
Loved the tunnel jumps at the end, and it was nice to go home with a big smile on my face for a change. Those 3 points were huge, especially with the games coming up. It's the games in hand we have to get results from after all.
EDIT: I should add that Riga's changes were confident ones. We looked short of confidence in the first half, that goal will make a huge difference. Burnley Saturday won't be easy but the players will be looking forward to it I reckon.
Such a bittersweet night but such an important victory. I like Jose and the genuine togetherness of the celebrations seems to me significant. The last hug of the day was between Alex and Jose. Alex has a big heart and CAFC came out on top. I thought JJ was a shining example of how to be a skip by working his socks off. I don't think I have ever heard an opposing sides player being cheered as much as Yann was. Paradoxically, it seemed to add to the determination to support the lads who all worked hard to get the three points. Somehow the actual football that was played was less important than the various sub plots that were being played out. The final scenes and general excitement will stay with me for a long time. Obika has helped our chances of staying up, and with confidence boosted we can do it.
Firstly I thought Riga did well to make early attacking subs and it was good to actually press a game towards the end and not defend or drop deep.
Still thought we were terrible up until Obika came on with Harriot and JJ looking the worst. Obika looked quality when he came on as did Sordell who actually ran forward with the ball (what a strange thing for a charlton player to do) I think both Church and JJ should have come off as they were passengers however JJ provided one of his great set pieces again.
Not a Green fan but he played well IMO and thought he deserved to stay on.
One real bad point is that Obika should have gone through the middle and Church out wide left as Obika was winning a lot of ball and Church wins nothing.
Well done lads and unlucky Millwall let's relegate the tossers
Great, much needed win. Not getting carried away though - for much of the game we were pants and two more goalless minutes and this thread would read very differently. But let's enjoy the moment and build from here. Eight points from our last five league games was unimaginable a month ago so hopefully its onwards and upwards.
As to the game, we were poor first half. Solid defensively but looked vulnerable to their pretty triangles and pace.
The fullbacks never got beyond halfway and Harriott & church were lamentable.
Green gets an unfair press on here. He certainly has his limitations but anything we did of note going forward last night in the first half went through him, and he got stuck in. Best not to mention his second half performance and therein lies the frustration.
Poyet was all "Ray Wilkins" side to side and backwards first half but brilliant in the second. Jacko makes up in grit what he lacks in pace.
The game changed when Obika came on. Or maybe that was just because Harriott went off who was breaking up most of our attacks. Obika played like Pele for 20 mins and like me for half an hour but that's cos he's not a winger!
Church was a little better in the second half but he is league 2 standard. No wonder Wales are struggling. How can an international side go from the extremes of Bale to church in the one side? He should be dropped. Sordell or Obika in the middle please Jose.
I thought cousins and Poyet were trying to play too much in the same space in the first half but both were excellent second and the shape change sorted them out.
Dervite. What a man. Distribution awful by and large but rock solid and what a goal (cheers Yann. Good to see you were listening when we were teaching how to defend at corners!)
So a night of contrasts. Some good things, some not so good. But what an important three points. Liking what I'm seeing from Riga so far. Must practice our shootng. Three great chances went a-begging before we scored.
We're only six points behing Blackpool and they are crap.........
Had to log on this morning to check I wasn't dreaming it, but we actually won last night! Un bloody believable, over the moon. I don't know why Powell was sacked or why yann was sold, I still don't know what RD's intentions are. But he made a good decision it appears appointing RIGA he seems to care and players and staff seem to like him, he has won over most fans with just 3 games and for the first time since Yann left I'm feeling confident. Onwards and upwards COYA!!
Hopefully this will be the springboard for everybody to get behind the team, and the whole of the Club. We have moved from backs to the wall always in the last 15 minutes to lets win this thing instead. Who is this Moanino bloke anyway ?
I think people on here should recognise that Riga is juggling the squad to keep as many players fresh as possible. With two games a week from now to the end of the season, the concern must be for thoses players that can not be replaced occasionaly.
The crowd need to be patient as the side were obviously under instructions 1st half not to bother pressing in their half. They need to save their legs.
Riga impressed me last night especially how he interacted with the back room staff and at the end instructed Karel to get the players who had left the field to come back and interact with the north stand whereas he applauded them and left the players to take the applause. Nice tunnel jump from Jackson and Hamer let's hope there are more to come
maybe i wasn't as drunk as usual....
Dervitte MOM with Wiggins not far behind. Jacko looked out on his feet but showed his continuing loyalty for the cause by staying out there, becoming a modern day legend.
Obika made a difference
Great result and genuinely think that Saturday will be a much more open game than what we've seen lately-hopefully we can get something out of it.
Although i was very impressed with his positivity tonight, I can't be having all the love and singing for Riga just yet, it still feels wrong to me and will do for some time......
Personally I wasn't sure about the three up front formation, I didn't think we'd get the best out of Sordell or Obika playing them so wide and was worried they'd be too spread out to be able to link up well. I guess what that formation does have going for it though is that whichever flank we're attacking on, the opposite number can drop back adding to midfield - it did look quite fluid.
Man of the match for me was Poyet. He mopped up everything in midfield. Excellent ball control; he seems to fly into some of those loose balls so quickly that you wonder how he's going to control it, but he does and with a simple pass we're out of trouble and in possession again.
Great goal at the end and great celebrations afterwards. Onwards and upwards.
Even game not much between the sides. Need a winger in asap, Obika looks useful as well.
Shocking games for Harriot and Green and fair play to Riga for making such an early change...I assumed that Harriot must have been carrying a bad knock to come off 5 minutes before half time but it seems not.
We were certainly significantly better in the second half and, whilst it looked like it was going to end in a stalemate, we cranked up the pressure as the game wore on and peppered their goal in the last 10 minutes. I almost feel that we won it at the end through sheer force of willpower - we wanted and needed it more than them.
As for the players: Poyet was imperious and also had two very good efforts on goal; Morrison had a horse of a game at the back; Cousins had a good second half; and Jackson led from the front with a very determined performance as the game went on.
I was puzzled by the decision to play Obika on the left, especially as nothing was sticking in the middle and Church practically didn't win a header all night. We must surely have better options up front than our current number 9 but, all that matters for present purposes, is the vital three points garnered from a tidy, but rather toothless, Bournemouth side.
There is a very long way to go but it is now totally within our own hands, especially given the forthcoming home games against Yeovil and Barnsley. Yes, we have some tough away assignments but no one will be assuming an easy three points against a team that has only conceded 41 goals and we may surprise ourselves. Let's hope also that we can pull one or two other teams into the mire, so that it becomes 3 from 6, rather than 3 from 4.
Finally, for those of our supporters who find it hard to get down to the Valley for geographical, family, health, financial or many other good reasons, do try and get along to see Diego Poyet whilst we still have him - he is, without a doubt, the real deal and this lad is heading for the top, no doubt about it. Let's also hope - or, perhaps, pray - that we can secure his services beyond this season. There can surely be no bigger priority for RD, albeit that the previous regime has (as ever) done us no favours with regard to the contractual position.
I don't get all this 'how nice to see us playing tika taka' stuff - we were no less long ball and direct last night as ever we were under Powell. Not complaining particularly, though.
Thought the move to 4-4-2 worked really well, looked like a 4-2-3-1 before that, but the players looked uncomfortable and big gaps in the middle as we seemed to have 4 or 5 players bombing forward whenever we picked up the ball, easy for Bournemouth to cut it out and put us back under. Harriott getting injured might have been a lucky break for us in some respects in that regard, and it helped that Obika looked well up for it.
I thought the 4-3-3/4-5-1 later on actually took some of the momentum away, and whilst Sordell looked surprisingly good there we lost the presence of Obika up top.
Riga himself seemed to acknowledge that we'd have to be efficient for now - presumably that means we need to add some players to the squad, something no doubt Powell will be a tad rueful about. I thought it telling that none of the RD recruits played last night (although a fit AA would slot back in neatly). Hopefully this is not about politics but about a trusted Riga making clear they're not quite up to it Roland.
Loved the tunnel jumps at the end, and it was nice to go home with a big smile on my face for a change. Those 3 points were huge, especially with the games coming up. It's the games in hand we have to get results from after all.
EDIT: I should add that Riga's changes were confident ones. We looked short of confidence in the first half, that goal will make a huge difference. Burnley Saturday won't be easy but the players will be looking forward to it I reckon.
Still thought we were terrible up until Obika came on with Harriot and JJ looking the worst. Obika looked quality when he came on as did Sordell who actually ran forward with the ball (what a strange thing for a charlton player to do) I think both Church and JJ should have come off as they were passengers however JJ provided one of his great set pieces again.
Not a Green fan but he played well IMO and thought he deserved to stay on.
One real bad point is that Obika should have gone through the middle and Church out wide left as Obika was winning a lot of ball and Church wins nothing.
Well done lads and unlucky Millwall let's relegate the tossers
As to the game, we were poor first half. Solid defensively but looked vulnerable to their pretty triangles and pace.
The fullbacks never got beyond halfway and Harriott & church were lamentable.
Green gets an unfair press on here. He certainly has his limitations but anything we did of note going forward last night in the first half went through him, and he got stuck in. Best not to mention his second half performance and therein lies the frustration.
Poyet was all "Ray Wilkins" side to side and backwards first half but brilliant in the second. Jacko makes up in grit what he lacks in pace.
The game changed when Obika came on. Or maybe that was just because Harriott went off who was breaking up most of our attacks. Obika played like Pele for 20 mins and like me for half an hour but that's cos he's not a winger!
Church was a little better in the second half but he is league 2 standard. No wonder Wales are struggling. How can an international side go from the extremes of Bale to church in the one side? He should be dropped. Sordell or Obika in the middle please Jose.
I thought cousins and Poyet were trying to play too much in the same space in the first half but both were excellent second and the shape change sorted them out.
Dervite. What a man. Distribution awful by and large but rock solid and what a goal (cheers Yann. Good to see you were listening when we were teaching how to defend at corners!)
So a night of contrasts. Some good things, some not so good. But what an important three points. Liking what I'm seeing from Riga so far. Must practice our shootng. Three great chances went a-begging before we scored.
We're only six points behing Blackpool and they are crap.........