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RUMOURs - Shiny and new - Spring/Summer 2014



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    he's probably on here anyway lurking
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    dickplumb said:

    what does the big bag of hot air Reams say?

    Is that really necessary? If you want to know, why don't you go on the forum. Is it any wonder that he retaliates?
    Retaliates? Pretty sure his personal comments on the thread he started about the fun day thread shows he's more than happy to take the lead.

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    Floebot said:

    Can anybody translate all of Andy Delorts recent twitter activity?

    He's retweeting people wishing him luck in England

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    His old man has posted a very bizarre video of a song, asking all the Charlton fans to sing it for him.

    It is hideous!
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    Refreshes for '+++++Andy Delort signs++++++' headline....
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    Reams was recently on NOT 606 explaining why he was in charge of a better forum and how pathetic NOT was. There were no threats of physical violence, and no news about possible signings.
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    His old man has posted a very bizarre video of a song, asking all the Charlton fans to sing it for him.

    It is hideous!

    I still prefer Kumbaya Delort........
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    edited August 2014
    Andy Delort 9 @‌AndyDelort9
    Tu sais l'argent du transfert j'aurais prix 0 euro

    Clément Moysan ‏@clemoysan 2h
    @AndyDelort9 En tout cas good luck !!! tu as pris la bonne décision, une bonne saison en championship et à toi la Premier League l'année pro

    Andy Delort 9 ‏@AndyDelort9 2h
    @clemoysan voilà mon ambition ;) tu a tout compris

    Delort says the move isn't about money. Someone replies that he made a good decision as one good season in the Championship could be a stepping stone to a good Premier League move in a year. Delort replies by saying "that's my ambition, you understood everything".
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    Andy Delort 9 @‌AndyDelort9
    Tu sais l'argent du transfert j'aurais prix 0 euro

    Clément Moysan ‏@clemoysan 2h
    @AndyDelort9 En tout cas good luck !!! tu as pris la bonne décision, une bonne saison en championship et à toi la Premier League l'année pro

    Andy Delort 9 ‏@AndyDelort9 2h
    @clemoysan voilà mon ambition ;) tu a tout compris

    Delort says the move isn't about money. Someone replies that he made a good decision as one good season in the Championship could be a stepping stone to a good Premier League move in a year. Delort replies by saying "that's my ambition, you understood everything".

    Well at least he's backing his ability. Confident little blighter. A good quality for a striker.
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    Most other things in that paper are a lie so why should this be true?
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    A lot of people seem to think he has signed. Is everyone just jumping the gun a bit here or does someone know something concrete (not newspaper gossip). I didn't come on here for rumours...
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    A lot of people seem to think he has signed. Is everyone just jumping the gun a bit here or does someone know something concrete (not newspaper gossip). I didn't come on here for rumours...

    untill its on the OS
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    These last few days on this thread having been a bloody journey n half!!!!! Hope it is official soon so I can go back to...whatever it was I was doing on Friday
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    Why so much hype? Is it because we are spending £2.5m on him?.
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    There has now been over 500 posts on this thread since the Andy Delort rumour first reached this forum and 500,000 F5 presses...........let's hope it wasn't all for nothing. :-)
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    Is it just me that has to press Ctrl - F5? F5 takes me to my homepage.
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    Would you not worry that someone who picked Charlton ahead of Atletico might be a little bit simple in the head? I mean I support the b'stards but I'd have been on the easyjet to Madrid in seconds....
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    Fumbluff said:

    Would you not worry that someone who picked Charlton ahead of Atletico might be a little bit simple in the head? I mean I support the b'stards but I'd have been on the easyjet to Madrid in seconds....

    I'd be worried you were a bit simple in the head getting on an easyjet flight rather than another..
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    On another site it says Roland has spent about £23m on us since taking over with Andy being the latest signing fingers crossed.
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    This is all set up for a massive custard pie in the face when he goes to another team by the end of the week.
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    I guess the retweet of Charlton women vs Leeds women is what's upset the Leeds fans!
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    We still actually have no idea if he's signing or not do we ?
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    edited August 2014

    I guess the retweet of Charlton women vs Leeds women is what's upset the Leeds fans!

    ...or the fact that the picture the tweeter uploaded is a Peterborough fan, not a Leeds one?
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    Well Leeds have just signed nicky ajose so does that mean he's coming to us?
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    Delort was at the Valley today. He will wear the number 9 shirt and the signing will be announced tomorrow. The move will definitely be going through

This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!