@IAgree is spot on. Waste of time posting on this thread.
What should be a thread marking respect of those 120+ that have lost their lives and their families they have left behind, and showing support for a nation that is in mourning and in shock, has become somewhere for people to use the tragedy to spout their politics. Arguments, fighting, disagreements, flagging etc is NOT showing respect. Tomorrow morning I am taking my children to church with 3 candles one red one white and one blue, they will be lit in memory of those that have been taken, we will then pray for them, for their families, for Paris and for humanity. To me that is more important than point scoring and politics at a time of sadness.
Good on you. But unfortunately that alone will not prevent further attacks. Tough discussions and arguments need to be had if we are to have any hope of solving these problems. That will involve strong minds with equally strong wills implementing strong and unpopular policies. Politics is very much involved.
Very sad. Another step closer towards an East West war. If only Nostradamus was around now to pick my horses and lottery numbers. Seriously, RIP to all those victims.
Only a matter of time before something happens in London.
All well and good tightening security taking extra precautions etc,etc. ,but you can't legislate for somebody driving past in a car and gunning people down. Particularly when these scumbags are quite happy to blow themselves up. These people know no boundaries.
A couple of times I've been on the London Underground and felt very uncomfortable being near a Muslim with a rucksack and felt the need to move. A Muslim who was no doubt going about his business and no threat whatsoever to society -but how can you be certain?
Very sad times indeed, but the sadder thing is that is now a way of life.
RIP to all those that have pointlessly lost their lives. Children who have been robbed of their parents. Why? Just Why?
It's when you have to explain all this devastation and needless ending of life to your kids I hate. I,like many others on here, grew up in a pretty sheltered and secure world. Yes there were troubles,but none so brutal and as in your face as today. Telling your kids that they live in a very dangerous time and that they have to be very careful of where they go or who they see is heartbreaking and unjust. I'm not one for bowing down to these cowards, but the fact my kids lives are going to be very differently shaped to that of my own childhood is upsetting. RIP to all lost.
It's when you have to explain all this devastation and needless ending of life to your kids I hate. I,like many others on here, grew up in a pretty sheltered and secure world. Yes there were troubles,but none so brutal and as in your face as today. Telling your kids that they live in a very dangerous time and that they have to be very careful of where they go or who they see is heartbreaking and unjust. I'm not one for bowing down to these cowards, but the fact my kids lives are going to be very differently shaped to that of my own childhood is upsetting. RIP to all lost.
I like the humanity of your post. We talked about it this morning (my girls are teenagers). We basically concluded that this type of this is going to happen in London, but we can't spend the rest of our lives cowering indoors. I gave them some perspective by telling them about the IRA, plus the fear of nuclear war that my generation grew up with. It is certainly pretty bleak though.
What, take down a video that disagrees with you? Isn't that an attempt to curtail free speech? Yes it's pretty strong stuff and no I don't agree with all of it, but people have got to be allowed to criticise Islam without being labelled. People have fought wars and lost their lives so we can have freedom of speech...political correctness cannot be used to stop it now. If you don't agree with him, argue against him and what he says.
12:50 GMT A connection between a man arrested in Germany last week in possession of automatic weapons and explosives, and the attacks in Paris, has been "established," according to the president of Bavaria, Horst Seehofer, as cited by Le Monde.
"The main reason normal Muslims don't join these protests is because they have a lot of far right people in them that they fear will attack them for being Muslims. The reason they don't March alone is because of fear of attack same reason"
I am truely shocked by this video. My friend told me that things were bad in Luton but I never imagined they were this bad. That poor girl had so much courage to stand her ground when the big guy was rudely wagging his finger in her face. How anyone can agree with the sentiments of the Muslim leader at the end astounds me. If he doesn't want to live according to our laws, then go. How can the lefties back this stuff?
It's an astonishing fact that, in the last 72 hours more people have been shot in the United States than have been murdered in Paris. We're living through difficult times, both in terms of domestic violence and international terrorism.
What, take down a video that disagrees with you? Isn't that an attempt to curtail free speech? Yes it's pretty strong stuff and no I don't agree with all of it, but people have got to be allowed to criticise Islam without being labelled. People have fought wars and lost their lives so we can have freedom of speech...political correctness cannot be used to stop it now. If you don't agree with him, argue against him and what he says.
Why argue with a racist fool ? It's a pointless exercise.
Well it is, this has already become a left vs right argument.. Anti immigration etc. The facts are, the last 2 attacks on French soil were by there own nationals that had been converted. Our 7/7 attacks were also home grown, so the anti immigration tripe that is going round is pointless
Seriously, RIP to all those victims.
A bomb on Syria or a raid on a refugee camp may kill 5 extremists but creates 10.
All well and good tightening security taking extra precautions etc,etc. ,but you can't legislate for somebody driving past in a car and gunning people down. Particularly when these scumbags are quite happy to blow themselves up. These people know no boundaries.
A couple of times I've been on the London Underground and felt very uncomfortable being near a Muslim with a rucksack and felt the need to move. A Muslim who was no doubt going about his business and no threat whatsoever to society -but how can you be certain?
Very sad times indeed, but the sadder thing is that is now a way of life.
RIP to all those that have pointlessly lost their lives. Children who have been robbed of their parents. Why? Just Why?
I,like many others on here, grew up in a pretty sheltered and secure world. Yes there were troubles,but none so brutal and as in your face as today.
Telling your kids that they live in a very dangerous time and that they have to be very careful of where they go or who they see is heartbreaking and unjust.
I'm not one for bowing down to these cowards, but the fact my kids lives are going to be very differently shaped to that of my own childhood is upsetting.
RIP to all lost.
I gave them some perspective by telling them about the IRA, plus the fear of nuclear war that my generation grew up with.
It is certainly pretty bleak though.
Can another thread be started by those interested in discussing religion, extremism, Islam etc etc
12:50 GMT
A connection between a man arrested in Germany last week in possession of automatic weapons and explosives, and the attacks in Paris, has been "established," according to the president of Bavaria, Horst Seehofer, as cited by Le Monde.
Why argue with a racist fool ? It's a pointless exercise.
And by that statement, you have just proved the very point I was making. I don't need to say any more.