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Another Shooting In America?



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    edited May 2022
    schools make a nice soft target for a cowardly killer .. I just cannot imagine the rage and hatred running through this teenager's mind as he murdered nineteen infants, two teachers and wounded seventeen more ..
     it's not just a question of the ease by which lethal guns can be obtained, though that makes the task of a potential killer that much easier, it's also a question of what drives these young people to such extreme and wanton violent acts .. this latest tragedy was wrought by a teenager against his own community .. R I P all those children who will never now have a chance at life
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    Biden pleading that things have got to stop.

    You could at least do some basic research before calling people idiots. 

    There are already two bills in Congress to enhance gun control. Both have passed the House (Dems in favour bar a couple, Repubicans against (bar two). Both are stuck in the Senate. 

    As someone esle pointed out guns can't be banned entirely without a constitutional amendment. That requires (amongst other things) a two thirds majority of the Senate, whcih is completely impossible. 
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    Biden pleading that things have got to stop.

    That’s a bit naive, with all due respect. Do you think in a million years it would be passed?
    The only hope they have us that the Dems win a massive majority in an election. And when is that likely to happen?
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    That reporter was having to explain things to Cruz like he is a child. It's impossible not to take a patronising tone with fuckwits like him. 

    The scariest thing is millions upon millions of Americans are less articulate than him, more stupid, and willing to do a lot more to defend their right to bear arms. 

    The story about the husband dying... It's all just so, so sad. 

    And this thread, 61 pages in, will have many, many more pages to come. 

    If I lived in America, I would be armed to the teeth as well, for the record. The whole country is one big arms race and I don't want the crackhead round the corner having a better gun than me. 

    Guns would be absolutely great and fine in a society with no sadness, anger, poverty, right wing fundamentalism, Islamic fundamentalism, homophobia etc. Basically America is probably the last Western country in the world I would allow to have guns, and it has the most of them. 
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    Even if Americans stick to their right to own guns,why FFS,do they need Kalashnikovs,Assault rifles.For  protection a simple pistol would do,for hunting etc. a single shot rifle,but weapons that fire 30 rounds a second,what possible justification is there for owning one.
    Like this you mean. My son was lent this with 3 mags to try. I prefered the smaller that fits under your jacket
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    Even if Americans stick to their right to own guns,why FFS,do they need Kalashnikovs,Assault rifles.For  protection a simple pistol would do,for hunting etc. a single shot rifle,but weapons that fire 30 rounds a second,what possible justification is there for owning one.
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    Even if Americans stick to their right to own guns,why FFS,do they need Kalashnikovs,Assault rifles.For  protection a simple pistol would do,for hunting etc. a single shot rifle,but weapons that fire 30 rounds a second,what possible justification is there for owning one.
    Like this you mean. My son was lent this with 3 mags to try. I prefered the smaller that fits under your jacket
    I used to shoot at an army rifle range, and I’d be a bit concerned if I’d seen bullet marks in the walls like in this photo. 😂
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    Even if Americans stick to their right to own guns,why FFS,do they need Kalashnikovs,Assault rifles.For  protection a simple pistol would do,for hunting etc. a single shot rifle,but weapons that fire 30 rounds a second,what possible justification is there for owning one.
    They have small penises?
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    edited May 2022
    Tried to post the Youtube link but says video unavailable. Anyhoo, have a look for a piece John Oliver did for Jon Stewart a few years back - 

    The Daily Show John Oliver's Australia & Gun Control's Aftermath Complete 3 Part Series

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    Even if Americans stick to their right to own guns,why FFS,do they need Kalashnikovs,Assault rifles.For  protection a simple pistol would do,for hunting etc. a single shot rifle,but weapons that fire 30 rounds a second,what possible justification is there for owning one.
    Like this you mean. My son was lent this with 3 mags to try. I prefered the smaller that fits under your jacket
    Nice shirt.
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    But soooo last year
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    edited May 2022
    Huskaris said:
    That reporter was having to explain things to Cruz like he is a child. It's impossible not to take a patronising tone with fuckwits like him. 

    The scariest thing is millions upon millions of Americans are less articulate than him, more stupid, and willing to do a lot more to defend their right to bear arms. 

    The story about the husband dying... It's all just so, so sad. 

    And this thread, 61 pages in, will have many, many more pages to come. 

    If I lived in America, I would be armed to the teeth as well, for the record. The whole country is one big arms race and I don't want the crackhead round the corner having a better gun than me. 

    Guns would be absolutely great and fine in a society with no sadness, anger, poverty, right wing fundamentalism, Islamic fundamentalism, homophobia etc. Basically America is probably the last Western country in the world I would allow to have guns, and it has the most of them. 
    Might be a bit of a twee comment from me .. 'Gun' by the late Gil Scott Heron sums up this philosophy .. Gil Scott-Heron – Gun Lyrics | Genius Lyrics
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    Police in Texas have revised key details about Tuesday's deadly school shooting as criticism mounts from parents over the initial response.

    The gunman roamed outside the Uvalde school for 12 minutes before entering unchallenged, police said on Thursday.

    That contradicted earlier statements which said the attacker had been confronted and shot at by an officer.

    He killed 19 children and two teachers before he was shot dead 90 minutes after he arrived, police said.

    That delay, combined with video footage showing frustrated parents being tackled and handcuffed by police while the gunman was still inside the school, has led to growing public anger and scrutiny of the early response.

    It has also called into question claims by state Governor Greg Abbott, who earlier this week hailed the "quick response" of "valiant local officials" who he said had engaged the gunman before he entered the school. "They showed amazing courage by running toward gunfire," he said.

    But what about the 'good guys with a gun' argument? 

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    Police in Texas have revised key details about Tuesday's deadly school shooting as criticism mounts from parents over the initial response.

    The gunman roamed outside the Uvalde school for 12 minutes before entering unchallenged, police said on Thursday.

    That contradicted earlier statements which said the attacker had been confronted and shot at by an officer.

    He killed 19 children and two teachers before he was shot dead 90 minutes after he arrived, police said.

    That delay, combined with video footage showing frustrated parents being tackled and handcuffed by police while the gunman was still inside the school, has led to growing public anger and scrutiny of the early response.

    It has also called into question claims by state Governor Greg Abbott, who earlier this week hailed the "quick response" of "valiant local officials" who he said had engaged the gunman before he entered the school. "They showed amazing courage by running toward gunfire," he said.

    But what about the 'good guys with a gun' argument? 

    Not a lot of good, when the bad guy has better guns than the good guys.
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    I can't think of anything less productive than a British presenter on US TV telling people how bad their guns are.

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    edited February 2023
    Having a thick c*** like that as your mother is scary. 
    What chance has the kid got.
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    edited February 2023
    Having a thick c*** like that as your mother is scary. 
    What chance has the kid got.

    Given she had to ask him his name, I'd guess its not his mother. Otherwise, I'm with you all the way.
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    cabbles said:
    Everyone that supports the right to bear arms in that country is complicit in murder.  
    I'm sorry to say that Americans deserve politicians like him. 

    I'm sorry to say that Americans deserve politicians like him. 

    Clearly the interviewer is scoring political points here. And Cruz is not speaking enough for the families involved in this terrible tragedy. 

    It is factually incorrect to say that schoolchildren are ONLY ever murdered by gunmen in America. Fulani Herdsmen anyone?Torching whole schools and kidnapping and raping (and "converting") 500 school girls.  Bombing Ukraine playschools anyone?  

    I won't even open the can of worms that is killing the unborn. The most vulnerable of all humans. 

    Perhaps barbaric computer games are not the SINGLE contributing factor to school shootings. But they clearly are not GOOD for anyone. So let us withdraw them. And movies of this type too. 

    And let us look at the factors that may lead to someone having such warped perception of reality that may lead to this tragedy. It is the responsibility of all of us to create a world where young people have a purpose, goal and values that are life-giving not life-destroying. 

    I can't imagine what these families are going through. It is a grief of a magnitude that is beyond thinking. I pray and hope that political point scoring takes a back seat and everyone really focuses on what makes life worth living for young people in this age. The gun licensing debate needs discussion for sure. As does mental health and a disintegrated  society which no longer has family values and faith and the faith community to give our children the very best start and support. 

    Both off you complete fucking nutjob. 

    1425 called. They want their barbaric views back.
    Don't rise to it
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    You know the real problem here is that there is too many doors.
    Yep that seems like a really smart idea. Let's have ONE door in and out at schools with 1k+ kids. 

    What happens when it's lunchtime and the kids are all outside?

    Or, heaven forbid, there is a fire.
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    Even if Americans stick to their right to own guns,why FFS,do they need Kalashnikovs,Assault rifles.For  protection a simple pistol would do,for hunting etc. a single shot rifle,but weapons that fire 30 rounds a second,what possible justification is there for owning one.
    Like this you mean. My son was lent this with 3 mags to try. I prefered the smaller that fits under your jacket
    Another one whose son’s got a powerful shot
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    a perfect example of the pros and cons of gun ownership .. Armed female bystander kills man firing at party in West Virginia - BBC News
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    Leuth said:
    The worst bit is that it takes 18 children killed at once to raise this sort of clamour. But I'll bet more than 18 kids were killed in separate events over the previous couple of months
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    I think 13 dead and 53 injured across US on Friday. Usually somewhere between 35-40k per year including suicide by gun, always more suicides than malicious/ accidental shootings. The suicide stats alone should lead to legislation. 

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    a perfect example of the pros and cons of gun ownership .. Armed female bystander kills man firing at party in West Virginia - BBC News
    But with no guns, for example in the UK, the bloke would have shouted 'oi, wankers!' and been told to fuck off. Nobody dies.
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    Scoham said:
    That just about sums it up,giving a kid that age the opportunity to fire a lethal weapon is sick and and then heap praise upon him for knowing its mechanics is beyond belief.
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    There's no hope for some..
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