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General Election 2015 official thread



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    brogib said:

    Leuth said:

    I've got some foreigners living above me. They seem very nice.

    Had British Sikhs and Jamaicans living all round me, lovally time had by all great community, then the Slovakian Gypsies moved in en mass and the place turned into an absolute shit-hole, 100% down to them!
    So change the benefit regime to bring it in line with other EU countries such as France and Germany. Why do you think the Slovak gypsies choose London rather than Paris or Berlin? The weather ????
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    seth plum said:

    Michael Gove on question time. Sorry but irrational as it may seem he creeps me out.

    Andy Burnham does the same for me.

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    brogib said:

    Leuth said:

    I've got some foreigners living above me. They seem very nice.

    Had British Sikhs and Jamaicans living all round me, lovally time had by all great community, then the Slovakian Gypsies moved in en mass and the place turned into an absolute shit-hole, 100% down to them!
    So change the benefit regime to bring it in line with other EU countries such as France and Germany. Why do you think the Slovak gypsies choose London rather than Paris or Berlin? The weather ????
    The weather pmsl clever... No its for the
    free motors, generous hand outs, food vouchers and to push their luck with the tolerant British public.
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    edited April 2015
    seth plum said:

    Michael Gove on question time. Sorry but irrational as it may seem he creeps me out.

    If any other character like him with his ideology becomes Secretary for Education, I'm leaving teaching. Frightening!
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    edited April 2015
    Google Michael Gove in the Garden as a comparison, equally unforgettable.
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    Why would anyone want to go back to where the trouble started? 5 more years of overspending on welfare again, building up more debt

    So which economic indicators has the coalition delivered on its promises on then? Deficit reduction? Growth? Reducing the national debt? Maintaining our AAA credit rating? Increasing exports? Has it significantly reformed the banking sector 7 years after the crash?

    I think SHG raises a great point in that those living and working in the South East/London are far from in the ideal position to judge what those of us in the poorer parts of the country are seeing in terms of any supposed recovery. When I walk down my local high street I still see more businesses going than starting up for instance and few people I know feel anything like better off or more economically secure now relative to 2010.
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    Sol Campbell ✔ @SolManOfficial
    I've captained a number of teams and it's clear to see Miliband is no leader #leadersdebate
    10:18 PM - 2 Apr 2015
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    brogib said:

    brogib said:

    Leuth said:

    I've got some foreigners living above me. They seem very nice.

    Had British Sikhs and Jamaicans living all round me, lovally time had by all great community, then the Slovakian Gypsies moved in en mass and the place turned into an absolute shit-hole, 100% down to them!
    So change the benefit regime to bring it in line with other EU countries such as France and Germany. Why do you think the Slovak gypsies choose London rather than Paris or Berlin? The weather ????
    The weather pmsl clever... No its for the
    free motors, generous hand outs, food vouchers and to push their luck with the tolerant British public.
    Free motors?

    I don't think they get "free motors" if they pitch up in Germany.

    Did you not watch the Polish Foreign Minister on the Andrew Marr programme last summer? I found the transcript for the relevant section. Basically he is telling us, you don't have to leave the EU to fix the problem:

    But coming back to your earlier point, you know we have nothing ... no problem with Britain making its social security system less generous. And for example on the continent, in particular in Poland, if you came to Poland we wouldn’t pay you benefits or housing benefit from day one. You would have to earn that right; it would take you some months. And so you’re changing your social security system to be more continental ...
    And a bit tougher.
    ... and the European Union is not interfering in that. And as long as you make it non-discriminatory, we will not criticise you.

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    McBobbin said:

    brogib said:

    Sol Campbell ✔ @SolManOfficial
    I've captained a number of teams and it's clear to see Miliband is no leader #leadersdebate
    10:18 PM - 2 Apr 2015

    Even you must be thinking of voting labour after that "endorsement"
    Lol, never, but jokes aside, Milliband is the biggest reason Labour won't do anything in 34 days imo
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    brogib said:

    McBobbin said:

    brogib said:

    Sol Campbell ✔ @SolManOfficial
    I've captained a number of teams and it's clear to see Miliband is no leader #leadersdebate
    10:18 PM - 2 Apr 2015

    Even you must be thinking of voting labour after that "endorsement"
    Lol, never, but jokes aside, Milliband is the biggest reason Labour won't do anything in 34 days imo
    I swear miliband is part of some real life scheme like in the Mel brookes film "the producers" where the unions want a second Tory term so they can get powerful again by voting in that nincompoop. It'll backfire and he will win
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    SNP have got most of the Scottish seats sewn up. That might open the door for Labour to lead a coalition.
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    Has anyone mentioned Mary Doll Nesbit, sorry Nicola Sturgeon?
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    brogib said:

    brogib said:

    Leuth said:

    I've got some foreigners living above me. They seem very nice.

    Had British Sikhs and Jamaicans living all round me, lovally time had by all great community, then the Slovakian Gypsies moved in en mass and the place turned into an absolute shit-hole, 100% down to them!
    So change the benefit regime to bring it in line with other EU countries such as France and Germany. Why do you think the Slovak gypsies choose London rather than Paris or Berlin? The weather ????
    The weather pmsl clever... No its for the
    free motors, generous hand outs, food vouchers and to push their luck with the tolerant British public.
    Free motors?

    I don't think they get "free motors" if they pitch up in Germany.

    Did you not watch the Polish Foreign Minister on the Andrew Marr programme last summer? I found the transcript for the relevant section. Basically he is telling us, you don't have to leave the EU to fix the problem:

    But coming back to your earlier point, you know we have nothing ... no problem with Britain making its social security system less generous. And for example on the continent, in particular in Poland, if you came to Poland we wouldn’t pay you benefits or housing benefit from day one. You would have to earn that right; it would take you some months. And so you’re changing your social security system to be more continental ...
    And a bit tougher.
    ... and the European Union is not interfering in that. And as long as you make it non-discriminatory, we will not criticise you.

    Yeah, as soon as they moved in, within a week or so, they'd be driving round the block in a new motor, 5 up, drinking cans of beer, playing their music at full blast. None of em worked so I assume they got given the cars or they nicked em? There were 3 terrace houses and a block of flats full of em, with about 5-6 cars between em. The big fat one had a brand spanking new black Citreon Picasso, so he must've qualified through disability because he was so fat I spose? You tell me, you're the expert

    Your other point, I'd agree with. Not sure why you're getting out you pram with me?
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    Loco said:

    Has anyone mentioned Mary Doll Nesbit, sorry Nicola Sturgeon?

    Or Nessa, I mean Leanne Wood?
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    edited April 2015

    Addickted said:

    seth plum said:

    Michael Gove on question time. Sorry but irrational as it may seem he creeps me out.

    Andy Burnham does the same for me.

    Really? Clearly you have never watched "Hillsborough Never Forgotten"

    I have never forgotten this remarkable programme, and Andy Burnham's place in it.

    Watch it. Please. You picked on the wrong guy there.
    Apart from joining the bandwagon how did that disgusting slime Burnham help the Hillsborough cause? There are plenty in Mid-Staffs who blame him for covering up scandals in the NHS.
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    Nicola Sturgeon is a decent politician.

    Pity she associates herself with Alec Salmond and the rest of the SNP.

    Not seen debate yet
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    Fiiish said:

    Addickted said:

    seth plum said:

    Michael Gove on question time. Sorry but irrational as it may seem he creeps me out.

    Andy Burnham does the same for me.

    Really? Clearly you have never watched "Hillsborough Never Forgotten"

    I have never forgotten this remarkable programme, and Andy Burnham's place in it.

    Watch it. Please. You picked on the wrong guy there.
    Apart from joining the bandwagon how did that disgusting slime Burnham help the Hillsborough cause? There are plenty in Mid-Staffs who blame him for covering up scandals in the NHS.
    You need to look in the mirror pal.

  • Options

    Why would anyone want to go back to where the trouble started? 5 more years of overspending on welfare again, building up more debt

    So which economic indicators has the coalition delivered on its promises on then? Deficit reduction? Growth? Reducing the national debt? Maintaining our AAA credit rating? Increasing exports? Has it significantly reformed the banking sector 7 years after the crash?

    I think SHG raises a great point in that those living and working in the South East/London are far from in the ideal position to judge what those of us in the poorer parts of the country are seeing in terms of any supposed recovery. When I walk down my local high street I still see more businesses going than starting up for instance and few people I know feel anything like better off or more economically secure now relative to 2010.
    I think the economic recovery can be viewed in a slightly less blinkered way than a stroll down Highcliffe shopping arcade and a chat with a couple of random mates. I'm sure you read your local papers.

    The press headlines suggest your anecdotal bias to be a bit wide of the mark for the bigger picture

    ''Bournemouth beats London as UK's fastest-growing digital economy'' Feb 2015
    Britain’s digital economy is booming outside London, with 74pc of digital firms now based beyond the capital, and Bournemouth, Liverpool and Brighton emerging as the industry’s runaway success stories.

    Or this from the Echo

    Bournemouth one of handful of "cities" driving economy, says report
    19th January 2015

    BOURNEMOUTH is one of a handful of cities driving economic growth in the UK, according to new research.

    Bournemouth is fifth in the table with a 10% growth in jobs between 2004 and 2015. It is also tenth in the table for number of businesses, with 345.5 businesses for every 10,000 people. The proportion of people claiming Job Seekers Allowance is one of the lowest too, at 1.3% - the ninth lowest, according to the study.

    My local paper had this article last week

    Jaguar Land Rover to invest £450m in Castle Bromwich factory
    24 March 2015
    Huge investment to turn site into world centre for building aluminium cars

    The investment in Castle Bromwich is part of a major push on the Big Cat marque with JLR also putting £400 million into a research and development centre in Coventry.

    The new site is set to be built next to the firm’s global headquarters at Whitley, creating another 7,000 to 11,000 jobs indirectly through the supply chain.

    Away from manufacturing
    HSBC moves its UK bank headquarters to Birmingham
    24 March 2015
    In Birmingham's biggest inward investment deal for a generation, Britain's biggest bank is relocating its UK operation to Arena Central. It comes as a result of new laws over ring-fencing investment arms from the Vickers report into banking.
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    Now I like the General Election 2015 official thread and I like The 2015 General Election thread.....but which one is better?

    Almost certainly to be decided by a fight!
    apart from the welsh bird,forget em[lovely isn,t she]
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    edited April 2015
    Michael Gove is a conviction politician, and in many ways not a typical conservative. The problen is that he is a complete a hole. He was adopted and likens everybody to his circumstance. He thinks he is so great and wants more people to turn out like him. The problem is, it would be a failing turn out like him. He either thinks people are fantastic or rubbish and views from his narrow perspective. And there is a whole group of people he has unreasonable contempt for. A complete disaster and alomg with people like Maude and Pickles, a good reason why nobody should vote tory.
    And i never saw Sol Campbell as much of a leader when he played football btw.
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    Why would anyone want to go back to where the trouble started? 5 more years of overspending on welfare again, building up more debt

    So which economic indicators has the coalition delivered on its promises on then? Deficit reduction? Growth? Reducing the national debt? Maintaining our AAA credit rating? Increasing exports? Has it significantly reformed the banking sector 7 years after the crash?

    I think SHG raises a great point in that those living and working in the South East/London are far from in the ideal position to judge what those of us in the poorer parts of the country are seeing in terms of any supposed recovery. When I walk down my local high street I still see more businesses going than starting up for instance and few people I know feel anything like better off or more economically secure now relative to 2010.
    I think the economic recovery can be viewed in a slightly less blinkered way than a stroll down Highcliffe shopping arcade and a chat with a couple of random mates. I'm sure you read your local papers.

    The press headlines suggest your anecdotal bias to be a bit wide of the mark for the bigger picture

    ''Bournemouth beats London as UK's fastest-growing digital economy'' Feb 2015
    Britain’s digital economy is booming outside London, with 74pc of digital firms now based beyond the capital, and Bournemouth, Liverpool and Brighton emerging as the industry’s runaway success stories.

    Or this from the Echo

    Bournemouth one of handful of "cities" driving economy, says report
    19th January 2015

    BOURNEMOUTH is one of a handful of cities driving economic growth in the UK, according to new research.

    Bournemouth is fifth in the table with a 10% growth in jobs between 2004 and 2015. It is also tenth in the table for number of businesses, with 345.5 businesses for every 10,000 people. The proportion of people claiming Job Seekers Allowance is one of the lowest too, at 1.3% - the ninth lowest, according to the study.

    My local paper had this article last week

    Jaguar Land Rover to invest £450m in Castle Bromwich factory
    24 March 2015
    Huge investment to turn site into world centre for building aluminium cars

    The investment in Castle Bromwich is part of a major push on the Big Cat marque with JLR also putting £400 million into a research and development centre in Coventry.

    The new site is set to be built next to the firm’s global headquarters at Whitley, creating another 7,000 to 11,000 jobs indirectly through the supply chain.

    Away from manufacturing
    HSBC moves its UK bank headquarters to Birmingham
    24 March 2015
    In Birmingham's biggest inward investment deal for a generation, Britain's biggest bank is relocating its UK operation to Arena Central. It comes as a result of new laws over ring-fencing investment arms from the Vickers report into banking.
    Bournemouth !!! I'm sure your figures are correct but it's likely to be an anomaly rather than an indicator. Do you have to hand the figures for Skegness or Llandudno ? In any case Bournemouth is a cliche for rich retired so hardly a deprived area in the first place.

    As for Birmingham. It's the countries second biggest city. If there was no glimmer of recovery there then we really would be in trouble.

    I reiterate my earlier point. I think outside the City, Big business, and the South East in general most people are not feeling what David Cameron is saying. There undoubtedly is a recovery of sorts but it's impacting on very few ordinary workers.

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    brogib said:

    brogib said:

    brogib said:

    Leuth said:

    I've got some foreigners living above me. They seem very nice.

    Had British Sikhs and Jamaicans living all round me, lovally time had by all great community, then the Slovakian Gypsies moved in en mass and the place turned into an absolute shit-hole, 100% down to them!
    So change the benefit regime to bring it in line with other EU countries such as France and Germany. Why do you think the Slovak gypsies choose London rather than Paris or Berlin? The weather ????
    The weather pmsl clever... No its for the
    free motors, generous hand outs, food vouchers and to push their luck with the tolerant British public.
    Free motors?

    I don't think they get "free motors" if they pitch up in Germany.

    Did you not watch the Polish Foreign Minister on the Andrew Marr programme last summer? I found the transcript for the relevant section. Basically he is telling us, you don't have to leave the EU to fix the problem:

    But coming back to your earlier point, you know we have nothing ... no problem with Britain making its social security system less generous. And for example on the continent, in particular in Poland, if you came to Poland we wouldn’t pay you benefits or housing benefit from day one. You would have to earn that right; it would take you some months. And so you’re changing your social security system to be more continental ...
    And a bit tougher.
    ... and the European Union is not interfering in that. And as long as you make it non-discriminatory, we will not criticise you.

    Yeah, as soon as they moved in, within a week or so, they'd be driving round the block in a new motor, 5 up, drinking cans of beer, playing their music at full blast. None of em worked so I assume they got given the cars or they nicked em? There were 3 terrace houses and a block of flats full of em, with about 5-6 cars between em. The big fat one had a brand spanking new black Citreon Picasso, so he must've qualified through disability because he was so fat I spose? You tell me, you're the expert

    Your other point, I'd agree with. Not sure why you're getting out you pram with me?
    Well it's a a thread about politics. People might disagree with each other. It's nothing personal but I think UKIP supporters talk a lot of bollocks. Most of the 'issues' can be fixed by British legislation without leaving the EU and I'm just pointing it out with an example. I thought you were suggesting they had somehow acquired cars directly from the State, but it was late when i read it, and now I understand what you meant.
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    brogib said:

    Loco said:

    Has anyone mentioned Mary Doll Nesbit, sorry Nicola Sturgeon?

    Or Nessa, I mean Leanne Wood?
    The wee one from the Twankies :-)
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    Fiiish said:

    Addickted said:

    seth plum said:

    Michael Gove on question time. Sorry but irrational as it may seem he creeps me out.

    Andy Burnham does the same for me.

    Really? Clearly you have never watched "Hillsborough Never Forgotten"

    I have never forgotten this remarkable programme, and Andy Burnham's place in it.

    Watch it. Please. You picked on the wrong guy there.
    Apart from joining the bandwagon how did that disgusting slime Burnham help the Hillsborough cause? There are plenty in Mid-Staffs who blame him for covering up scandals in the NHS.
    Well I'll let people watch the film and make up their own minds. I don't think I've seen a more powerful example of a politician faced by angry and desperate citizens and realising that he will have to go back to London and persuade his leaders that they will have to change their minds. I'm sure he is not perfect, show me a politician who is.

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    I don't agree with their politics but Sturgeon is the second best politician in this country, Salmond is the best.
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    se9addick said:

    I don't agree with their politics but Sturgeon is the second best politician in this country, Salmond is the best.

    I've never heard Salmond answer a question, unless it's with another question back. Loved it when he was asked throughout the referendum campaign about the Scots keeping the pound.

    Maybe that does make him a good politician
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Roland Out Forever!