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Germany ready to accept UK's exit from EU



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    Personally I like the way I can drive to the shops without having to steer around bin bags and corpses due to the binmen and undertakers not being on strike, and that the shop isn't shut thanks to rolling blackouts, but apart from that, 1978 doesn't sound too bad.
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    Personally, I feel that if a lot of the issues, that are causing frustration are addressed, then we should remain in The EU.

    Many of the issues, such as Prague listed recently, can be addressed, without us leaving the EU.

    Surely, if we cannot effectively reduce EU immigration, we should be working harder at reducing non EU immigration.

    The problem is, that we are a long way behind many other countries, because it has not been allowed to be discussed and therefore worked on in the past, without cries of "racists" or victimising the poor.

    Btw I'm no rich kid. I was brought up on a council estate and have never been gifted a penny in my life.

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    Having spent quite a while getting a visa for my wife and now trying to get one for her Mum, so she can meet my family, I'm not sure how much can be done about non-EU immigration, it's already bloody difficult to get somewhere here!

    My boss is also trying to move back to England, it's almost impossible for him, his wife and baby to move back as showing the required finances on a Chinese salary is a massive stumbling block!
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    The polls are shifting every week... One minute an outright Labour majority and the next they need a coalition partner to form a working majority.
    It will be interesting to see how the agenda, news stories defections and scandals develop!
    Latest poll suggests that UKIP win this bye election but lose it again next May.
    The latest European Court ruling that Germany can deny a Romanian benefits kinda suggests that Camerons stance about shaking up the whole EU is a bit of a nonsense. Transpires qualification for benefits can be legally engineered to kill off benefit tourism once and for all.
    Is he going to grow up now or find some other group to blame?
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    Fiiish said:

    Personally I like the way I can drive to the shops without having to steer around bin bags and corpses due to the binmen and undertakers not being on strike, and that the shop isn't shut thanks to rolling blackouts, but apart from that, 1978 doesn't sound too bad.

    but don't you think having dead bodies and bin bags everywhere just, you know, drove us together and gave us a real sense of community. We were all really in that together. Not anymore, thanks to the WITCH.
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    The polls are shifting every week... One minute an outright Labour majority and the next they need a coalition partner to form a working majority.
    It will be interesting to see how the agenda, news stories defections and scandals develop!
    Latest poll suggests that UKIP win this bye election but lose it again next May.
    The latest European Court ruling that Germany can deny a Romanian benefits kinda suggests that Camerons stance about shaking up the whole EU is a bit of a nonsense. Transpires qualification for benefits can be legally engineered to kill off benefit tourism once and for all.
    Is he going to grow up now or find some other group to blame?

    Some other group to blame

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    The polls are shifting every week... One minute an outright Labour majority and the next they need a coalition partner to form a working majority.
    It will be interesting to see how the agenda, news stories defections and scandals develop!
    Latest poll suggests that UKIP win this bye election but lose it again next May.
    The latest European Court ruling that Germany can deny a Romanian benefits kinda suggests that Camerons stance about shaking up the whole EU is a bit of a nonsense. Transpires qualification for benefits can be legally engineered to kill off benefit tourism once and for all.
    Is he going to grow up now or find some other group to blame?

    Some other group to blame

    not like labour blame the rich and the tories for anything. Everyone blames something that isn't "them", it's politics. Plus, i dont really think it's cameron who's blaming eu migrants but farage.
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    Fiiish said:

    Personally I like the way I can drive to the shops without having to steer around bin bags and corpses due to the binmen and undertakers not being on strike, and that the shop isn't shut thanks to rolling blackouts, but apart from that, 1978 doesn't sound too bad.

    but don't you think having dead bodies and bin bags everywhere just, you know, drove us together and gave us a real sense of community. We were all really in that together. Not anymore, thanks to the WITCH.

    I know it was tongue-in-cheek but thanks for addressing her by her rightful title ;-)
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    Fiiish said:

    Personally I like the way I can drive to the shops without having to steer around bin bags and corpses due to the binmen and undertakers not being on strike, and that the shop isn't shut thanks to rolling blackouts, but apart from that, 1978 doesn't sound too bad.

    but don't you think having dead bodies and bin bags everywhere just, you know, drove us together and gave us a real sense of community. We were all really in that together. Not anymore, thanks to the WITCH.

    I know it was tongue-in-cheek but thanks for addressing her by her rightful title ;-)
    Up until recently there was some graffiti on a building beside the railway tracks between New Cross and London Bridge which appeared after Thatch carked it.

    "The witch is dead but the spell lives on". Have to say I still agree with that sentiment.....
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    The polls are shifting every week... One minute an outright Labour majority and the next they need a coalition partner to form a working majority.
    It will be interesting to see how the agenda, news stories defections and scandals develop!
    Latest poll suggests that UKIP win this bye election but lose it again next May.
    The latest European Court ruling that Germany can deny a Romanian benefits kinda suggests that Camerons stance about shaking up the whole EU is a bit of a nonsense. Transpires qualification for benefits can be legally engineered to kill off benefit tourism once and for all.
    Is he going to grow up now or find some other group to blame?

    Some other group to blame

    not like labour blame the rich and the tories for anything. Everyone blames something that isn't "them", it's politics. Plus, i dont really think it's cameron who's blaming eu migrants but farage.
    Same arse. Different cheeks

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    Couldn't have been put better if I'd sprayed it myself.
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    Fiiish said:

    Personally I like the way I can drive to the shops without having to steer around bin bags and corpses due to the binmen and undertakers not being on strike, and that the shop isn't shut thanks to rolling blackouts, but apart from that, 1978 doesn't sound too bad.

    but don't you think having dead bodies and bin bags everywhere just, you know, drove us together and gave us a real sense of community. We were all really in that together. Not anymore, thanks to the WITCH.

    I know it was tongue-in-cheek but thanks for addressing her by her rightful title ;-)
    Up until recently there was some graffiti on a building beside the railway tracks between New Cross and London Bridge which appeared after Thatch carked it.

    "The witch is dead but the spell lives on". Have to say I still agree with that sentiment.....
    this gets my goat, the hypocrisy when lefties claim conservatives are vile when they do and defend things like that. Fair enough dislike the woman, hate her and call her a witch, free speech and all that but to go on and say conservatives are nasty and evil and you're the good guys when you sink to things like that.

    It's mind boggling.
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    Biting my tongue...............
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    No, she winds this lefty up because her policies decimated whole regions of the North, a lot of which have yet to recover. I appreciate that you in the South may have a different view but mention her name anywhere north of Birmingham and people's animosity towards her isn't because she showed a 'better way forward'.

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    Announced today by The Bank of England :-

    Unemployment fell for the 18th consecutive quarter, roughly coinciding, with when the Coalition took control. Amazing coincidence.

    Wage rises have increased above the cost of living. 1.3% v 1.2%.

    Wages are forecast to continue to rise, with inflation expected to slip below 1%.

    Well the govt have told NHS workers to whistle for a pay rise and have done for four of the last five years. Bring on more of this economic miracle I say. I've never had it so good.

    You see I would blame Labour for your lack of pay increases, due to increasing the debt levels, when they should have been paying them down. Leading to the "cupboard is bare" note left for the Tories.

    But you blame The Tories for trying to address the issue.

    It's a bit like a premiership player taking a wage that puts the clubs into ever increasing debt. The premiership player doesn't care about the increasing debt. Their only concern is themself, their team & winning trophies, which is less likely if you're trying to break even.

    Duchatelet is a bit like a Tory, in this regard. He is trying to do the right thing & run a tight ship. Many will praise this & many will say he should blow more & more money.

    NB I'm not for one moment suggesting NHS salaries are akin to Premiership players. I'm just looking overall at NHS or football club budgets, that are maintained by ever increasing debt.

    No offence meant to you SHG. We're just having a grown up conversation, hopefully.
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    No, she winds this lefty up because her policies decimated whole regions of the North, a lot of which have yet to recover. I appreciate that you in the South may have a different view but mention her name anywhere north of Birmingham and people's animosity towards her isn't because she showed a 'better way forward'.


    First of all I live in Lancashire.

    Secondly, a lot of the 'decimation' I'm assuming you're referring to would have happened anyway even if Labour had won in 1979 (in fact Labour were shutting down mines and industries at a faster rate than Maggie was before they were booted out) as the country simply didn't have the economic power to continue to prop up the industries of the north. It's complicated but blaming it all on Maggie just because it happened under her watch is the same as blaming Gordon Brown for the global recession. I'm not going to claim every decision she made was right, far from it, but the reality of it is the North was always going to be hit hard in the 80s regardless of who was in power. Not a single expert has been able to come up with what would have been a better alternative, even with the benefit of hindsight.

    The fact is what is done is done and the only reason people are bitter about it is because of rewritten history that continues to be peddled by the aforementioned organisations for political purposes.
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    Fiiish said:

    Fiiish said:

    Personally I like the way I can drive to the shops without having to steer around bin bags and corpses due to the binmen and undertakers not being on strike, and that the shop isn't shut thanks to rolling blackouts, but apart from that, 1978 doesn't sound too bad.

    but don't you think having dead bodies and bin bags everywhere just, you know, drove us together and gave us a real sense of community. We were all really in that together. Not anymore, thanks to the WITCH.

    I know it was tongue-in-cheek but thanks for addressing her by her rightful title ;-)
    Up until recently there was some graffiti on a building beside the railway tracks between New Cross and London Bridge which appeared after Thatch carked it.

    "The witch is dead but the spell lives on". Have to say I still agree with that sentiment.....
    this gets my goat, the hypocrisy when lefties claim conservatives are vile when they do and defend things like that. Fair enough dislike the woman, hate her and call her a witch, free speech and all that but to go on and say conservatives are nasty and evil and you're the good guys when you sink to things like that.

    It's mind boggling.
    It's not even fair enough for most lefties to dislike the woman since they have a rather warped perception of her thanks to the continuous rewriting of history by the BBC, Channel 4, the Guardian, the Labour Party & the SNP. If you believed everything these organisations say, you'd think 1978 UK was a powerful nation of hardworking socialists, all signed-up to trade unions and all with perfect healthcare and government funded homes and jobs, and that the sum of all Government actions between 1979 and 1997 was to transfer the entirety of the nation's wealth into the 5 richest men in the UK and everyone else living on and in sewage.

    The only real reason why she winds Lefties up is because she successfully showed there was a better way forward than socialism and British socialism has been on the downslide ever since.
    i'm pretty suspicious when some one says highly respected media outlets have rewritten history but i agree with the last half of your statement. Thatcher was the antithesis of the left at the time. One reason i find the left deeply suspicious is their demonisation of thatcher, it's not healthy for a democracy for one side to demonise the other in the way the left tend to do in this country. This is why i am also reluctant to dismiss farage as a racist facist and any one who votes ukip is racist. I don't agree with their policies (what are they again?) but to demonise the political will of a significant group of people in this country is rather dangerous, whether you agree with it or not.

    One thing i don't really like/understand is political contributions. I don't see how or why the rich and trade unions should donate and so gain leverage on a political party. But i guess that's an arguement for another day.

    The important thing for this thread is that the majority of britons (including myself) think that we should stay part of the eu, from a recent poll in the mail (bleugh)
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    Fiiish said:

    The fact is what is done is done and the only reason people are bitter about it is because of rewritten history that continues to be peddled by the aforementioned organisations for political purposes.

    No, that is completely false and a case of you re-writing history.

    SOME people were bitter/angry about it at the time.

    You can agree or disagree with their view but I was alive then, many people were angry at the time. It is not the BBC etc etc fault.
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    edited November 2014
    I want us to leave the EU so we can stop spending millions every week to be part of a club on most we can control.

    Immigration - Under the EU, we can not control immigration properly due to the freedom of movement act so anyone whether they have a criminal record, health risk, can't speak English or don't have any qualifications can come to the UK. I favour immigration but controlled so we can let any immigrants who meets certain criteria's like Australia and Canada do successfully.

    Trade - We can not make our own trade deals due to trading blocks under the EU. If any of you say "trading and jobs would be lost under the EU" it's a complete myth because we can leave the EU but be part of the EFTA agreement within the EU.

    Energy - EDF Energy has successfully been approved to build a Nuclear Power station in Somerset, but they had to seek approval from the EU while the goverment gave the go-ahead ages ago. The EU controls far too much.

    It does not suprise me the pro-EU's on this forum has not mentioned anything about bill of 1.6 billion pounds the EU has put on us. As the UK's economy is doing well we get punished for it and the EU has also put a bill towards Greece and Cyprus - the two Countries in deep shite. Not only I think that that is disgusting but part of that money is going towards France and Germany whose economy is the strongest under the Euro but even their economy is downgrading. Soon the money will run out and I can see some sort of Civil war breaking out in Europe somewhere, most likely Greece.

    As soon as the Euro is abolished and those Countries go back to their original currencies the better but the EU will do anything to keep that Mickey mouse currency going.
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    Excellent reasoned, persuasive post, kentaddick.
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    Fiiish said:

    Fiiish said:

    Personally I like the way I can drive to the shops without having to steer around bin bags and corpses due to the binmen and undertakers not being on strike, and that the shop isn't shut thanks to rolling blackouts, but apart from that, 1978 doesn't sound too bad.

    but don't you think having dead bodies and bin bags everywhere just, you know, drove us together and gave us a real sense of community. We were all really in that together. Not anymore, thanks to the WITCH.

    I know it was tongue-in-cheek but thanks for addressing her by her rightful title ;-)
    Up until recently there was some graffiti on a building beside the railway tracks between New Cross and London Bridge which appeared after Thatch carked it.

    "The witch is dead but the spell lives on". Have to say I still agree with that sentiment.....
    this gets my goat, the hypocrisy when lefties claim conservatives are vile when they do and defend things like that. Fair enough dislike the woman, hate her and call her a witch, free speech and all that but to go on and say conservatives are nasty and evil and you're the good guys when you sink to things like that.

    It's mind boggling.
    It's not even fair enough for most lefties to dislike the woman since they have a rather warped perception of her thanks to the continuous rewriting of history by the BBC, Channel 4, the Guardian, the Labour Party & the SNP. If you believed everything these organisations say, you'd think 1978 UK was a powerful nation of hardworking socialists, all signed-up to trade unions and all with perfect healthcare and government funded homes and jobs, and that the sum of all Government actions between 1979 and 1997 was to transfer the entirety of the nation's wealth into the 5 richest men in the UK and everyone else living on and in sewage.

    The only real reason why she winds Lefties up is because she successfully showed there was a better way forward than socialism and British socialism has been on the downslide ever since.
    Lord Haw-Haw would be proud of you , Sir.
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    DiscoCAFC said:

    Energy - EDF Energy has successfully been approved to build a Nuclear Power station in Somerset, but they had to seek approval from the EU while the goverment gave the go-ahead ages ago. The EU controls far too much.


    Just one question, Disco

    Do you approve of EDF Energy's role in our strategic national energy system?
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    edited November 2014

    DiscoCAFC said:

    Energy - EDF Energy has successfully been approved to build a Nuclear Power station in Somerset, but they had to seek approval from the EU while the goverment gave the go-ahead ages ago. The EU controls far too much.


    Just one question, Disco

    Do you approve of EDF Energy's role in our strategic national energy system?
    I don't really have much of a opinion to be honest.

    I just have a issue with the EU's interference on what goes on that only affects the UK, regardless whether its potentially good for the UK or not.
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    DiscoCAFC said:

    DiscoCAFC said:

    Energy - EDF Energy has successfully been approved to build a Nuclear Power station in Somerset, but they had to seek approval from the EU while the goverment gave the go-ahead ages ago. The EU controls far too much.


    Just one question, Disco

    Do you approve of EDF Energy's role in our strategic national energy system?
    I don't really have much of a opinion to be honest.

    I just have a issue with the EU's interference on what goes on that only affects the UK, regardless whether its potentially good for the UK or not.
    Well at least you were honest.

    Can I recommend a book to you? "Private Island; Why Britain now belongs to someone else" , by James Meek.

    It shows, clearly and in a very readable style, how British privatisation means that huge swathes of our most important essential national utilities, Power, water, telecoms, rail, post, municipal housing, are now in foreign hands.

    I hear a lot of UKippers banging on about loss of "sovereignty". Well this is the biggest loss of sovereignty I can identify and like many other things it has got feck all to do with the EU and everything to do with national politics. What's UKIP's policy on this then? Re-nationalise the lot?

    That's why I asked. EDF is French. And the French thought and think we were complete nuts to allow our national assets to fall into their hands. They are laughing all the way to the bank.
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    edited November 2014
    And our companies and institutions still own vast amounts of everyone else's treasure. Its the way of the global economy and we were world leaders in it for years. To that end we should stay in the EU club imo. We may not like a lot of the rules and regulations, it may offend our precious national psyche but we are in it to benefit. It does not mean we cannot stick up for ourselves and make no bones about it, we are worth more in it to the rest of the EU than out of it, we just need to play by their rules and beat them. We should not be kicking against it all the time a la Tories or rolling over and letting them tickle our soft underbellies a la Labour.
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    Id re nationalise all the Utilities and rail. in both cases it was never " a level playing field" and never will be. Nothing to do with the EU.

    in EU ---yes
    in the Euro---no
    immigration --yes
    Open borders/mass immigration---no
    Vote----yes would be a massive vote to stay in

    seems to have also been forgotten by labour and the Torys that Gordon brown did say he would give us a vote on the EU if he became PM---but just another labour lie.
This discussion has been closed.

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