I didn't notice until someone pointed it out. In not totally convinced but it did look suspicious in parts. The guitar playing with two inch nail extensions was a bit iffy........
Prob accompanying herself, meaning she was miming but also singing live too, so if there is any dropouts in her vocal then the backing track covers it up, same with the 'guitar playing'! Its cheating really.
Well I watched her for a second time, concentrating all the way through and I couldn't see her miming. (Not saying she wasn't singing over her tracks, but she was very good at it, if she was).
could well have been singing it for real, you would hope so anyway! there's so many triggers and correction synchs can be used these days that it's actually hard to tell whats real any more-clever stuff but it aint The Who at the Valley!
Metallica are an absolute shade of the band they used to be live. This is partly because of age (they're in their fifties FFS) and partly because they haven't written a good album for 25 years. They're on at Sonisphere next weekend - I'll probably watch the start of their set but will inevitably get bored and go see Therapy? instead.
Note here - I'm not saying they're shit live. Just that they USED to be one of the best live bands on the planet and I've seen them too many times now to care about how 'polished' they are
Was totaly impressed and surprised by Royal Blood - incredible noise that they got from a 2 piece - and incredible noise from a bass !! Have a listen to this ...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_3mNCaJgNM
Metallica are an absolute shade of the band they used to be live. This is partly because of age (they're in their fifties FFS) and partly because they haven't written a good album for 25 years. They're on at Sonisphere next weekend - I'll probably watch the start of their set but will inevitably get bored and go see Therapy? instead.
Note here - I'm not saying they're shit live. Just that they USED to be one of the best live bands on the planet and I've seen them too many times now to care about how 'polished' they are
Was totaly impressed and surprised by Royal Blood - incredible noise that they got from a 2 piece - and incredible noise from a bass !! Have a listen to this ...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_3mNCaJgNM
We're booking the same studio as they used for their last album, purely because of the drum sound you can get there! It is legendary!
Metallica get paid more than any band on earth to perform more or less.
To be fair having seen them live, I can see why. The effort and skill that goes into every set is immense, they sounded better live than recorded when I saw them, best live band I've seen.
Just got back from my first visit, think Kasabian is probably one of the best performances Ive ever seen live. Jokes on my friends who went to see other things, leaving me looking a bit odd for a while until I made friends with a couple of others whose mates had ditched also. Their set was at 21:45 so a slight delay but that's probably just to allow for editing. I can also confirm Ellie Goulding's boob did fall out as my girlfriend saw her.
which makes you appreciate how good they used to be! If you can find a copy of their "...and justice for all" tour, think it's called 'binge and purge' well worth a watch.
Arcade Fire and Metallica were personal highlights. Honorable mentions to De La Soul, Jurassic 5 and Massive Attack.
As a big fan of the heavier end of music, seeing Metallica headline Glastonbury was quite an emotional experience. It certainly felt like a big moment in Glasto history.
There's a certain amount of musical snobbery out there that assumes that any kind of metal or punk is immediately inferior and not worthy of a place at Glastonbury. Hopefully it sees them open the doors to one or two heavier bands in the future in the same way Jay-Z headlining opened things up for hip-hop.
Ah nice one, good to give it an airing eh. Was it a commercial thing or just decoration as a favour?
Just for my ticket, they contacted me to do one of the nano spaces in the red hexagons but I didn't have time due to my solo show a couple weeks back... Next year hopefully I have time to do something bigger.
DISCLAIMER- I know how stingey this is but I don't have the money to buy a ticket - already paid £50 to see them a couple of weeks ago.
QUESTION- does anyone know how much of a gig you can hear if you go to Hyde Park and just sit in the park outside of the arena. Arcade Fire blew us away when we saw them at Earls Court a couple of weeks ago so me and a couple of mates were thinking of taking a picnic and some cans to the park and just sitting outside to have a night in the park and listen in to the gig - has anyone done that? Can you get close enough to make it worthwhile?
Those that think rock and metal is musically inferior to the more mainstream 'post' pretence are beyond help.
The word is AC/DC to headline next year... heard it here first ;O)
I have it on good authority from someone who is close to the band this is very likely going to happen.
I read a little while ago that Malcom Young was seriously ill and they were on the verge of calling it a day. Hoping I'm wrong, one the best acts I've ever seen live.
DISCLAIMER- I know how stingey this is but I don't have the money to buy a ticket - already paid £50 to see them a couple of weeks ago.
QUESTION- does anyone know how much of a gig you can hear if you go to Hyde Park and just sit in the park outside of the arena. Arcade Fire blew us away when we saw them at Earls Court a couple of weeks ago so me and a couple of mates were thinking of taking a picnic and some cans to the park and just sitting outside to have a night in the park and listen in to the gig - has anyone done that? Can you get close enough to make it worthwhile?
there's so many triggers and correction synchs can be used these days that it's actually hard to tell whats real any more-clever stuff but it aint The Who at the Valley!
Note here - I'm not saying they're shit live. Just that they USED to be one of the best live bands on the planet and I've seen them too many times now to care about how 'polished' they are
Have a listen to this ...
It is legendary!
If you can find a copy of their "...and justice for all" tour, think it's called 'binge and purge' well worth a watch.
Arcade Fire and Metallica were personal highlights. Honorable mentions to De La Soul, Jurassic 5 and Massive Attack.
As a big fan of the heavier end of music, seeing Metallica headline Glastonbury was quite an emotional experience. It certainly felt like a big moment in Glasto history.
There's a certain amount of musical snobbery out there that assumes that any kind of metal or punk is immediately inferior and not worthy of a place at Glastonbury. Hopefully it sees them open the doors to one or two heavier bands in the future in the same way Jay-Z headlining opened things up for hip-hop.
The word is AC/DC to headline next year... heard it here first ;O)
Pretty much
Was it a commercial thing or just decoration as a favour?
You sound fun
QUESTION- does anyone know how much of a gig you can hear if you go to Hyde Park and just sit in the park outside of the arena. Arcade Fire blew us away when we saw them at Earls Court a couple of weeks ago so me and a couple of mates were thinking of taking a picnic and some cans to the park and just sitting outside to have a night in the park and listen in to the gig - has anyone done that? Can you get close enough to make it worthwhile?