until there are young British Muslim men on their way to Syria to fight ISIS. until thousands march in Paris and London chanting `not in our name'. I won't believe all this `it's only a few extremists' bull. Unfortunately for us and the French the silent majority of Muslims in our countries would quite happily live under Sharia.
Give me strength!!!
For the sake of my son I very much hope i'm wrong Sadie but I think things are going to get much worse. The only people who can stop Islamic extremism are the Muslims themselves.
I know this will happen in London, again. I am afraid for the people in our community, but I will fight my fear and I will continue to go about my business. We are probably more at risk in London than many other places, but I will be sensibly cautious, vigilant, but also not cower away in fear. All the Muslims I know personally are good folk, but there is some kind of ideology, some kind of impetus that links all these atrocities and the common factor is some kind of adherence to some kind of warped interpretation of Islam, which is then linked to the behaviour of the world community in Islamic countries. It isn't stopping, it looks like perpetrators feel like they are on a fundamental battle worth the sacrifice, and all the time they feel that, rightly or wrongly, this will continue. The hard part is to get into the mindset of the people who do this stuff and to change the thinking that leads to these horrors. We can physically stop a lot of people, but how do we mentally change them?
The US hasn't had a major terrorist attack since 2001, we haven't had one for 10 years, yet France has now had 2 inside a year. i can't believe there are more nutters with grievances against the french than against the US and UK so i can only assume that french security checks aren't strong enough
Lets keep the religious shit out of this, happens every time there is a terrorist attack, keep it to news and reports in my opinion.
Here is a bit of news. It is a confirmed Muslim terrorist attack.
No. Confirmed as a Muslim extremist attack. They're not real Muslims.
What a load of rubbish.
They are Muslims.
Where those involved in terrorist attacks in N.Ireland not real Catholics or real Prtotestants? Are they not real Jews or Palestinians killing each other in the Middle East ?
Perhaps we can say the crusades were not real Christians.
They are Islamists - a warped, highly politicised version.
Religion is always used as a fig leaf.
Israel / Palestine is a racial war.
Northern Ireland is basically gang warfare
But Islamists are Muslims.
ISIS are terrorists. All ISIS are Muslims. This does not mean all Muslims are terrorists.
(Although why I'm responding to someone who wants to caricature two serious conflicts in that way...)
Sharia Law operates openly in parts of the UK....Hardline extremists have tried to infiltrate our schools....Young muslims have been radicalised in British Mosques....all this has happened under the watch of 'moderate' muslims...so please forgive me if I do not have too much faith in the so called 'silent' majority. I agree however that the only answer to this belongs in the communities of moderate muslims, they need to be more proactive in stamping out extremism, and encourage those who refuse to integrate to buy into the culture and values that they choose to live in.
I think it could have been a lot worse. The explosions at SdF, police are saying that 4 were killed, 3 bombers and 1 other. Judging by the other events, I would sat they were trying to get into the ground.
Yes. It sounded to me as if that attack didn't go to plan.
But what the author of these tweets fails to comprehend is that when our extremist scumbags start attacking innocent people just because of their ethnicity or religion it provokes massive protests from the moderate majority of our citizens. When are we going to see the so called moderate majority of Muslims protest against their extremists? And I don't mean pointless platitudes issued by Muslim leaders whenever anything like this happens.
The main reason normal Muslims don't join these protests is because they have a lot of far right people in them that they fear will attack them for being Muslims. The reason they don't March alone is because of fear of attack same reason. What they do do however is use the mosque gaverings, the media and social networks and social events to put their feelings of disgust out there and their disapproval, they teach their members the right path and condemn the extremists.
The US hasn't had a major terrorist attack since 2001, we haven't had one for 10 years, yet France has now had 2 inside a year. i can't believe there are more nutters with grievances against the french than against the US and UK so i can only assume that french security checks aren't strong enough
some 600 to 1,000 Uk Muslims went to fight for ISIS thats not a small number. Some 300 are in prison after their own attempted terror attacks against us in the UK were stopped. There are aprox 1million "refugees" coming into Europe at the present time, if only 1% are extremists that 10,000 ---fecking 10,000 !!
One problem at a time--wipe ISIS off the face of the earth in the Middle East. As said they are slaughtering thousands and thousands of Muslims as well non Muslims.
Amend The Human Rights Act any one guilty of rape. murder or supporting a terrorist organisation is deported immediately to their country of origin.
Not 1 refugee or asylum seeker is allowed to stay in the UK without their own proper proof of where they originated from.
We know the scum bags will get through and attack us in the UK at some stage-----stay safe look after your own because our own Governments (Labour/Tory clearly wont)
But what the author of these tweets fails to comprehend is that when our extremist scumbags start attacking innocent people just because of their ethnicity or religion it provokes massive protests from the moderate majority of our citizens. When are we going to see the so called moderate majority of Muslims protest against their extremists? And I don't mean pointless platitudes issued by Muslim leaders whenever anything like this happens.
Even if that were true, why do we always make it a competition? Innocent people attacked by extremists is wrong, whether it's right wing or Islamist, regardless of who comes out to condemn. Everyday Muslims are no more responsible for these attacks than I am for right wing violence.
If that were true, of course. From the Muslim Council of Britain last night, within hours of the first attack (emphases mine):
As we witness the unfolding violence in Paris tonight, the Muslim Council of Britain’s Secretary General Dr Shuja Shafi issued the following statement:
“The attacks once again in Paris are horrific and abhorrent, and we condemn this violence in the strongest possible terms. My thoughts and prayers for the families of those killed and injured and for the people of France, our neighbours. This week we have once again witnessed outrageous attacks be that in Beirut earlier in the week or Paris today – there is no justification for such carnage whatsoever. We hope those responsible are brought to justice and face the full force of the law.”
some 600 to 1,000 Uk Muslims went to fight for ISIS thats not a small number. Some 300 are in prison after their own attempted terror attacks against us in the UK were stopped. There are aprox 1million "refugees" coming into Europe at the present time, if only 1% are extremists that 10,000 ---fecking 10,000 !!
One problem at a time--wipe ISIS off the face of the earth in the Middle East. As said they are slaughtering thousands and thousands of Muslims as well non Muslims.
Amend The Human Rights Act any one guilty of rape. murder or supporting a terrorist organisation is deported immediately to their country of origin.
Not 1 refugee or asylum seeker is allowed to stay in the UK without their own proper proof of where they originated from.
We know the scum bags will get through and attack us in the UK at some stage-----stay safe look after your own because our own Governments (Labour/Tory clearly wont)
Interesting and intelligent debate about the subject on last night's Bill Maher show. Why don't we have people like Bill Maher and Jon Stewart on UK television? Instead we have to put up with childish nonsense from Graham Norton and Jonathon Ross!
Also...dont forget Lee Rigby was murdered in the name of islam.
Lee Rigby was murdered by psychopathic Islamists not in the name of Islam. To suggest an entire religion was responsible is outrageous and frankly inflammatory.
Also...dont forget Lee Rigby was murdered in the name of islam.
Not when someone said there has only been 1 islam-related terror attack in the UK it isnt. There was also the failed bombings 2 weeks aftee 7/7 and the hundred of attacks that have been foiled by MI5 in the last 10 years or so.
We cannot sit around and do nothing, whilst innocent lives (from all faiths) are placed at risk because of these scumbags.
some 600 to 1,000 Uk Muslims went to fight for ISIS thats not a small number. Some 300 are in prison after their own attempted terror attacks against us in the UK were stopped. There are aprox 1million "refugees" coming into Europe at the present time, if only 1% are extremists that 10,000 ---fecking 10,000 !!
One problem at a time--wipe ISIS off the face of the earth in the Middle East. As said they are slaughtering thousands and thousands of Muslims as well non Muslims.
Amend The Human Rights Act any one guilty of rape. murder or supporting a terrorist organisation is deported immediately to their country of origin.
Not 1 refugee or asylum seeker is allowed to stay in the UK without their own proper proof of where they originated from.
We know the scum bags will get through and attack us in the UK at some stage-----stay safe look after your own because our own Governments (Labour/Tory clearly wont)
Very wrong to label anyone who is appalled by this as being xenophobic and right wing. Any decent person should be appalled by it. Placing such labels is a typical tactic of the left, just as anyone opposed to gay marriage is automatically labelled "homophobic" and anyone opposed to mass immigration is somehow "racist". We either carry on as we are, showing great tolerance, allowing suspected terrorists to roam free amongst us until such time as they detonate their bombs, basically remain sitting ducks waiting for the next atrocity to happen, or we treat it as war and act as such. That means locking up hate preachers, closing down Mosques that preach hatred, close down all social media and web sites used by ISIS and Muslim extremists. Let all decent Muslim citizens stand alongside us in a massive show of unity against ISIS. Let's see the Muslim community rise up, demonstrate in their hundreds of thousands on the streets of London and Paris against Muslim extremists. There is nothing preventing so called "moderate" muslims en masse, showing these murderous bastards just how opposed to this they are. I see the French press are now labeling this "all out war".
Also...dont forget Lee Rigby was murdered in the name of islam.
Not when someone said there has only been 1 islam-related terror attack in the UK it isnt. There was also the failed bombings 2 weeks aftee 7/7 and the hundred of attacks that have been foiled by MI5 in the last 10 years or so.
We cannot sit around and do nothing, whilst innocent lives (from all faiths) are placed at risk because of these scumbags.
Very wrong to label anyone who is appalled by this as being xenophobic and right wing. Any decent person should be appalled by it. Placing such labels is a typical tactic of the left, just as anyone opposed to gay marriage is automatically labelled "homophobic" and anyone opposed to mass immigration is somehow "racist". We either carry on as we are, showing great tolerance, allowing suspected terrorists to roam free amongst us until such time as they detonate their bombs, basically remain sitting ducks waiting for the next atrocity to happen, or we treat it as war and act as such. That means locking up hate preachers, closing down Mosques that preach hatred, close down all social media and web sites used by ISIS and Muslim extremists. Let all decent Muslim citizens stand alongside us in a massive show of unity against ISIS. Let's see the Muslim community rise up, demonstrate in their hundreds of thousands on the streets of London and Paris against Muslim extremists. There is nothing preventing so called "moderate" muslims en masse, showing these murderous bastards just how opposed to this they are. I see the French press are now labeling this "all out war".
you are the embodiment of who the writer of this tweet was referring to and have clearly identified yourself
A BA flight from Bogota, Columbia landed with a passenger, travelling on a Venezuelan passport, found to have a live grenade in his baggage. Unconfirmed reports that he was also carrying a copy of the Koran. Also 7 other terrorist act arrests at various UK airports.
The only people who can stop Islamic extremism are the Muslims themselves.
Shame on you Queensland addict - Perhaps you could give us a link to a balanced educational piece from the Britain First archives while you at it !
i can't believe there are more nutters with grievances against the french than against the US and UK so i can only assume that french security checks aren't strong enough
ISIS are terrorists. All ISIS are Muslims. This does not mean all Muslims are terrorists.
(Although why I'm responding to someone who wants to caricature two serious conflicts in that way...)
One problem at a time--wipe ISIS off the face of the earth in the Middle East. As said they are slaughtering thousands and thousands of Muslims as well non Muslims.
Amend The Human Rights Act any one guilty of rape. murder or supporting a terrorist organisation is deported immediately to their country of origin.
Not 1 refugee or asylum seeker is allowed to stay in the UK without their own proper proof of where they originated from.
We know the scum bags will get through and attack us in the UK at some stage-----stay safe look after your own because our own Governments (Labour/Tory clearly wont)
RIP to the inocent in Paris
Bang on the money my man
If that were true, of course. From the Muslim Council of Britain last night, within hours of the first attack (emphases mine):
As we witness the unfolding violence in Paris tonight, the Muslim Council of Britain’s Secretary General Dr Shuja Shafi issued the following statement:
“The attacks once again in Paris are horrific and abhorrent, and we condemn this violence in the strongest possible terms. My thoughts and prayers for the families of those killed and injured and for the people of France, our neighbours. This week we have once again witnessed outrageous attacks be that in Beirut earlier in the week or Paris today – there is no justification for such carnage whatsoever. We hope those responsible are brought to justice and face the full force of the law.”
We cannot sit around and do nothing, whilst innocent lives (from all faiths) are placed at risk because of these scumbags.
We either carry on as we are, showing great tolerance, allowing suspected terrorists to roam free amongst us until such time as they detonate their bombs, basically remain sitting ducks waiting for the next atrocity to happen, or we treat it as war and act as such. That means locking up hate preachers, closing down Mosques that preach hatred, close down all social media and web sites used by ISIS and Muslim extremists. Let all decent Muslim citizens stand alongside us in a massive show of unity against ISIS. Let's see the Muslim community rise up, demonstrate in their hundreds of thousands on the streets of London and Paris against Muslim extremists. There is nothing preventing so called "moderate" muslims en masse, showing these murderous bastards just how opposed to this they are. I see the French press are now labeling this "all out war".