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Statement - Fraeye gone



  • I am facking elated. I've never felt more hopeless as a Charlton fan than when Karel was in charge. So I would like to give some thanks.

    Thank you Karel. Thank you for being so, so very incompetent at your job that the people who would have sooner burned the club to the ground than sack you, actually had to sack you. Thank you for binning off a 2-0 lead against Brighton. Thank you for binning off a 2-0 lead at home against Bolton. Thank you for the Colchester capitulation. Thank you for the Huddersfield shellacking. Thank you for making poor old Stephen Henderson cry. Thank you for being so bad even you were surprised at how bad you were.

    The ultimate puppet has gone folks. All of Roland's plans and machinations came down to the puppet of all puppets running the show and now we've cut the strings. Sure, he'll probably still be hovering around, signing us a Macedonian u19 left back to replace Gudmundsson but at least he'll be out of the technical area, and at least we'll always be able to point to the moment where even the absentee landlord had to pull the trigger on him. He'll forever be in the record books as a Charlton failure. I feel great.

    Until the next insane appointment comes in and the circus starts up again of course, but for now, party.

    Karel says thanks for chanting my name and raising my profile in English football.

    And the extra dosh where my wage temporally trebled ...and the other job I'm most likely to get.
  • According to Airmanbrown

    @airmanbrown 10m10 minutes ago
    Hearing that the Ujpest boss didn't turn #cafc job down - looks like weight of opposition internal & external may have led to RD backing off
    could it be that Richard murray picked up the blower to argue against a hungarian based manager?

    His phone can't make calls whilst he's playing Snake on it
  • So the guy who was assistant to the excellent Fraeye is now in charge, this just gets better.
  • So the guy who was assistant to the excellent Fraeye is now in charge, this just gets better.

    On the plus side, Fraye was Riga's assistant and masterminded all the wins.
  • That poster of the definition of insanity has never been so appropriate

    This is all totally laughable ...until I remember it's my bloody club!!*
  • Could we get AC to put on a Belgian accent, and turn his charm and ply KM her with moules frites and Leonidas- given that she is probably desperate she might fall for it.
  • They'll probably appoint Marcus Bent...

    Target 20,000 (Volts).
  • "the search for a new head coach has commenced".......
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  • You can stick your 44th minute up your arse.......................... You can stick your 44th minute up your can stick your 44th minute....stick your 44th minute.......stick your 44th minute up your arse......SIDEWAYS!
  • God we'd better not win on Saturday else KM will relax for a bit longer
  • And I thought the Aussies were thick... ;)
  • Many positives?

    I can think of only one. He united the fans… against him.
  • Many positives?

    I can think of only one. He united the fans… against him.
    Can think of another............HE'S GONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I won't be celebrating his departure, as it will make no difference. They'll just replace him with another no-mark nobody and our slide will continue as normal.

    Even the mighty Brian Clough couldn't have made a team of winners from the squad available............
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  • DA9 said:

    " search goes on " do feck off like there has ever been a search --- stop taking us for complete mugs

    Not, the wording was "commenced", which backs up what we all knew, they fucking lied about Fraeye being interim and had no intention of interviewing or searching for a new head coach.
    The plus is that we now have the proof ...she is starting to trip over her lies
    edited January 2016
    I wonder if the Comms team are putting out some of these words on purpose as a subtle way of telling us (confirming) what is really going on?

    Pure speculation I may add but as fans I wouldn't blame them.
  • vffvff
    edited January 2016
    Very glad Fraeye is gone. He was bleedin' useless. I would like to know specifically what Fraeye's positive contributions to wider work at Charlton was.

    Glad as well as the Upjest manager has not been confirmed. That would have been a disaster. It worries me of how out of touch Duchatelet is, in that he was even considering it. The search commencing for a Head Coach comment is unbelievable. The incompetence and cluelessness of Duchatelet and Meire is incredible to witness.
  • vff said:

    I would like to know specifically what Fraeye's positive contributions to wider work at Charlton were

    Perhaps he repaired some potholes?
  • That is a fucking disgrace of a statement.

    Not blaming the comms team but Katrien you should hang your neck in shame to have released that.

    And you, the PR guy. That is one of the most unprofessional things I have ever read. No wonder you haven't told anyone who you are.

    Charlton Athletic have relieved Karel Fraeye of his duties as Interim (He's interim, how can you relieve him of his duties BEFORE you find a replacement) Head Coach.

    The club (Note the club. Not the CEO or owner but a nameless club. You're too embarrassed to even put your name to a statement sacking him) would like to place on record its thanks to Karel for his tireless work and the many positive contributions he made to the wider football setup (And what positive wider contributions did he make. He was supposed to be a coach. Or do you mean all the players he's been scouting since day one?) it make at Charlton.

    First-team coach Wim de Corte, assisted by Jason Euell, will take charge of the Charlton team for the Hull City match on Saturday. (Why is de Corte still here? You thought you had Riga and you thought you have the Serbian guy and they both said no and now you are desperate. Poor old Jason Euell)

    A search for a new Head Coach has commenced.​ (COMMENCED you stupid woman, how can is commence now? What have you been doing for three months you useless excuse for the CEO)


    Not like you to use expletives HI but was it KM who made the statement or this PR person?
  • vff said:

    Very glad Fraeye is gone. He was bleedin' useless. Glad as well as the Upjest manager has not been confirmed. That would have been a disaster. It worries me of how out of touch Duchatelet is, in that he was even considering it.

    I would like to know specifically what Fraeye's positive contributions to wider work at Charlton were

    He brought all the Charlton fans together
  • waldo said:

    That is a fucking disgrace of a statement.

    Not blaming the comms team but Katrien you should hang your neck in shame to have released that.

    And you, the PR guy. That is one of the most unprofessional things I have ever read. No wonder you haven't told anyone who you are.

    Charlton Athletic have relieved Karel Fraeye of his duties as Interim (He's interim, how can you relieve him of his duties BEFORE you find a replacement) Head Coach.

    The club (Note the club. Not the CEO or owner but a nameless club. You're too embarrassed to even put your name to a statement sacking him) would like to place on record its thanks to Karel for his tireless work and the many positive contributions he made to the wider football setup (And what positive wider contributions did he make. He was supposed to be a coach. Or do you mean all the players he's been scouting since day one?) it make at Charlton.

    First-team coach Wim de Corte, assisted by Jason Euell, will take charge of the Charlton team for the Hull City match on Saturday. (Why is de Corte still here? You thought you had Riga and you thought you have the Serbian guy and they both said no and now you are desperate. Poor old Jason Euell)

    A search for a new Head Coach has commenced.​ (COMMENCED you stupid woman, how can is commence now? What have you been doing for three months you useless excuse for the CEO)


    Not like you to use expletives HI but was it KM who made the statement or this PR person?
    My apologies if anyone was offended. You're right I rarely use expletives.

    My guess is that the PR man wrote it for KM to approve or one the Comms team wrote it on their instructions.
  • edited January 2016
    stonemuse said:

    A British manager doing what he is told by RD & KM?

    Unlikely I would have thought

    Money talks as does desperation
  • waldo said:

    That is a fucking disgrace of a statement.

    Not blaming the comms team but Katrien you should hang your neck in shame to have released that.

    And you, the PR guy. That is one of the most unprofessional things I have ever read. No wonder you haven't told anyone who you are.

    Charlton Athletic have relieved Karel Fraeye of his duties as Interim (He's interim, how can you relieve him of his duties BEFORE you find a replacement) Head Coach.

    The club (Note the club. Not the CEO or owner but a nameless club. You're too embarrassed to even put your name to a statement sacking him) would like to place on record its thanks to Karel for his tireless work and the many positive contributions he made to the wider football setup (And what positive wider contributions did he make. He was supposed to be a coach. Or do you mean all the players he's been scouting since day one?) it make at Charlton.

    First-team coach Wim de Corte, assisted by Jason Euell, will take charge of the Charlton team for the Hull City match on Saturday. (Why is de Corte still here? You thought you had Riga and you thought you have the Serbian guy and they both said no and now you are desperate. Poor old Jason Euell)

    A search for a new Head Coach has commenced.​ (COMMENCED you stupid woman, how can is commence now? What have you been doing for three months you useless excuse for the CEO)


    Not like you to use expletives HI but was it KM who made the statement or this PR person?
    It doesn't really matter its foolish either way but cannot imagine the pr person making a statement without having some input from that lying cow. Absolute joke. Happy Fraeye has finally gone but too little too late as far as I am concerned and as HI pointed out the fact wim de wots his name is still lurking around has made me more angry.
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Roland Out Forever!