"The main reason normal Muslims don't join these protests is because they have a lot of far right people in them that they fear will attack them for being Muslims. The reason they don't March alone is because of fear of attack same reason"
I would not be a at surprised if those attackers were the so-called refugees, Isis said that they would send a number over to Europe to attack.
They are fleeing this - Keep your half baked inflammatory comments to yourself.
Are you saying that ISIS has not called for attacks in Europe by Muslims? You have decided to close your mind to the facts in order to support your narrative. You can't expect everybody else to do the same.
A BA flight from Bogota, Columbia landed with a passenger, travelling on a Venezuelan passport, found to have a live grenade in his baggage. Unconfirmed reports that he was also carrying a copy of the Koran. Also 7 other terrorist act arrests at various UK airports.
"The main reason normal Muslims don't join these protests is because they have a lot of far right people in them that they fear will attack them for being Muslims. The reason they don't March alone is because of fear of attack same reason"
My point being that if this extremist 'minority' are not frightened to demonstrate so openly against the culture they live in, why on earth should the peaceful 'majority' be frightened to march in support of it?
I would not be a at surprised if those attackers were the so-called refugees, Isis said that they would send a number over to Europe to attack.
I believe that is based on one persons "plan", leaked by IS. Produced by a person whose role was to produce propaganda on their behalf. I'd say he did a good job
Imo there are more than enough IS sympathisers and potential terrorists who are free to come and go as they please due to their passport that they do not need to smuggle themselves in alongside refugees, etc. Why would they need to do that?
We should not allow the issue of radicalism and terrorism to be sidetracked by the debate around immigration. They are not the same thing.
The law of this land gives them freedom of speech, so it's ok to use to use the law of the land in order to at the same time totally disrespect it. Hypocritical dick heads.
My point being that if this extremist 'minority' are not frightened to demonstrate so openly against the culture they live in, why on earth should the peaceful 'majority' be frightened to march in support of it?
The extemists don't care if they're attacked, the opposite in fact they want to be attacked to strengthen their argument that they are at "war". Normal Muslims have lives, jobs, families and a future they don't want to jeopardise, they preach peace not war and they are scared to be noticed because of the extremists.
Rikofold i understand the the MCof GB has made the statement but it would have more impact and be more useful if they had said " ISIS etc do not follow Islam, they have murdered and tortured 10s of thousands of Muslims as well as Christians. This is AGAINST the teachings of Allah. We urge ALL true Muslims to assist the authorities of the UK should they be aware of ANY suspected act of support rendered to this DEATH CULT".
These scum bags cant exist without support networks be they social media, food, houses,phones etc.
Not posting on this thread anymore because it's not appropriate.
Just to clarify that I loathe Isis and Islamism completely and utterly and I think that I must be resisted in every way possible.
However I do not believe that most Muslims support these people or that every one of these atrocities should be an excuse for people to air controversial and debatable minority views about their own dislike of Islam / Refugees / immigration etc.
Re Muslims taking to the Street en masses and objecting - There have been continued statements from Muslim organisations utterly comdemimg these actions but they get very little press.
I would also point out that a large chunk of intelligence used by our excellent security services to foil the hundreds of plots mentioned has come from brave young Muslims who have been recruited.
Just how many people march in the UK when theses attacks happen? I don't notice the overwhelming majority doing anything quite frankly - This doesn't mean people are horrified or shocked for us so why, when a 100,000 Muslims don't instantly spring into the street is there any criticism - tad of a double standard.
What we can be sure of is that the Islamists on one side and the BNP & Britain First on the other, will be whipping this tragic situation up for all its worth.
I used to be filled with hate when stuff like this happened now it just saddens me.
I know the majority of Muslims are good people but the outrage and action on the streets when a cartoon of Mohammed was drawn made people stand up and notice they were upset. When terrorists hit in Europe amongst innocent law abiding peaceful people, all we get is a few leaders trot out the 'we condemn them' line and we just have to accept that as being enough. It isn't. Some of these scumbags come from within these 'Muslim communities'. What's saying the next one isn't from Whitechapel or Birmingham. Are people happy these communities doing enough? I'm not so sure they are and that worries me.
The extemists don't care if they're attacked, the opposite in fact they want to be attacked to strengthen their argument that they are at "war". Normal Muslims have lives, jobs, families and a future they don't want to jeopardise, they preach peace not war and they are scared to be noticed because of the extremists.
I don't understand your argument..marching for peace jeopardises your job and family? And if they are in fear of their own extremists, then how are they going to protect us from them? I respect your views but we will obviously have to agree to differ.
Some people need to realise that their inflammatory comments are playing directly into the terrorists' hands. Suggesting the UK prohibit anyone entering the country who has visited the Middle East is ridiculously divisive. Every right-minded person is appalled at these events, and seeing the world in such black and white terms is not helpful. The whole world needs to stand united against terror, not divided into 'good guys' and 'bad guys'.
I know this will happen in London, again. I am afraid for the people in our community, but I will fight my fear and I will continue to go about my business. We are probably more at risk in London than many other places, but I will be sensibly cautious, vigilant, but also not cower away in fear. All the Muslims I know personally are good folk, but there is some kind of ideology, some kind of impetus that links all these atrocities and the common factor is some kind of adherence to some kind of warped interpretation of Islam, which is then linked to the behaviour of the world community in Islamic countries. It isn't stopping, it looks like perpetrators feel like they are on a fundamental battle worth the sacrifice, and all the time they feel that, rightly or wrongly, this will continue. The hard part is to get into the mindset of the people who do this stuff and to change the thinking that leads to these horrors. We can physically stop a lot of people, but how do we mentally change them?
This is clearly Islamaphobic in content dressed up like it is trying to educate
Shame on you Queensland addict - Perhaps you could give us a link to a balanced educational piece from the Britain First archives while you at it !
Rubbish, try reading it in it's entirety before you make such comments.
Quote: "The original source of most of this material is Ibn Ishaq’s book, Sirat Rasul Allah (The Story of the Prophet of Allah) or just The Sira. Ibn Ishaq is the most revered and trusted Muslim scholar of all time. This work was compiled around 100 years after Mohammed’s death which makes it his oldest surviving biography. It is the absolute definitive biographical account of Mohammed’s life for Islamic scholars. It was translated into English in 1955 by Professor of Arabic, Alfred Guillaume, under the title The Life of Muhammad with the help of a number of Arab professors. This is still the most widely used English translation for both Muslims and non-Muslims."
You can cross check the facts laid out in the book by referring to the citations throughout.
People have said they wanted to gain an understanding as to what causes these extremists to behave as they do. I posted this free book (a best seller on Amazon), which explains the life of Mohammed and the origins of Islam. The book is not anti Islam, just as I am most certainly not Islamophobic. I posted it because a) It's free and b) because I thought some people may be interested in reading it to better educate themselves, no other reason.
Hate to say and know this would be impossible to do now because its not a case of Nationality but Religion yet during the World Wars, Germans were sent home because we couldnt trust that one of them wasnt a Nazi Spy and that they might try to sabotage us here...
some 600 to 1,000 Uk Muslims went to fight for ISIS thats not a small number. Some 300 are in prison after their own attempted terror attacks against us in the UK were stopped. There are aprox 1million "refugees" coming into Europe at the present time, if only 1% are extremists that 10,000 ---fecking 10
Spot on!
Everyone spouting they don't represent Islam, whilst Islam is growing in Europe so is Islamic extremism.
@IAgree is spot on. Waste of time posting on this thread.
What should be a thread marking respect of those 120+ that have lost their lives and their families they have left behind, and showing support for a nation that is in mourning and in shock, has become somewhere for people to use the tragedy to spout their politics. Arguments, fighting, disagreements, flagging etc is NOT showing respect. Tomorrow morning I am taking my children to church with 3 candles one red one white and one blue, they will be lit in memory of those that have been taken, we will then pray for them, for their families, for Paris and for humanity. To me that is more important than point scoring and politics at a time of sadness.
I would not be a at surprised if those attackers were the so-called refugees, Isis said that they would send a number over to Europe to attack.
I believe that is based on one persons "plan", leaked by IS. Produced by a person whose role was to produce propaganda on their behalf. I'd say he did a good job
Imo there are more than enough IS sympathisers and potential terrorists who are free to come and go as they please due to their passport that they do not need to smuggle themselves in alongside refugees, etc. Why would they need to do that?
We should not allow the issue of radicalism and terrorism to be sidetracked by the debate around immigration. They are not the same thing.
Maybe you are right but any statement that supposedly comes out of Isis should be taken seriously and not be brushed aside like what I mentioned.
I am not saying they are the same thing, it could be 5% of those refugees that could be linked with Isis though. If we do allow 50,000 refugees in, they should be checked out otherwise the same thing could happen in London.
I don't believe it's about point scoring, it's about debate and free speech. No one side has the monopoly on respect and saying people are trying to score political points, spouting hatred, racism, ignorance etc just because they disagree with you is the kind of argument that has helped get us into this mess in the first place. I can think of no greater disrespect to the victims than not openly debating the cause of this outrage and trying to find a solution.
I don't believe it's about point scoring, it's about debate and free speech. No one side has the monopoly on respect and saying people are trying to score political points, spouting hatred, racism, ignorance etc just because they disagree with you is the kind of argument that has helped get us into this mess in the first place. I can think of no greater disrespect to the victims than not openly debating the cause of this outrage and trying to find a solution.
Didn't take long to descend into arguments. The ironic thing is that this thread is a digital representation of what the extremists want the world to become.
To suggest that decent Muslim people aren't appalled by this is the most bizarre comment of them all.
We must be united against terror. Refugees, migrants are not exempt from this. Together we will defeat them, but if we are divided then these attacks are likely to continue.
awful news RIP to all those involved, what really fucks me off is that straight away its clearing the religion/Muslim name and there renamed extremists, there not they are extremist MUSLIMS, the religion knows no peace, there never happy unless there killing someone, as far as I'm concerned the world would be a better place without the religion that is Islam, enough is enough now, we're so wrapped up trying to appease them that were soon going to be wiped out, I would like anyone to come forward now that was shedding tears for the so called refugees now we have extremists all over Europe and fully expect more of these attacks.
Errr excuse me??
Imo there are more than enough IS sympathisers and potential terrorists who are free to come and go as they please due to their passport that they do not need to smuggle themselves in alongside refugees, etc. Why would they need to do that?
We should not allow the issue of radicalism and terrorism to be sidetracked by the debate around immigration. They are not the same thing.
" ISIS etc do not follow Islam, they have murdered and tortured 10s of thousands of Muslims as well as Christians. This is AGAINST the teachings of Allah. We urge ALL true Muslims to assist the authorities of the UK should they be aware of ANY suspected act of support rendered to this DEATH CULT".
These scum bags cant exist without support networks be they social media, food, houses,phones etc.
Just to clarify that I loathe Isis and Islamism completely and utterly and I think that I must be resisted in every way possible.
However I do not believe that most Muslims support these people or that every one of these atrocities should be an excuse for people to air controversial and debatable minority views about their own dislike of Islam / Refugees / immigration etc.
Re Muslims taking to the Street en masses and objecting - There have been continued statements from Muslim organisations utterly comdemimg these actions but they get very little press.
I would also point out that a large chunk of intelligence used by our excellent security services to foil the hundreds of plots mentioned has come from brave young Muslims who have been recruited.
Just how many people march in the UK when theses attacks happen? I don't notice the overwhelming majority doing anything quite frankly - This doesn't mean people are horrified or shocked for us so why, when a 100,000 Muslims don't instantly spring into the street is there any criticism - tad of a double standard.
What we can be sure of is that the Islamists on one side and the BNP & Britain First on the other, will be whipping this tragic situation up for all its worth.
Cooler minds must prevail on both sides.
I know the majority of Muslims are good people but the outrage and action on the streets when a cartoon of Mohammed was drawn made people stand up and notice they were upset. When terrorists hit in Europe amongst innocent law abiding peaceful people, all we get is a few leaders trot out the 'we condemn them' line and we just have to accept that as being enough. It isn't. Some of these scumbags come from within these 'Muslim communities'. What's saying the next one isn't from Whitechapel or Birmingham. Are people happy these communities doing enough? I'm not so sure they are and that worries me.
The extemists don't care if they're attacked, the opposite in fact they want to be attacked to strengthen their argument that they are at "war". Normal Muslims have lives, jobs, families and a future they don't want to jeopardise, they preach peace not war and they are scared to be noticed because of the extremists.
I don't understand your argument..marching for peace jeopardises your job and family? And if they are in fear of their own extremists, then how are they going to protect us from them? I respect your views but we will obviously have to agree to differ.
Quote: "The original source of most of this material is Ibn Ishaq’s book, Sirat Rasul Allah (The Story of the Prophet of Allah) or just The Sira. Ibn Ishaq is the most revered and trusted Muslim scholar of all time. This work was compiled around 100 years after Mohammed’s death which makes it his oldest surviving biography. It is the absolute definitive biographical account of Mohammed’s life for Islamic scholars.
It was translated into English in 1955 by Professor of Arabic, Alfred Guillaume, under the title The Life of Muhammad with the help of a number of Arab professors. This is still the most widely used English translation for both Muslims and non-Muslims."
You can cross check the facts laid out in the book by referring to the citations throughout.
People have said they wanted to gain an understanding as to what causes these extremists to behave as they do. I posted this free book (a best seller on Amazon), which explains the life of Mohammed and the origins of Islam. The book is not anti Islam, just as I am most certainly not Islamophobic.
I posted it because a) It's free and b) because I thought some people may be interested in reading it to better educate themselves, no other reason.
Everyone spouting they don't represent Islam, whilst Islam is growing in Europe so is Islamic extremism.
What should be a thread marking respect of those 120+ that have lost their lives and their families they have left behind, and showing support for a nation that is in mourning and in shock, has become somewhere for people to use the tragedy to spout their politics. Arguments, fighting, disagreements, flagging etc is NOT showing respect. Tomorrow morning I am taking my children to church with 3 candles one red one white and one blue, they will be lit in memory of those that have been taken, we will then pray for them, for their families, for Paris and for humanity. To me that is more important than point scoring and politics at a time of sadness.
I am not saying they are the same thing, it could be 5% of those refugees that could be linked with Isis though. If we do allow 50,000 refugees in, they should be checked out otherwise the same thing could happen in London.
To suggest that decent Muslim people aren't appalled by this is the most bizarre comment of them all.
We must be united against terror. Refugees, migrants are not exempt from this. Together we will defeat them, but if we are divided then these attacks are likely to continue.
RIP to those who lost their lives.