We live in a sick, sick world. I worry what our children are going to have to deal with as they get older and we're long gone. My thoughts are with the people of France and Paris on this sad day. My sincere condolences go out to the families who have lost loved ones ... RIP
Also...dont forget Lee Rigby was murdered in the name of islam.
...and this shows why we will go to our eventual cultural extinction due to the ignorance, stupidity and refusal to face reality of the 'useful idiots' out there. When a statement such as that above, which states a simple fact (the murderers chanted 'God is great' during the killing FFS) it is flagged in an attempt to remove it, stifle debate and close down free speech - even simple facts become something which should be denied when they are seen as uncomfortable.
So, we see an insight into why Islamists and their apologists make such appropriate bedfellows. They both believe in an absolute, undeniable ideological truth and they have a fanatical sense of their own moral superiority over others. Any one who disagrees must be silenced.
P.S Some people on here seriously need to educate themselves about Islam. Start by learning about the life and example of Mohammed - the perfect human being in the eyes of the religion (and someone who is beyond criticism on pain of death) and take it from there.
P.P.S Please stop using the term 'Islamophobia'. A phobia is an irrational fear. It is entirely rational to fear a religion (or more precisely, a fascistic death cult) that sees you as an inferior who should submit or die and which will kill you for legitimately criticising it, drawing a cartoon, or just kill you for happening to go to a gig or a football match. Anyone who does not fear Islam does not understand it.
Also...dont forget Lee Rigby was murdered in the name of islam.
...and this shows why we will go to our eventual cultural extinction due to the ignorance, stupidity and refusal to face reality of the 'useful idiots' out there. When a statement such as that above, which states a simple fact (the murderers chanted 'God is great' during the killing FFS) it is flagged in an attempt to remove it, stifle debate and close down free speech - even simple facts become something which should be denied when they are seen as uncomfortable.
So, we see an insight into why Islamists and their apologists make such appropriate bedfellows. They both believe in an absolute, undeniable ideological truth and they have a fanatical sense of their own moral superiority over others. Any one who disagrees must be silenced.
P.S Some people on here seriously need to educate themselves about Islam. Start by learning about the life and example of Mohammed - the perfect human being in the eyes of the religion (and someone who is beyond criticism on pain of death) and take it from there.
P.P.S Please stop using the term 'Islamophobia'. A phobia is an irrational fear. It is entirely rational to fear a religion (or more precisely, a fascistic death cult) that sees you as an inferior who should submit or die and which will kill you for legitimately criticising it, drawing a cartoon, or just kill you for happening to go to a gig or a football match. Anyone who does not fear Islam does not understand it.
But it is irrational to fear Muslims. Have you ever met one?
People's outrage and anger at the the atrocities in Paris are understandable by a knee jerk one dimensional anti-Islamism simply plays into the hands of the attackers.
For example I don't think that it's an accident or coincidence that yesterday's attacks began with random shootings at two restaurants in what is known as the 'Turkish' quarter of Paris. Turkey is a large muslim country and it's recently re-elected government party, the AKP, are regarded as conservative 'Islamists', but (for it's own reasons) it is taking part in the bombing of Syria and in particular it is allowing the US to use it's air bases to conduct bombing raids on IS. Other muslim countries – Jordan and a number of Gulf states - are also part of the bombing 'coalition' in Syria.
The situation in the middle-east that created the conditions for IS to come into being and which still sustain it are complicated – not least by an effective region wide 'civil war' within Islam between Sunni and Shia factions and states. Reacting to tragedies like the Paris attacks with anti-Islamism is not only wrong but won't help solve that situation or prevent further attacks.
What, take down a video that disagrees with you? Isn't that an attempt to curtail free speech? Yes it's pretty strong stuff and no I don't agree with all of it, but people have got to be allowed to criticise Islam without being labelled. People have fought wars and lost their lives so we can have freedom of speech...political correctness cannot be used to stop it now. If you don't agree with him, argue against him and what he says.
Spot on, he's of the same ilk as the people in the video below. No tolerance of others views.
People's outrage and anger at the the atrocities in Paris are understandable by a knee jerk one dimensional anti-Islamism simply plays into the hands of the attackers.
For example I don't think that it's an accident or coincidence that yesterday's attacks began with random shootings at two restaurants in what is known as the 'Turkish' quarter of Paris. Turkey is a large muslim country and it's recently re-elected government party, the AKP, are regarded as conservative 'Islamists', but (for it's own reasons) it is taking part in the bombing of Syria and in particular it is allowing the US to use it's air bases to conduct bombing raids on IS. Other muslim countries – Jordan and a number of Gulf states - are also part of the bombing 'coalition' in Syria.
The situation in the middle-east that created the conditions for IS to come into being and which still sustain it are complicated – not least by an effective region wide 'civil war' within Islam between Sunni and Shia factions and states. Reacting to tragedies like the Paris attacks with anti-Islamism is not only wrong but won't help solve that situation or prevent further attacks.
Also...dont forget Lee Rigby was murdered in the name of islam.
...and this shows why we will go to our eventual cultural extinction due to the ignorance, stupidity and refusal to face reality of the 'useful idiots' out there. When a statement such as that above, which states a simple fact (the murderers chanted 'God is great' during the killing FFS) it is flagged in an attempt to remove it, stifle debate and close down free speech - even simple facts become something which should be denied when they are seen as uncomfortable.
So, we see an insight into why Islamists and their apologists make such appropriate bedfellows. They both believe in an absolute, undeniable ideological truth and they have a fanatical sense of their own moral superiority over others. Any one who disagrees must be silenced.
P.S Some people on here seriously need to educate themselves about Islam. Start by learning about the life and example of Mohammed - the perfect human being in the eyes of the religion (and someone who is beyond criticism on pain of death) and take it from there.
P.P.S Please stop using the term 'Islamophobia'. A phobia is an irrational fear. It is entirely rational to fear a religion (or more precisely, a fascistic death cult) that sees you as an inferior who should submit or die and which will kill you for legitimately criticising it, drawing a cartoon, or just kill you for happening to go to a gig or a football match. Anyone who does not fear Islam does not understand it.
I tried by putting up a link to a free book about Mohammed and the origins of Islam. It was immediately dismissed as being Islamophobic propaganda. Some people are simply not interested in learning if it might challenge their own political beliefs, sad but true.
Also...dont forget Lee Rigby was murdered in the name of islam.
...and this shows why we will go to our eventual cultural extinction due to the ignorance, stupidity and refusal to face reality of the 'useful idiots' out there. When a statement such as that above, which states a simple fact (the murderers chanted 'God is great' during the killing FFS) it is flagged in an attempt to remove it, stifle debate and close down free speech - even simple facts become something which should be denied when they are seen as uncomfortable.
So, we see an insight into why Islamists and their apologists make such appropriate bedfellows. They both believe in an absolute, undeniable ideological truth and they have a fanatical sense of their own moral superiority over others. Any one who disagrees must be silenced.
P.S Some people on here seriously need to educate themselves about Islam. Start by learning about the life and example of Mohammed - the perfect human being in the eyes of the religion (and someone who is beyond criticism on pain of death) and take it from there.
P.P.S Please stop using the term 'Islamophobia'. A phobia is an irrational fear. It is entirely rational to fear a religion (or more precisely, a fascistic death cult) that sees you as an inferior who should submit or die and which will kill you for legitimately criticising it, drawing a cartoon, or just kill you for happening to go to a gig or a football match. Anyone who does not fear Islam does not understand it.
I tried by putting up a link to a free book about Mohammed and the origins of Islam. It was immediately dismissed as being Islamophobic propaganda. Some people are simply not interested in learning if it might challenge their own political beliefs, sad but true.
Fair enough. Personally I would not waste a second of my time reading primitive nonsense written thousands of years ago. Just as I would not waste a second of my time reading the primitive nonsense in the bible. I don't want to understand them. I just want them to please stop trying to kill me and stop trying to impose their values on me and the society I live in.
People's outrage and anger at the the atrocities in Paris are understandable by a knee jerk one dimensional anti-Islamism simply plays into the hands of the attackers.
For example I don't think that it's an accident or coincidence that yesterday's attacks began with random shootings at two restaurants in what is known as the 'Turkish' quarter of Paris. Turkey is a large muslim country and it's recently re-elected government party, the AKP, are regarded as conservative 'Islamists', but (for it's own reasons) it is taking part in the bombing of Syria and in particular it is allowing the US to use it's air bases to conduct bombing raids on IS. Other muslim countries – Jordan and a number of Gulf states - are also part of the bombing 'coalition' in Syria.
The situation in the middle-east that created the conditions for IS to come into being and which still sustain it are complicated – not least by an effective region wide 'civil war' within Islam between Sunni and Shia factions and states. Reacting to tragedies like the Paris attacks with anti-Islamism is not only wrong but won't help solve that situation or prevent further attacks.
The video of Stacey Dooley in Luton is horrifying and deliberately provocative. The only way we can ever blend cultures and create tolerance, mutual respect and hence a peaceful coexistence is to accept the rights of other religions to exist and to express their views - but that must work both ways.
If we did this sort of thing on foreign soil we would be arrested and incarcerated - and likely lashed.
I totally support an ideal multicultural society but it must work both ways and to see people marching on British soil and preaching hate - well I hope David Cameron has seen it - as do the hatred pedlars who spout this vitriol with goading intent.
Old Mr Naiive, here has been indoctrinated to believe that, 'when in Rome........'.
Does owning a British passport give people automatic right to preach hatred and try and overthrow a country's laws, cultures and native religions? Complete madness.
Completely agree, What happened is atrocious and should have no place in our society, however Im not sure how cheering France is really going to do anything. Much better ways to show support IMO.
RIP all the victims. Such a horrible awful tragedy. I hope we never have to suffer anything as barbaric as that.
Had to pop in to the office this morning. It was a dreary eery morning in the City. Didn't see much activity relating to the Lord Mayors Show but I have just seen they have cancelled the planned fireworks in case anyone was going to watch.
Game against France on Tuesday being switched to Wembley. Not sure whether I'm comfortable with this or not. Agree we need to make a stand but is it all not too raw to make a friendly match the flagship event to do so? Are we comfortable that all extra security measure will be in place in time in and around the stadium?
Game against France on Tuesday being switched to Wembley. Not sure whether I'm comfortable with this or not. Agree we need to make a stand but is it all not too raw to make a friendly match the flagship event to do so? Are we comfortable that all extra security measure will be in place in time in and around the stadium?
until there are young British Muslim men on their way to Syria to fight ISIS. until thousands march in Paris and London chanting `not in our name'. I won't believe all this `it's only a few extremists' bull. Unfortunately for us and the French the silent majority of Muslims in our countries would quite happily live under Sharia.
A Turkish peace march last month saw 130 killed and 250 injured from co-ordinated suicide bombers at Ankara.
Sometimes Muslim news doesn't figure high in the western press, like the coverage given to yesterdays double suicide bombings in Lebanon killing 43 and wounding 200.
Game against France on Tuesday being switched to Wembley. Not sure whether I'm comfortable with this or not. Agree we need to make a stand but is it all not too raw to make a friendly match the flagship event to do so? Are we comfortable that all extra security measure will be in place in time in and around the stadium?
Apologies - it always was going to be at Wembley so isn't "being switched" but there was some doubt about it going ahead. Still not sure it should.
I would like to express to all Londoners, to all the British people, the solidarity, the compassion and friendship of France and the French people.
Britain and France may have had differences over the centuries of the two nations' existence, but now I am very proud to say "Vive La France".
So, we see an insight into why Islamists and their apologists make such appropriate bedfellows. They both believe in an absolute, undeniable ideological truth and they have a fanatical sense of their own moral superiority over others. Any one who disagrees must be silenced.
P.S Some people on here seriously need to educate themselves about Islam. Start by learning about the life and example of Mohammed - the perfect human being in the eyes of the religion (and someone who is beyond criticism on pain of death) and take it from there.
P.P.S Please stop using the term 'Islamophobia'. A phobia is an irrational fear. It is entirely rational to fear a religion (or more precisely, a fascistic death cult) that sees you as an inferior who should submit or die and which will kill you for legitimately criticising it, drawing a cartoon, or just kill you for happening to go to a gig or a football match. Anyone who does not fear Islam does not understand it.
For example I don't think that it's an accident or coincidence that yesterday's attacks began with random shootings at two restaurants in what is known as the 'Turkish' quarter of Paris. Turkey is a large muslim country and it's recently re-elected government party, the AKP, are regarded as conservative 'Islamists', but (for it's own reasons) it is taking part in the bombing of Syria and in particular it is allowing the US to use it's air bases to conduct bombing raids on IS. Other muslim countries – Jordan and a number of Gulf states - are also part of the bombing 'coalition' in Syria.
The situation in the middle-east that created the conditions for IS to come into being and which still sustain it are complicated – not least by an effective region wide 'civil war' within Islam between Sunni and Shia factions and states. Reacting to tragedies like the Paris attacks with anti-Islamism is not only wrong but won't help solve that situation or prevent further attacks.
Not sure I want to cheer their players though.
That's a bit weird when they're playing us.
The only way we can ever blend cultures and create tolerance, mutual respect and hence a peaceful coexistence is to accept the rights of other religions to exist and to express their views - but that must work both ways.
If we did this sort of thing on foreign soil we would be arrested and incarcerated - and likely lashed.
I totally support an ideal multicultural society but it must work both ways and to see people marching on British soil and preaching hate - well I hope David Cameron has seen it - as do the hatred pedlars who spout this vitriol with goading intent.
Old Mr Naiive, here has been indoctrinated to believe that, 'when in Rome........'.
Does owning a British passport give people automatic right to preach hatred and try and overthrow a country's laws, cultures and native religions? Complete madness.
Might be an idea that those of us who have already expressed our views (multiple times some cases) take a step back please
Much better ways to show support IMO.
RIP all the victims. Such a horrible awful tragedy. I hope we never have to suffer anything as barbaric as that.
Had to pop in to the office this morning. It was a dreary eery morning in the City. Didn't see much activity relating to the Lord Mayors Show but I have just seen they have cancelled the planned fireworks in case anyone was going to watch.
Sometimes Muslim news doesn't figure high in the western press, like the coverage given to yesterdays double suicide bombings in Lebanon killing 43 and wounding 200.
RIP all these innocent people