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Millwall Watch



  • come on @MillwallFan we can see your online

    don't be shy we wont bite

    I've even taken out my false gnashers....

  • Got the wife's family visiting on Sunday. Father and son are Millwall, not regulars, just Wembley and a certain Cup final, but what is normal on such occasions? A big banner or a large cake?
  • Lennon & McCartny once wrote, na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey, fuck off millwall. Great song, thanks lads
  • Sorry, all. Has to be a pitch invasion, hasn't it?
  • Know this may upset some but personally i dont give a toss either way about them. But just glad we dont have to play them next season and the farce that goes with it.
  • Hang on a second guys a few months ago it could have been us going down and not them.... And that makes it all the sweeter.

    Absolutely love it. Only thing taking the edge of it is they have gained hope from nothing and were riding on a high. Would have been even sweeter to see them lose all their hope on the final day. Something like losing on goal difference to Rotherham would have made it beautiful. Not as beautiful as them going down on the last day due to us taking 3 poibts off them though...
  • 24 Red said:

    I must admit I'm in the minority that wishes they had stayed up. London derbies are the first fixtures I look for in the season and if fans don't have the bottle to face Millwall then why should we expect players to?

    Me too. It's no compensation for the fact they beat us yet again.

    Oh yes it is :smiley: it was all part of the master plan, lull them into a false sense of security, build their hopes up and then Whammy another 19 years for all I care whilst they flounder below us like the last lengthy run without playing them.
  • Live in France, decent champagne is just 12 Euros a bottle, may do one or two right now. Thank you Millwankers
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  • Got the wife's family visiting on Sunday. Father and son are Millwall, not regulars, just Wembley and a certain Cup final, but what is normal on such occasions? A big banner or a large cake?

    Black crepe hangings and a spooky clown mask.
  • Premature celebrations. Given QPR situation we need Wigan to win and Spanners to lose for going bonkers.
  • Pass the Cigar cutter.
  • Title thread needs appending with [confirmed, p65]
  • Title thread needs appending with [confirmed, p65]

    come on @AFKABartram do the honors
  • Davo55 said:

    come on @MillwallFan we can see your online

    don't be shy we wont bite

    I've even taken out my false gnashers....

    Just getting ready for the celebration with Mr F? :wink:
    I don't know what you mean, Davo !


  • edited April 2015
    Bye bye. Don't let the door hit your dragging knuckles on the way out.
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  • Millwank are going down,
    Millwank are going down.
    And now you're gonna believe us,
    And now you're gonna believe us,
    And now you're gonna belieeeeeeeeve us…
    The scum are going down.
  • edited April 2015
  • Tell you what, now it's confirmed, it really IS SWEETER that they had their hopes raised by the rotherham points deduction. Life is so so sweet :smiley:
  • edited April 2015
    colin1961 said:

    Cheating scum deserve it lets hope they go right through

    C'mon Col, you've normally got good inside info how many years back in the wilderness for them? You must know surely :wink: .
  • The spanners are like a one armed man hanging on to a cliff, sooner later they are going to get itchy balls.

    Enjoy scratching them.
  • Now come on everyone, do stop laughing. No doubt Chopper will be telling the press that the Den will be a fortress next season and the pride will be back and they will be difficult to beat away from home who is that sniggering at the back?
  • The world is a cleaner, happier, more righteous place than it was 3 hours ago. Justice has been done. I have just taken a glorious celebratory shit and that turd flushing down the toilet represents the hopes and dreams of every single one of those dirty chavvy shitty piss soaked inbreds. I hope it bloody hurt. I hope that somewhere some of you are crying tears of shame because Millwank is all you had in your miserable shitty worthless life and now even they have fucked up.

    That's right tosspots, go back to your crappy dead end jobs (if you even work and dont lie at home watching Jeremy Kyle all day and dreaming of a better life like the people on the show) and realise that your club are a bunch of no mark LOSERS.

    I am so bloody happy that you lost shit stains.

    The players are losers. The fans are losers. The people that run the club are losers.

    LATERS FUCKERS!!!!!!!!




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