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Traffic chaos in Kent



  • It seems that Kent Police were carrying out security checks, but it just shows how quickly traffic chaos builds up when thousands of lorries are held up at the ports.

  • edited September 2020
    Security checks on ferries and Eurotunnel trains were due to bomb threats apparently.


    Counter Terrorism Policing said it had requested enhanced security checks at all UK ports in relation to "ongoing operational activity".

    "The requirement has since been stood down," it added.
  • RedPanda said:
    The extra security checks are on the French side which has put everything out of sync. They're probably demonstrating about something, they did this before to show how bad 'no deal' will be unless they hire loads more staff in Calais.
    Pure speculation RP.
    See what the Express says.
  • Operation Brock is already causing problems on a daily basis. They are closing the almost M20 every night until the end of November, whilst they install the steel barrier which will protect the workers putting down the infrastructure for the removable concrete barrier.

    Have got this week off work and we went to Folkestone on Monday and there was an accident in the Brock area between 9 and 8 on the M20.  All the traffic going London bound was at a complete standstill. It happened on an almost daily basis whilst the hated steel barrier was in place last time and will do again. 

    Although I voted for Brexit, it IS gong to cause massive problems for the country, as the Government appears to be making a hash of this, like almost everything else they have had a hand in. Yes, I did vote for them as well, but bitterly regret that now. 
    Do you know why this you don’t.
    The hold up was due in this instance to something that took place in France NOT the UK.
    I agree there are quite possibly some hold ups that are going to be ongoing for a while whilst some security alterations are going on.
    Anyway, blame the government why don’t you.😴😴😴
  • Operation Brock is already causing problems on a daily basis. They are closing the almost M20 every night until the end of November, whilst they install the steel barrier which will protect the workers putting down the infrastructure for the removable concrete barrier.

    Have got this week off work and we went to Folkestone on Monday and there was an accident in the Brock area between 9 and 8 on the M20.  All the traffic going London bound was at a complete standstill. It happened on an almost daily basis whilst the hated steel barrier was in place last time and will do again. 

    Although I voted for Brexit, it IS gong to cause massive problems for the country, as the Government appears to be making a hash of this, like almost everything else they have had a hand in. Yes, I did vote for them as well, but bitterly regret that now. 
    Do you know why this you don’t.
    The hold up was due in this instance to something that took place in France NOT the UK.
    I agree there are quite possibly some hold ups that are going to be ongoing for a while whilst some security alterations are going on.
    Anyway, blame the government why don’t you.😴😴😴
    My understanding is there were increased checks in England (too) for a number of reasons.

    Not Brexit's fault (for once)!

    Whichever government is in power, I don't always see the poor performance and choices of any agency or department directly the fault of the government e.g. PHE in recent months
  • edited September 2020
    Operation Brock is already causing problems on a daily basis. They are closing the almost M20 every night until the end of November, whilst they install the steel barrier which will protect the workers putting down the infrastructure for the removable concrete barrier.

    Have got this week off work and we went to Folkestone on Monday and there was an accident in the Brock area between 9 and 8 on the M20.  All the traffic going London bound was at a complete standstill. It happened on an almost daily basis whilst the hated steel barrier was in place last time and will do again. 

    Although I voted for Brexit, it IS gong to cause massive problems for the country, as the Government appears to be making a hash of this, like almost everything else they have had a hand in. Yes, I did vote for them as well, but bitterly regret that now. 
    Do you know why this you don’t.
    The hold up was due in this instance to something that took place in France NOT the UK.
    I agree there are quite possibly some hold ups that are going to be ongoing for a while whilst some security alterations are going on.
    Anyway, blame the government why don’t you.😴😴😴
    Today's problems were caused by security checks at Eurotunnel and Dover and I didn't blame the Government for that, but it has caused massive traffic jams throughout Kent. I DO blame the Government for not properly preparing for when the transitional period ends on 31st December.

    Operation Brock is being put in place by the Government, because they know that it is very likely that there will be problems after 31st December. They have had over 4 years to bring in the technology which would allow customs 'paperwork' be done online and we are now being told they cannot test this until the end of November. There are very real fears by people within the haulage industry, that freight operators will not know what is required of them after 31st December. There are thousands of HGVs travelling through Kent every day and if they arrive at Dover without having completed the online paperwork, they will have to be held somewhere and the road system is their favoured place, which has a knock on effect on large parts of the county.

    I DO know that it is already causing problems because the M20 is closed almost every night until the end of November and all traffic has to be re-routed through the county, often onto other roads which have closures.

    I saw for myself on Monday, the M20 at a standstill due to either an accident or breakdown in the section where the steel barrier has already been put in place. There were breakdowns and accidents on the Op Brock section almost every day last winter. 

  • edited September 2020
  • It is too late to regret voting for brexit.
    Way too late.
  • edited September 2020
    seth plum said:
    It is too late to regret voting for brexit.
    Way too late.
    Personally not aware of anyone who is
  • Who is what?
  • Sponsored links:

  • seth plum said:
    Who is what?
    Not aware of anyone regretting voting for Brexit
  • A poster on this thread today, above, says they bitterly regret it.

  • seth plum said:
    A poster on this thread today, above, says they bitterly regret it.

    Oh did they. Well that is 1 then, Apologies I missed that; wfh, listening to the ENG game and trying to keep up to data with the Kent game and this thread, lol

    It is highly likely that they are aware of that.
  • Yes.
    Everybody is aware it is too late for regrets.
  • edited September 2020
    seth plum said:
    A poster on this thread today, above, says they bitterly regret it.

    To be accurate, I believe he said that he regretted voting for this Government, not Brexit.
  • seth plum said:
    Everybody is aware it is too late for regrets.
    Everybody who regrets it should realise it is too late for regrets, 

    But not everybody regrets it. 
  • seth plum said:
    A poster on this thread today, above, says they bitterly regret it.

    To be accurate, I believe he said that he regretted voting for this Government, and not Brexit.
    This government was elected on a 'get brexit done' ticket, with the promise of an oven ready brexit deal.
  • seth plum said:
    A poster on this thread today, above, says they bitterly regret it.

    To be accurate, I believe he said that he regretted voting for this Government, not Brexit.
    I believe this may refer to me and yes,  this lady regrets voting for this Government and Brexit.
  • edited September 2020
    This is what happens when there are problems at the ports

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  • Tailbacks to Old Harry Rocks?

  • Part of Op Brock is that the vehicles will held on a closed off section of the M26, where their paper work is checked before being allowed to proceed to Dover.  a border ready pass will  have been issued. The DVSA will assist Kent Police with Stopping vehicles trying to dodge the jams and rat running through Kent. Highways England will also have a roll to play. Both DVSA and HE Traffic Officers may have an increase in their powers.
     Any vehicles found contravening  the regs will have a £300 fine and a direction notice back to the M26 holding area, where they will join the back of the queue. Manston airport will be used to park trucks, and at Ashford a huge holding area has been built to help keep the roads clear. This will be a massive operation, but a lot of planning/training has gone in to it.
    Let hope we have a mild winter and COVID 19 is finally under control.
  • Tailbacks to Old Harry Rocks?

    Sorry, I didn't know how to get a screenshot of only 1 screen!!
  • Tailbacks to Old Harry Rocks?

    Sorry, I didn't know how to get a screenshot of only 1 screen!!
    Ask Poddy
  • Part of Op Brock is that the vehicles will held on a closed off section of the M26, where their paper work is checked before being allowed to proceed to Dover.  a border ready pass will  have been issued. The DVSA will assist Kent Police with Stopping vehicles trying to dodge the jams and rat running through Kent. Highways England will also have a roll to play. Both DVSA and HE Traffic Officers may have an increase in their powers.
     Any vehicles found contravening  the regs will have a £300 fine and a direction notice back to the M26 holding area, where they will join the back of the queue. Manston airport will be used to park trucks, and at Ashford a huge holding area has been built to help keep the roads clear. This will be a massive operation, but a lot of planning/training has gone in to it.
    Let hope we have a mild winter and COVID 19 is finally under control.
    Why is it called rat running when vehicles travel along a legitimate road in order to get from a to b.
    Rat running is a disparaging term isn't it, like Aneurin Bevan calling  Tories vermin?
    Surely the more accurate description is that vehicles are travelling along 'back doubles'.
  • Tailbacks to Old Harry Rocks?

    Sorry, I didn't know how to get a screenshot of only 1 screen!!
    Ask Poddy
    Unfortunately Poddy is no longer with us :'(

  • Part of Op Brock is that the vehicles will held on a closed off section of the M26, where their paper work is checked before being allowed to proceed to Dover.  a border ready pass will  have been issued. The DVSA will assist Kent Police with Stopping vehicles trying to dodge the jams and rat running through Kent. Highways England will also have a roll to play. Both DVSA and HE Traffic Officers may have an increase in their powers.
     Any vehicles found contravening  the regs will have a £300 fine and a direction notice back to the M26 holding area, where they will join the back of the queue. Manston airport will be used to park trucks, and at Ashford a huge holding area has been built to help keep the roads clear. This will be a massive operation, but a lot of planning/training has gone in to it.
    Let hope we have a mild winter and COVID 19 is finally under control.
    Doesn't fill me with much optimism.
  • Rat running is a term must people understand, as the HGVs will be restricted by law (SI) from using certain roads they will be breaking the law if they  use them. The restrictions have been brought in  so that local residents do not suffer any disruption,.
  • Back doubles is the more earthy local London term I reckon.
    Rat Runs or rat running has always struck me as rather a middle class NIMBY expression.
  • Rat running is a term must people understand, as the HGVs will be restricted by law (SI) from using certain roads they will be breaking the law if they  use them. The restrictions have been brought in  so that local residents do not suffer any disruption,.
    Local residents are already suffering disruption with the M20 being closed almost every night for 3 months. 

    HGVs already enter roads they are restricted from entering, nothing much happens to them. Leeds village suffers on a daily basis.
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